Which One is Better? Mortal Kombat 11 vs MK1 Comparison

Which One is Better? Mortal Kombat 11 vs MK1 Comparison


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@DashFight - 19.10.2023 16:38

What features do you miss, or do not miss at all, from Mortal Kombat 11 compared to MK1? Let us know in the comments!

@blahblahgdp - 02.01.2024 11:38

For every game company that pulls this shit. There will be people archiving and cracking the game.

@shadysidesmoke - 29.12.2023 08:55

1 is terrible it just looks good graphic wise

@qubachanner3843 - 28.12.2023 17:15

Ibr I’m just in awe playing my 1 I’m just in the game staring at how vibrant and good the game looks and feels I was playing for hours and I haven’t even touched the story yet

@SCP_Scarlet_Officer - 26.12.2023 20:02

Mk11 is the Obvious Answer. Cuz what they did to the Fatality Timer is just wtf.

@joshuaknox2724 - 11.12.2023 09:42

how you go from immersive 3rd person indiana jones type krypt mode to a board game............WOW!!!!!

@joshuaknox2724 - 11.12.2023 09:40

mk11 will always have a place in my heart as it holds the likeness to Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa basically my profile picture lol

@elchinoxl3034 - 03.12.2023 12:13

Mk11 is more fun and better.

@Jamic9 - 01.12.2023 00:54

Sorry, but you took far too long to get to the point.

@youso91 - 30.11.2023 04:06

Idk mk11 might be better 😅

@Marmyadose - 25.11.2023 02:33

mk11 is still better

@ahubb21 - 22.11.2023 05:38

the monetization of MK1 really kills it for me

@titi1337 - 21.11.2023 11:53

I love mk11 and I'm enjoying mk1... why the hell people are such bitches when it comes to taste? 😂

I mean when it comes to quality there are obviously things that are objectively better, while others are more tied to taste

But people have that caveman mentality of like " I don't like this its wrong and shouldn't be like this" whenever something doesn't benefit them...

Just so immature how people look at this and that game and say "this is trash" for the pettiest of reasons... thats why its hard to keep a community

Some gamer just have to grow up one day...

@caseycockerham3925 - 20.11.2023 00:20

I like johnny cage announcer voice better in 11. That's it

@stevenwilliams9745 - 18.11.2023 01:29

Mk11 all the way😇

@brandonrowell1086 - 16.11.2023 17:23

Mk 11 all day

@Hatemode_NJ - 11.11.2023 21:23

When I watch MK1, I feel like I watch the same combos over and over.

@ronaldwilliams9635 - 05.11.2023 11:24

I think MK1 has the Better Mechanics.

@SamAx. - 04.11.2023 12:56

I prefer mk1s Kombat more than 11 its fast and flashy tho i do like mk11 more for its hundreds of content

@MosquitoHater - 02.11.2023 23:03

Dont like the assist cameo system at all. Maybe experienced players like that, but id rather want my own character to have a more diverse movelist and combos than having a cameo to make the game more complex. Also I didnt really care much about the invasion. Played it for an hour or two. Very boring grind, and the rpg system is just a big HELL No. If i want to play rpg i have tons of great rpg game, i bought this to get in some quick bloody fighting action. Not running around on in a board game, playing quick weird fights against bots. The campaign was great tho, and the story was interesintg. Graphics, voice lines and narrative is amazing. DLC characters are dope, and I cant wait for Homelander. But im concerned about the future grind and the invasion game mode...

@rlfdavin - 01.11.2023 07:19

this argument will never be settled. everyone is going to be on one side or the other. and there's a reason for that. mk11 is vastly different gameplay than mk1. mk11 they redid all the game mechanics from what was previously used in mk9/mkx. they tried to make it more casual and more neutral and footsie.
The Old fanbase who's been playing mk forever and loved mk9/mkx HATES how slow mk11 is. very bland combos etc., breakaways, the meter system.... But b/c of this mk11 is more casual friendly. you can see in all the arguments that casuals like being able to play and "not die when touched twice" they prefer this style of footsie, poke poke back and forth taking turns hitting each other and smaller combos b/c it make them feel good and have fun without having to lab or put in the work to be super competitive. Also the casuals don't like online gameplay so they stick more towards single player and are more worried about "content" like skins and things to make their characters look cool. Its an achievement thing. hey look at how my character looks etc. and that's fine. there's nothing wrong with that..

that's the group that LOVES MK11 and doesn't like mk1.

now the group that likes mk1 is the Mostly the same fanbase that loves the high paced, crazy swag fight style of mkx/mk9 with rush down , long combos etc. etc. mk1 tried to give a little bit to each group. a little slower gameplay and longer combos and damage. these are casuals and competive/ streamer gamers who like to be competitive and lab, and are more focused on gameplay and playing online, than worried so much about skins.

its a very hard balance to try to do. mk11 was HATED by a huge part of the fanbase.. that's why they rushed to get mk1 out. instead of injustice. There was a lot of blowback. However mk11 pulled in a LOT OF NEW casual fanbase and they dont like the switch back to some of the older game mechanics. Look at ECT they had a mkx tournament. b/c the people more focused on competitive like that game better. All you have to do is watch an mk11 tournament then search up some old mkx tournaments. the playstyle is DRASTICALY different.

