9 Cool Ideas in the Case of a Zombie Apocalypse

9 Cool Ideas in the Case of a Zombie Apocalypse


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Chloe ASMR
Chloe ASMR - 12.09.2023 15:41

or how about be james from the walking dead and walk with the walkers and lead them places dont kill them they are still people inside walkers after all

X0_O7X - 05.09.2023 13:52

no credit to tredmil inventor? pft, kinda pathetic

francisco jose salazar marquez
francisco jose salazar marquez - 05.09.2023 11:37

WoW!!! The cars!!!! Nice!!

꧁inaloreal꧂ - 03.09.2023 01:43

Dying by a window is better than getting eaten by a zombie and then getting shot by someone

Ismeagain21 - 24.08.2023 16:19

don't use fire, zombies don't have pain resepters and will still chase you even if they are on fire, if you use fire now you have a flaming zombie coming for you

Reaper Man
Reaper Man - 24.08.2023 00:33

Unfortunately, the zombie apocalypse will most likely happen in 2028 and I am not going to survive. I can tell you that right I am not gonna survive.

N Plush
N Plush - 20.08.2023 21:26

the military in zombie movies: uuhh whats 1+1?

The military irl: easily oneshots the whole zombie apocalypse eh.

MrBob - 13.08.2023 17:48

Imagine the guy who does those secret bedrooms...

Entropy - 10.08.2023 14:52

Just go to New Zealand

L😮L - 06.08.2023 11:37

This is based of Tv shows tho if it does happen theeres a huge probability that it wont be similar

Mason - 29.07.2023 06:05

What if the zombies turn off the treadmill

TheAlaskaViolettPoopCult - 23.07.2023 07:07

Also an idea place treadmills all around youre house outside and put it to jog mode so that way zombies couldent make it surely they’d be slow enough

Tsar Fox
Tsar Fox - 20.07.2023 05:37

The treadmill one is pretty dumb TBH. Just destroy the stairs and use a ladder you can pull up.

Ur mom has cans like from the grocery store
Ur mom has cans like from the grocery store - 20.07.2023 03:55

Bro I would survive the zombie apocalypse cuz i have a sword

Ame' Hayami
Ame' Hayami - 19.07.2023 13:16

OK these things are pointless to have. Plus they must be expensive.
And theos mad max type cars with all that crap on it? Is really dumb in a zombie apocalypse. Why because many thing weight, unbalanced and most of these weapons are cles range. When it be better to keep them as far as you can. But lets start with weight,
Adding all of that unnecessary crap will cause more weight meaning more gas to move the care. If you want to armor up your car that's fine. But I would more suggest concentrating on the windows , and the wheels turning them into tank traks. Keep in mind so far all of these item leaves out some of the most important thing to survive Food, Medicine and water. That stare walker is pointless and looks very expensive. You know what would be a better way to handle stares?
Getting rid of the stares you can make a rope lader. Destroying stares shouldn't cost that much money maybe some of them might cost more time but not much money. And all you need to do is make a rope layer that you can pull up. Plus all of this and still for getting a out the greatest danger still out there. Living people you know the ones that can still use guns.
Most of these things they are showing is things you would buy now. But most likely you won't be using it. Spending money on MREs is a smarter thing to do then this.
Having skill and knowledge about things is one of the most greatest asset you can have to survive.
How to fix cars, Engineering, Medical care, drying food, growing food, how to make fire with out using liters or matches. Etc.
Being resourceful,
And the ability to adapt and pick up things fast.
And let's be real that Zombie walking thing. Has a lot of problems let's start with
(1) apparently it need power
How is it getting it's power? Outlet? What happens when the electricity goes out? Batteries?
Are they rechargeable? And even if they are, and can be recharged by a generator tell me what would you want to recharge the most.
Tell me in the comments below you can pick all of them but pick what is more important to you?
1 radio
2 flashlight
3 cellphone.
I know what you're thinking cellphone will there be even internet if it doesn't have power what good is a cellphone?
I'll tell you. Because right now you can download an SAS field guide a survival book, not to mention you can also download Military field guides. Plus you can have something to take notes. Plus you can download music and videos or put them on your phone. And pictures you take either for memories or for recon. And in a Zombie Apocalypse you'll ve doing a lot of recon not really something you just want to run into.
4 drone
5 hot plate
6 Batteries for whatevers
7 keep your frig running,
8 your zombie stare master lol
Trust me the things in this video are pointless to have.
The exception is the all-terrain vehicle ya that's good if you have a few million dollars on you. More then likely you'll still have to find gas most likely Desil. Wonder what's the mpgs on that?
And yes bunkers are good hope you're an introvert?
And hope you get along very well with anyone you bring in there.
Looking at it from a psychology point of view.
And if we go off of realistic then it might take 6 months for zombie to atrophy meaning not being able to move. But it's not like we have any information of undead Zombies so that might not happen at all.
So think about it you're in a bunker
Let's say you are insanely rich you have the most luxurious bunker with food and supplies to last a life time for you and your family.
You'll all be stuck in a metel box with no sunlight or fresh air just recycled that includes water.
Under theos conditions people will get on each other's nerves.
Tempers will flare. The only socializing you'll do is with each other in that bunker. You won't know what day it is other then the clock that tells you. 10 years of that why 10 years minimum? Because you won't be able to see what is going on. Sure you can open the door to see. How ever the question is. Is someone watching?
The more times you ipen your bunker door the more chances someone will discover it.
And majority of us really don't like rich people so we can do one of 2 things
(1) we wait for someone to come out and take them hostage to take your shit.
Or (2) we take a welding torch to your door so you'll never get out.
Besides we don't need rich peiple they are useless.
Chances are above ground us common folk. Would have already come together to create our own community. Helping each other with our skills. Rich people has no skills they'll just be a burden to the rest of us. The only thing they'll be good for is cannonfauter or decoys. We won't have a need for their money. A zombie Apocalypse is a world I would thrive in, and to be honest think most people would thrive in. Especially if you grew up in a hard life and you're not rich. Because we know what actual struggle is.

