W3 Total Cache CloudFront CDN Settings For CNAME

W3 Total Cache CloudFront CDN Settings For CNAME


7 лет назад

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Chris Ohh
Chris Ohh - 08.08.2020 05:51

I've tried doing this over and over and I always get "Error: Distribution for origin "" is disabled" when I go to Test CloudFront Distribution within W3. Setting this up breaks my site.

Alex_1729 - 20.07.2020 13:42

"To add an alternate domain name (CNAME) to a CloudFront distribution, you must attach a trusted certificate that validates your authorization to use the domain name" -- How to resolve this, please?
Edit: Solved.

Thomas Talent
Thomas Talent - 15.02.2020 19:52

How to have ssl on cname?

Martin Rose
Martin Rose - 11.07.2018 20:18

@Craigerson this is a great video i also used your other video to set up CloudFront when i try and add the cname to my site it doses not work I think its cos my site is using SSL any idea how I fix this I can show you want I mean? if you would like to help me non off the Css images load

Steve - 17.04.2018 19:23

hey it will be great if you can show us how to add ssl to cloudfront on ec2

Adam Wróblewski
Adam Wróblewski - 04.07.2017 01:18

Thanks, great tutorial

goldeneyeforevercom - 06.06.2017 07:00

This was excellent! Crystal clear. On one of my domains, I noticed that GoDaddy didn't have the cname accessible. Hosted elsewhere or something along those lines is what GoDaddy listed in the settings. Thus, I needed to set up the cname via the cpanel. The cpanel interface is a bit odd as the naming scheme is less clear. So to anyone else, GoDaddy may not let you set the cname in which case you likely need to do it via your hosting account. In my situation that meant via cpanel. Thanks sir for the excellent tutorials. I'm expecting some amazing speed results...or not. What I cannot believe is that I avoided doing this setup for YEARS. How very silly of me.

goldeneyeforevercom - 04.06.2017 17:32

Great stuff! I appreciate this follow-up video. You certainly deserve to show up in Google search. You serve up a very tight, straight forward tutorial. I watched your Cloudfront video and this one is the icing on the cake. Thanks for your time and effort in creating these tutorials.

Jonathan - 23.05.2017 22:54

Good videos, any idea why it breaks icons & fonts? In order for them to show I need to click "load unsafe scripts" but my SSL lock becomes RED.
