The German Vikings: Saxons & Schleswig-Holstein

The German Vikings: Saxons & Schleswig-Holstein

Norse Magic and Beliefs

1 год назад

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Francesco Ferro
Francesco Ferro - 18.09.2023 19:44

Germans loved the Greek and Viking culture the Nazis

Stephen Mullins
Stephen Mullins - 15.09.2023 05:48

Man these videos are awesome! So much great information! Going to look for a play list now.

OneLove - 12.09.2023 22:41

Hey I’m Slavic from the northwest of Poland. Been living in Norway since 2006. I’m interested in this polish Viking video. Do you made it? Jeg kan ikke finne den her. Har du en lenke?

lucifer-salvatore-96 - 11.09.2023 02:31

When the Romans occupied what is now England we English wasn't even here the land did belong to the welsh when the Romans occupied when the Roman left that when we Anglo Saxon came over and took the land from the welsh but this is common knowledge 🤣

Kevin Whilock
Kevin Whilock - 09.09.2023 21:08

My Holstein family would not agree with you about the Danish heritage, they, I am informed, hated the Danish, because of the border wars...

Kevin Whilock
Kevin Whilock - 09.09.2023 21:06

Question, if it was Charlemagne who was the reason the Vikings were provoked to invade these regions, why did the Vikings invade Britannia and Ireland, inhabited by Britons and Saxons, who had not provoked them! This does not make sense at all . Try to remember Christendom is not Christianity, actually opposing real faith..

Kevin Whilock
Kevin Whilock - 09.09.2023 19:25

Hello Norse Magic. My mum's family moved from Holstein, close to Bornhoved, to England in 1948, my grandad died in the German Panzer division, Italy 1944 I still have cousins there. To share English history with you, when the Saxons and Angles came, they indiscriminately killed the Britons, as recorded by Bede and others. This did not change a huge amount when they became outwardly Christian, as there was no inward transformation. When Christianity is just an official religion, it does not change outward actions, as they then began to fight one another. With respect, your comments that Christian States in Europe were worse than Saxons is not really as factual as you try to argue. It was all about land and power, often regardless of believe, until the Crusades from the Normans in the 11th Century.regards

Kevin Whilock

Conquering Lion
Conquering Lion - 07.09.2023 00:07

As a German descendent I'm very grateful for your work. Cheers from Deutsche Kolonies in South Brazil.

Mason Morgan
Mason Morgan - 30.08.2023 14:46

Radbod be like: "Yeah, I got a problem with that..."

Robert Davie
Robert Davie - 30.08.2023 12:08

The Germanic peoples had been raiding each other for thousands of years before the Viking Age. That is why there a boat like symbols from the Bronze Age to be found carved on stones in Scandinavia.

N Die
N Die - 29.08.2023 23:37

As a native saxon from westphalia in northwest Germany....we are are very much connected with England...westsaxon..wessex

Mihail Teodorescu
Mihail Teodorescu - 21.08.2023 04:00

Germans also had Wendish people,which were engaging in Viking Activities.These were some West Slavic speakers.They migrated in North Germany after a part of the Saxons, migrated lots in England.
As a strange thing, Poland, Wendish, AngloSaxons and Danes, all had and have White and Red as their Flag Colors.
Wendish Vikings also had Red and White, no idea why.
Our days are lots of States in Germany, that are called with Saxons.
Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Lower Saxony.
Wends were not Polish, were Germany West Slavic speakers, because they are included in Magna Germania.
So Wends were actually NE Germans Maritime people that engaged in Viking Activity.
Later, when Wends came in Saxony lands , mixed with Saxons that remained there.
It was also the Hanseatic League that had as flag, Red and White :) .
Now Swedes will tell, that some of their Kings, also named himself "King of the Wends", but Wends were with these Saxons (see England White and Red flag, of our days) and with Danish :) .
These Wendish had their homeland in Pommerania, which was given to Poland, after World War 2, but was traditionally part of Germany :) .
If you look, Pommerania is put as part of Magna Germania :) .
And Polish, have been allied to Swedish Vikings :) , they are from West Slavic tribes, called Polanes or so.
They have the tradition their Piast Leading Family came from Jutland, so these were also some kind of Danish or related, this is why our days, Poland has White and Red, as Flag :) .
But before Piast came, they were allied to Swedish Vikings, the West Slavic people of Poland :) .