I can say i am biased. b/c i like mkx style gameplay. and im not good at it. but i love it and i love watching it. i was BORED watching mk11 tournaments. half the time the timer ran out or people where just going back and forth spacing. People will try to say this is more "strategy fighting" and "mind games" but i look at it like this. If im watching an mma match. im like the rest of the crowd who boo's when fighters sit there and just feel each other out for a whole round... you can still have strategy and mind games and not feel like your watching a game of chess lol. But also i dont like watching sf6 gameplay.

its going to be different for everyone.

@Kemblack - 31.10.2023 18:50

I like more MK11. Those kameos ... not on my taste ...

@richwatson1985 - 30.10.2023 10:17

It just all comes down to personal preference. Got 1 and 11. Both fantastic! But I personally slightly prefer 11 over 1.

@visionarybrushstroker7694 - 29.10.2023 17:08

I’m seeing mk11 has better content which means in due time mk1 will be miles better than mk11 bc they haven’t even started giving it content yet.

@StrategicLemon - 28.10.2023 06:39

They making you pay for fatalities now in MK1. Not even 11 did that shit.

@RoyArkon - 27.10.2023 11:52

There are several points that must be addressed in this video:

1) MK11 also had the Towers of Time which had multiple platforms that were timed based also and for a much shorter time than MK1's Invasions Seasons, and multiple of these platforms had unlocks that you couldn't have unlock if you didn't get to these unlocks in time. MK1's Invasions mode give way more time to get unlocks.

2) Also the Kameos are not locked behind lost service, they are tied to the players' level, which is an offline system, not online. You can still unlock the Kameos without online.

3) The Krypt in MK11 didn't have fights, it ran into enemies only in very specific areas/scenarios and you killed them with just one attack, just like you did in MKX Krypt.

4) NRS/WB always delivered with their story modes, they were all bangers, and MK1's story is phenomenal, and yes, Ronda and Fox also did awesome jobs with their voice acting.

5) NRS/WB have improved their support over the years. Both MK11 and MK1 got so much support already from the start and MK11 is so far the longest supported NRS/WB title ever, and MK1 is gonna get even more support.

6) MK1 has lobbies now, and TBH it wasn't that mandatory, if you look at MK11's last year before MK1, people still kept coming to play Kombat League and random casuals but barely in the rooms. Also the Middle East thing

And overall, MK11 and MK1 are both objectively amazing. If I do have to pick one though, I will go with MK1, simply for the fact that Reptile is available in MK1, on top of the fact that story is PHENOMENAL, and also that MK1 still keeps some of the gameplay elements from MK11 while also being more combo-based and modernized with the Kameo system, on top of all the single player modes and features in it. But MK11 is also an amazing game.

@nottalk2me - 25.10.2023 04:07

baraka johnny kenshi cyrax simulator

@markpoland5748 - 23.10.2023 00:06

Mk 11 is way better mk1 is a disaster I'd even say mkxl is better than mk1, hell the first 3 are better than all.

@Fucyou930 - 22.10.2023 21:14

I like mk11, but it was kinda lacking

@major_lag2643 - 22.10.2023 20:34

MK11 is better

@jargonunutoa784 - 22.10.2023 11:57

I never played MK1, yet. So far, the kameo feature is the only concerning thing im skeptic about looking forward, as i havent watched much gameplay outside of trailers.

That being said, it has to be REALLY bad to be worse than MK11. The core gameplay mechanics was excruciatingly flawed. That alone ends the discussion. You dont even need to dive into character balance and whatnot.

More than half the roster didnt even follow the gameplay foundation it was built around. Some of them were still playing MKX.

People can have their opinions of what they like more but in no way in hell, objectively speaking, is it a better game.

@smartcurry - 22.10.2023 01:26

I definitely enjoy mk1 more than mk11 mk11 was too simple and focused way too hard on everything not involved in the core gameplay n then aftermath n onwards it felt like they tried course correcting but they couldn’t go all out without fuckin shit up

@dreamshotmedia - 21.10.2023 21:34

So essentially i should just go back and play MKX now instead

@superpael - 21.10.2023 10:39

mk11 is aesthetically more gorgeous than mk1. the chicks are hotter and look like girls.. in 1, they look like dudes. you cant even change your costumes on the fight screen. and for fucks sake... a waiting screen on ranked? its 2023...we should be able to at least be on practice mode while waiting.

