Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Huberman Lab Clips

1 год назад

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Shepherd Denny
Shepherd Denny - 17.09.2023 08:45

I’m here for the comment doctors!

Andrew Stobie
Andrew Stobie - 16.09.2023 06:34

When he says free T to 18 what units of measure is he using?

Naresh Rahal
Naresh Rahal - 16.09.2023 02:49

I think their must be a shortage of sensible drinking receptacles in America 😂🤷‍♂️.

Ross Lillebo
Ross Lillebo - 15.09.2023 09:22

How do you find a doctor that will actually address this properly

Balkan - 13.09.2023 01:35

Another fantastic video and insightful interviews - I was really hoping that you continued the interview when you guys started to talk about testicular atrophy and I was really hoping to hear his view on how to remain fertile while on TRT. Is there a second part of this interview that you can post or give your opinion on fertility? Thank you.

A Hart
A Hart - 11.09.2023 22:38

what is SHBG? did you explain that?

Tony Zhou
Tony Zhou - 09.09.2023 18:27

Hormone replacement therapy in men, particularly testosterone therapy, is becoming popular among younger individuals who are primarily focused on cosmetic effects. However, it is important to prioritize lifestyle factors such as sleep, exercise, nutrition, and social connections before resorting to hormone therapy. Factors that affect testosterone levels include genetics, estradiol, insulin, and thyroxine. Normalizing free testosterone is crucial for determining the need for testosterone replacement therapy. Clomid, an oral fertility drug, can be used to stimulate testosterone production, but its use should be carefully monitored. Anastrozole may be used to control estrogen levels if they become too high. Testosterone replacement therapy should involve smaller, more frequent doses to avoid side effects. Care should be taken to avoid the incompetence and overuse of hormones seen in some testosterone replacement therapy clinics.

Mura - 05.09.2023 19:14

I've been on TRT for the last 2 year and since then I have experienced 2 viral skin infections (molluscum). I feel that the TRT has its benefits but I also feel that my immunity is weaker.

Ray Word
Ray Word - 04.09.2023 09:32

Lol the video ended on “testicular atrophy” 😮

IronForged - 04.09.2023 04:03

I have been on 200mg of Test Cypionate per week since I was 40. I am 47 now. It was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I had 2 test, 2 weeks apart before I started. My total was 207 and 211. The benefits are obvious. My labs are checked every 3 months. I have a script of anastrozole. I never use it. My estrogen stays in check. I give myself 100 on Monday mornings and 100 on Thursday evening.

Mike Coglione
Mike Coglione - 29.08.2023 06:52

Physician here, if I had a penny for every middle aged man that was fat, ate/drank/smoked/drugged too much, didn't exercise, ate terribly and had a toxic lifestyle begging for TRT I'd be the richest man in the world. The truth is that unless you're a specific specialist for this kind of thing people who have genuine disorders are about as easy to find as true unicorns. From the comments here am sure there's a handful in the entire world but seeing what a rabbit hole of pitfalls and side effects this is I feel very well about telling all these patients to get a life and not barking up this tree.

Ape-X Fitness
Ape-X Fitness - 28.08.2023 06:52

Question 🙋‍♂️ I’m on low dose TRT- (100mg/week) for those of us taking exogenous hormones, are these compounds (tongkat Ali and Fadogia Agrestis) gonna help us at all?

Because exogenous hormones we are told shut down the production of the endogenous hormones. And from what I understand these compounds increase endogenous production. But if our prescriptions are already shutting our normal functions off because they were already impaired for whatever reason then by that logic I would think these compounds wouldn’t be of any help to those of us already on a TRT regimen…

Am I right or am I misunderstanding something fundamental? Just trying to learn.

That also begs the question, to someone wanting to come off of TRT and find ways to turn their natural production back on would these supplements potentially be strong enough to aid in that endeavor with the assistance of something like HCG?

Sorry for the ridiculously long question. I’ve been wanting to ask this for a while.

Burritosarebetterthantacos - 26.08.2023 16:56

I know a ton of guys taking test in their 30's. The difference is hard to tell externally. The guys taking it in their 40's and 50's have obvious improvements. Im approaching 40 quickly and feel pretty tired most of the time but Im afraid free range test will cause free range Cancer.

Aaron Rodriguez
Aaron Rodriguez - 26.08.2023 07:59

At 200mg I notice my testies just 10 percent less full, and o see that as hydration, if I don’t release for a week my bag is super loaded and heavy like no symptoms, so I think only 400mg plus a week will do that to people, not such low dosage is trt clients are at,

Dopamine - 26.08.2023 03:00

i'd honestly rather off myself than inject myself every week with trt. couldn't think of anything worse

Anand Dave
Anand Dave - 24.08.2023 01:39

Why is DHT to be coveted? And why is it important to havd DHT in appropriate range?
Isn't testosterone good enough?

