First Impressions Blender vs Maya - Animation Workflows!

First Impressions Blender vs Maya - Animation Workflows!

Sir Wade Neistadt

3 года назад

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Sir Wade Neistadt
Sir Wade Neistadt - 01.07.2020 18:06

Do you agree with my feature requests? What differences did I miss that matter to YOU? :)

Shoh Slaought
Shoh Slaought - 30.07.2023 17:53

But now in 2023 blender has been improved well actually you can do anythin in it😊

wafi - 28.07.2023 02:37

i'm sure blender watch this video because almost all of the point you've talked about are now present in blender.

GlaciaGalaxy - 13.07.2023 17:01

Personally, I commissioned a model ages ago, that was used in maya, so i used that for a good bit of my animations, but later on i commissioned a model which was used in blender, now recently ive been using blender alot more, and have found it to be more user friendly for me and i feel like im learning more about how to do things in blender then i ever could in maya, maybe its because im just spending more time on learning blender, but either way im having alot more fun with blender!

MonsieurCoinCoin - 10.07.2023 16:03

Good to know: a few months ago the Blender devs did a big Animation workshop asking the community what could be improved in Animation and rigging systems, feedback, papercuts, .... All this to establish a list of features and things todo for the "Animation 2025" project.
This video was quoted a few times by different people to illustrate points and have already lead to slight changes in the software

Ramt33n - 01.07.2023 15:32

It was 2005 when I first tried Maya 4.5 as a 3ds Max animator. Maya's Graph Editor came across so much easier and more intuitive compared to the one avaialble in 3DsMax. This is important stuff, As the animation process has to feel fluid and easy with as few clicks as possible. Insightful video, Thanks!

SK Safowan
SK Safowan - 16.02.2023 01:35

Blender Animation needs a lot more work.

Bad Monk
Bad Monk - 01.02.2023 15:53

Crazy watching this back as Blender has a lot of these features implemented now!

augm3nt - 25.01.2023 22:22

blender is tooo keyboard dependent for a fast and efficient workflow.

Paulius Mscichauskas
Paulius Mscichauskas - 24.01.2023 22:05

Shift+Left Arrow brings you to the first frame.
If you want to move a keyframe vertically, you can click the middle mouse button...

Gabriel de Oliveira
Gabriel de Oliveira - 19.01.2023 00:20

I feel like using gizmos are the absolute most waste of time you can have when animating. The hotkeys that you can use in Blender gives SO much freedom to make the movement you want to make.

For example, if I want to relocate a foot without getting it from touching the ground, I can simply use G + Shift Z= that will make the controller to just move on the X and Y, instead of having to move throughout the X and then the Y. I feel like this is something Maya animators need to desconstruct in their minds. Because when 2 people are animating in Blender, and one uses only the hotkeys, and the other uses only the gizmos, the one using the hotkeys will deliver the same time of animation as precise as the other animator, but using less time.

daniel coes
daniel coes - 21.12.2022 07:01

Hey Sir Wade, I'm trying to find where this was, I thought you had a video about Cascadeur. You ever used it? As a professional Maya animator, I was wondering about your thoughts on that, and workflows such what some people are doing right in game engines like Unreal. Maya is maya, but you have to admit some of the pricing models like Blender and Cascadeur are pretty attractive, especially for indies. Anyway, just curious if you had some thoughts on them. Thx.

Sonario648 - 28.11.2022 15:38

Thanks to this video, I've been able to solve most of these issues, and Blender 3.0 allows you to select the curve

B U - 19.10.2022 11:07

Blender is awesome nothing comes close

Fabulous Smart reviews
Fabulous Smart reviews - 10.09.2022 06:39

How did I download Maya for free?...does anyone have link for me

Hemant Mistry
Hemant Mistry - 31.07.2022 13:53

All I wanted to know is how to play the soft through my headphones with a cord not Bluetooth. I take it tNice tutorials is not an option since I have

TANDEM MUSIC PRO - 31.07.2022 13:49

Thanks for tNice tutorials content. It was the first soft soft video I've seen that didn't assu I knew my way around all of the functions.

