Why was Bastila Shan LUCKY to EXIST?

Why was Bastila Shan LUCKY to EXIST?

100% Star Wars

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@100StarWars - 09.07.2022 00:30

You know... Nomi Sunrider doesn't quite get the appreciation she deserves in the best KOTOR girls argument. Red heads for the win! ;)

@akale2620 - 02.03.2024 10:13

We are the unlucky ones. Instead of a waifu, we could have had a CATGIRL WAIFU.

@argyrism9287 - 19.01.2024 01:01

Andor Sunrider -- was this the same person as poor, engine-sucking Andor from Jolee's tales?

@corie_1032 - 08.10.2023 22:45

I think Bastilla Sean was created perfect. I'm glad she's part of the story.

@jamesedwards1145 - 30.09.2023 08:23

I have not read that Tales of the jedi graphic novel.

@xnonentity - 18.08.2023 12:21


@indigostudios7851 - 29.05.2023 17:29

I remember hearing about a canceled novel that involved Vima and Nomi Sunrider. Perhaps that would have filled in the gaps of what happened to those two between Tales of the Jedi and KOTOR?

@jfournerat1274 - 20.05.2023 01:49

Fan theory. We know that Vima had a long line of female descendants so she did have at least one child but my theory is that Vimas baby was a boy as with it being a long line of females it is very probable that at least one of them had a son and since it was a long line of female’s then the son was Vimas son who then had a daughter who started the long line of sunrider females.

@96smittyjr - 19.05.2023 22:56

I think it would have been interesting but from watching this video I feel like making the focus be on the sunrider family would downgrade the importance of Revan. Also personally I am not a huge fan of this idea that only one family is special and important. As much as I love the Skywalkers, it is my biggest critique that the force doesn’t just flow through one family. Yeah, it might be stronger in one family or another similar to how Satele Shan would become immensely powerful with the ability to achieve feats that rivaled her ancestors, at the same time I love the idea that the force is a random entity and places focus on different individuals at different times. In fact, the thing I enjoy is that Satele Shan exists primarily as a nod to fans who played the original Kotor games but while she is a great Jedi she’s there to help build the world, and from what I understood through my research her connection to revan is more of a hurdle for her to overcome as opposed to something that is entirely celebrated within the storyline of SWTOR. At the end of the day to me, Star Wars, the story where anyone can have the ability to make drastic changes, and can be put into situations where they have to make very important choices that can have a long lasting affects so to focus primarily on one family as the premier force users, or most important beings, serve as a detriment to the series as opposed to a boon.

@anthimetardif9627 - 03.05.2023 00:31

Honestly I would have prefered if the link between the game and the tales of the jedi comics were made stronger by such additions, often feel like they are forgotten despite being the first star wars media to explore the distant past.

@CosmereInformant - 04.02.2023 05:07

I love Bastila but it’s definitely a crime we didn’t get Vima

@ThomasPetermann. - 02.01.2023 22:49

I find that the sometimes the best things come from improv and unplanned places

@olympiaoshiadahail9216 - 28.12.2022 04:29

What's your beef with the new Tales show? Just the name, or something with actual substance?

@mattsreptileroom - 04.12.2022 03:13

Andor huh? Didn't know That name was used elsewhere in the franchise aside from Rogue One. And I own those comics, I have the whole tales of the Jedi series, which I bought right after nights old Republic came out, was 12 years old and it cost me about $150. At the comic book shop today they had one copy from the entire series and it was going for $20, Pretty good investment for 12-year-old me

@moviemaniacdjp - 16.11.2022 19:52

Wow, even back in July you hated the Tales of the Jedi TV show huh?

@moviemaniacdjp - 16.11.2022 19:51

Nomi also shows up in SWTOR as part of the Noetikon of Light. However she is referred to by her maiden name Da-Boda

@CJ-442 - 30.10.2022 01:31

I think as far as the Vima age issue is concerned, they probably would’ve just changed the timeframe for the Mandalorian Wars. As it is now, Vima was still a young child at the end of the Great Sith War with Exar Kun, and there was a 20 year gap between the end of that war and the start of the Mandalorian Wars. I’m guessing the story of the “Vima KOTOR” would’ve reduced that timeframe down to 1-5 years. That way, when the Mandalorian Wars finally ended and the Jedi Civil War started, Vima would’ve been at that 19-20 age range where Bastila was in KOTOR.

