LILITH KILL IN SEASON 3! Updated Mechanics & Build Setup - Diablo 4

LILITH KILL IN SEASON 3! Updated Mechanics & Build Setup - Diablo 4


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@ayulujp - 02.02.2024 01:17

I tank the fireball with selig, only 23k life. I can take a few balls at the same time. Selig is the ultimate uber you want this season.

@jarr3tt - 01.02.2024 08:07

I had no problem killing her with your Uber build. The only change I made is, I switched Lords Talisman for Melted Heart. Rob your the man!!

@ToadstedCroaks - 01.02.2024 06:12

"It doesn't 1 shot you guys"

Has 50k health

@stedman4203 - 01.02.2024 00:41

Would love to see how this is done with 15k to 16k health. Seems unreasonable to be like oh no prob, while rocking shako, grandfather, and 60k health Lol

@bibaboo4251 - 31.01.2024 22:38

cant kill her. those balls always 1 shot me

@doktorfunkenstein6779 - 31.01.2024 19:40

Did it at Level 84 this Season

@abdelmangompia500 - 31.01.2024 09:55

I beat her with my Blizzard Sorcerer build.. for the first 2 hours trying to kill Lilith those flying skulls one shotted me but in my last run were I killed her, I tanked some of those flying skulls which is weird because I only have 13k HP

@germanrud9904 - 31.01.2024 08:26

Farming ubers is not an endgame

@1841dylan - 31.01.2024 05:58

I really need to know how you have so much health, i made another toon with the same paragon board, have better stats and same gear, your only extra source is shako. how do you have 50k+ ????

@BatrickPateman430 - 30.01.2024 22:28

I do seasonal journey because the first two I do pretty on the way for the seasonal questline. Since I level solo I just enjoy the game the most I can and I do go out of my way to complete the sesasonal journey. I dont have to do Lilith to complete it but its a nice way to finish the season IMO

@princegsc - 30.01.2024 19:50

I play your build also and I’ve done Lilith yesterday…I think I needed 40 attempts but I gain every fight more and more experience…now I’ve done her 5 times. My problem was, the ghosts oneshoot me…I can’t tank them 🤷🏻‍♂️

@ozzycoffeeth - 30.01.2024 19:13

I don't see any point in playing this class at all.👀

@renzoescobar5 - 30.01.2024 19:10

They need to fix this battle or return the skips on fase 2 is not fair at all i dont have that kind of skill or speed for survive 4 times this pain and they made then 1 shot you .....god i star to realy hate this game so much... and they do this now? come on why they dont cancel this game alredy is worse to diablo 3

@rob3497 - 30.01.2024 18:53

I was not fine lol those skulls ONE shotted me every single time. The damage was fine but i could not get past the first floor drop those skulls were homing missles

@Anonymous9989 - 30.01.2024 18:09

You definitely got one shotted if you don’t have above 30k health lol I literally do every time, I’ll need to find someone to run that phase for me lol

@dastaun - 30.01.2024 18:05

Sure i can one shot her on my barb too but this skulls one shot me so hard xD And how the fuck Rob has 51k hp I got preety good gear with hp on armor and boots and still has 12k hp ...what i doing wrong.

@enemyz4663 - 30.01.2024 18:01

Rob can help me with her ??i die in 2 phade all the time

@invincaspartan - 30.01.2024 17:54

With Necro it took me about 45 minutes to get the kill since Nerco is so slow and gets one shot every skull.

@BigBuddhaChris - 30.01.2024 17:38

Now do it with 15k hp honestly I think you’re out of touch with reality when you say you can get 100k life easily.

@BeeSeeKay - 30.01.2024 17:38

The balls one shot under a certain hp not sure the exact number. Could be 20-30k.. But you absolutely can not tank them like this without Doom+GF+Harley..

@Rollan000 - 30.01.2024 17:18

Screw that fight

@amanvellamang1342 - 30.01.2024 17:18

pain..without shout

@krismate2895 - 30.01.2024 17:16

There is a hidden title called "Terrible, Genius" if you complete all objectives in the season journey, of which killing Uber Lilith is one of them. Other than that, no reason to kill uber Lilith I agree.

@aggromarus - 30.01.2024 17:16

WTF? I tryed to kill her few days in a row and did it yesturday, all projectiles oneshot me and now they r dont ? T_T

@dxter0929 - 30.01.2024 17:15

Grüsse aus OWL. Off-Topic. Was ich nicht verstehe: Wie bekommt man im Skilltree mehr als 50 Punkte? Ausrüstung weiss ich, aber gibt es da noch ne andere Möglichkeit oder habe ich da etwas falsch verstanden und bin zu blöd oder habe nicht richtig gezählt etc.?

@piskore - 30.01.2024 17:12

She still doesn't drop anything good..... They should keep her old difficulty... guaranteeing an Uber drop the first time you kill her. And give us a % Uber drop per week to make it worth trying once a week and keep that fight going. Technically we prepared all season to defeat her.

@MikkiZHskDK - 30.01.2024 17:11

what did you change in your paragon tree to get 51k hp, i followed your paragon tree and i have the exact same gear and uber unique and aspects but i got 34k hp

@MD-oh2yo - 30.01.2024 17:01

Yeah, nah. I tried Lilith a few dozen times, one shotting her most of the time but I always die in that phase. Either through things I dont understand because nothing is there or because I can't outrun those missiles forever. I gave up on her this season, my mental health already took a hit. x)

@jorgeluisvillarroel6307 - 30.01.2024 16:54

increible el daño que haces con el barbaro a mí me cuesta mucho encontrar buenos afijos para mis builds, saludos!

@truepelican - 30.01.2024 16:53

It may be fun for 10 minutes but then just shows how the game is underwhelming when bosses become a joke. No mechanics need. Keep the good job. Hopefully d5 u need to evade a few more times 😂😂😂
