Discover the Beauty & Simplicity of Automated Actions

Discover the Beauty & Simplicity of Automated Actions


2 года назад

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@ibrahimfathy491 - 22.04.2023 10:52

i need to make limit to the employee to do activity and if he do not make i need to move the activity to up level to manager and do this activity .......i need to make this solution by automated action

@nihatdemir2000 - 11.01.2023 03:52

it is really helpful when you show examples in automations. Could you do some examples Discuss module? For example, when opportunity is created, send message to the Discuss Channel. How can i do it?

@widitruth - 04.01.2023 08:45

Good. But I want more discussion about Execute Python Code option, what are its limitations in coding? How far we can use this to substitute coding directly in source code files?

@shivamarya9134 - 20.09.2022 18:26

The video was really fast and you are not explaining it in detail.

@AymanMamdouh - 30.04.2022 14:23

can i set automated action to make a certain Journal Entries when a Journal Entries include Outstanding Receipts/Payments is created ?

@FuManChu422 - 23.11.2021 19:26

Fantastic overview. We are on a steep learning curve with Odoo and this is a very valuable video for getting started.