Matthew Cestra
Matthew Cestra - 23.08.2023 23:50

Half life of cypionate is about 8 days. Not 3-4 days. So, why microdose a long acting ester? You’re right, twice weekly at most. But you are slamming clinics while spewing inaccurate data. IF you had taken a “micro dose of finasteride, you’d have hair.

Matthew Cestra
Matthew Cestra - 23.08.2023 23:41

“Free T is what we treat..”. How about the patients and their symptoms? If this is more simple than 8 years ago, ugh. You chase your tail with all this treatment of bloodwork. If you focus on patient symptoms, you always win.

Matthew Cestra
Matthew Cestra - 23.08.2023 23:35

Over 9 years and thousands of patients, I’ve only seen one patient with a total testosterone level of 900ng/dL. Naturally. Lol

talk2tanner - 23.08.2023 22:05

I feel like a chimp listening to this 😂

dushyant bhatt
dushyant bhatt - 22.08.2023 02:38

Does Peter Attia Do Consultation ?? How do one connect

Hilo Surf
Hilo Surf - 20.08.2023 01:52

Too bad that huberman and momentous cannot verify The quality of their tongkat Ali. Email them and got one of the most blah blah blah and borderline insulting responses I've gotten from any company anytime. And I will keep posting this until hooberman responds.

Scott Dreyfus
Scott Dreyfus - 19.08.2023 04:03

Normalized testosterone got me off of ten other prescriptions and I was able to kick antidepressants bi polar meds, cholesterol, blood pressure, and thyroid all fell in line. This was post pituitary tumor removal. I’ve lost 85 lbs and I’m starting to get abs after 18 months and being almost 300 lbs last feb. So much of the pain I was in has resolved. I have also nearly given up sugar and I’m functioning at a level I haven’t seen since I was a teen. I’m taking 200 mg/ml every 8 days and with tongkat/ fodogia I don’t really drop. My level stays right around 900 to 700 on the 8 day cycle. The running joke is I’m two weeks away from the best shape of my life. I’m a caddy by trade so I walk somewhere between 75 and 125 miles a week carrying 50+lbs. my biggest battle is hydration. I started supplementing creatine to try and drive some intracellular water. It definitely changes the way your skin looks. I do have a little acne but not as bad as when I was a teen. I’ll gladly deal with it and a receding hairline for the drive for life! It makes everything better. Testosterone makes life feel rewarding in every aspect. I may have lost 10% of my testicular size but I’m don’t having kids anyway. You’d cut your balls off if it would keep you performing at a high level. With the tumor I went through a decade of feeling like I was dieing everyday. Now post removal I finally feel like I get to live every day. TRT gave me my life back.

Keyser Soze
Keyser Soze - 16.08.2023 20:48

hmmm. I dont like the recommendations of Clomid and I love the caution around AIs.

Kevin Jenkins
Kevin Jenkins - 14.08.2023 09:54

I have a pituitary microadenoma that had my T level at 23 and I’m a 36 year old man. I gained 80lbs in 3 months without changing my diet or exercise routine and had no sex drive, it was horrible. TRT saved my life

Michael Graeber
Michael Graeber - 14.08.2023 01:22

Estradiol pg/mL or ng/dL???

Sub Legacy
Sub Legacy - 11.08.2023 21:52

Boy, do I have questions?? what are your thoughts on Androgel 1.62 pump taking 40 MG a day "gel" ???

Allen Steble
Allen Steble - 06.08.2023 00:53

I hot put on the testosterone gel in my 20s due to low T but eager doctors not telling people about the fertility risks, i had severe depression and constant oiw energy. Im 36 now and living healthier lifestyle. Can being on the gel for 2 weeks cause long teem damage, im scared tbh because we want kids and what if this causes long term damage? I was able to get pregnant in 20s once but partner didnt want it. Now feel so much regret.

Calvin Chauvin
Calvin Chauvin - 05.08.2023 18:23

I just finished 3 mnths. 50mg every 3.5 days.

Howdy Doody
Howdy Doody - 03.08.2023 09:43

Im 69 and a weight lifer for over 45 years. I just in the last 5 years can tell my T has really dropped. Of course after my 40's i got weaker but nothing like now. I think im going to ask my doc to check my free test and go from there.

moons92hds - 03.08.2023 02:56

What about trying to eat, exercise and sleep well... And if it doesn't work than just embrace your age and stay healthy naturally

Alen Novosel
Alen Novosel - 02.08.2023 10:47

Can someone explain to me, what did he mean when they talk about anavar, he said they took "10 milligrams subling two to three times a week"? What is subling? Thanks

Dude - 30.07.2023 05:36

Hang on, i just watched a video where this content creator claimed that cooling fown the palms in between sets works more effectively than strroids. Now he's talking about trt

kumar01234 - 29.07.2023 10:50

I can not stress how reckless people in tbe comment section are with their use of TRT.

