Living Trusts Explained In Under 3 Minutes

Living Trusts Explained In Under 3 Minutes

America's Estate Planning Lawyers

3 года назад

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Suzie Fraser
Suzie Fraser - 18.10.2023 20:55

The point of putting the house in the living trust means you avoid probate for that house, it is easy to do if you have a living trust account. Seemed confusing here.

James Kirwan
James Kirwan - 17.10.2023 22:24

The person that looks after my trust died, can I put a handwritten note in my papers to put a another in charge of my trust

Louis Williams
Louis Williams - 17.10.2023 22:14

Thank you working on it !

SuperKvlogs - 07.10.2023 00:36

I’m 24, does anyone know of an online class I can take to learn about all this stuff? Like about houses and all this financial stuff?

Ma Wi
Ma Wi - 26.09.2023 00:47

All I want is to save money for my burial that the SSA doesn't het to come confiscate upon my demise. That's pretty unfair if I received it, its mine and should be part of my estate. Not returned to them. How do I dave for my burial?

Bicknell - 11.09.2023 13:39

Jeez tgey makenit so complicated...its my shit i wanna give it to these people end of

PilgrimHymns - 11.09.2023 02:28

So am I understanding this right? If I have a living trust, the trustee can just take the "living trust" papers and the titles of the properties and give them to people they are meant for? Or if the living trust says to sell a property and then divide up the money that the trustee can just do that??? Who is the ones that helps them put the titles into others' names? Who do you go to?

HomeBaseIncome101 - 08.09.2023 16:34

I'm so glad I came across your channel. I subscribed and will continue to watch to learn more. I also subscribed to your newsletter.

LaSheka McGhee
LaSheka McGhee - 05.09.2023 20:33

Why recommend a "revocable" trust instead of an irrevocable trust. The definition of "revocable" is capable of being revoked or canceled and does not protect your assets.

Phelps2323 - 28.08.2023 03:54

how do u look at urself in the mirror and not cut those 7 stragglers of hair off ur head AND leave that forest of hair on ur ears...I just do not understand old people

Luba Luba
Luba Luba - 26.08.2023 03:09

Are you ever live on tik tok? Anyway, let’s say I been common law wife for 10 years and married for another 15 and on the last 5 years we bought third house but my name is not on it does that make a difference? Can I still claim that as an asset and include it in my living trust for my kids ?

Smart' Doctor & Physicist
Smart' Doctor & Physicist - 09.07.2023 05:32

Hi, what about a evolve trust how does that work, next once I set up this trust can it be tax my the IRS, can I put all my money in it. Can I give myself a salary from the this trust. Will I need a accountant if so what will cost me to do this. How do I get the help I need to do this. Can you help?

Richard Ayala
Richard Ayala - 06.07.2023 21:41

Lawyers are scumbags and Crete more distrust than anything! As the Bible states 18X: WOE TO THE LAWYERS!

VANESSA - 06.07.2023 12:21

Great quick explanation, thank you. Checking my Trust mow to make sure it's a Revocable Trust

Funny Face
Funny Face - 06.07.2023 02:12

YOu did a great job explaining a trust

thecrow - 10.06.2023 02:10

yeah getting one! and killing husband so i get it all

Butch Armstrong
Butch Armstrong - 20.05.2023 01:48

Do different States have different LAWS....on Trusts....when Probate..... i.e, OR vs WA, NV or Idaho.....

CongBang - 18.05.2023 05:45

Talking too fast and didn't explain in detail how to create a trust.

The brutha known as P
The brutha known as P - 07.05.2023 21:48

Fast and informative !

medgasguy - 03.05.2023 17:15

Thank you for your video...I didn't understand it but I appreciate your explanation. 😁

Al-Mubdi Zahir
Al-Mubdi Zahir - 22.04.2023 13:03

Ppl don't make straight to the point videos like this. I love it

Yep Yep
Yep Yep - 14.04.2023 15:48

This was great ! Thx! Videoing free 2-cents advise.. put your list above your camera and place cam further away and zoom in .. you can you a dry erase stand or flip chart on a table

