Occupational Burnout: When Work Becomes Overwhelming

Occupational Burnout: When Work Becomes Overwhelming

SciShow Psych

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AydinHero - 11.08.2023 16:31

You know when you can't remember things you emailed to someone a few weeks ago, can't remember conversations past a few days and don't look away from your screen hardly for more than a quick drink of water that you're working too hard. Even with "regular" hours, the brain on overclock mode just ends up turning into a blank slate with a blank stare and blank expressions xD

Kris Ryan Stallard
Kris Ryan Stallard - 29.07.2023 12:52

I knew I needed a change when a client told me her spouse beat her and I thought "you and everyone else's."

Azazellon - 25.07.2023 21:47

Just had my 2-year anniversary at my job.

Time to leave.

None OfURbusiness
None OfURbusiness - 23.07.2023 05:14

My depression lifted as soon as left nursing hospital job!

Katie Dotson
Katie Dotson - 22.07.2023 14:08

Many people have no grasp about how devastating burn-out can be. It can destroy one’s ability to do a job they once loved to the point that they actually leave a career and have to start over doing something else.

Ronald Garrison
Ronald Garrison - 17.07.2023 05:21

The presentation style of this video is really burning me out. A lot of busy stuff going on, in multiple ways, to convey a fairly simple message. I don't like it at all. Thumb down.

Rickless Sanchez No it @ll
Rickless Sanchez No it @ll - 15.06.2023 14:41

They needed chill pill how kids and young adults become stitch word is they ain't normal. D@mn autism.

wavyu - 28.05.2023 16:42

my burnout brought me here

gramplolo - 24.05.2023 10:58

This made me feel a little better, I've been severely burnt out after only working for 8 months, I'm single and young, and after my previous job (1year and 4months) burnout, I took 7 months off, so the fact that I'm already burnt out makes me feel absolutely pathetic (in comparison to my previous job, my coworkers and manager are wayyy better, however the emotional, social, and mental demands are way higher).
For context, I'm a nurse, and my previous job was in surgery, so my patients were asleep. My current job is on a regular med surg floor, so I'm dealing with patients and their mood swings/panic attacks/selfishness/needy/assholes/perverts, not to mention the dementia patients that you never know how they'll react, some are combative, scared, confused, and then there's drug seekers, people who are looking to sue, family drama, family/patient who think they know more than doctors, harassment, creepy flirting, patients dumping their past trauma and issues or even telling you literal crimes they've done, ect.
Basically we deal with the worst part of people, whether due to pain/entitlement/anger/anxiety/dementia or they're just a terrible person, and it's extremely exhausting. Also there's rude doctors and other hospital staff.
And while you might read this and go wow yeah that's understandable that you're burnt out, but I just feel pathetic because can't handle it anymore while so many nurses do it for their whole life just fine, plus have kids and all these other responsibilities while my only responsibility is work.
I don't know what to do, I'm applying for a leave of absence but even doing that makes me feel pathetic and like I'm doing something wrong.

Connie45cook - 18.05.2023 10:07

Teachers are being burnt out due to huge work loads and expectations and student behaviours.

323, martyr street
323, martyr street - 03.12.2022 23:18

What you have to know is that you can take your own piece of the cake as well as they are taking theirs. If the workload is overwhelming you can leave the situation more often.

Chalan Academy
Chalan Academy - 09.11.2022 09:51

Great video

musicalaviator - 22.06.2022 01:48

6 colleagues left in 3 months. Team leader resigned yesterday.
Took the 6th 7th 8th and 9th days of sick leave myself in 12 years over the last 2 weeks.
I'm in the cynicism and ethacacy stage.
Trying to spend annual or long service leave (near 700 hours available) but upper management keep rejecting my requests and moving my shifts around the clock.
All my friend coworkers left between covid started and now.
Only reason I'm still here is because mortgage.

Rebecca Jones
Rebecca Jones - 23.03.2022 14:57

Ugh, yes

Elizabeth Sorola
Elizabeth Sorola - 23.02.2022 03:27


Many businesses are taking advantage of workers without
Considering their health and they
Need to start scheduling normal hours which is 8 hours
Monday through Friday.
They have family to keep up with to and no one lives for ever.

Єлизавета Паламарчук
Єлизавета Паламарчук - 01.11.2021 02:27

The video is great!

SpookMrsSpooky - 28.10.2021 21:53

I am burned out. I don't like my job (hate it, in fact), but I used to like it. Been doing it too long now I'm just tired disengaged and yeah, I have been slacking off. I plan on leaving it in a couple of months.

ReasonableAttempt - 07.10.2021 10:57

I am a newly graduated psychologist and am just about to resign from my first job. It's only been 3 months, but I feel like its been a full year. The workplace is very stressful and the demands are very high. The turnover in the job is extremely high because the company is very top heavy so all the managers are being paid high salaries but not producing income, so they are forced to endlessly hire new workers who can produce income (and who are desperate to work anywhere as their first job). The other new starters in my job are equally burned out. They started 1 or 2 months before me but I can already see the trajectory they are on. It doesn't help that I've been in lockdown since day one of the job, but even if I wasn't I can see a similar pattern having occured. Younger workers are generally newer and can be bossed around more easily as they have very little power or voice. I can see why burnout happens more with our cohort than the older ones who have made it to management jobs.
