Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Analysis: Good News For PS4 Pro... But What About Other Consoles?

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.2 Analysis: Good News For PS4 Pro... But What About Other Consoles?

Digital Foundry

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@a7dfj8aerj - 24.10.2021 02:08

I had gtx 1060 and 8750h laptop the game had so many bugs but it is still AGES better than ps4 or xbox

@sirArminFazeli - 26.09.2021 06:29

Wish y'all healthiness 💚

@coveyking - 17.07.2021 17:34

i wish you all had done this test using and internal and external SSD

@SketchyJohnny - 14.07.2021 16:33

I personally have a feeling these comments will age like milk. Same thing happened with No Man's Sky where people who didn't actually understand the issues in the development cycle talked trash all the time about well meaning devs who pretty clearly failed due to factors beyond their control such as company executives, the hack, investors, etc and I could almost gaurentee you that in a while these same people will be saying "wow they didn't take the money and run" in the comments over and over. Say what you want about the state of the game but extend a little fairness and decency to the poor people who had to not spend the holidays with their families to get it out the door because they would be flamed just as much if it got delayed. It's ok to be displeased but direct that at the right people.

@paraiax4341 - 12.07.2021 08:04

I just bought n beat on a base ps4 and honestly I throughly enjoyed it. It did crash on me twice and pop in is meh but it was a great game.

@gunshot45 - 28.06.2021 22:29

is a bad game for all platform

@Raven26_ - 24.06.2021 02:44

I played it on my base PS4 Slim it was amazing to me but after a while I sold it it’s kinda embarrassing seeing how this game is on the base console I feel so bad for people who couldn’t get the next gen

@ShiftNova - 19.06.2021 06:22

This is sad. So to make the game run smoother they had to remove more shit.

Yeah, I'm glad I didn't buy this.

@AFiB1999 - 18.06.2021 05:42

19.99 at Bestbuy for the PS4 Version, am I going to get it? NO. not even if drops to 9.99. It run so slow on PS4 Pro still. missing a lot of things. On Steam price tag is $59.99 I might get it when it drops a little bit

@Sejuani89 - 16.06.2021 03:04

This is the most cinematic game ever! 24 fps cinematic

@DannButter - 07.06.2021 20:05

just. get. a. pc. nuff said

@CragsterEagleWarrior - 02.06.2021 00:42

i wonder how it will perform on my windows 7 gaming pc 13 gb ram with i7 i will see

@joseguevara3269 - 30.05.2021 12:55

I want to play this game , I bought it already but I’m nervous that it might explode , it being a 2016 Original ps4 😏still going at it though🔥

@gurtana - 23.05.2021 23:33

So, not yet then.

@greyfoxguitar9229 - 18.05.2021 14:03

Bought the game at launch on disc on PS4 PRO. Its just sat on my shelf gathering dust while i waited for them to fix it. Started playing it again last night and i noticed that the game has less issues if you play it on an HD television instead of a 4k. Runs much smoother and takes less time for textures and models to load.

@1chiTheKiller - 14.05.2021 14:20

They made this game over the course of 8 years and they STILL released a nonsensical broken mess. I can't believe this still runs like complete crap. When your game runs horribly on even the best machines available, you know you shouldn't release your product until this kind of stuff is fixed. I'm sick of games coming out completely broken and busted, and then being patched to finally work over the course of the next year or so.

@lordchikage9015 - 06.05.2021 17:41

CDPR showed why Sony and Nintendo exclusives matter and why Sony and Nintendo don’t even Need subscription services to dominate. Exclusives rock

@lordchikage9015 - 06.05.2021 17:39

Ps4 runs Last of US 2. Let that sink in. Guess Sony waits for digital foundry recommending it to bring it back 🤣

@lordchikage9015 - 06.05.2021 17:37

When will this game leave the beta test? Ps4 pro version was always stronger than the One X, that has nothing to do that they want to return to the store. But it’s their fault that both not run 30fps smooth as a baby. Sony did the right thing. Bet Microsoft would have kicked them too but they had contracts.

@HarleyQuinn_x3 - 06.05.2021 16:19

but hey... atleast ps4pro version is playable... better playable then before i guess

@SevenDeMagnus - 06.05.2021 13:39

CDPR and Cyberpunk 2077 will be Great Again (CCGA).

By the end of the year it'll most likely surpass even the upcoming GTA6 and the future Red Dead Redemption 3- very smart NPCs, realistic graphics and physics, all animated Ripperdoc augments.