Michael Fog
Michael Fog - 08.08.2023 19:12

there was no 'Charlemagne'. No one with this name ever existed. His name was Karl der Grosse or Carl der Grosse (latinized Carolus Magnus or Caroli Magnus). 'Charlemagne' was just a later localized name by France which was taken over by some British/American historians who dont knew better. While it makes sense to localize a name from many cultures which were basically gone or to complicated to write/speak in English (or German etc.) in the case of Charlemagne is is just a mistake. Karl/Carl connects much better to the entire dynastic name line. It connects much better to all the 'Karls/Carls'-bridges and 'Karls/Carls'-bathes, masses of constructions, cities, all kind of references. It makes also Karolingians/Carolingians etc. much more compatible to their true origins. Using Charlemagne just confuses. If one knows that it was a Carl/Karl then automatically one associates that the Karlsbridge in Prague might be somewho connected to this line. Or Karlsruhe in Germany. With Charlemagne most ppl associate something todally different. One of many examples why bad name choosing (and unnecessary since its the same culture sphere) by historians suck and should be changed.

Dave Skelton
Dave Skelton - 06.08.2023 01:06

My family is from northern England, Yorkshire. And my great grandfather is from Waterford Ireland. I traced my family history and it was expensive. They started in Yorkshire. Northern England and migrated to Ireland

Paddi0788 J
Paddi0788 J - 02.08.2023 15:49

I live in Mittelangeln near Schleswig and love listening to those Stories🖤

Craig Anthony futch
Craig Anthony futch - 02.08.2023 14:06

On paper from ancestry research , my blood dna is from Franconia...prior to that ... idk, but super curious. I've always wanted to visit the farmlands my ancestors were from. Must have been beautiful for them to want the Christian invaders to leave

Craig Anthony futch
Craig Anthony futch - 02.08.2023 13:57

Love your content

Craig Anthony futch
Craig Anthony futch - 02.08.2023 13:53

Finally the juice is loose. I traced my family name back to this region.

JakobJohnson - 30.07.2023 19:55

we need a good historical accurate Germanic movie

JB - 20.07.2023 12:51

I thought "viking" was more of a verb than an identity.

Nicolas Martel
Nicolas Martel - 14.07.2023 22:11

Funny to hear how biased you are against the franks.

Robert L.
Robert L. - 11.07.2023 11:18

Five hundred years later, the Protestant Church emerged in precisely these regions. To this day, the northern Europeans distance themselves from Rome.

Remy Ross
Remy Ross - 11.07.2023 06:01

I like how you explain this. I love history and the history of religion. I put a connection together, which brought me to your sight. I knew Vikings had a way deeper history.

Эйрик Евгений Добровольский
Эйрик Евгений Добровольский - 07.07.2023 14:49

Thank you for this extrwmely interesting piece of history. May I propose you my help ??? I'm about the prebaltic vikings named "Kursi". I'll send you my article on it on messenger, if you are pleased. Thank you once again.

LEEX - 07.07.2023 01:16

I am from Hamburg and sadly we never learned this stuff in school about our city and our country I mean Hamburg is in northern germany and it’s nice to hear stories about that region

Christine Hemme
Christine Hemme - 03.07.2023 20:08

great video nice storytelling. one of my great-grandmothers comes from pomerania (at that time it was still germany and not poland). I had received a DNA test for my last birthday and was really surprised.... Slavic, Lower Saxony and... surprise... Norwegian descent verifiable. very exciting. Since my other great-grandmother came from Rügen, who knows :D. thx 4 mentioning Haitabu... have been there serveral times and love it. Thanks also for mentioning the Verden massacre, I heard that for the first time today although I live very close by. Keep up the great work .

K.G. Udle
K.G. Udle - 02.07.2023 00:35

It drives me nuts how people think Germania was only modern day Germany.

Jim Bombadill
Jim Bombadill - 27.06.2023 16:30

thing with killing priests and attacking christian sights and countries...christianity was a REAL big threath to the pagan societies and communities. Pagans didnt go around trying to convert christians but yes they reacted to violent attempts from the christian world on them.

Jim Bombadill
Jim Bombadill - 27.06.2023 16:18

i bet they were realy organized...

Cynthia Rowley
Cynthia Rowley - 26.06.2023 08:15

Love your maps. Thank you. Your lectures are superbly spoken.

Jake Rupp
Jake Rupp - 19.06.2023 23:06

You should do a review of the movie pathfinder

Feldgeist - 19.06.2023 18:51

your sources are WRONG! 😂

Germans first appeared in the records during the late 2nd century BC with the Teutons,Cimbri and Ambrones....a staggering handfull of years before the 1st cent.!
Anglia was always in the Schleswig area and Tacitus went upwards in his description ending with the Eudoses (defo Jutes), Suardones(maybe rather Swedes than "Schwerinians") and Nuitones (sounds a bit like literally "Furrow-people" but let's just assume that they're Norwegians.....maybe exceptionally horny Norwegians ....or their prostitutes.....)
- Reudigni are often associated with modern day Dithmarschen
- the territory of the Aviones with the old Ambrone marshlands in modern Northfrisia (later became most likely myrging in some areas)
- and the Varini with a archeological group in upper Northfrisia and the Tønder region which was at some point absorbed by Angles
the central Geest east of these tribes and the baltic coast was native "England"

