Another reason to never buy a Lenovo Yoga (huge design flaw)

Another reason to never buy a Lenovo Yoga (huge design flaw)

Salem Techsperts

1 год назад

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Andre Chestnut II
Andre Chestnut II - 20.11.2023 10:10

“How to con stupid people with too much money” is basically this design

Jesus Aramil
Jesus Aramil - 20.11.2023 09:50

I have an Ideapad a while back from 2016 and the bulid quality sucks balls, the hinge already starting to wear off with a minimal use. I'm currently using a Thinkpad and nothing happened with the hinge just yet, so far this is my best laptop so far.

Elim Garak
Elim Garak - 20.11.2023 01:07

Not that I disagree with your failure analysis, but I will disagree on two small points:
1. The vast majority of laptop users never use the power button; most couldn't find it with a map.
2. A paper clip is what you use to trip a reset button; not a needle.

Pip Bernadotte
Pip Bernadotte - 19.11.2023 18:54

Let's not even get started on shitty track pads and sloppy keyboards

railfan_33 - 19.11.2023 18:51

old lenovo: outlived its original owner, still going strong
new lenovo: breaks if you insult it too hard

Jesse - 19.11.2023 18:05

The cynic in me says this is a designed flaw (as opposed to a design flaw) which the company has determined increases sales. They're careful to build it into a mechanical part that can be blamed on a "rough" end-user: button/switch, hinge...

Mich - 19.11.2023 14:24

I have a desktop PC, but I needed a laptop for university. I chose the Yoga c640 (2019) for two reasons: battery life and the stylus for writing/drawing. After a year and a half, the battery capacity dropped to 32% (discovered thanks to Linux). While I didn't use the pen because it made me nervous, transforming a straight line into a wave. Purchasing a compatible Wacom pen did not solve the problem. So it's the laptop problem. My Surface pro 1 (2013) pen has no battery and worked much better. Not to mention the screen that dances after a month and the fans that for a year (with the latest bios updates) startes at maximum speed and gradually decreased, repeating this cycle every 10 seconds (even when the PC has no applications open on fresh instaled copy of windows). Personally I prefer Windows but (thanks to Lenovo😔) now out of my home i am a Macbook + iPad user.

Jin- - 19.11.2023 14:24

Shame, we still have working Thinkpads from the Windows 95 era and they work as perfect as PCs at the time could work lol. 15 years ago I worked in various of PC repair centres and found out to avoid HP and Acer especially. I would always recommend Thinkpads, not sure how they are now tho.

紫原美智子 - 19.11.2023 12:42

When I saw your video I thought you would have complaint about the fact that the metal frame give you electric shock when resting your palm on the laptop, which is a huge annoying problem.

Make-A-Woosh-Foundation - 19.11.2023 09:08

manufacturers: "anything you do aside from admiring the factory sealed packaging will void the guarantee"

also manufacturers: "if in doubt poke a needle in here. you won't lever any component off, or short something out, or delaminate the board, or stab a cable, or wear out the way too soft button.
Trust me, bro"

Siwwy - 19.11.2023 08:32

And that's why we call him the greatest technician that has ever lived

turut tumpak
turut tumpak - 19.11.2023 08:14

You can find that power button all over old nokia phone,yup the badass one , maybe just the bad supplies or bad soldering

shRED - 19.11.2023 03:27

Damn, this makes me feel good that I bought a MacBook Air off my buddy and its still rocking after 3 years. Also, sorry but I just put a mail in service for one of these piles of shit. (It’s my wife’s) not for a power button though. 😅

Antoni's Autos
Antoni's Autos - 18.11.2023 19:19

They did it on purpose. They want you to buy a new one

Unique progressive
Unique progressive - 18.11.2023 18:15

I miss the IBM-Lenovo era of their computers. Such as the old thinkpads that was built like a tank

Norrotaku - 18.11.2023 14:00

you should start reviewing old laptops
or rather brands
and tell the people what brands break most and such

Supreme King
Supreme King - 18.11.2023 09:25

Every Lenovo I have ever used or owned was a complete piece of garbage.
I will never ever purchase a Lenovo product ever again.

