How to be a BETTER programmer ‍ #programming #technology #software #code #tech #programmer

How to be a BETTER programmer ‍ #programming #technology #software #code #tech #programmer

Coding with Lewis

1 год назад

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Cédric Theveneau
Cédric Theveneau - 15.06.2023 22:52

Those advices are really good ones, especially the one about documentation

Arelias - 28.05.2023 05:07

Key bindings are cool and all, but lets not pretend using mouse is so bad when a lot of the code needs to be thought through anyway. You wont be writing code at 200 wpm most of the time.

The bee Amber Heard's Dog stepped on
The bee Amber Heard's Dog stepped on - 09.03.2023 03:10

Nga fuck vim. Nano for Life

Domi-NO!18 - 02.02.2023 10:16

I don’t do the
Asdf jkl; method I do the spiderweb method of that looks more like zryil/ qwerg [_]hjkl

sri harsha
sri harsha - 29.01.2023 11:14

Truly practical advices. Thanks for sharing

TheMineCommander - 21.01.2023 23:37

How to be a great programmer:

1) StackOverflow
2) Ctrl+C
3) Ctrl+V

Genji - 17.01.2023 06:43

Life is a struggle with my CTRL button not working

cherubin7th - 10.01.2023 11:28

Python documentation often like: high level bla bls but what type the arguments need to be is secret

Klaus Klavikus
Klaus Klavikus - 08.01.2023 12:25

Learning vim is pretty much fun i realy enjoy IT 😅

Darya 2001
Darya 2001 - 07.01.2023 09:46

or learn Vim if you dare😂😂😂

Ответить’’ - 29.12.2022 02:06

Good 😅

Reset - 26.12.2022 04:27

Bro Unity API going to take me like 3 months to fuckin read and then it's going to change while I'm fuckin reading it

Har8mes - 25.12.2022 17:57

Glad there is something called "prettier" for node. Just realized it yesterday and I can't go without it since then

Jhon A
Jhon A - 25.12.2022 12:27

Yeah, I’m gonna disagree there. Coding documentation is so badly done, it’s like trying to summarize the odyssey into 1 sentence in order to write an essay on it. Just get the Max notes on stackoverflow.

Ken Smith
Ken Smith - 15.12.2022 18:03

The keyboarding skills are less important than what you do with them.
If a variable holds a real world value, always document the units of measure. Your future self will thank you for this.
Remember that a compiler optimizes very obvious code better than obscure code. All else being equal obvious code compiles to a faster running program.

Hristo Petrov
Hristo Petrov - 14.12.2022 22:41

Can you imagine the keyboard with closed eyes cause it's crazy!

Festivejelly - 14.12.2022 15:47

I just dont agree with the whole typing faster leads to a better programmer. A small part of my day is actually spent coding. The rest is planning, debugging etc. the other tips make sense though.

Don Giannis Iliadis
Don Giannis Iliadis - 14.12.2022 05:48

Ain't nobody got time for that

Nathan Lloyd
Nathan Lloyd - 30.11.2022 10:44

Read documentation?, tf do you think I am........

YourLocalDeveloper - 29.11.2022 02:08

i acidentally learned vim cause i was too lazy to install other editors on linux

Mahipal Singh
Mahipal Singh - 27.11.2022 08:53

Learn vim easy

xXLarryTFVWXx - 27.11.2022 03:15

What about when there is no documentation?

Kazii The Avali
Kazii The Avali - 26.11.2022 20:48

that last thing is the most important. i had a project that i gave up because i simply couldent read past me's code. i have a current project that im working on and i can take a 3 week break and come back and still read it.

Zack - 26.11.2022 11:04

I had to recode 3000 lines of code once because I didn't know where to start after hopping on after a month long break.. make your code readable people. It will help you out

nerd m
nerd m - 25.11.2022 14:30

Reading the docs triggered me.

Jack Bauer
Jack Bauer - 25.11.2022 04:01

Thumbs up for future me who will be reading the code.

THE GHOST - 25.11.2022 00:30

Tried Vim

Now I can't exit it

I live in Ohio, who's asking

freeloader user
freeloader user - 24.11.2022 10:29

Love your content but if we have to read the docs before diving in, I guarantee no one will get into programming lol. Python docs alone are hard enough to understand as a beginner. Imagine trying to read through it before getting started though, it would be crippling XD

Damián Cupo
Damián Cupo - 24.11.2022 00:15

Solid advice, just a pet peeve: Learning keyboard bindigs is extremely useful, but, if moving your hand from keyboard to mouse is what is wasting most of your time, reevaluate your time managing. (Unless you have some sort of handicap, if so this doesn't applies)

Anupama Mall
Anupama Mall - 23.11.2022 15:40

What documentation?

