Phantom Doctrine (X-COM-like Cold War Era) - FEARSOME KINGPIN Mission - Let's Play Preview

Phantom Doctrine (X-COM-like Cold War Era) - FEARSOME KINGPIN Mission - Let's Play Preview


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ChristopherOdd - 07.08.2018 19:01

Hope you guys enjoy a preview of Phantom Doctrine! This specific mission seems pretty diverse and we tackle it in a couple of ways. We start out stealthy and then we try out the real combat side!

Akimori Ch.
Akimori Ch. - 07.11.2020 13:40

shooting and detection through the roof? wtf is this

Jackman LeBlanc
Jackman LeBlanc - 26.08.2018 22:54

Everyone saying this looks too easy that it could have been much harder if Odd had made some bad calls or gone in guns blazing. Instead he focused on stealth. If he HADN'T done that then people asking for more of a challenge would have gotten what they wanted.

Seriously guys, the combat is cool but the stealth is obviously the focus in this game. I'd think it should be obvious that the combat was only so easy because he did decent with the stealth at first. Hell, I bet he could have done the entire mission stealthed if he hadn't forgotten to dispose of that body.

Justin M
Justin M - 17.08.2018 16:17

Hope to see more of this game tho

Justin M
Justin M - 17.08.2018 16:04

Hmm seems good but was hoping for some miss shots or something as no one can always hit there mark 100% of the time in fire fights guess I’m to used to playing xcom 😐

Hendrik - 15.08.2018 14:53

So, they found a body ... and instantly know that all of your ppl. are on the roof? what is with line of sight?

koolerpure - 15.08.2018 04:56

can we customize our people? if so it might be enough to get me into it like i am with xcom

Aelia Yousaf
Aelia Yousaf - 14.08.2018 17:51

reminds of a game i use to play back in the day called Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines. Gonna give this game a shot.

Jonathan Johnson
Jonathan Johnson - 14.08.2018 17:38

Even tho the RNG sucked ass in xcom in a sense thats what made xcom so damn addictive. Tje thpught of knowing that a guaranteed shot might not hit its mark kept you on edge from start to finish
Rage quit upset losses and surprise victories made xcom the game that set the bar to a new set of standards. Phoenix point i think its call is building of of this and also adding body targeting. Xcom 3 needs this but nonetheless this game looks awesome....I LOVE THESE TYPE OF GAME ....

HaggisOfDeath - 14.08.2018 14:21

I was honestly thinking it would be against aliens when I saw the thumbnail and title. I would love a game set in the late 19th or early-mid 20th century that focused on 'covering up' the 'probing advance' that was a precursor to the x-com invasion. It would be great fun playing smaller scale battles that are more to do with removing collaborators, 'thin-men'-esque infiltrators, and then having the occasional 'PURGE THE FARM/UNDERGROUND FACILITY/UFO CRASH SITE' where it gets a little bit more like classical x-com in regards to all-out slaughter (just with much more basic equipment and old-timey charm). Throw in some extra political intrigue with certain (randomised) governments making deals with the aliens, others trying to start wars with each other that would aid the aliens' in their quest, and you being a 'shadow government' that is trying to keep Earth safe and it would be amazing. Having your intervention in trying to stop wars or alien contact resulting in you risking losing funding or even having nations declare war on you if you mess up the stealth aspects of missions and it would be very exciting. Maybe even have an option a new-game-plus option where you can side with the aliens and its your job to destroy the rest of humanity to usher in a new age of alien-domination.

... Hmmm my imagination is running wild and now this undeservingly looks like a disappointment. Bad imagination!! Bad!

Life Is Pain
Life Is Pain - 14.08.2018 13:35

Seems like they are over-complicating features.

Sgt_Hest - 14.08.2018 09:39

Can't you shoot the cameraes or something to get past them?

TheSushiandme - 14.08.2018 05:20

Just bought it. :D Can't wait til tomorrow. Hopefully GOG gives you commission. :D

K T - 14.08.2018 03:55

looks cool but the only gripe I have is its weird how the characters just stand around. Why aren't they leaning against cover while in combat or just sneaking around. It slightly breaks immersion.

Jack McLean
Jack McLean - 14.08.2018 01:35

eeeek!!!! This looks amazing!!!

BoNeZ - 14.08.2018 00:07

Jesus get on with it

Sushi Sashimi
Sushi Sashimi - 13.08.2018 23:45

Comes out tomorrow. :)

Jake Stocker
Jake Stocker - 13.08.2018 19:58

Been following this forever. Praying that it doesn't run like trash like Xcom 2 does on PS4.
Regardless, the more Xcomish style games the better!

Desmond Chew
Desmond Chew - 13.08.2018 19:07

Well they really did preserve the best part of hard west. The chance to miss depend on the luck

jack andrews
jack andrews - 13.08.2018 18:29

‪Does anybody know How you purchase this game tomorrow because you can’t pre order it in the Xbox store and they aren’t doing a disc for it either? ‬

Tara Pryde
Tara Pryde - 13.08.2018 08:37

XCOM during the Cold War? This is sounding a lot like what The Bureau should've been.