God bless, Rev. 21:4

@kolargame - 05.05.2021 20:19

PS4pro just a rubbish

@TwesomE - 01.05.2021 16:33

It is the company's job to patch it everywhere since they are the ones rushed it to the market! I bought it on ps4 and i have also pro for 30 euros offer instead 70 patience is a virtue and pays off if you are waiting! But lets wait a little longer for the best update that will eventually make it run better as well!

@anthonydry5265 - 27.04.2021 17:03

Shame that in fixing certain things for older consoles, the newer gen machines suffered with fading in traffic, NPCs and textures.

@Jnatarelli99 - 27.04.2021 16:34

The textures on the road not loading and it being very dark and hard to see when driving at night wouldn’t be a huge problem if the HEADLIGHTS WORKED!!

@Daza986 - 24.04.2021 14:13

Runs 60fps pretty perfectly on Stadia and I dont feel any lag! Try it out

@kenway346 - 24.04.2021 06:41

So a 40gb patch still didn't do anything? Wtf?

@GatoSaladoX - 23.04.2021 10:40

Ps4 pro looks like a ghost town.

@franciscoerivanaraujodonas6220 - 23.04.2021 03:52

Well, it seems they had to rip off the PS4 Pro so it could run a an almost acceptable fps. Too much hard work to do útil it runs really well on any console

@hofnaerrchen - 21.04.2021 21:31

Releasing the game on last gen consoles was done to milk the cow but the release on PS4/XB1 should never have happened at all. I doubt the game will be a "great" experience on those ever.

@malazan6004 - 21.04.2021 07:35

I can't believe this is the company we all used to praise

@whitefata104 - 20.04.2021 15:48

lets port this game to switch

@TheLukesterGaming - 20.04.2021 13:04

Whilst it's nice to see improvements made with patch 1.2, it's definitely not a step in the right direction as far as the PS4 Pro goes, sure you're getting a more 'stable' 30fps experience, but at the cost of a lot of great details being delayed loading in and thusly missed along the way, when it's details like that that make you appreciate a game more than just having it play nicer!👍

@shmookins - 20.04.2021 07:28

So this is a Holiday 2021 release after all...

@mastertama7449 - 20.04.2021 05:11

Still garbage game

@belowaverage7539 - 18.04.2021 20:37

Good lord. A CVS receipt worth of fixes

@bsd107 - 17.04.2021 19:46

I am waiting for the Switch port of this game before playing

@bsd107 - 17.04.2021 19:43

What really sucks is that their desperate effort to get back on the PSN store (for $$$$$$ reasons) is keeping them from ignoring last gen and focusing on the true XBoxSeries and PS5 versions - i.e. the ONLY versions (along with PC) that they should have ever developed in the first place!

@jassykat - 17.04.2021 02:49

Not to mention that they game still looks horrible!

@jassykat - 17.04.2021 02:43

Worst Triple A game ever on a PS4. This will never get accepted by Sony.

@gamersanonymous4me131 - 16.04.2021 22:57

Whats funny is that CDPR knew that the game was very CPU intensive and so the PS4 and XBox lower capable consoles would have to be given a much lower version of the game to lock at 30FPS and they did nothing to work towards that. They could have a different version for the older consoles and add in extras for the PS5 and Xbox higher level consoles, so why not?
This game runs like crap on older CPUs in PC's too, my buddies 1070ti and FX 8350 was unplayable, whereas my old r5 1600 runs like butter with an rx480 at over 45 FPS on ultra 1080p. The CPU's power makes a huge differnce compared to the GPU with Cyberpunk.

@cyberdemon9306 - 16.04.2021 20:47

Feels bad for console gamers, I finished the game on PC 3 times without any major problems

@AvengingOttsel - 16.04.2021 03:47

I kind of want to play it on one S just because it’s interesting to see how much they can do with such limited hardware

@GlobalGaming101 - 16.04.2021 03:03

Maybe in a year or two it’ll look good and play good on the Series X and PS5.

@gdoumit - 15.04.2021 15:47

I struggle to care about this game anymore.

@kyetoycorp.3147 - 15.04.2021 13:49

Já tava bom. Diz que ia mudar ainda pra melhor. Já não tava muito bom. Tava meio ruim também. Tava ruim. Agora parece que piorou”. CDPR mote.

@txup92g33 - 15.04.2021 04:20

Game is just terrible lul

@neillaw - 14.04.2021 22:16

Honestly though - is this playable yet on ps4? I don't want to be disappointed again

@andreask_me2683 - 14.04.2021 19:44

now we know why it is called is the year we can play it.