Bekircan DAL
Bekircan DAL - 22.11.2022 21:03

Tried vim

How tf exit vim??

tahaak - 22.11.2022 13:42

Show me one person that is faster with vim than I am with a good IDE. I generate more code than I write. You can’t type faster than a computer generating code.

Frostz - 22.11.2022 11:39

Future u readin it soooo damnnn true...

Chain Jail
Chain Jail - 21.11.2022 17:07

I HATE reading

Helpful - 20.11.2022 20:12

My crippling OCD helps me with step c

D34TH-C0D3 - 19.11.2022 13:58

I prefer nano to vim. But I'm familiar with vim.

João Palrinhas
João Palrinhas - 19.11.2022 01:26

Thanks for the tips. ^^

Chris "The Chris" Chris - 18.11.2022 01:12

I read docs when i need them and I go to the section I need and read the whole section because I won't remember it if I just read the whole thing once I read it in sections whenever I need it

TheSkepticSkwerl - 17.11.2022 08:31

Vim isn't worth learning. If you're a programmer, you'd use a quality ide. Sheesh.

Ari Archer
Ari Archer - 16.11.2022 00:15

vim and dwm >>

Saltey Salt
Saltey Salt - 15.11.2022 09:45

I have my apprentices hard drive on my companies Internal gitlab, theyr Code is funny

h0ph1p - 15.11.2022 08:10

I come from the future (more than 15 y as a programmer) to tell you that knowing Vim won't make you a better programmer. Vim is a TEXT editor. It's not a code editor. Instead taking time to learn Vim take that same time and learn more about your current stack of choice. Watch lectures on your main programming language. Read the docs. Make "toy" projects to try out new concepts. This will make a you a programmer. Not a fancy (and vintage) text editor. If anything learn to use JetBrains products because they will allow you to think less and have information about your code more easily accessible.

B.O.T - 15.11.2022 06:43

I do learn all new key bindings. I am a web dev and learning browser key bindings is really helpful when you wanna alt tab, open a new tab, close all tabs, incognito, inspect element, copy, switch tabs, etc. really helpful and it just gets you in a way where you just keep typing and people around you find it cool

Kenzo Staelens
Kenzo Staelens - 12.11.2022 22:37

the real trick is knowing how to use google & stackoverflow

David Vernon
David Vernon - 11.11.2022 00:59

VIM? VIM? Paah! emacs is gods perfect editor!!!

Croco Duck
Croco Duck - 10.11.2022 21:17


satibel - 10.11.2022 06:45

Tbh travel to the mouse isn't that important unless you have a lot of boilerplate, though some more complex keybinds are really useful like auto indent/format a block of code are useful to know, but putting a shortcut works just as well.
Going right click copy isn't that much slower than ctrl+c.
At worst you're losing like 10 minutes per day to not using shortcuts, having good knowledge of what you're working with will make work much faster than the extra second you spend taking the mouse and clicking compile.
My point is, keybinds and typing fast help a bit, but in general you're more thinking about the algorithm you're implementing than typing it.
Though you should learn to touch type, if you're searching letters and typing with a single finger then you're probably losing quite a bit of time.
Regex and templates are great to know, those can make tedious work fairly fast.

A good way to remember is c is Copy, x looks like a cross so cut, and v looks like a downwards arrow so paste (also they are in a row and in the same order as the icons.)

First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 10.11.2022 03:56

Instead of doing practice problems make something outside your comfort zone! This last like 12 weeks I’ve been working on a project for an hour or two every day and I’ve learned far more then I had in 5 years of coding classes. I had no clue how to do most of that stuff before which is vital to an actual program. Like setting up a server, calling api instead of doing it yourself, MySQL, that node modules obviously can’t be used on client side. It’s amazing how different my knowledge is from before I started working on it.

First Name Last Name
First Name Last Name - 10.11.2022 03:42

I don’t want to though…

CC Killer
CC Killer - 08.11.2022 17:59

Day 91801 of trying to get out of vim. My rations are low and my laptop battery is dying. All I can do now is hope to finally die and tell you this: STAY AWAY FROM VIM AT ALL COST
