Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord REVIEW CONSOLE

Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord REVIEW CONSOLE

The Critically Clueless

1 год назад

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@davincivangogh3956 - 26.11.2023 21:29

I was addicted to warband, and had been waiting for this for years. Forgot about it for awhile, gonna get it after work today.

@RyanSpringer1984 - 30.09.2023 17:45

Are mods available for the PS4? Randomly stumbled across the game via some other channels series on Realm of Thrones mod. Thanks for any information

@noface1596 - 20.08.2023 05:56

HELP PLEASE when i play bannerlord on the main menu it says version 1.0.24 is this the most recent update for console? or am i behind on updates when i check the game if any updates are available none can be found?

@delboy-su3wf - 10.08.2023 15:20

Id love ioen world game like this wete u take a empire

@archdruidanban6537 - 02.08.2023 08:26

Yooo! I been waiting for it to get on console. Just thought to randomly look it up today! Awesome vid got me hyped!

@ibrahimsalihbagkesen5001 - 20.06.2023 13:50

is it compatabile with keyboard and mouse on ps 5 ?

@jeremiahthesongrains7583 - 23.05.2023 18:56

How hard does the PS4 system struggle while running this game , ?? ,

@GUMPritchard - 31.03.2023 18:48

Can’t wait for the Eclipse DLC….

@elekfoos4225 - 31.03.2023 14:33

So the question is did banner lords take there music from skyrim or did skyrim take there music from banner lords 😂 love both games just finding that out tickled me pink

@vincekennedy152 - 22.03.2023 05:38

the game sucks on console always crashing , no mods !

@Sinn0100 - 18.03.2023 08:02

It sounds like Kingdom Come Deliverance all over again. ;)

@Nickeltony - 17.03.2023 03:53

Anyone else have rapid pausing in the over world after they get like 90 troops. It’s brutal. I’m on the series X and it’s really annoying

@notcooldude7891 - 22.02.2023 01:52

10/10 game non stop crashes, glitched maps and relationships, constant fetch quests and cowardly ai. Totally was ready for release

@yodin3712 - 21.02.2023 06:31

Pro tip: plug in mouse and keyboard to your console to gain full control and conquer!

@starriderstudios - 17.02.2023 14:03

Hundred hours of wasted Time

@carlosalejandro1997 - 15.02.2023 23:08

Dude I used to play M&B on the computer when I was younger for houuuuuuuurs.

@billybeergut5766 - 15.02.2023 08:02

Fuck me playing on the og Xbox one and the movement feels stiff and a lil laggy plus graphics are a little messy. Either it needs polishing on console or I need to upgrade to a better sexbox

@infernonine - 14.02.2023 09:50

I’m here watching this because I noticed this is on Game Pass

@rebelwithoutaclue9387 - 04.01.2023 00:55

Well Critically Clueless, the Rebel Without a Clue has subscribed! “Birds of a feather…” I’m picking this one up next month as I already bought Ragnarok and my wife only lets me buy one a month 🤣

@bennymaster4439 - 31.12.2022 20:22

Anybody know how this performs on the base Xbox One? Thank you!

@mehdidaoudi3281 - 28.12.2022 19:57

oy mate , whats the battle size in bannerlord in PS4 in both custom battle and in the campaigne

@user-jt6rh8xy6n - 24.12.2022 23:01

I like games that just throw you into the deep end with minor to no tutorial it gets me more attentive to what’s going on and keeps me more engaged as I’m constantly improving and finding things out. For example kingdom come deliverance, the learning curve gives you a better feeling of improvement as you progress and get better.

@thamadtroll9981 - 09.12.2022 04:19

This game is horrible on consoles when on the battle field, everytime I engaged an army much larger than my own let's say I have 220 men against 380, I always enter the battle with about 70 to 90 men while the cpu has roughly 200 to 250 men, went over to PC and boy what a huge difference, 220 in battle against 380, equals 600 in all on battlefield

@Eirik13 - 07.12.2022 03:27

I feel like this is the game that I have always asked for. But then I spend $50 on it, and I have no idea what to do because my pea brain. Then I give up. But man, I really want to get into this game.

@joshuaperry7199 - 05.12.2022 22:35

Dude ive been waiting for this to come out on console for years. I got it the other day and ive just rescued your family and begun the game.
Only things i don't like; i couldn't see the birth and aging option when creating your character.
Instead it gave me 2 options whether to enable or disable dying in battle or combat; WHICH IS THE SAME THING!
Now i don't know what i have my settings at. I just wanna be able to grow old and have your kid grow up next to you ready to inherrit.