DEVIL - 31.07.2022 13:43

I guarantee tNice tutorials - I am going to pursue soft one way or another. It is my dream to make art that inspires people and shows them so

Ivania López
Ivania López - 31.07.2022 13:14

doesn't have sufficient space. Thanks!

Dan Wishard
Dan Wishard - 04.06.2022 10:10

The hotkey compromise beats the annual salary paid that maya asks for

Steve Talkowski
Steve Talkowski - 19.05.2022 07:33

Here's what I can't figure out how to do in Blender. In Maya, the graph editor defaults to Auto Frame. Selecting a curve and hitting F will frame selected, while hitting A will frame all. I see that in Blender, you hit the tilde key and then have to move the mouse either left to frame all, or right to frame selected. I can't seem to find a single hotkey for this. When hitting tilde, the F is underlined, or, there's also the number 4, which I thought indicates you can just click on either of those keys while in the graph editor and it would execute the command. However, it appears you need to hold down the tilde key alongside the additional key. Just trying to figure out how to enable Auto Frame and a single keystroke for Frame All and Frame Selected. Incidentally, assigning the F key to frame selected in the 3d viewport is the one custom key I just had to add. I, too, fought the Blender keys for a long time, and then tried using the Industry Standard mapping, only to find they ended up breaking all the other shortcuts. So now i'm back to default Blender keys.

Chibiterasu17 - 12.05.2022 14:19

I even disabled the manipulators in Blender by default because I ONLY use the hotkeys G, R, S and X, Y, Z to animate and the manipulator just distracts me. This feature in blender is probably the main reason why I like Blender more than Maya. When I used Maya, it always bothered me that I had to aim with my curser exactly at the axis I want to manipulate. Most of the time I clicked slightly next to it and therefore had to undo the step which completely threw me out of my workflow every time. Doing this with keys on the keyboard is so much faster and more reliable for me.

MidnightSt - 11.05.2022 02:43

Hand macros - i believe you can actually set up handles/control bones to just do that. As in, the system used to set up handles/control bones just naturally supports you creating complex setups/behaviors like what you mention here.

Jellow Studios
Jellow Studios - 22.04.2022 18:16

I only don't like about maya because it's not free it's only free for 30 days

c San
c San - 06.04.2022 11:36

Hi Sir this is a very important QUESTION! Since you are learning Blender now after using all the time MAYA do you use BLENDER with its native KEY SHORTCUTS or do you use the feature that makes BLENDER work keys like it was MAYA?

Anim Ref
Anim Ref - 31.01.2022 18:44

Great animation Channel ! Keep posting! Thanks!

oz - 29.01.2022 09:38

Thank you very much, exactly what I wanted to hear is the thoughts of a person with an animation background. Advices on animation from people who only generate or model doesn't help very much.

JohntheWeir - 21.01.2022 15:39

I have put my frame selected button onto my mouse button, it's really handy

Josh - 16.01.2022 06:18

I am just getting into animation and it seems to be the main technical aspects are, keyframes, graph editor and rigging setups. It seems that both Maya and Blender have all this so really you could get the same results for anything in either software right? Just personal preferences of workflows separate the two only?

Claudia Matteolo
Claudia Matteolo - 15.01.2022 20:54

Blender looks and feels like a program made by a bunch of different coders who have never created anything but they tried to stuff it with anything they could.

HoboNoah - 14.01.2022 22:45

"For blender I have to look and go across the keyboard"

Sounds like someone never learned homerow or their 10-key

TITOELOS HHYRIS - 07.01.2022 22:52

nice video,when that big robbit short film released i installed blender , it was good but not enough , i had to delet that , and today ... wow ... as a free software it has all u necessary tool as professional 3d artist , i like it :)

Disar - 15.12.2021 03:05

The macro stuff, there is a concept called Drivers in blender.

Buy & Sell Online
Buy & Sell Online - 14.12.2021 21:44


imKranely - 12.12.2021 11:08

Man, heating that Maya uses a lot of the same hotkeys as Unreal Engine makes me want to use it. I hate having to retain my brain every single time I open Blender. I like the Blender hotkeys being intuitive in the sense that g is grab, r is rotate, etc, but I HATE that literally every other program uses controls that Blender doesn't share.

