Don't confuse codependency with this

Don't confuse codependency with this


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Mellie Crann-Gaoth
Mellie Crann-Gaoth - 14.09.2023 12:23

I personally know 4 very well trained psychotherapists and one in training- this being provided through the employer. All 5… ops!

Yzella - 14.09.2023 02:46

Sooo true!! I didn’t know I was in a narcissistic relationship, didn’t know it was a thing until someone said it to me, I thought it was my fault!! What a eye opener to listen to your videos. I owe you my sanity❤

Joy Davis
Joy Davis - 29.08.2023 05:59

Excellent information. Sometimes it's so hard to know. Thank you for a wonderful definition

MauiGirl 888
MauiGirl 888 - 27.07.2023 03:17

I LOVE the book Codepency No More and group Codependents Anonymous.
The path is through, not around.
Codependency is a PTSD- fawning response.

MAIANNE. - 25.07.2023 14:20

And after 10 years of thinking I was this.. I can finally say i wasn't codependent. i was emotionally abused by an unsuspecting narcissist for an ex-partner. dammit. and fking finally.

xADK46erx - 21.07.2023 16:30

I have codependent and anxious attachment in relationships yet i was somehow able to detach and recognize that my narcassist ex wasnt treating me right and called her bluff within the first 2 months. Thank god for these channels and her slipping and telling me how her ex posts things about her being a narcassist that she reads when she stalks his f.b. account 🤦‍♂️

Joy Winfree
Joy Winfree - 05.07.2023 00:05

Numerous scrapes with the law

Tara Marshall-Hill
Tara Marshall-Hill - 24.06.2023 18:23

I feel like the trauma bond incurred in the narcissus abusive relationships facilitated co-dependency, as I had never been that way in any prior relationship in my life. I initially stayed because of my son ... I didn't want to be the reason he felt that sense of loss again ... and she was so public about her love and obsession with me and our love and, believing it to be real (love-bombing), I leaned in and became just as public (again, not how I had ever showed up before - I was typicallyvery private). So, once I realized what was going on, I was too ashamed. Shame/guilt as a mother and threat of public shame. That's what kept me in at the first signs ... Horrific "marriage counselors" and "therapists" only enabled it and emboldened her, making it even worse. There is definitely overlap, but codependency can also definitely become a feature of a narcissistic abusive relationship due to the trauma bond.

Lacy Anderson
Lacy Anderson - 21.06.2023 03:44


Digvijay Singh
Digvijay Singh - 19.06.2023 01:38

Would a parent be considered codependent on their child ? They care more about them than themselves an attach their happiness to that of the child ? Where do we draw a line ?

karole mcaninch
karole mcaninch - 17.06.2023 01:04

Dr. Romani is the best

Christopher Reyna
Christopher Reyna - 08.06.2023 07:38

Are codependents abusive in their efforts to "help" someone? Or is that just a manipulative person's excuse to be abusive.

truthtellor - 11.05.2023 09:39

I know a codepent thats helpless and a user....

Radial Shaq
Radial Shaq - 29.04.2023 19:31

My fear wasn't that he would leave, it was that he would try to kill me if I didn't give him what he wanted, or would fly into a rage and harm me and my animals. I never wanted to be around him toward the end and now I self-isolate because I just don't want to fucking be around people. People are incredibly draining and my codependency makes me feel like I have to give every ounce of myself to make sure others are emotionally regulated, or else they will harm or kill me.

rockerdad2 - 24.04.2023 04:13

Glad I watched this. I was going to join a coda group. My opinion is that once you are aware and awake to what you may have experienced your whole life, a light bulb clicks and voila " I finally get it". The CODA groups from what I can see do put alot on the victim for allowing the abuse to have continued, hmm well thats victim blaming from my point of view.And, since narcissism is in the DSM it makes me glad to finally see the truth as to what all narcissistic abused people have gone through. We were duped, lied to used and emotionally abused by these demons. "simply stop playing the game. walk away"