The most dangerous thing i read on here is how people seem to find the right amount of TRT they need by self expirementing

Their use of TRT seems to be focused on physicsl appearance and how they feel mentally

I think they are causing reckless endangerment towards their cardiac health by focusing on other shit

I higbly recommend working with family doctor and a dietican and clinics rather than just work with these clinics alone.

And quite honestly dont self expirment without that group.

For eveyone who is saying they have never felt better in their life than when they started TRT.

Let me remind y'all heroin can make a person feel great too.

I dont mean the diminish the value of TRT to improve ones life its a great resoruce that is very useful but there is a reason why testicular csncer patients who got both testicles removed are the ones who are treated with TRT.

There seems to be a large group of people who aren't trained or knowledgeable enough to handle these drugs but try to talk with some expertise and its pretty bad

While you maybe focused on T levels these injections y'all do are affecting other organs too and it may not be in the best way.

Josip M
Josip M - 25.07.2023 19:46

Anavar+Testastron = 💪💪💪

Abdiel Bull Berg
Abdiel Bull Berg - 18.07.2023 23:52

I’m on Nebido(Undecaonate) which I self inject every 10’th week after having gone through testicular cancer.
Love it, and it keeps me at 650 ng/dLafter 10 weeks which means I’m higher than that most of those 10 weeks.
Not sky high though I never go lower than 650 ng/dL which is a really good level for injecting every 10’th week.

GANESHA PUTSALA - 17.07.2023 15:02

Try Ayurvedic medicine Velvet beams powder or suppliment..it will increase testosterone gradually and no side effects

Formosan - 17.07.2023 11:46

There's a generation of American men who grew up popping Adderall as a short cut to getting better exam scores and to drink more booze without getting drunk first who are now taking testosterone as a short cut to make them more muscular and macho. Don't they realize that for every up there's a down?

This reminds me of what Bill Burr said about plastic surgery ."didn't they get the memo?.. " lol...Haven't these short cutters done the research on what happens when you take testosterone when you don't need it or take it for too long and what happens when you stop taking it? This will mess you up for life....smh

What's next short cutters? Stem cell injections, blood of virgins? snorting Mars dust or just start implanting robot parts and become a cyborg? lol..yeah, lets do anything other than get some sun each day, eat fresh (not processed/packaged) food, chew your food well, sleep well, exercise each day so you have a sweat, drink lots of water, don't sit too long, learn how to breathe deeply etc ..but no, that's too hard, when you can just pop a pill or get an needle.

Mr King
Mr King - 16.07.2023 10:40

Since being on trt, my levels went from 54 to 576, all this in 5 months.
One thing i noticed, is my balls has shrunk. Im not a fan of having baby nuts. I want my big boy nuts back.
I will not talk about my nuts to my female doctor 😅 that would be a little embarrassing and uncomfortable.

justmyself1000 - 14.07.2023 17:57

I believe more attention needs to be an why someone may have low levels of a particular hormone (or too high.) Could be diet, lifestyle, genetic, etc. I don't understand this whole putting a bandage over something that might not go away.... If I had wrong levels of something...before getting treatment...I'd like to know why...

DELETED - 12.07.2023 03:54

I took a free test two years ago and just now realized that my result 58 pg/ml = 5.8 ng/ dl, so I’m below 1%. I’m guessing I’m a naturally high aromatizer

JadeZee - 09.07.2023 14:29

2 maroons

Jason Lemon
Jason Lemon - 05.07.2023 05:16

I am curious with the free test. So if a guy has a test level of 350 but free T of 40 are they better off than a guy withT of 800 but free of 15????

Thiago - 04.07.2023 18:28

This was great guys! thanks for sharing! A lot of great knowledge shared here.

Billy Scenic
Billy Scenic - 04.07.2023 02:06

Wow, I wish I could afford healthcare.

Rob Rider
Rob Rider - 27.06.2023 05:01

Good to watch. My clinic in Vancouver has me on 60mg Testosterone twice per week and hCG twice per week on the same day.

Kenneth Frazee
Kenneth Frazee - 26.06.2023 09:37

There does seem to be a pendulum effect when the shots are interrupted probably, endocrine system seems to go into recovery/overdrive mode for a few weeks

Hostile - 25.06.2023 21:55

A lot of people took it there. Test e or c is a balanced blend so you wont get jacked and just taking more wont get you huge.

Most people cycled off it to get spikes in their system that would help build muscle and help you lose fat.

6 or 7 weeks off, 3 months on...or other. (Going anti tticked route now..) was never going to be advertised due to financial.

Most aesthetics need added support and boner shots to get them going.

Andy - 25.06.2023 07:55

87 times and he still swallowed. ..
