Should An Executive Producer Know More About Money Than Story? - Stanley M. Brooks

Should An Executive Producer Know More About Money Than Story? - Stanley M. Brooks

Film Courage

4 года назад

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quanah - 28.05.2020 22:31

You don't need school at all to be good at any form of art, especially story telling. You just need the desire to learn and access to knowledge. School is just one way out of many to make it happen.

Kevin Reily
Kevin Reily - 28.05.2020 18:00

Alfred Hitchcock said "you need three things to make a movie, story, story & story".

Products Rated
Products Rated - 28.05.2020 15:41

unquestionably, an important role in the process but I imagine that the creatives in the group would prefer to delimit the EP role as someone who writes the fat cheque and claps politely at the premiere.

James Bowie
James Bowie - 28.05.2020 08:30

A liberal arts education is all well and good, but in my neck of the woods it gets you a job at McDonalds.

James Bowie
James Bowie - 28.05.2020 07:51

The worst mistake an EP can make is to hire the wrong director.

The Feel Button
The Feel Button - 28.05.2020 04:21

Story is everything and well told will attract all the resources you can effectively deploy.

Vera Dragilyova
Vera Dragilyova - 28.05.2020 04:01

It is such a pleasure to listen to someone with clear thoughts, and who can also present them clearly! The best parts for me were about teaching his children to tell a full-fledged story at the end of the day, and also that a film artist needs a liberal arts education, and not merely the technical knowledge. It’s the wealth of the inner world that makes all the difference in any art, and tech knowledge without it is as lethal as an AI machine gone rogue! 😂

Film Courage
Film Courage - 28.05.2020 03:03

What did you learn from this video?

AmaniJmud21 - 28.05.2020 03:03

In your next interview, will you ask the interviewee if starting out development be a good way to becoming director? Thanks.
