FORSPOKEN All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

FORSPOKEN All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 4K UHD

Gamer's Little Playground

1 год назад

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@lithari1480 - 25.11.2023 09:53

That was it? she didn't go back and take out the gang (and when i say take out, i mean get them locked up) and personally hug the Judge and thank her? nope, lame ending, i am so glad i didn't buy this game.

@rizky8008 - 24.11.2023 15:52

Why does this game sounds like they record the audio in some bedroom

@raheemwilliams2535 - 15.11.2023 23:32

1. Video was amazing and I love the story
2. Love ending when she was talking to Homer

@Prof.Tarfeather - 29.10.2023 05:54

This would have been much better without the foul language which is unnecessary to get Freya's snarky attitude across!
The flying F-bombs and other bad mouthed language is something older people pick up by association not a jouvenile who is mostly isolated and has no peers or parents to mimic?

@braydenfutral951 - 16.10.2023 23:26

Cuff sounds like Simon ( I think that's his name) off of the OG Assassin's Creed games.

@Promance2300 - 13.10.2023 09:21

She activated her recessive genes!

@ItsDatCajunStuff - 01.10.2023 05:03

The set up and world Square created had a ton of potential. While Frey is rather unlikable and the game is bogged down with systems, I think it's biggest problem is that it commits the cardinal sin of fiction: it TELLS rather than SHOWS. Antagonists are bad because we're told they're bad. The truth is told to Frey in static narration. It rarely feels like you're driving any of the action, and Frey is just there to listen to characters tell her the story rather than actually take part in it. The ideas are good, but the delivery is lazy.

@thesimstoons - 26.09.2023 16:53

wonder whats the Tanta meaning, is it like Tante (auntie in dutch). seems fit the description. then there are two other Tanta that didnt mentioned in this game Geile Tanta & naakt Tanta. NSWF

@Broockle - 25.09.2023 23:36

Didn't play this game, just watched reviews and now this whole thing.
I don't get the hate it gets for the writing and dialogue. I felt quite immersed into the story.
Can't speak for the gameplay though, AngryJoe hated the constant slow walking or standing to listen to dialogue. I can empathise, I hate that too in games that take themselves too seriously.
Story Spoilers
Susurrus was sadly very 1 dimensional. He needed some much needed nuance, what the heck was his deal? Parts of the twist worked well actually, such as that Frey's power never came from the cuff to begin with. It was just a coincidence that she put it on and was sucked to the other world. Tho that does make me wonder if Susurrus had Cinta's portal power all along...
But it was very obvious from the beginning that Cuff was up to no good. 😅
Susurrus strikes me as a fermiparadox villain where a race millions of lightyears away sent robots to far distant stars to colonize them. Kind of like the Combine in HL 🤔 Wish we could learn more about his origin. It was very unsatisfying having him be the end villain. He learned nothing from the experience. No character progression or motivation in Susurrus at all.
Learning the backstory of the Tantas was cool tho. Really no complaint there.

@alistairbrand932 - 16.09.2023 18:35

A problem with modern games that I have found is that I starting to enjoy watching these video's more the playing the actual games

@SchwarzSchwertkampfer - 02.09.2023 07:56

beautiful videogames .

@muhammadazeem1346 - 30.08.2023 15:03

The game was so bland and the characters insufferable

@Poppyy149 - 18.07.2023 06:03

I thought she was filipina at first

@SkyWarrior100 - 05.07.2023 23:52

I don't care what anybody says, the story is great. What game doesn't have cringy dialogue? Not every game has to be photorealistic, the visuals are good.

@hembustazero - 03.07.2023 04:18

Want play king big fish small pound sensational mage telekinesis projectile matter manipulation parkour love the way unspoken

@SurelyYewJest - 10.05.2023 21:35

I'm 11 minutes in and the self-expository dialog info dumps are pretty damn annoying.

@bull165100 - 09.05.2023 20:53

F..k she's annoying!

@Anicetus316 - 08.05.2023 08:17

This game is awesome to play and watch to say otherwise you just hating plan and simple the same ppl that will call this game trash is the same ppl who can play both horizon games and get mad that she bi in the dlc😂😂this game is fun and smooth, story is compelling it’s flat out beautiful the combat is great I give it a 9/10 worth every penny👏🏾👏🏾

@gulboyrathesungod - 19.04.2023 12:31

Worthy of a movie. Hopefully someone takes this up.