Heck, if their original plan was to basically make KOTOR a sequel to the Tales of the Jedi comics, it makes more sense thematically if the Mandalorian Wars happened right after or were just a progression of the Great Sith War. Rather than “sensing something darker on the horizon,” the reason the Jedi Council didn’t assist with the Mandalorian Wars could’ve been because they believed that Jedi are only supposed to fight the Dark Side like they did with the Naddists on Onderon or the Krath or the Sith. They’d already taken care of the Mandalorians’ Sith masters in Exar Kun and Ulic Qel Droma, so cleaning up the “remaining mundane forces” is something that should be left to the regular Republic military (a la “We’re Keepers of the Peace, not warriors…”). However, it wasn’t wrapping up as fast as everyone was hoping and finally Revan would’ve stepped in saying, “Yeah, sure, maybe the Dark Side was defeated, but people are still dying and we have to help.”

Then, everything pretty much plays out the same. Except this time, when the Jedi Civil War starts it’s Vima whose the plucky yet talented Padawan that the exhausted Republic has to rely on to save their skins. It’d also make more sense since it would’ve made the Tales comics and the planned KOTORs 1-3 one giant, interconnected saga. As it is now, there’s a bit of a thematic and literal time gap between the Tales comics and the KOTOR games.

@whitewolf3051 - 05.10.2022 17:53

I read some of the comics about the Sunrider family, and would've wanted to see more of them in other media, as well as made canon.

@matthewdreier3282 - 27.09.2022 16:50

I never knew this, I'd love to see more of this cut content stuff

@jamesvinson3998 - 30.07.2022 18:03

I just got done setting up a Windows XP PC so I can play the original CD based versions of KotOR and TSL on it. These games are so good. The characters are awesome and if you take the time in game to get to know them, you would see that they have their own unique personalities and are quite interesting. I have them on PC CD roms, original Xbox, and I am strongly considering buying the games on Steam so I can play them on my Windows 11 PC as well.

@alucardmaetheius7903 - 28.07.2022 21:31

I know this has little to do with the video but how a powerful jedi like andor sunrider gets killed by thugs... i swear as much as i love the few i know of the eu, there are somethings that are at the writing level of the sequel trilogy, completly ridiculous.

@moniquelegarda1842 - 26.07.2022 07:01

With this new information, it now makes more sense that the mission to capture Revan was supposed to be led by a mature, full-fledged Jedi knight rather than a green, albeit talented, Padawan.

@Aqsticgod - 24.07.2022 12:28

yep i saw your video on satele being a fraud(which i multiple times in multiple of your comments corrected you that its plagiarism not fraud, and your definition is self serving) and here we are another tales of the jedi jerk of, look the series was awesome and everything, but you cant expect every company that does games to implement what you want, then go off and call characters probably created to circumvent possible lawsuits a "fraud" or "lucky" to exist. like come on dude, we get it, you love sundirder and the tales series, but to call bastila lucky and satele a fraud, fuck off with that bullshit logic. most decisions made in regards to this have nothing to do with snuffing the characters you love. and the way you behave in the comments like youre 100% right about all this is just disgusting. which suck cuz u actually have a good voice for this kind of thing, too bad its all hidden behind fanboy angst.

@paulbrocklehurst5993 - 24.07.2022 01:04

I'm happy with the Shan family that we got.

@ThatSexyNerdReacts - 22.07.2022 08:08

goddamnit why the hell didnt they do this im sorry Kotor 1 has not aged well this wouldve made the story as complex and interesting as Kotor 2 which is still amazing

@leaaronsanchez - 21.07.2022 10:14

Nomi also is known to use Force Purge what she used on Exar Kun. it could be the Bastila Shan is the apprentice of Vima Sunrider, that would account for her knowing battle meditation.

@carlmolander8499 - 18.07.2022 20:28

Vima master Ulic Qel Droma. Mother failed to train her so she ran off found Ulic and convinced him to train her.

@barkasz6066 - 18.07.2022 12:33

I love Bastila, but yeah it would have been a really nice bit of continuity before it was cool if they follwed it all up with the Sunriders.

@jaimebenjamin219 - 18.07.2022 05:35

A huge part of me wished for Vima and Revan. I believe it would have been a great romance. A secret romance that help Revan/Vima returned to the light side.

@Matej_Sojka - 18.07.2022 01:57

It is just a shame that Vima Sunrider was not mentioned in EU since. I heard it was due to some rights issue with Sunrider name, which is why in SWTOR she is called Vima Da-Boda, but that is all I know about it.

