Jesse Ventura's fiery WikiLeaks stance

Jesse Ventura's fiery WikiLeaks stance


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Yimmy the greek
Yimmy the greek - 18.11.2023 17:53

Coming from a guy who presided over the hacking of a murdered girls phone messages for tabloid tat, what a worm piers is.

Jeffrey Preedom
Jeffrey Preedom - 31.10.2023 20:35

Israel perpetrating 9/11, Terratec 100% Israel art students rented out floors for months before this happened in the world trade centers in the photographs of the art. Students are boxes the boxes are labeled and numbered. If you look up the labels on the boxes they come back as blasting caps for demolition Wyehwood art students have blasting caps for demolition. There is so much proof pointing at Israel Mossad is a terrorist group like CIA in America America. I know it’s hard to believe but with time we woke up and here we are in 2023 everybody in power in the White House in the Biden administration and mainstream media news are people from Israel. They are still citizens of Israel. I have the proof you can look it up we need to start holding these people accountable. Pakistan gets attacked thousands and thousands of people support their country by protesting. where are the American people for the hell our government has put us through the money they have stolen from the American people. The people that have been murdered in the wars for the 1% or‘s oil in poppy seeds speaking of poppy fields. This is the reason we went to Afghanistan. If you look at the chart on poppy fields in Afghanistan, the Taliban stop growing poppies for the American pharmaceutical companies just before 911 after 911 the Poppyfields boot back up not to mention pat Tillman of the Buffalo Bills went to war in Afghanistan. He found out that they were there for the poppy seeds, and he started talking to the news and he. Was killed by friendly fire go figure seems like anybody telling the truth gets murdered wake up America before it’s too late I’m old I live my life I live the best generation ever 70s 80s and 90s you better save your country

Gabriel Almeida
Gabriel Almeida - 31.10.2023 08:00

Piers used to be a douche. Wonder if he is just pretending not to be one today.

Willie Lee
Willie Lee - 30.10.2023 10:05

I'm surprised Jesse Ventura still haven't silence him by the government. This is the person the world needs

George Bassett
George Bassett - 27.10.2023 00:02

We deserve to know bad or good what's going on in this country Jessy Ventura is 100% right we have the right know everything that's going on this cannot be accepted never

Tom Cotton Hill
Tom Cotton Hill - 18.10.2023 13:19

"We are at war with Osama bin laden" thats why we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq

Jason-Samurai - 08.10.2023 04:10

Wish I could find the full segment on this interview.

nankypooh - 16.09.2023 04:56

Julian Asange, and Edward Snowden are HEROES, and I REFUSE to vote for ANYBODY who doesn't recognize this! Also, I encourage fans of Jesse Ventura to read books by Phillip Agee, Dean Stockwell, and Victor Marchetti! Jesse Ventura is CORRECT!

Mike Chase
Mike Chase - 14.09.2023 02:14

How we ? They already know 🤫

whiskey666 me
whiskey666 me - 10.09.2023 20:26

last time jessie ventura will fall asleep in sun with sunglasses😂

Joshua - 10.09.2023 16:40

Get rid of the monarchy, and then we can talk.

Synapse2k - 09.09.2023 17:56

I’d never want to get into an argument with Jesse. The sheer level of common sense is not something I want to be up against. He made pierce look like a clown in this interview

DJ - 04.08.2023 01:02

He's down in the baha now. Making fish tacos

Maine Rock Flour
Maine Rock Flour - 11.07.2023 07:11

Binladen had NEVER been charged by a grand jury. The Bush administration attempted to remove all the evidence from ground zero, a crime scene.

Cassettes/Records Analog/Digital
Cassettes/Records Analog/Digital - 09.07.2023 03:20

The goverment globally depens on our taxes money so there should be NO private infornations that the public cant have access to. We are forced to pay taxes so all goverment decisions must be available to the public.