KER - 04.04.2023 02:43

How fast can this be done

gene cisneros
gene cisneros - 16.03.2023 23:08

Great summary

Gregg Goldstein
Gregg Goldstein - 07.03.2023 19:17

If only there was a course offered in High School to educate us in how to prepare ourselves and our future planning decissions instead of it being laid in our lap after bot parents die and no formal education what so ever. Hello my name is Gregg. My parents left me a Trust Fund when I retire. My sister was Mom’s Trustee. My sister is youngest of three siblings and thought to be the right person to handle Mom’s Assets. Since Mom’s death there has been an overwhelming amount of information I had to recover from my Dad’s Assets as part of my inheritance. His Trust divided three ways. Her Attourney refered me to a person which can sell my Dad’s Stocks to reinvest in other stocks to offset my retirement. Unfortunately the person now handling my inherited trust is difficult to reach by phone with countless movement to other offices and the pandemic that temporarily shut down reaching out to this person with my paper work. Her assistant sent me a form to sign when i needed to know what am i signing? Very hard to understand with no formal introduction nor education what i am doing and why?
Recently reached out by mail to sign a form that claims I had made a request to be a co trustee to oversee them quarterly and i have not sent any request soley at my my own request and convenience as stated in the letter to be signed.
In any event I looked up this you tube video and personally thank you for launching it. I wish I did not have to learn all this so late in life. It could have left something beneficial every person should learn and prepare for.

TRINDON - 12.02.2023 21:07

Hi, I am in Texas. Am I understanding this correctly, I can just make up a name and create the trust document to form a trust, and the trust name will be recognized as a legal entity by the banks, mortgage lenders, etc? Would I have to get the trust document notarized?

J J - 30.01.2023 07:06

you should take more time to answer your comments section if you want likes

Donald Hendrix
Donald Hendrix - 25.01.2023 04:32

I have been following you and have enjoy our videos I live in Texas are licensed here if not how to find a good form in San Antonio

WillBillDillPickle - 20.01.2023 02:24

my parents are arguing about this, ugh.

Laurie Dettolspray
Laurie Dettolspray - 19.01.2023 20:49

I like this overview. No nonsense with simple explanation, thank you for your content!

thecrow - 21.11.2022 04:44

amazing info

Shelia Stough
Shelia Stough - 04.09.2022 04:57

I have a durable power of attorney healthcare power of attorney living will and last will and testament. Will this protect my assets from a nursing home or do I need a living trust?

Tor Eckman
Tor Eckman - 06.08.2022 15:01

When a trust is established for let’s say real estate rental or personal. Does the cost basis of said property change at that moment or when the person dies?

Thanks for this quick overview.

Barbie Skates
Barbie Skates - 13.06.2022 04:44

When you do a FAST overview.. You DON'T need to TALK like a fast talking auctioneer... Ok. ?
Older people listening and all others learning NEW things.. OFTEN need the info given to them SLOW enough to process it.

I know you are NOT trying to be inconsiderate...
Those of us who know how to slow down the video speed can listen any way we like.
I'm thinking of others who know how to use those you tube features.
For their sakes.. Make a few videos SLOWER PLEASE...

Flower Face
Flower Face - 12.05.2022 06:56

I have shared your videos with my children… and friends. Appreciate your time and efforts to bring attention to this important topic.

mary nguyen
mary nguyen - 08.05.2022 05:54

I am thinking to transfer my property to my daughter name as a buyer, new owner , that way she has full access. My pension and bank accounts have her name as beneficiary. She's the only child. Is it a good planning?

Mike Champlain
Mike Champlain - 05.04.2022 16:32

Good info, thx

2RROC - 13.03.2022 00:12

wow! perfect! I don't know why they don't teach this in school...because everyone who owns anything of value should have one of these. (and if you have kids, life insurance).

SIMPLE SCENTS - 11.03.2022 23:19

My sister won’t let anyone see the trust or will. What I do know is that my dad named my mom (living) as the beneficiary and my sister as power of attorney because my mother is sick. Does my sister have to provide the siblings with copies of the trust? Or not yet

Mz.amorr Orr
Mz.amorr Orr - 27.01.2022 10:04

a lot of information. Maybe 5 min would do it

Raymond Kemper
Raymond Kemper - 08.12.2021 22:24


Perry Stockard
Perry Stockard - 28.11.2021 05:37

Thank you for the post neighbor.

johnny llooddte
johnny llooddte - 17.09.2021 10:07

clear as mud

selahjnl - 27.07.2021 01:36

love to see a simple explanation

Herb Bot
Herb Bot - 13.07.2021 05:41

Great explanation thanks

Ed Williams
Ed Williams - 25.05.2021 23:57

You should do your other discussions similarly.... quickly, short, and to the point.

Judy Fasola
Judy Fasola - 15.01.2021 04:22

What do you mean with or without a will ...i just did you will video

Just Forfun9140
Just Forfun9140 - 27.12.2020 21:07

Please always mention tax rates whenever you cover trusts, i.e. are they taxed on individual personal tax rate or at a trust tax rate which I hear are very high in some cases. Thanks.