@darthumbradius14 - 18.07.2022 00:48

I am glad for that change tbh. The dynastic stuff is one point I dislike about Star Wars. I like thinking of the Skywalkers as the exception to the rule, not something the Force actively depoists like genetic inheritence. I dislike the idea of Satele Shan for the same reason. I am fine with Bastila Shan, the daughter of two nobody trophy hunters, that we got.

@AndreNitroX - 16.07.2022 08:55

Nomi Sunrider is my favorite Jedi

@Phenix19 - 16.07.2022 07:42

Juhanni was the first canonically gay character in Star Wars

@jamesedwards1145 - 16.07.2022 05:06

I didn't know this at the time.
That is some thing too thank about too continue the story of Naomi sunrider Would be a good continuation of the story of the original tales from the Jedi I don't have any of the comics Naomi sunrider series.

@jjrhs - 16.07.2022 00:54

Sauce on Vima being Exile’s Master in KOTOR II?

@chrisscully1817 - 15.07.2022 06:07

I wish Disney would have made Rey a Ancient Descendent of Bastilla Shan and Revan or OB1s Grand Daughter!

@shinymk6562 - 14.07.2022 06:22

It's like Bob Ross said, we don't make mistakes, only "happy little accidents."

@CalvinBloopers - 14.07.2022 05:53

I honestly didn’t like the original Tales of the Jedi even after rereading. I will very much prefer the upcoming show.

@JambaJuice1234 - 14.07.2022 00:57

Off topic question but here it goes. So, Darth Nihilus is no longer a physical body, dissolves and encase his spirit in armor and robes to make some different physical form. Then eventually this new form of his dissolves into nothing after the exile "killed" him. But the Wookiepedia article, and the sources, say that He encased his spirit within his armor to survive, so you don`t kill him in a sense. All he is is just armor, they further on say that his armor was buried in Korriban. But this leaves me in the most important questions.....

1:Where did this armor come from? Surely it wasn`t the same one that we saw dissolve into Dark Side energy. We saw nothing after that, it makes no sense.
2:If there was indeed armor, then how did it survive the explosion of the Ravager.

3:If the armor SOMEHOW survived the explosion and is floating in space, how did some random people come across it, find it, and bury it?

The armor thing confuses me the most. Can you answers 1, 2, and 3 please? It just doesn`t make sense

@charlesjohnson7458 - 13.07.2022 16:25

It's too bad KK didnt know this story was available to 'draw-from'

@raspas219 - 13.07.2022 14:39

Expanded universe is awesome.

@denimz01 - 13.07.2022 13:48

I'm curious if they will include something related to this in the upcoming remake

@MishraArtificer - 13.07.2022 13:10

I just want to know more details behind the legal BS, because I've spent about a decade reading about "the Sunrider naming controversy", but literally just that: talking ABOUT it, not what it actually was.

@rcschmidt668 - 13.07.2022 04:02

Given this video, I surmise that the older mentor in KOTOR 1 could have had a cleaner and more light-side relationship but still similar to the early interactions with Kreia. Just MHO.

@tahjsimon9058 - 13.07.2022 03:24

Ah this is so annoying. It is a shame that continuity is so hard to come by in the old Republic stories.

I would have preferred Bastille Shan being Vima Sunrider. Then if Vima, Revan and Meetra were in Kotor 3 that would've been beautiful

@vasylkasra - 13.07.2022 03:21

Vima was actually not mentioned in the games...her first mention as the Exile's informal master came in the KotOR Campaign Guide.

@75JUNAKI - 13.07.2022 01:53

I have another question for anyone to answer.
What if Darth Revan (Pre K.O.T.O.R Duology game’s) was in the Clone Wars (Disney E.U btw)?
Not with an explanation on how Darth Revan got there, through the world between world portal thing, but just that Darth Revan was born during that time but is still exactly as how Darth Revan was during the Mandolorian Wars through most of the Jedi Civil War’s.

@SkyStarNova - 12.07.2022 19:39

I like Bastila but I see her as being an apprentice to an old and wise Vima Sunrider, definitely not 30 years after The Sith Wars. In my head canon Kotor is more like near 60 to 90 years after the events of Redemption. The whole Andur going against the Jedi ways by marrying is complete bullshit trash, just like the Prequels that inspired it. That is one of the many mistakes by Lucas while making those travesties.

@liamlinson7563 - 12.07.2022 02:39

i guess you're not excited for the tales of the jedi show lol

@miqvPL - 12.07.2022 01:16

Don't know much about Sunrider, but I'm pretty happy with Bastila, despite her being a female character written in early 2000s video game which not always holds up in time. I think her dark side version is way too shallow and doesn't logically follow from the character she's before falling to the dark side.