John Fredy Castillo Borbón
John Fredy Castillo Borbón - 07.07.2023 01:45

well done capitan freedoom

R H - 06.07.2023 22:58

I like Piers but he is a King and Country guy- indoctrinated since birth.. He wants to believe in the establishment and isn't truly open to their potential for devious duplicity. Demonstrated throughout history.

Mark Comby
Mark Comby - 06.07.2023 03:51

Kicked his ass great job Jess

patrick - 29.06.2023 14:43

Piers trying to steer the conversation away from the truth teller Jessie - Piers d*g sh*t

Ben VdB
Ben VdB - 26.06.2023 15:33

Pierce is such a puppet, reducing the criminal and corrupt activity of the US government to a lame question about mistresses...
Jeez, that's not the point at all.

Jay Lee
Jay Lee - 18.06.2023 09:30

Crazy how I can’t find the full interview of this

ImMagnetz - 17.06.2023 02:41

Jesse kind of came across like a fool here.

Gonzo Lonzo
Gonzo Lonzo - 01.06.2023 01:24

Flashback to when Piers Morgan was a thing.
Sorry if yall in the U.K. still deal with him.

Isaiah Tellez
Isaiah Tellez - 30.05.2023 10:44

Our forefathers would be disappointed in todays politics

Billy BoB
Billy BoB - 19.05.2023 00:50

Peres Morgan still thinks Bin Laden not GW and Marvin Bush did 9/11? What an Uninformed Worthless Unit. He must have read the Governments $5 Million investigation done by Henry Kissenger .... Hahaha Who could be less qualified? Best qualified in Corruption and Lying to the Citizens. Getting away with the False Flag attacks and so many War Crimes in Vietnam also Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Ect. The USA CIA and Intelligence Agencies have attempted to over throw or Force Regime Change of Elected and Sovereign Governments well over 200 times since WW2. The reason our Fore Fathers warned against allowing Income Taxes. Because these Greedy Bastards Continue Starting Wars to Justify Colleting all these Taxes. Demand Spending More more and More over and over again. Exactly as we seen them do since they Bagan Collecting Income Taxes. CIA was in Ukraine Teaching NAZI's how to over throw their Elected Government. Why? We need a War to be safe? Or we Need Wars to Justify Congress Stealing our Social Security Surplus? Like they Did during Vietnam. Did anyone gain anything in Vietnam we Needed as a Country? I say No. Please don't think I'm Bashing our Soldiers. I lost a Cousin I knew. He was a Radia Man shot in the Head on his First Patrol. In I believe 1967. I was born in 61. So I was 5-8 years old at the Time of his death. I wasn't allowed to go to his Funeral. My Grampa and His Brother both served in WW2. Drafted with Families they Still went and Fought. Then my cousin his son was killed. His Coffin most like stuffed with Heroin headed for the USA. That's what and who Vietnam was Fought for. To advance Corruption in the USA Government. I think Reagan's Ego was so large. He did know it was Bush not him running he Country. Just my Opinion.

William Wyckoff
William Wyckoff - 05.05.2023 05:05

I totally agree with Jesse

Mr Melt
Mr Melt - 15.04.2023 17:20

Jesse Ventura thinks he's randy savage

Gfors85 - 13.03.2023 02:49

we are at war with Usama Bin Laden, thats why we attacked Iraq even tho Usama was a Saudi living in USA. poor idiot.

choicesman2000 - 11.03.2023 21:22

Morgan is a stooge

Unvaccinated Pole Barn Builder
Unvaccinated Pole Barn Builder - 10.03.2023 12:50

Should have been president

Vedran Milanovic
Vedran Milanovic - 24.02.2023 03:20

Bravo Jesse!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

Jacob Van Veit
Jacob Van Veit - 15.02.2023 18:57

Pierce should premise his view first before steelmaning the opposite. He gets a lot of drama for nothing. I guess that’s why he’s so popular, he will drum up controversy by poking the bear without actually feeling the bear should be poked.
Good on ya Pierce! You found the winning formula for keeping relevant and a job at the tip of the spear.