Syed Ibrahim
Syed Ibrahim - 28.11.2021 17:11

The sensitivity can be lessened by holding shift in blender

GameDevDre - 13.11.2021 02:56

I use Blender regularly and I cant stand having to familiarize with so many different shortcuts.

Yee Haw
Yee Haw - 24.10.2021 00:29

I wanna go to college for animation but they all teach Maya and I’m so used to Blender. Is it easy to adapt to Maya?

Gary Feeley
Gary Feeley - 15.10.2021 02:15

Blender has a frame selected tool you can add to the quick menu (Q)

DrStench13 - 04.10.2021 20:01

I never actually used the dope sheet or saw the use of it after years in the industry.

C FIVE - 01.10.2021 04:58

Asking if blender or Maya is better for 3D is like asking if Markers or Water color paint is better for coloring

Terence Cluttey
Terence Cluttey - 05.09.2021 23:19

moving the keys in graph editor.... you can press g to move it without having to click directly on it. also you would have to deselect the handles of the curve separately. So pressing G is like your middle mouse thing

RavenclawNimbus - 10.08.2021 00:03

"Both software's have their strengths and weaknesses." Yeah, cause' Maya costs 1500 a year.

Edit: I'll admit, he does seem to be talking mainly about the good things about Maya tho.

Lushen - 09.08.2021 17:30


Proxies are in the process of being replaced with "Library Overrides" which are just...way better.

I'm not sure why your lines are so hard to see. In my blender, they are a lot more visible.

You're spot on with Blender's hotkeys! They are a disaster and the industry standard mode is terrible. You activate industry standard and all of the sudden you have no idea how to add something to your scene anymore. I wouldn't say Maya is 'good' with its hotkeys I would say blender is 'terrible'.

I don't use auto-keying. It results in really messy curves imho.

Gizmos are extremely usable in blender 2.8+. In my custom keymaps I have Q,W,E,R set to select, move gizmo, rotate gizmo, and resize. The issue with blender isn't what its capable of, the issue is the defaults settings are terrible. I do highly agree with you on gizmos, blender users are really sleeping on them. There are many cases where they are far superior to blender's hotkey based system.

The way you change the 'gizmo size' in blender is just to zoom in/out which makes the gizmo larger/smaller and the movements more/less aggressive. Not exactly what you're looking for...but it does work.

The NLA editor in blender is huge. You kinda forgot to really give it the attention it deserves. It is really messy if you've never used it before but once you get used to it it's great! Also the pose library...

You forgot to comment on how much of an eyesore maya's interface is compared to blender 2.8. Blender 2.79 and below had a horrid interface but ever since 2.8 it has had the most crisp/clean interface of any modeling/animation/sculpting software out there. The User Interface designers did an amazing job w/ 2.8

Digital Mouse
Digital Mouse - 08.08.2021 05:54

Yeah but once you get used to the hoy keys you don't have to look at them for me anyway I can travel across the whole keyboard and hit the right key easily. I actually don't even think in quick keys my hand just does it I need this hand moves without any conscious decisions being made.

I'm Norman!
I'm Norman! - 05.08.2021 18:46

I never hear about it much, but the Transform tool in Blender is actually really helpful. It has all the Rotate, Move and Scale manipulators in one. So when doing something that requires a lot of small tweaks, it saves time having to switch tools.

Also, you can change the universal size of the manipulator in Preferences. Not sure if it changes sensitivity, but I don't think you can do it on the fly. Holding shift while dragging a manipulator (holding shift after clicking and dragging) makes it move slower. Holding Ctrl snaps the movement and Shift+Ctrl snaps to smaller increments.

For the graph editor, you can select a keyframe and hit G to move it anywhere, S to increase the handles, R to Rotate handles. So you don't have to do the targeted switch.

You can check the property to view only keyframes from selected curve )View>Only Selected View Keyframes) to only be able to grab a specific keyframe if they overlay. But you have to select the curve from the left panel, no click and drag select.

Feature request sounds great! The Pose Library in Blender lets you make a pose and save it for later use (like a fist, or full body pose) It isn't perfect, but has some benefits.