WOW16JPL - 06.04.2023 23:52

TROPHY CODEPENDENTS & the monsters they invite into your family
Will somebody please cover this topic? My sister is an absolute magnet for powerful narcissistic men because she is beautiful, and grew up the trophy child of our narcissistic father. I am gay, and living my truth. I am my authentic self in all my relationships. These monsters she chooses to date, and bring into our family, ALWAYS see me as a liability to their cool guy image, and are immediately jealous of the relationship I have with my sister. Every time, she falls right back in to becoming whatever pleases her narcissistic man, and suddenly the sister I knew, and was so close and connected with, morphs into something I don't even recognize. She continuously chooses toxic men, creates relationships with them, and brings the poison into the family. Somehow at 39 years old she still doesn't recognize what it looks like to be love bombed by a narcissist. She still jumps right in like its true love every time. Will she ever learn? Will I ever be done having to relive this awful experience with her and her latest narcissistic lover? Please cover this topic. I feel like I am at the point where it is time for me to stop maintaining such a close relationship with her, because I don't know how else to stop reliving this trauma. She sincerely does not seem like she is ever going to heal from her emotional codependency, and choose a healthy partner.

Ana - 05.04.2023 15:16

So true, you don't know the situation you are in. That is why we need to work on ourselves first.
I understood myself and others better when I learned about codependency, emotions and, boundaries on a whole new level from Andrew Kenneth Fretwell's book, Emotional Alchemy: The Love & Freedom Hidden In Painful Feelings

Here is a quote that stayed with me:
"Do you ever find yourself saying "yes" to things you don't really want to do, or feeling guilty about saying "no" to others? This can be a sign of an Earth imbalance within you.
The Earth Phase also has a lot to do with our sense of boundaries - our ability to confidently say "no" and "yes" in a balanced way. When we can calmly decline things that don't serve us, or embrace things that do, we're embodying the qualities of a strong Earth. When boundaries are not clear it is easy to experience disappointment and manipulation."

Chocolate Sugar
Chocolate Sugar - 03.04.2023 12:46

You’re a truly inspiring person to me. Your unshakable knowledge on this subject is probably saving lives - 🙋🏾‍♀️ including mine metaphorically ❤ or maybe for some literally. It just feels so relieving to see and hear somebody that gets it. Thank you 🙏🏾 ❤

Fumbling Towards Average
Fumbling Towards Average - 02.04.2023 00:43

This is why I had to stay. This plus my fear of what would happen to the kids during visitation with my ex. Ultimately I left when I was afraid for my life.

Winnie Amar
Winnie Amar - 16.03.2023 14:18

The real smell test is what the person does once they get the information about what the relationship is!! You nailed it for me. Thankyou so much. This is so so validating!! I need to hear this. Thankyou ,thankyou thankyou!!

thebjm1967 - 16.03.2023 13:18

My husband is a covert narcissist and our couples therapist (I know therapy with narcissists are a bad idea) said he was codependent. I started looking things up about it to see if it was true. I’m not sure if she was right or not.

Mercedes Sanchez
Mercedes Sanchez - 14.03.2023 21:20

Thank you so much for clarifying this issue dear Dr. Ramani! I needed this so much!

pageashleypage - 09.03.2023 23:43

I lucked out, I was able to get the custody order to require a supervisor for each visit. I was/still am terrified of what would happen if he were alone with his son again, and that really sucks to carry.

minisnape - 02.03.2023 22:14

Thank you! I think this applies to many types of survivors as well. I’ve had therapists try this and it always triggered me cause it’s dangerously close to victim blaming or just victim blaming in the hands of an unskilled therapist. Also, it reminded me a lot of a witch trial where you’re accused but daring to disagree and saying this doesn’t really seem to apply is taken as proof of denial and therefore you are. There’s no winning or room to suggest this may not apply to every situation.

Ezaz khan
Ezaz khan - 21.02.2023 19:28

mam what are sulation co depence

YourNiDom - 19.02.2023 02:06

I'm confused by this video but will watch it again to better understand.