@milon7379 - 16.11.2022 19:19

Imma be fair if you have a ps4 and are playing on it id highly advise against it on my playthrough I lost over 10 plus hours of my campaign to crashes you talk to someone? Crash you join a army? Crash you even think about a siege? Crash I've replayed the same part of my campaign so many times I can't even name how many outcomes there are hell even manual saves are corrupted so it don't even matter trying to play is it just me?

@bencekiraly9237 - 15.11.2022 23:55

I miss diplomacy very much.. there's like zero diplomacy compared to Warband native.. it's just go-and-kill so far. I enjoy playing it tho, but would be better with diplomacy PC mod. I hope developers enable PC mods to be transfered to Xbox somehow.

@despelletjesman4933 - 14.11.2022 00:28

Its a shame that you cant have the massive battles, like taking your party to a siege... you only have 60 men to take a castle against 150

@TheRustDominatorTN - 13.11.2022 01:21

Also you cant just be a trader the game makes you choose with the. Dragon Banner

@TheRustDominatorTN - 13.11.2022 01:19

Facking coop campaign, noone bugging the devs

@user-kt7uz9xc5m - 12.11.2022 09:05

I would definitely buy it for psvr2. But fighting process at same idea and design vr games were VERY BAD :)) gorn were awesome 😎

@abcdandonandon - 11.11.2022 04:27

My biggest question before I buy, how is the tactics on the console? I’ve heard the controller restricts you on how in depth you can command your army.

@Rambonii - 10.11.2022 03:35

Ps I been playing and keep finding these annoying glare glitches but it running amazing besides that

@starwarskid01 - 07.11.2022 19:11

Great review! I have the game on PS5 and am still in the very early stages, but I'm thoroughly enjoying it. One question I have - how is the late-game experience in your opinion? I've heard that in can get a bit shallow, but that the PC mods have helped mitigate that a bit. Not sure how far you are into your console playthrough, but I've heard there's no plan for mods on console. Will the late-game suffer on console because of this?

@ozikno1565 - 06.11.2022 17:51

So compared to total war how is it? Iv played that ALOT And iv ALWAYS wanted a game like it for console so it EXTREMELY excited

@LCInfantry - 05.11.2022 23:42

My biggest complaint will be the lack of UI. It’s hard to know what I’m suppose to be pressing in curtain windows/screens. Almost like I’m missing content because I don’t know the option exists.

@soul8938 - 05.11.2022 00:56

How does it run on the old gen consoles?

@buttertoast4656 - 05.11.2022 00:06

Only issues my friends have with this game is their save data constantly says corrupted so I can imagine how annoying that can be.

@vassowned7768 - 04.11.2022 06:31

They should release it on game pass and let the people that paid money for it have the next dlc for free or something if they want to save the multiplayer

@vassowned7768 - 04.11.2022 06:30

Multiplayer on xbox is sadly already dead the cool multiplayer gamemodes take easy 30minutes to get 1 match if you are lucky

@chintufatdumgai6797 - 03.11.2022 22:32

Xbox version of multiplayer is absolutely unplayable

@AmericanGadfly - 03.11.2022 18:41

Ive played it a ton on pc, like 500 hours, love it.

BUT its a bit grindy and found its best when using a cheat mod to reduce the grind a bit.

So did they do anything about the grind or is it exactly like the pc version?

@praggersgaminguk - 02.11.2022 16:44

Red Banana! it seems like it's a very big game. whats it looks like from a completionist perspective?

@Ono_Madiq_Tulong - 02.11.2022 06:46

I spent the entire release weekend slowly building up my clan's reputation with mercenary work & tourneys just to schmooze my way into a powerful maiden's britches & I REGRET NOTHING 🍻🍻🍻

@maddymcmadingson6296 - 01.11.2022 11:09

Boring and broken game without mods

@DirtCobaine - 31.10.2022 21:37

This game come out on console WAY sooner than I thought. I have it on PC but I still bought it on Xbox Series X because I don’t have the best gaming pc setup so I thought performance wise and visually it’d be better on console and it has. But I thought naively all the new features on PC would be on console already like the new voice acting

@zazrow - 31.10.2022 09:44

what about the multi-player? lol

@Pacreincarn8ed - 31.10.2022 07:16

I just wish crusader kings and mount and blade had a baby!!

@Pacreincarn8ed - 31.10.2022 07:16

I love this game I just wish there was more structure and tips of what to do

@markohamalainen7375 - 31.10.2022 02:40

Ps 4 review,please.Lot of people are poor,you know.