@Howfoolish. - 21.10.2023 09:26

This can be an unpopular opinion, but I think that MK1 is maybe the hardest MK game to date, since it's the only one (to my knowledge) MK game which HEAVILY relies on footsies. I noticed that it can be so hard to open up my opponents because the game has these great defensive options, movement and most strings are generally safe on block, but the reward for getting that 1 hit is 40%+ dmg.

Also this game has a lot more knowledge checks. A lot of strings that launch are safe in this game, which is very uncommon in an MK game, but the 2nd hit is most of the time a high so it needs to be ducked and punished, a lot of overheads that have big pushback and plus frames need to be up blocked to negate the push back and punish it, there are gaps in the strings or special moves sometimes, that you can armor through or poke out of and the list goes on.

Simply put, the game's not easy...
And I LOVE it

@xenonwj2396 - 21.10.2023 03:36

MK11 is better

@ssgcheddar5785 - 20.10.2023 23:52

Not even a competition lol MK1 is EXTREMELY better 😊

@Bulletz4BreakfastFGC - 20.10.2023 22:32

MK1 is 💯 X better than MK11. MK11 was a watered down borning cheese fest.
MK9, MKX where also better than MK11.
MK1 with Kameos and character freedom and the fact the vast majority of roster is really good makes it potentially the best MK ever!
Only talking about gameplay, not QOL needs when ch are many, bug fixes and hitbox/hurtbox adjustments.
Single player mode and basic functions are very bad grindy. The skins are expensive

@2Bautomaton - 20.10.2023 22:09

Mk1's gameplay is unmatched. Mk11 stands no chance gameplay wise. But content wise mk11 wins of course

@Ty-rw3jk - 20.10.2023 18:44

Mk11 is a better overall game with more and better content, but mk1s gameplay is just so much better in every way.

@warfighter1988 - 20.10.2023 18:35

Mk 1 has way way way more depth en freedom. All its problems are bugs and inconveniences that can easily be fixed since its foundation is great.

@HumptysDumpty - 20.10.2023 17:35

In my opinion mk1 is way better than mk11. The kameo system of mk1 grew on me with time ( i didn't like the idea at first seeing the gameplay reveal). I feel the kameo was much needed for this game if not it would have been a plain 1v1 fighter which we already have plenty of (Tekkens and Street fighter ect.) I definitely feel the game was rushed to meet deadlines hince the bugs, glitches, and missing game modes. Compared to m11 feature wise mk11 wins imo. Hopefully with time and updates mk1 will be one of the best fighting games ever. New Kameos could be added for longevity. Mk1 was surely released in beta form; but thats how modern gaming is now unfortunately. Companies release games and "fix" them later. Ive been a Mortal Kombat fan since day one. So i have faith that Ed boon and NRS with time will make this game even better.

@krstffy - 20.10.2023 15:49

MK1 invasions is a huge step down from the krypt or the living towers. Tedious grind for rewards you don’t even know until you complete them…which for the most part isn’t worth it unless you like a different shade of your current skin.

@kylenguyen7371 - 20.10.2023 09:49

MK11 is much more feature rich, whereas MK1 chose to eschew that in favor of focus on its core gameplay loop.

While matches of MK11 play out in a more flow chart fashion, it had a more mentally engaging gameplay loop than possibly any other title in the franchise thanks in large part to the Krushing Blow system and the various knowledge checks surrounding it. MK11 was also had features that made the learning processes much more convenient (e.g. character tutorials, as opposed to the series of 7 combo challenges thrown at you by MK1). MK1 instead favors a different subset of skills for success; the game is less oriented upon the mental space MK11 deals with, and is predicated moreso upon execution and "feel" as a match unfolds.

@ericsimonson8002 - 20.10.2023 06:11

Mk1 is really fun. More importantly, it is different enough from 11 that I still play both. I also still play MKX and injustice 2. They are all fun and all different. Hats off to NRS.

@DaPhenomAce - 20.10.2023 05:35

MK1: better gameplay
MK11: better overall content

@Mayorofsexytown1303 - 20.10.2023 01:40

I’m team MK1 all the way. Better roster, Kameos are fun, and I enjoyed the story more.

@henry_a_c_l4816 - 20.10.2023 01:10

My issues currently with MK1 are missing features and overpowered characters/kameos (cyrax) but my issues with mk11 was down to the core gameplay where i got full combo punished because someone used breakaway so for me mk1 is WAY better than 11 and i don't know why this is a debate in the mk kommunity

@seanchan4478 - 20.10.2023 01:08

Actual kombat? 1
Everything else? 11 by a metric mile

@jaxfan - 20.10.2023 00:22

I was first disappointed when they announced tyne cameo system but i do enjoy it now. They just need to nerf cyrax just a littke bit
