How Profitable is Memory Farming in 3.21? (Einhar's Memory of Harvest Beasts)

How Profitable is Memory Farming in 3.21? (Einhar's Memory of Harvest Beasts)


1 год назад

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@varanus5536 - 15.05.2023 18:05

I would argue that hosting these memories can be the most profitable strategy in the game. I was able to buy foil mageblood and foil HH just from running these. With current prices u buy 1 memory for 4 div and you host multiple of 4, each party member pays u 1 div per 4 memories. Yesterday i hosted 36 of these and made a total of 77 div profit. Hosting is always the most profitable then u have rotas and joining as client. No matter how you run these, you always get good profit as long as u run with full party.

@dadlife8289 - 16.09.2023 09:56

I did one of these memories tonight. 8.5 div profit on a 3.8 costing div map

@arthurthesecond7137 - 07.09.2023 09:02

I Heard that depending what map you Run different beasts appear.
Does this also Work for the memory?

@Evil_Arthas - 29.05.2023 09:04

7d per yestetday, yep, expensive

@God--wd3lw - 28.05.2023 21:32

It was me btw who made this post.

@YeOleBaz - 27.05.2023 23:39

Delirium orbs are your friend

@joelcuerrier4833 - 24.05.2023 09:39

I'd be curious to see tests on the other good memories... essences and harvest.

@nicknolte5700 - 17.05.2023 01:52

amazing vids man, informative enough but not too rushy so that its anoying to folow. really learning from your channel! XD

@ntma - 15.05.2023 17:58

yeah, I had one of these drop for me yesterday so I ran it. 7 div for one beast, and I used the rest. memory price was 6 div then, so worth doing on bestleague at least

@kevinchen4385 - 15.05.2023 17:15

My data consists of:

-12 div in “crypto investments”
-8 div from “oh I sold something”
-16 div from “cringe league mechanic”
-2 div from “minions aren’t viable”

As you can see, the strategy is profitable if you just don’t play the league

@knicklichtjedi - 15.05.2023 16:43

If you have 5 other people with you in your party, you have a cumulative chance of 67% over those 5 to capture a beast twice.
This is a multiplier of 1.34 (2 * 0.67; two captures * chance to get two captures) to all beast profits you make.
Buuut if those 5 players are humans, like they should be, you also need to split the profit by 6. Hmmm.

@elios7623 - 15.05.2023 15:12

i played delirium this league and it got me some fairly good drops, but nothing like this lol

i might try bestiary next league.... tho idk if they will nerf it again