@wood5495 - 17.04.2023 06:26

I think this would have been a better game if she stayed in New York.

@mattheweyo5436 - 03.04.2023 23:31

Not gonna lie....that was pretty bad. It's like it tries so hard to be witty and endearing and just misses the mark to land in the realm of cringe. It was predictable from front to back too....and black woman needed this representation. But instead we get this melodrama. It had som high points but man it overall missed its mark

@ultralance7470 - 01.04.2023 19:01

“I can fight a dragon and fly no problem but breaking out of a wooden door? No way”

@spiritakarabbit369 - 31.03.2023 18:35

This is such a cool beautiful story.

@AlleluiaElizabeth - 27.03.2023 13:15

Ok, so I would not pay 70 dollars for this game.

However, I felt the story was fairly entertaining. It has its plot holes and plot conveniences, but overall it was a good concept. Frey curses more than I'd like, but there is a lot less cringe dialogue in this than you'd think if you went by the memes. Though, directing her entire life affirming speech to her cat at the end was... a choice. lol But it was her only companion and friend, so it sorta works? Its like Aladdin talking to Abu or something.

For another positive, I appreciate that they never veered in to preachy social justice territory.

Also, I liked Cuff and Frey's interactions, mostly. Cuff legitimately made me laugh out loud a few times. And there was good theme parallels, bookending, and callbacks as the story went on, that last line being the funniest one. In movie form, this story works, mostly. I'm not sure it works as a game and I think that's a good part of the problem of its reception.

Combat might be fun, but the meshing of gameplay and narrative design was spotty at best from what I've seen. The money bag in the apartment is a prime example. I imagine the actual gameplay gauntlet to collect that long sequence of light memories towards the end was also ridiculous to play. And I know unnecessary and badly implemented tutorial hints constantly freeze up your screen in the first few hours of the game. Things like that build frustration and I'm not surprised people are hating on it after a few hours. Long enough to get a taste for the annoyances, not long enough to get invested b/c you've been slowed down by the annoyances.

@AlleluiaElizabeth - 27.03.2023 12:50

Ok, that final line was pretty funny. lol

@Heathensauce - 26.03.2023 04:07

So I do get why the game didn't prosper but I definitely think the hate wasn't due to the poor characters but rather the fact that nobody wants to spend 70$ on a video game. I think people are getting tired of being taken advantage of is all.

First of all, if my friend talked to me the way this chick did calling me a dumbass, saying how she don't give two shits about me, and basically just being an obnoxious selfish ass. I wouldn't be their friend. Her actions do not reflect a normal human being and this is obviously a projection of the writers self onto the game. Which almost never works out well.

The gameplay definitely looked tedious but cant say much in regards to that. I just wanted to know the story. I will say though I watched the whole 5 hour movie, it definitely wasn't good. Took me multiple days. It just felt too much like a knockoff Disney story. I am definitely understanding why everyone hated on the characters, especially the protagonist. I honestly didn't even like cuff either. He didn't even sound like an evil villain until the very end and its like his entire personality changed. It just felt too fake.

This entire story just sounded like it was out of a fairy tail story book and for a character so vulgar, obnoxious, and downright self indulgent, the behavior didn't fit the story in the slightest. That includes cuff too. If I had written a story like this, I'd have scrapped Cuff and Freya and rebuilt their entire character and personality from the ground up. I think a far more fitting personality for Freya would have been something more like Carol Peletier in the Walking Dead. Quiet but vicious. Kind but merciless. Cunning and devious. Definitely would have made the game far more enjoyable. But instead we got an obnoxious womanchild. Just dissapointing.

@leviathanarg9469 - 25.03.2023 00:06

I played the demo thanks God.
The main character is annoying, not just the character but the actress (the one that ruined the RE tv series and also was on Charles Angels misandry movie).
The mechanic of painting your nails was too much to me.
The story seems good though.

@parceustheawesome1298 - 23.03.2023 07:56

I don't know why the whole internet hates the story. Sure, there are definitely better ones out there, but this was fairly decent. The hate feels blown out of proportion.