Sargent undead
Sargent undead - 19.07.2023 01:48

Plot twist you trip on the treadmill

renante diaz
renante diaz - 18.07.2023 19:11

Don't you know that the inner 40 30 there's a zombie apocalypse because China scientist is going crazy with experiments

pie - 17.07.2023 02:51

I love the fact that a zombie was showing off his shoes lol

The S.C.P. Foundation
The S.C.P. Foundation - 16.07.2023 21:22

The main problem is that humanity wont be able to survive even a couple of years in scenario of zombie apocalypse.

Pandoro420 - 13.07.2023 20:24

George a Romero took credit for an idea he didn't creat he did not create zombies Edward halperin did in 1932 with the movie white zombie so technically George a Romero is a fraud and the true father of zombies is George halperin



FamilyStories - 08.07.2023 19:12

The extra layer of armor contradicts Zombieland rules, stay light and fast,

DudeEggs - 08.07.2023 10:39

The problem is that zombies become stronger as they feed due to a panaerobic form of energy. They can easily scale these traps.

deadly gaming
deadly gaming - 08.07.2023 03:09

this guy litterally says "i hope ur rich"

WhiteArtemis - 18.06.2023 09:06

All i need are just guns.. a lot of guns...

TheFancyDoge - 16.06.2023 04:58

Basically, if you don't own an island completely isolated from the world you're doomed.

TheDizzyRabbit - 31.05.2023 04:06

you didn't credit anyone so imma just say I know the staircase treadmill was made by colinfurze as a cooler variant of just a normal treadmill.

RileyXLuna - 29.05.2023 19:45


space man
space man - 27.05.2023 17:57

Cuz Sydney is really far from Germany I think

space man
space man - 27.05.2023 17:56

If the news say there's gonna be a zombie apocalypse in 3 day in Germany (well Germany sucks anyway so yeah) I'm just gonna live in Sydney

Night watch
Night watch - 24.05.2023 20:10

4 year old me:I can walk and talk
My big brother:hey you know about zombies

Aidan Sharp
Aidan Sharp - 24.05.2023 03:59

You can really just survive anything if your are rich

incredibleflameboy - 24.05.2023 00:58

White zombie is the first zombie film and despite now being considered a zombie franchise Romero's living dead films dont have zombies, they have ghouls.

FusionMatch - 23.05.2023 11:57

Cars should be sleek and or slippery car so zombies wont have anything to catch onto

Zeliha Ögeç
Zeliha Ögeç - 22.05.2023 21:53

Wanna see a new tactic tactic=use a

Anti-Furry Death Reaper
Anti-Furry Death Reaper - 21.05.2023 11:32

the doomsday zombie proof weapon could be a Tank, its a heavy vehicle, long ranged firepower, deadly tracks and with machine guns

Zachary Chavez-levins
Zachary Chavez-levins - 20.05.2023 09:20

Get the plants

Alen Pešec
Alen Pešec - 19.05.2023 11:38

1st advice is bad, why even stay in a non defendable house? Search for castle, bunker, apartment building, concrete and steel etc. House is a death trap in apocalypse. Especially american style, wooden ones.
2nd advice - death from starvation in 1 week. Military always fails
3rd - what? Same, death of starvation.
4th - good only vs 1-3 zombies at once. A group of more is gonna destroy your tent, wrap you in it and you'll probably get suffocated in your own tent.
5- finally an essential, good advice. Teeth are weaker than kevlar or even hard plastic can easily stop a bite and scratches.
6, 7- very good. Use spikes on cars at all sides, hole in the roof so you can shoot out from, use plates of steel/ hard plastic and screw it into the car's plates for thicker "cage".
8- good if you did it before apocalypse even happened, otherwise not possible.

Sorry, i am just being honest and try to look at this as realisticly and objectively as possible, as I am creating a zombie series which will be based on that - realism.

jian angelo co
jian angelo co - 19.05.2023 11:26

If a zombie apocalypse happens I'm the first one dead or the one that got it I have no chance of surving the living dead

Jeff And Parker’s Amazing Adventures
Jeff And Parker’s Amazing Adventures - 17.05.2023 03:34

Yeah pretty much I’m dead😂

Link TheOrdonianHero
Link TheOrdonianHero - 17.05.2023 00:08

That man was very soft with his baseball bat swings lmao

Jess Momani
Jess Momani - 16.05.2023 22:20

Believe me if zombies attack no one is safe just kill yourself peacefully 💀💀👍

Marshall Fletcher
Marshall Fletcher - 15.05.2023 17:00

#11 TANK

Gordan Freeman
Gordan Freeman - 15.05.2023 01:00

I heard that using a waxed lubed a streamline car is actually way more effective than a super spikey car. Its because the spikes just give them something to grab on to, but a sleek slippery car would make it so if your driving, even if a zombie tried to jump on your car they would just slip off

Yourfavouriteidiot - 14.05.2023 23:30

Am I the only one who wants the zombie apocalypse💀

Doc Cock
Doc Cock - 14.05.2023 22:25

Where do you shit and piss in a survival capsule?

-Forgarm- - 07.05.2023 23:02

Did you think of Korean zombies?

FBI - 07.05.2023 15:20

Okay Ill write my shopping list here: a minigun and 2 flame throwers a truck and alottta fuel and some steel and titianium and a bunker and a nuke and 8 rocket launchers an extra nuke an extra truck and everything again
