How To Make BILLIONS Fast 2023 (Trade) | Elite: Dangerous

How To Make BILLIONS Fast 2023 (Trade) | Elite: Dangerous


1 год назад

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@chrismiller5940 - 24.01.2024 16:09

The two trade ships I have:
Medium is a Python with 2 size 6 cargo racks, 2 size 5's and 1 size 4 rack (208 ton capacity and if you want to run passengers they can be replaced with cabins). It has 6A shields, 3A fuels scoop, size 3 Guardian FSD booster and size 2 Auto Field Maint Unit.
Large is an Imperial Cutter with 2 size 8 cargo racks and 2 size 6's (640 ton capacity). Also has a size 5 fuel scoop, 3 size 5 Guardian shield boosters and a size 4 as well plus a size 3 Guardian FSD Booster. Shields are 6A as well.
My trade rank is Elite V. In 1 day using the Cutter doing Source / Return missions paying up to 50M each I have made 649M cr profit in the last 2 weeks.

@aoshinn - 21.01.2024 21:08

Giving the actual state of the game and the last 2 years, I'd say trading won't get you very far in credits as fast as you claim. If you get a gold/tritium rush community goal as we did months ago, that would be true, but normally we're looking around 70-80mil per hour max using a full 790T cargo T9 (I think it's the biggest haul possible?). That''s pretty low when compared with the 200 mil of Robigo passenger runs or the 300mil per hour of exobio billionaires boulevard which also is way safer since there are no pirates interested in your botanical endeavors.

If you like trading and trucking, absolutely go for it, it's an amazing experience. That said, it is not even close to being the safest and fastest way to make billions of credits and you will have to deal with pirates, slower ships, low range jumps and repeating the same thing for hours on end.

@Bl0ckfett - 16.01.2024 16:44

Supercruise Trick: don't align, full speed, if you reach the 7 second go ahead and now look at the distance, if you are UNDER 4Ls, FULL SPEED and immediately align with target. You get the feeling of overshooting, but this isn't. Needs a bit of training but fits nice.

@tent7014 - 16.01.2024 14:27

Taking Courier mission between the Stations will also add value.

@kkrolik2106 - 15.01.2024 19:28

On my Dolphin I use 2A power plant -0.7T mass but still just enough power also resting heat -12% * passenger version

@silveralpaca6037 - 08.01.2024 01:52

So far Robigo passenger missions seem to be the best to get money fast. It takes some time to prepare the ship but in the end in one course I get about 20 mil. I can do about 4 courses in an hour so that means I get about 80 mil per hour. This might seem like a really good way of making money but it gets really boring really fast. And I am trying to get enough money to buy a fleet carrier using only that method xd good luck to me I guess... I might try to do something else to get some money

@reece927 - 07.01.2024 06:37

lol making 14 million every 5 minutes on a trade route I found on my own. I’ve made 300 million in the past 2 or so hours.

@SteveConsGaming - 06.01.2024 03:49

hello is this online like EVE ONLINE? or this is more like NO MANS SKY that you can go both online and offline

@darkpatronus6320 - 02.01.2024 23:38

Great tips especially the heatsink one I didn't knew about.

@ianoag - 21.12.2023 19:48

Congratulations! You just got yourself another subscriber! I knew a lot about what you said, but for some reason, I'd overlooked the use of the advanced trade options on INARA. Wonderful Video with a couple of hidden gems that'll improve my profits 😉

@virolex6961 - 19.12.2023 00:50

Did they nerf Robigo Mines?

@c_d_r1810 - 14.12.2023 22:19

nothing engineered ?

@NewbNinjas - 14.12.2023 09:33

10 million is pretty weak for an hour though really. Don't you think?

@beechlinbeauty - 12.12.2023 15:15

Watched your explaination for using IMARA, in your example you filled in the cargo capacity for the Dolphin as 532,,,,, is this in tons?
The T6 tricked out carries between 100 - 120 tons and it's a bigger ship than the Dolphin. Your build shows a capacity of 76 tons. (32+16+16+4+4+4).

@korbinhampton8052 - 03.12.2023 21:24

Great video, thanks for keeping this game alive! Id like to share with you a small tip when in super-cruise. It looked like you were manually setting your throttle to 75%? If you have any buttons left, You can actually assign a button to set your throttle so that its an immediate and accurate throttling. You can find this option in ship controls>Flight Throttle (Double check which control you map as the game also allows you to set NEGATIVE 75% which will leave flying into whatever is in front of you). o7 cmdr

@timppaUT - 25.11.2023 00:32

And how many (hundred) times in that hour you got interdicted by NPC pirates hauling as valuable good as gold? :P And I suggest to all who managed to survive hauling such cargo to buy Type-7 on money you make, that has way better cargo capacity than that "space-bus". Though then you cant anymore land on any other than large pads. But with Type-7 you have slight chance to survive pirate interdictions. Unlike Type-9, that has awesome cargo capacity, but maneuvaribility of a static moon. Unfortunately. So you gotta have some skill to use it as a trader. But when you got those skills, get it!

@modernrevolver - 20.11.2023 20:45

I must be doing somthing wrong. I'm buying about 17 of a titriam I belive its called. Then selling it in the same tab at the station the website tells me to. I'm making no profit, I'm just loosing money. I'm so confused

@OldManPaxusYT - 19.11.2023 08:54

10M for an hour's trucking doesn't seem a good choice to me. I could pick a single (as opposed to team missions) massacre mission, kill 15-20 pirates in less than half an hour for more than 10M credits....and i would be having FUN and collecting crafting materials (with collector limpets)....
A good tip to incl that i didn't ever pay attention to before recently, is LOOK OUT FOR "COMMUNITY GOALS"!!! Now there you could find some real profitable trade routes/missions!