@vista1456786 - 14.03.2023 17:10

Lisa: Dammit Frey

Guy: She Threw a brick at me

Lisa: Dammit Frey

* fray jumps over fence *

Lisa: Dammit Frey

@ericb5328 - 12.03.2023 10:43

The society of ethnically diverse dark age catholics who panic at magic use seems so incoherent

@lostherenegade339 - 12.03.2023 09:55

Gamers can never be satisfied this is a great game I don't understand why ppl complain so much nowadays gaming has gotten so much better over the years and some are jus never satisfied smh 🤔

@ViRiXDreamcore - 12.03.2023 04:19

This was such a good story. Cringe dialogue?…. Nah. I liked her and cuff’s banter. Kinda tired of bruding characters.

@crackedhammer4612 - 10.03.2023 22:01

The whole courtroom scene was painful to watch

@JakuhoShiro - 06.03.2023 09:14

Just finished the game last night, it is such a good game. Shame the internet is a bunch of bullies.

@xevan_knight_official - 04.03.2023 19:38

Ayo Cuff turning against Frey has to be the twist of the MF CENTURY!!! Because I thought Frey didn't absorb Olas's wrist because Olas was doing another illusion and waiting for an easy strike but THIS?!?!? CRAAAZZZYYYY I love it... gonna finish the rest. I need to save this to rewatch

@CpsLock3 - 03.03.2023 14:27

Oh my gooly gollies. I loved this game so much, I play it whenever my wife and her boyfriend do their shakra sessions. This was even more better then watching Biden's speeches (forgive me daddy joe). The main character is such a slay queen like Kamala Harris and the ending leaves me thirsty for more, I have to guzzle the mix of soy and DeShawn's spirit spunk (that's made from the shakra coach himself) just to come close to sating it. I hope in the sequel she talks about paying off her student lone debt or having climate change wipe out Florida. Hopefully the next villain is a straight white male (because whites deserve everything they get), and the yaaaaz queen herself comes out with an LGBTWQ ORANGE BLUE RED YELLOW 12345 flag and lruin their day while saving the queendom of UKRANIA from Russex occupation (no i am not terminally political why you ask), Games should follow in this ones foot steps, The Disney esc dialogue was so YAZZY, it almost made me faint and break my Karl Marx bust. Soros should be proud of the devs and the publisher and give them that much needed ESG GRIF--err i mean "diversity" money. If my wife allows me to i will name one of my boyfriends POC kids after the slayest of slay queens. Well anyway i have to go put on my fat suit and "internally share" my wifes body positivity in public.

@jaceksudol8301 - 02.03.2023 04:09

I like graphicks, possibly even story but I can't warm up to this main charcter at all. I just wonder why nowadays every female heroin must be meanspirited, foulmauthed, angry, arrogant, aggresive void of charm with attitude of sassy and hungovered teenager. It's off-putting and frankly rather boring. I can't imagine myself plying with that as protagonist for any amount of time. She's like effing Galadriel from Rings of Power (by Amazon) with unending tempest constantly raging inside her. Just effing calm down alredy, woman.

@ctv186 - 01.03.2023 09:10

Not sure if there was a meaning to the name "Forspoken," but there were some real missed opportunities to use the titles "Enter the Frey" and "Cuffed." Open to other suggestions too.

@apocevil - 01.03.2023 06:02

Too much shit and fck in this game. The dialogue the whole game is bad.

@ZeonlightGaming - 28.02.2023 08:20

Woke up today on my off day drinking a nice cup of coffee, stumbled upon this. Definitely a blessing as I did not expect to finish the 5 hrs of the story myself. Despite the hate on the MC by the reviews, I definitely took a liking to Frey growing into a character I enjoy through the end. Not the classical MC for sure but one that is a good contrast and with a good enjoyable story.
I hope DLC will answer those questions left behind and reunion with Homer.
thank you for uploading this.

@gainorwhitaker4719 - 28.02.2023 03:22

A truly moving story. The only unanswered question is what happened to her father. Hope there is a sequel that answers that question.

@citykids-4899 - 27.02.2023 08:47


@citykids-4899 - 27.02.2023 08:46


@citykids-4899 - 27.02.2023 08:44