the Reudigni were amongst the tribes who subjugated the Chauki and formed the first true Saxons
saxon viking-like raids along the channel coasts in roman times are the reason for the first mentionings of Saxons in the records
the roman "storage fortresses" at the coast of Southwest-England had to be build bc of their frequent raids
pretty much the original Vikings in this area

already long enough and I'll let you have your kinda antifrankish sounding thoughts and stop at the antiquity here
but still, your sources are something between incomplete and WRONG ! 😁

Hayden Arias Dávila
Hayden Arias Dávila - 17.06.2023 04:24

Is this town Haithabu you're referring to the same as Hedeby?

Hendrik Petersen
Hendrik Petersen - 16.06.2023 17:38

As a North-German I've never felt like the southern parts of Germany were the same culture as North-Germany. Many Northern-Germans feel much more connected to Scandinavia and the Netherlands because the cultures are more similar to these cultures than to South-German ones. I didn't know that the Saxons were behaving in a similar way to the Vikings! I only knew that their religion was basically the same with a few smaller changes. I can trace my family-tree back to the 1400s and almost everyone was from the Northsea-Coast (East Frisian, Lower Saxony, North Frisian and some from the Baltic Sea) with some speculation that some of them were originally from Norway because their names were Norwegian but I can't be 100% sure about that since some of the names could as well be old versions of Frisian or Low-German names. This video was a really nice history lesson, showing me how close the contact between all the Northsea germanic people was! Thank You!

Cavebeast - 13.06.2023 22:20

Greetings from Kiel! I visited Hathabu/Hedeby multiple times, and it is always a great experience.

goosewitdajuice - 13.06.2023 18:29

Glad you posted this. I'm Germanic and everytime I try to learn about my history I hit a wall of ww2 shit lmao I type in Germanic they automatically assume I'm speaking of the country germany

Alexander Mitchell
Alexander Mitchell - 12.06.2023 09:52

I was born in Bavaria Germany and I'm of Dannish and German decent on my father side. Denmark 🇩🇰 Northern Germany 🇩🇪 Cherokee native on mothers

DSRE455 - 09.06.2023 07:47

Most of my relatives came from mid-northern Sweden, I’ve always felt a very strong connection to the Vikings for some reason, really cool channel! Lots of great information!!!

Katarina vom Dach
Katarina vom Dach - 07.06.2023 20:00

I love your 'video's detail and humour and "different to common" point of view to the Viking topics. Interesting intel in this video. You just gave me a few new "wanna go there" flags on my map. I was searching for interesting places "outside the city" for my "train+bicycle"-day trips and this will definitely be part of my tours this year. Combining this with my latent interest in my ancient Viking family heritage is defo a plus. THX.

Greg Fortenberry
Greg Fortenberry - 07.06.2023 12:44

Your beliefs are demonic… turn from your evil and cry out for Jesus to save you from your own damnation.

samantha savarese
samantha savarese - 04.06.2023 03:43

Thank you one more time for the very engaging and instructive content, as always ☺️. You are now my n.1 Norse anthropology source after the actual sources 😅.
Please make that video about the Italian Vikings, I'm all ears!! Looking forward to that ✌️

SENTINAL - 04.06.2023 00:15

Wow! ha ha hilarious!

Neil Óg
Neil Óg - 03.06.2023 12:21

I see a parallel between the rise of the Old Saxons then Vikings, and the rise of the Picts in Britain. In all cases, their cousins to the south had been colonised. There had also been near-genocidal massacres in the Saxon Plain and Caledonia repsectively. The response could only have been paranoia and fear, all masked by anger, aggression, militarism and attempts at expansion.

Charlie Bell
Charlie Bell - 03.06.2023 05:20

Great video I'm Scottish and English my family Clan Bell came from Normandy and that's as far as we can trace using our DNA so I'm trying to research who the Normans were before Normandy the viking years.

Jet Tatum
Jet Tatum - 02.06.2023 23:38

Loved this video. Any chance you would do a video about the Wends? The Slavic (Viking like) people’s in the southwest Baltic. I watched another video about them and I’d really appreciate your take on their culture, religion, and history.

Margrit Piepes
Margrit Piepes - 02.06.2023 02:07

This channel is awsome

Margrit Piepes
Margrit Piepes - 02.06.2023 02:05

Yep Widukind is one of my ancestors!

Margrit Piepes
Margrit Piepes - 02.06.2023 02:03

Does anyone really know what language the old saxons spoke?! Was is " old english"?