Sandager - 18.02.2023 09:44

This is quality spitzenclass useful education, thx Dr. Ramani

Michelle Lynn
Michelle Lynn - 17.02.2023 22:07

For those of us recovering from trauma, ptsd, cptsd, depression and anxiety and more than likely physiological issues because of being in fight or flight so long, I'm here to validate, backup and shed some more light based on discussions. Not everyone who falls for a dark prince who presented himself as the White Knight or Mr. Charming comes from a toxic background. Trauma can happen in anyone's childhood. Depending on the type of trauma and how long that person was subject to such trauma or abuses, can become a narcissist or they will become vulnerable to a narcissist or other toxic person. The other flip side of the coin, is that there are those who come from extremely healthy backgrounds and because of their very empathic personality style, and even spiritual back ground, that empathy, unlike the narcissist, can experience trauma within the relationship itself for the very 1st time. This is because there's all different types of narcissists, many with overlapping styles and all different levels to their trickery. We are talking con 'artists. They all have a big playbook that they source from, but they all do not come with the same bag of tricks, or toxic traits of what last I read was nearly 30 plus to choose from. It's highly important to remember this because a dysfunctional narssacistic. person or toxic individual can lead to someone elses malfunctioning state of being. This means you do not have to have any co dependency as a trait or behavior within yourself going in, but you will most definitely on some level begin exibiting codependency as a temporary cycling within that relationship until you accept what and who this person is and begin detoxing yourself from their poison. When you radically accept that hope is nothing more than dope to your brain, you'll begin cutting the dripline feeding you the gas. If you can't get totally out today, try going minimal contact if you can. Begin forging a plan for yourself, a plan for your ultimate escape out. It's extremely hard and sometimes almost impossible to become all you can be in these very suppressive, controlling dictorial, verbally, mentally, emotionally, phycholigical, and or financially abuse situations. Much love ❤️.

Fights with Spirits
Fights with Spirits - 17.02.2023 20:00

All I know is my gf placed the feelings of her narcissistic friend above mine. Defended, justified, rationalized all the bad things he did. Had to end it. Don't need a label for what she was doing.

Estela Treviño
Estela Treviño - 21.01.2023 07:33

You nailed it!

IzzyNChrist - 14.01.2023 03:50

My friend has the knowledge, and she knows the people abusing her are not normal but she refuses to leave because she's dependent on them when she shouldn't be at this point in her life. She talks herself out of leaving. I'm praying she can get out. Please pray for her

C - 10.01.2023 20:59

Really fine lines here...I am 21 years in with my husband who is on the spectrum. His actions, on the surface seem narcissistic for sure, it took me a looong time to come to terms with all of this, I spent 15 years, covering for him, making excuses for him, all while thinking I married a complete jack ass, I always let him back in...the fact that I indeed was displaying codependent behaviors was not clear to me until I got a great therapist that actually listened to me. I lost myself in taking care of him, which does neither one of us any good. Recently I learned the narcissism is also on the spectrum, but different in varying degrees from High Functioning Autism (Asperger's). My life is not always easy and there are concessions that I make from time to time, but I now take care of me first. Period. This channel is amazing and I have learned SO much. This channel is one of the first places that made stop and think...and go get help. Thank you so much Dr. Ramani!

The Book of Beasts
The Book of Beasts - 29.12.2022 10:23

Thank you for talking about financial and practical difficulties. This is the first time I have heard it acknowledged with such kindness.

CupAChoco - 21.12.2022 00:45

Here is the thing.
If this were physical illness, taking care of a sick spouse is never called codependency and if it is prolonged, yes it is felt like being abused when the sick individual requires most of our times and probably money as well.

At the beginning the covert narcissist abuse seems like illness: depression, stress out, a person that suddenly got triggered by his childhood trauma. Thus naturally we want to care and help him gets better.

Except, it is all manipulation. Things never get better. The “patient” refuse treatment and help.
You thought, ok maybe we are dealing with a stubborn person, a person that is afraid. So you gave assurance, encouragement. And they took all the attention they received without wanting to reciprocate.

Suddenly before you realize it, years gone by, kids happen, etc.

Then one day, someone gave you a book or gave you an article, and you realize you have been manipulated.

Thus I am challenging the term codependency. How many percent of those that has to deal with a narcissist in their life are actually codependent? Because I dont act this way to anyone else. Just to him.
I dont lost myself, i still have my values intact. It is him that seems “lost”. That seems to “dont know what to do” because of stress out life.

I never keep my silent to appease, i have no trouble confronting. But here is another tactic that is used by mine, his job. His job often called him to be out of town and after learning about narcissist tactics, i realized he used that to get away and avoid “my anger” and “waiting for me to cool down” but there is never any follow through from him. But he became VERY SWEET AND GIVING IN TO MY REQUESTS (love bombing) when he gets back home. I thought ok, this is his way of saying sorry, except there are never any attempt to have conversation of things that needs to be talked about. The behaviors also repeated.
There were years gap between two incident and as years gone by the cycle gettinng tighter and tighter. Years become months in between and at the end it is DAYS before finally there were no “sweetness” at all in between just meaness and anger and cruelty.

Ok, i got triggered into over explaining.