StuartRobertM - 13.08.2018 04:19

Looks beautiful but every shot hits? Yeah, there are factors to damage red. etc, but I dunno. XCOM has many issues, but I like that you can miss shots and have the enemy miss you, too.

Fox Mulder
Fox Mulder - 13.08.2018 02:52

Jagged alliance vibe anyone?

Oni Lamb
Oni Lamb - 12.08.2018 22:49

Anyone notice the "silenced revolver"...? I know the bare minimum about guns but even I know that's not logical...

The Crimson Fucker
The Crimson Fucker - 12.08.2018 19:37

"You play as the Cabal"
Mossad Simulator 2018?

SangerZonvolt - 12.08.2018 19:10

I like to imagine how the warn ability would work in real life:
Buddy pinned down by a hail of bullets -> "Hey, just so you know, I think they are firing at you!" "Why yes thank you Mister Obvious, I hadn´t noticed the fucking LMG firing at me, now it will be MUCH easier to dodge it. Fuck you and do something about it."

i5mokeMid - 12.08.2018 19:07

xcom is a janky mess, glad to see other developers not choosing roll based combat.

MAX. RAY - 12.08.2018 18:31

fun fact : enemies can't hear guns or when you broke window.

Havock - 12.08.2018 18:01

This is like a tactical RPG version of Call of Duty Black Ops lol

CatMage - 12.08.2018 17:28


PierreStifler - 12.08.2018 16:03

Cool game! Will there be a disc version of the game?! (ps4)

Tomáš Prachenský
Tomáš Prachenský - 12.08.2018 14:46

The stealth mechanics are indeed interesting.
But the awereness and 100% hit chance is definitely not for me.
And overall many mechanics looked interesting while others were exact opposite.
I'm gonna look on this after it was released to see if I'm wrong, but I'm probably not going to buy it.

Also, your overusage of the word "cool" makes me feel like you are simply trying to hype the game instead of actualy saying those things are cool. And to be fair, it's partialy because you also called cool things that for me were just awful. For example the heartbeat detection in my opinion would be much cooler, if you only saw indication that somebody is there and nothing more. And that is probably caused because I still wish for Silent Storm succesor. Oh god how I love that game.

2005Crazer - 12.08.2018 12:56

So the combat is all about soaking damage and infusing each other with "magical shield" aka "awareness"? Im a fan of Hard West, but "luck" system there was completely different and more interesting. Also there was a chance to hit. Also, that might just be the mission, but overall seems really easy, with semi-blind enemies and overwhelming number of special abilities and gadgets your team has.

asher taz
asher taz - 12.08.2018 12:52

I really do not like the dispose of body feature. It's lazy design which leads to lazy tactics.
I guess it's to much to ask for the devs to implement bins or lockers where you can place the bodies, or for the players to think where they can place the bodies out of sight.

Aurélien Marchadier
Aurélien Marchadier - 12.08.2018 12:05

I would love an XCOM like game in the cthulhu–universe. Kinda like delta green in which you could fight the mythos à la storm on Insmouth.

OniFeez - 12.08.2018 11:02

I was interested in this game the moment I heard about it I think from E3? But this demo further solidified it. It seems far more interesting to me than Phoenix Point (I think is it's name), and I'm interested in that too.

EDIT: I do have some questions though Chris, if you don't mind. But can you cut fuse boxes, shoot camera's, etc? I'm assuming if you shoot a guy within a camera's field of operation then the alarm goes off etc?

Do you plan on doing a walkthrough of this on your channel?

[-[tRiX]-] - 12.08.2018 08:45

Yeah I'm always happy to see another X-Com type game.

Jarjar Binks Sith Lord
Jarjar Binks Sith Lord - 12.08.2018 06:39

I am so happy right now first hearing Lucifer will come out early 2019 and now this coming out in two days!!!

Nexus - 12.08.2018 06:35

Nice game. I love how it's based on the Cabal which are an actual real group.

Chester Rico
Chester Rico - 12.08.2018 04:09

So there's no to-hit %, but the enemies are all damage sponges? And that's good?

Sean Brogden
Sean Brogden - 11.08.2018 23:00

is this gonna be on ps4

kuujajin - 11.08.2018 21:50

Silent Storm was one of my favorite games even with all its problems. This looks a superior successor. Love that era and setting.

DefiedFaith - 11.08.2018 17:20

Any word on a physical release for console? Game looks great.

DryTEK - 11.08.2018 16:48

It looks really cool but I don't like that you always hit with your weapon.

PunkyPony - 11.08.2018 16:48

Is there a timer for when he stops explaining the game? This game isn't exactly hard to figure out.

jeova0sanctus0unus - 11.08.2018 16:28

Lets just say that, of you play this game, ill watch it.

aidangame - 11.08.2018 04:22

I'm sold.

Pink Sheep 1446
Pink Sheep 1446 - 11.08.2018 04:13

why i found the grenade launcher look like shotgun?
