389 Days to Raid 3 SCAM Call Center

389 Days to Raid 3 SCAM Call Center

Scammer Payback

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@ScammerPayback - 01.01.2024 07:05

Magnificent work by the police to arrest these criminals. I hope that there is follow up and all of the major players get sentenced to long jail time.

@DonnaPoynton. - 01.01.2024 12:47

Well done pierogi you did great❤Happy new year bringing down more scammers❤

@justinwalters7953 - 01.01.2024 12:44

Seeing this makes me feel so good I can not tell you. Myself, and I’m sure most others, don’t really realize all that goes into this. The time…patience…planning…etc that this takes is staggering. Walking that fine line to get all of your ducks in a row, to make sure that justice on this type of level is given out. I just turned 54 years old 2 days ago , and seeing this makes me wish that I knew a single thing about computers as I wish I could help in matters such as these. It is so satisfying for me to see justice happen to these scumbags, I can not IMAGINE, what it feels like for all of you that invest so much time in making sure these things take place. Cheers to all of you and I only hope that in this coming year of 2024, that we get the pleasure of seeing more of THESE videos from you. God bless you.

@Amit_do - 01.01.2024 12:43

How could you have a single hope in Indian police man😂
Right now the whole country is a scam 💩

@chrishutch2387 - 01.01.2024 12:43

32.00 eating crisps while mic’ed up and ok phone, you’re better than that dude!!!

All same, great work as per usual!! This is the big one!! Half way, fingers crossed for a happy ending.

@deepakkadam420 - 01.01.2024 12:43

Some indian politicians and police are hand in glove with these scammers so its hard to bring them to justice but appreciate your effort’s

@lukesimonpfiallday3868 - 01.01.2024 12:42

Thank you for your work

@Amit_do - 01.01.2024 12:41

How could you have a single hope in Indian police man😂

@alexsmith4453 - 01.01.2024 12:41

you should also hack the police centers to see who helps the scammers :D

@b.b.a3892 - 01.01.2024 12:41

unbelievable them can be so corrupt😡 sick and it's such lazy police 🤮🤮🤮

@jamesmorin2136 - 01.01.2024 12:41

you the man brother, keep it up you are no joke.

@flusterzero - 01.01.2024 12:40

Would be cool if they would stay in jail but this acting is really cringe

@Pookiebear - 01.01.2024 12:40

Phenomenal work, heres to our best year yet

@alexsmith4453 - 01.01.2024 12:40

Those indians are all working together, police is taking their salaries from scam centers :))). why does it take them a year to catch them?

@lunapuella2611 - 01.01.2024 12:38

I'm very sad to say it, but until India fixes its corruption and deals with these centres immediately and appropriately I will never deal with an indian accent on the phone. I realise that scammers come from many countries and i am alert to all of them, but that is my number one red flag. Their inaction in dealing with their criminal element has led me to distrust a beautiful country with some wonderful as a whole.

@arkaprabhamajumdar6334 - 01.01.2024 12:38

Pierogi, I was was wondering if the raid footage could be shown.

@jessicahussey - 01.01.2024 12:37

This video is phenomenal. Definitely a roller coaster of emotions. You guys are heroes

@morganwalls7011 - 01.01.2024 12:37

you guys are heroes 🥹❤️ thank you for doing this…

@trent3371 - 01.01.2024 12:33

Every single one of these fu**ers should be thrown in prison!

@anthonymallik - 01.01.2024 12:32

any company that has a call Centre in India should be boycotted, stop doing business with them.

@aaronlittle9447 - 01.01.2024 12:31

Can you help me and my mom get our money back from being scammed from a supposedly legit trading company?

@erica-iv3te - 01.01.2024 12:30

The authorities and government veiw it as income they don’t care what happens to victims!

@davinstan4301 - 01.01.2024 12:29

This was so awesome to watch. Thank you and your team for your dedication to helping others!!

@palimino13 - 01.01.2024 12:29

I’m so frigging proud of you and your team! I would love nothing more than to be able to work with your team from Sacramento. I think I could be an asset in some way to your team. I’m passionate about stopping people from being scammed and I’m apparently on scammers radar somewhere because of the amount of scammers that contact me via phone and Facebook. Thank you for everything you’ve done this far and continue to do to help. You make a difference, you matter!

@jerrys1960 - 01.01.2024 12:28

Nice way to start the new year, with a few less scammers.

@kurtisstutzman7056 - 01.01.2024 12:28

Thanks for what y'all do...!!! These dang scumbags need to get locked up...!!! Keep up your awesomeness...!!!

@OPyamumsyadad - 01.01.2024 12:28

They’re all such greasy flogs. What an awful country.

@iisan1 - 01.01.2024 12:24

When i saw your newest video popping out in my recommendation and i saw it is 1 hour plus long, im like... ok ill watch it and fast forwarding while watching it. In the end, i never fast forward and watch the entire video. This is like watching a high quality documentaries man

@saikaushiksadhu880 - 01.01.2024 12:23

F these scammers, what do they get by hurting these many people, Great work Scammer payback

@beachnorigional9793 - 01.01.2024 12:22

This is so amazing. TY so very much. This is the reason we are placed here on earth, to help others and indeed you and your crew did just that. You all have a shiny star in heaven. Love you all. NEVER GIVE UP even when things appear bleak.

@danielrodriguezs9688 - 01.01.2024 12:21

God Bless you for all your long hard work!

@shadowmaster200 - 01.01.2024 12:18

Man I got so emotional in this I knew it was bad but seeing this scammers are just sickening and I’m so glad you brought them to justice I’m like crying so hard right now these scammers need to be ashamed of themselves for how they treat their victims it’s disgusting

@henrymorrey4150 - 01.01.2024 12:17

You’re a f***ing legend! You are the light in the darkness that innocent people are forced to be in because of these horrible monsters….. amazing

@user-iz6sp6pe1r - 01.01.2024 12:16

Happy New year, love your chanel ❤

@ceedee660 - 01.01.2024 12:15

Open a window! Always so dark in there, not good for you to just have blue light!!!!

@Averageviewer136 - 01.01.2024 12:15

Super simple lesson to learn here:
If an indian calls you on the phone its a scam

@1stGenRex - 01.01.2024 12:14

An amazing way to end 2023 and begin 2024. To say that this is amazing work would be an understatement.

@bobeyes3284 - 01.01.2024 12:14

The Police in India are worse than the scammers. I guarantee you every arrest is just for show. The Police visit these call centres every week to collect their payoff.

@talliyahrose - 01.01.2024 12:13

Congratulations on a fantastic outcome to such hard work and dedication. You and your team are amazing. Happy New Year. May 2024 come with even greater outcomes!

@Mohamed-M-M - 01.01.2024 12:12

Well Done.

@14crackers - 01.01.2024 12:12

I love your work pierogi

@ajuzie25 - 01.01.2024 12:11

Congratulations on your success. Can I get your permission to air your content on a Nigerian youth based television channel that I work for. Thank you

@mathewsmith1400 - 01.01.2024 12:09

Awesome work team.

@darokam - 01.01.2024 12:09

when i grow up i wana be js like u guys

@anilkumar-li6vz - 01.01.2024 12:07

You are doing wonderful work bro...stay healthy and stay happy in your life🎉

@booyaman85 - 01.01.2024 12:07

Thank you so much for helping the victims!. I know I speak for others when I say, we wish we could be part of your team. As an American Citizen thank you for being our champions!

@charlottepowell2953 - 01.01.2024 12:07

Well done to a great team, all that emotional hard work paid off. You have an amazing team. So pleased they were arrested.