Crazy Diamond
Crazy Diamond - 07.02.2023 19:00

Jessi, dont shut your eyes do hard im solarium

Brad - 29.01.2023 07:54

Go jesse

Odysseus Kanenas
Odysseus Kanenas - 27.01.2023 02:28

Piers is a prostitute. It’s obvious.

Anthony Scott
Anthony Scott - 20.01.2023 21:48

Ventura doesn't allow people to talk. He talks over people and acts like a child.

Anthony Scott
Anthony Scott - 20.01.2023 21:44

16 million is a lie.

Xenon777channel - 12.01.2023 04:09

look at the dumb brit " Wikileaks released private... private... private... incredib' dayngerus... "

Politicians such as Hilary Clinton went to great lengths with private E-mail servers and extra blackberry phones to keep her political communications and/or personal life communications private, much to the dismay of the mainstream media world which started labelling her as a 'paranoid phone smasher'. Wikileaks to this day discloses a lot of her political E-mails & a lot of the surveillance tools which capture E-mails & share all info on a Blackberry screen.

So, the informative value of Wikileaks is in some areas critical, in others the brit here asserts goes too far, such as Khaddafi's extra wives or something ... didn't quite understand that part.

Ok " goes too far ", not a good example... however spying should only capture what is reasonable, something like that? For example the hallways in a hotel building can have hidden cameras, however a hotel shower can't have hidden cameras.. like that. After all, why should some 21 year old person with a new desk job, be able to view every shower in a 100 story hotel? Right? The hotel rooms need to be private no matter what, right?

So Wikileaks is a website which released very detailed critical info in some areas (I.e. the types of spying trojans & which agencies look at what), .....yet went too far in some other areas? Hm, well if you believe that Israel is a 'great place' and the surrounding nations are all 'savages', then Wikileaks may have damaged the military operations which were planned after the assassination of Khaddafi, I.e. didn't take place. Ok, so the atmosphere & events started to turn in favor of Iran, Syria, Egypt Etc. with less favor towards Israel & Wikileaks had some influence there.

How about we just " isolate them " like contain Israel with Egypt, Greece & Italy in a little zone and forget about the whole fiasco.

Geoffrey Bronson
Geoffrey Bronson - 03.01.2023 19:11

He should have never come out as an Atheist publicly, he'll never get in office now. The best President the US never had.

Kyle - 23.12.2022 05:56

He tries to plug his book EVERYWHERE. Lol

Terry Swails
Terry Swails - 23.12.2022 03:36

We are just workers and tax payers , we are not told about all the corruption going on in the government, and it's full of corruption, and they LIE TO TH AMERICAN CITIZENS

Benyamin Miller
Benyamin Miller - 19.12.2022 07:15

Cnn cuts the clip to make him look stumped when really the point he makes is that Congress never indicted osama

Mohamed Alhosany
Mohamed Alhosany - 09.12.2022 05:32

Piers is an absolute jackass, he talks too much and understands almost nothing and when ever he gets cornered he will just open a nonsense topic just to keep his mouth running.

ChandlerBing - 09.12.2022 01:22

Wikileaks only has some “SECRET” material, no TS.

Angela P
Angela P - 02.12.2022 17:03

I hate piers and cnn 😡😡😡

Nintendo Convert
Nintendo Convert - 30.11.2022 16:54

Wrestlers and tassels; they used to be inseparable. 😊

jonathan mano
jonathan mano - 29.11.2022 23:03

piers morgan just always has an agenda when jesse says something important piers just goes hmm like he doesnt even care lol its so clear dont trust the media who get paid millions

alan whitham
alan whitham - 20.11.2022 16:53

What of the free press ? Should the government decide what a journalist can and cannot report . And if a journalists upsets the government should he be locked up indefinitely without trial ? I suspect if Julian was Russian and in a Russian jail Piers Morgan would take the opposite view .

gary shepherdly
gary shepherdly - 15.11.2022 12:02

Piers spew horse shite as usual. Osama is a cia agent ,was on their pay role. I realise their games when he seek medical attention in Pakistan when he was already a wanted man.