Covert Narcissist also high on codependency traits.

Lynda Brown
Lynda Brown - 10.11.2022 07:48

Brilliant video! Love how you explained the different situations of what is NOT codependency! I agree wholeheartedly! Thank you, Dr. Ramani! 🙏💝

AFINA KASSIM - 31.10.2022 13:15

i knew i was a codependent person because my narc parent and my love one. I went for a therapy since 2018 but still struggling in saying to my own-self that i have escaped the cycle. Up until today, this video really enlighten me about who i want to be and what have i achieved. I have tick all the non-codependency characteristic listed by Dr Ramani in this video and I am seeing myself smiling right now for my effort in searching and becoming who I am today. I still haven't leave my toxic relationship due to cultural issue. But I am glad I could give no excuse anymore for their bad behavior/action. And I have finally accepted that's who they were, who they are which I do not expect changes unless they; themselves permitted the changes

Warren Bradford
Warren Bradford - 30.10.2022 21:12

That is my problem right now. It is not that I am still codependent, I am just practically stuck. I have nowhere else to go right now to leave my old home.

Tracy Lane
Tracy Lane - 25.10.2022 04:02

You have over a million subscribers for good reason. You are the best! Thank you for your help.

Hopper - 22.10.2022 19:34

Dr Ramani…. You are so cool. You get it. Words can never express the gratitude I feel for your life saving wisdom - the wisdom that you CHOOSE to share with us to help us, and Society, fooled by deadly and ruinous narcissism. You are truly making a difference- you certainly are in my life.. God bless you for your selflessness

Katie - 21.10.2022 08:23

Being in a relationship with a narcissist will force you into a state of codependency.
They get you high on love bombing and then force you into withdrawals. Narcissists drug of choice is "love" and those who are carrying around a toxic load of shame are the most vulnerable.

Carolina Griva
Carolina Griva - 20.10.2022 02:27

I hate HATE that these differences are overlooked. Blame makes everything worse when you are already struggling to change your situation.

Tara - 18.10.2022 19:16

Co-dependency, along with other diagnoses victims of narcissistic abuse are given, always seem so ... victim blaming to me. It's a way for a professional to sweep it off as our own fault/confirming the abuser's accusations that we are the broken and unwell ones.

I was diagnosed as having generalized anxiety disorder and codependency. But I hate my abuser. I'm just financially reliant on him for the time being and counting down the days until I can escape. And I have no generalized anxiety. It turns out, I have a very normal anxious reaction to being around my abuser! My healthy reaction to being anxious about being abused was pathologized and made me think I really was the problem just like my dad kept telling me. It's like the whole world got together to gaslight me and tell me I had no reason to be anxious about being abused as a child/teenager and now the world turns around to suddenly ask 'why are you so broken and financially dependent on an abuser? What made you think abuse was normal?'

Phoenix - 18.10.2022 15:00

Thank you so much for this 💜🤗🦋🙏

Negligibly Negative
Negligibly Negative - 18.10.2022 14:23

I definitely see myself in the descriptions of co-dependency. Unconsciously valuing myself by how helpful I could be to others was instilled in me during my upbringing.

It explains why the partners I have been with over the years have been the ones they were. Several of them required that extra support, that personal cheerleader, I felt compelled to be.

The first two relationships, I could set boundaries so they ended before it got truly toxic. The third was with a person who was dxed with borderline after we were over. The deep despair he genuinely felt whenever he felt uncertain of my love compelled me to give up my boundaries.

Eventually, I ended it, only to find an alcoholic a few years later.

After that, a bloke bloke who I suspect is also borderline, albeit un-dxed.

And after that, a person dxed with borderline, whom I suspect is actually a narcissist.

There's a pattern here and the pattern is mine. My current partner - the one I hope will be the last partner - wants me, but he doesn't need me. That feels uncertain and unstable - scary even. Every day I work to reorient myself to this healthier relationship, but it is 30+ years of upbringing and reinforcement I am trying to dismantle, so I am a work in progress. On the good days, I can feel that it's worth it.

Tabitha Wendt
Tabitha Wendt - 18.10.2022 09:37

What if it’s a different fear??? You want them to be better but we want OUT more… just interdependence is what we seek but not possible when we don’t have help to heal but awareness of dynamics/ no way out mentalities? Yes! The suffering and gaslighting is just as bad when we leave toxic abusive relationships especially with children. 🙏🙏🙏💜🥹