@gameskillzzz4243 - 11.11.2023 17:07

i been doing this in the past alot and i just today got back on this game and started again. i remember if i played like 8 hours a day i could make up to 500/600 million a day with my imperial cutter

@darksuns7384 - 06.11.2023 14:34

So, you made in an hour what I can get doing a single combat mission of killing a dozen or so pirates. Meh

@stumpywest1652 - 01.11.2023 16:21

Nice little video;-)

@JanniVorlicek01 - 25.10.2023 08:45

D. is coolest ship, heatsink is not nessesary.

@johnsmith-ro4kh - 23.10.2023 06:34

Here is a tip : i am currently at ceos and i am doing passenger missions to suris atomosphre in sothis , in a T7 each trip i am making 6 to 8mil per run.
from ceos to sothis is only 8 to 9 ly jump range and is only 1,700Ls from the main star. this is just taking all the non wanted passengers, you could make more taking the wated passengers.
if you do just fly over 200mps through the mail slot this will stop you from being scanned. " fly from inside the ring to line up with mail slot befor dropping from super cruz"
Look for babbage station for passenger cabins for out fitting.

@michaele8157 - 22.10.2023 18:17

Nice I just got back into this after years gone. This is great. If anyone wants to play shoot me a reply and we can get un touch. I'm still learning a lot but I do all kinds of activities in game.

@pespsisipper - 19.10.2023 23:01

i saved up and bought a type-9, i don't know if it was a good idea

@pekyy10 - 14.10.2023 08:26

Thanks for the tips, really helpful :) !

@tedfranks1186 - 04.10.2023 16:13

And I forgot, can we see how u deal with pirates when getting pulled out of super cruise?

@tedfranks1186 - 04.10.2023 16:11

Can we see ur t9 trade ship in action.

@tedfranks1186 - 04.10.2023 16:05

I just fill up my fleet carriers and jump them to the selling point 19000 units each but if ur starting out there's a in system trade line at kandiil no jumping needed

@theasylife - 02.10.2023 16:11

I loved the content you dropped, thank you, from here on out, my time won’t be wasted. 🫡🫡🫡

@kingthorn509 - 30.09.2023 00:07

Spanch is a better tool for trade routes if you're doing small 10 jump max routes. Just as an alternative.

@mangotapu - 22.09.2023 10:56

I just started a new commander and I am already in a Type 9 after 2-3 days, I did missions from the 4 stations in Cubeo, though, just going to Sarahath(rankin orbital) and buying the good required. Even mining missions can be completed that way, not all but most. Mission rewards will increase as your rep with the factions increase. I am now looking at several 50m rewards per run.

@kauhanen99 - 21.09.2023 22:34

nice one, i have couple my own tricks too in elite, made good money from tritium trade 😁😁👍👍

@SmashPhysical - 21.09.2023 18:11

Some good info in here, although in my experience the real wildcard with trading is always pirate interdictions. That will ruin your hourly profits pretty quickly.

@freddy_king - 14.09.2023 23:59

well i asume mining still make you more in one hour after see this

@killerbees1199 - 13.09.2023 20:06

Over on the right if you swtich Super Cruise Assist to Manual Throttle you don't have to align your ship off-center any more

@VanjaTesin - 12.09.2023 12:46


@miendrasie - 11.09.2023 18:43

The Dolphin is actually a heat eater, no worrying about charging up next to sun.

@BSHokke - 08.09.2023 19:30

I thought I saw a video from you about passengers transport in z’n dolphin but I can’t find it. I’m wondering what type of passengers I should be focussing on.

@natking1u1z99 - 07.09.2023 19:12

This is pretty good for playing safe but there's still the risk of being intercepted but then the small ship should be agile enough to complete the many game. Anyhow I make about 5 to 10 mill killing rats in High res in my Conda, I use a crew member and fighter as a wingman which is good for distracting the rats and keeping their shields down......BOOM!

@StarStruckLoft - 07.09.2023 15:51

Thanks for the tips kree. I just started playing again after a few year break. Basically relearning and starting from scratch

@BSHokke - 06.09.2023 21:10

So……. I can use the dolphin for cargo and and passengers

@darthdude5122 - 06.09.2023 19:44

INARA is completely useless and inacurate, not once have I found what i need using that site, it gives false information, for instance I am currently grinding the guardian shield upgrade so I went to INARA to find hardware diagnostic sensor, INARA is telling me I don't have any of the components but I have all except the sensor, one time I even followed this vid to the letter only to find the stations INARA sent me to had none of what INARA said it had even tho it was only updated info just minutes before

@user-wf6lc7ib8x - 19.08.2023 03:38

Trading isn't going to make anyone billions fast. It's a kind of fun way to make money, but if you want to make serious money then mining for high value minerals/metals is the way to go for Horizons. If you have Odyssey then exobiology will absolutely make you billions fast.

@davidemancini7853 - 16.08.2023 09:11

Inara does not work with ps4/5 ? Why?

@BadassRockets - 14.08.2023 04:00

any way to make 500mil an hour?

@Alquanole - 13.08.2023 13:41

Although I made my fair share of money trading, IMHO nothing beats exploration, especially when you chance to find an unexplored Guardian world. I should make the jump to "my" systems to do a bio recon. Should be much easier now with a fully upgraded Cutter than it was with an unmodded Phantom. Sure, the credits/hour is low, but the experience...

@genapophis - 13.08.2023 11:53

~10 Million an hour??? that is a lot less than you can do tho, i made my wealth with about ~300 Million an hour.
Sad if that is waht the grind came down to tbh