Finn Wain
Finn Wain - 18.11.2023 02:35

it really is like making a car ignition switch out of cardboard

Theodor Moroianu
Theodor Moroianu - 17.11.2023 23:55

I also have a yoga laptop, and never use the power button, as the laptop starts automatically when I open the lid.

expert20valvehlx - 17.11.2023 23:11

Measure the dimensions of the switch search the google like : SMD switch [dimension} and hope for the best

Channul - 17.11.2023 23:10

Just because the execution is sht doesn't mean that the idea is sht, Zweistein. It's actually the perfect place for a power button, since you don't have to open your laptop to switch it on when using docked.

It'sGudStuf - 17.11.2023 19:21

How is it that you talk and move exactly like Louis Rossman 👀👀👀

PartlyXenon - 17.11.2023 19:00

"Metal stronk. Plastic bendy. Perfect pair. Never break." - An alleged crackhead

PrinceOfPersia - 17.11.2023 16:07

I open laptop it turns on automatically, I dont need to press the power button but I REALLY hope thats the only flaw because I dont have the means to buy anotherXD

SPARTAIN WARRIOR 64 - 17.11.2023 14:59

stupid question probably, but can you get a usb that sends the activation to turn the computer on?

jojo jojo
jojo jojo - 17.11.2023 09:25

This is actually one of the main falures on old nokia's with windows mobile os. The power button gets broken in the same way

Marcox385 - 17.11.2023 07:09

JoSh Allem spitting straight facts gdman

Bo-h - 17.11.2023 03:46

I had one just like this one. Yeah powerbutton suck hard. But what irritated me more are thoose fans. They were noisy AF and i did cleaned the laptop and changed thermopaste. It just that can't be controlled in bios enough to make them silent. I just undervolted CPU to stop trottling, but yeah

Robert Kirsten
Robert Kirsten - 16.11.2023 23:11

Whenever I see a shiny new laptop I immediately see the deliberate design choices to make it break quicker.

-Thin or non existent screen bezel so that the screen breaks when you knock it too hard on the corner. -Crappy power buttons that's in dumb places so they break easily.
-Thin laptops that warp and bend the motherboard because there isn't enough support plus not enough space for proper cooling so when you get the inevitable cat hairs or whatever in the cooling system the laptop starts throttling.
-Unnecessarily elaborate charging ports that's either super thin and fragile or just funky so you can't easily use a generic charger (somewhat solved by USB-C charging but that has it's drawbacks as well)

On the plus side sometimes you can pick up very nice, year old laptops for extremely cheap because of a dumb thing that broke but the majority of these items end up in the trash unfortunately.

Technologist - 16.11.2023 23:05

Lenovo is a Chinese company. China is led by chinese communist party known to sent unwanted minorities like uyghurs to concentration camps. I would not buy their stuff anymore.

Arbeits Los
Arbeits Los - 16.11.2023 22:35

I can only power on my Legion 5 with the Nova button since over 2 years now.

Z3T50N co.
Z3T50N co. - 16.11.2023 22:24

This is why i use a lenovo ideapad from 2006, because
A. Its reliable for what i nees it to do
B. I cant afford a new laptop/desktop

masteryoda394 - 16.11.2023 15:28

This is what happens when manufacturers have long experience in making something. They figured everything out and then they specialise in making the product breakable in the most innovative manner.

Wiktor Sz
Wiktor Sz - 16.11.2023 12:27

Somehow I’m sure I saw 90 degree switches on farnell, tme, digikey and probably other suppliers websites. If I couldn’t find the exact one I’d prefer barely fitting one than a hole

N - 16.11.2023 10:17

Not enough fart noises...

Ghostdog042 - 16.11.2023 01:26

Glad I got my Yoga secondhand.

Christopher Wilson
Christopher Wilson - 16.11.2023 00:51

Strains are for cannabis. Please don't confuse us potheads with crackheads. Tyvm

StebDaBean2010 - 15.11.2023 22:43

the saame thing happened but on my pcs optical drive button.

spongedev - 15.11.2023 15:27

My GOD! Yoga is a premium PC so expensive!

ultra soft
ultra soft - 15.11.2023 14:57

Lenovo, such a disgusting company, butchers of the ThinkPad design!

Natan Facchin
Natan Facchin - 15.11.2023 05:52

OOF, that's awful. 1200$ ruined by 10 cents and evil engineers :(
BTW: I usually don't buy the planned obsolescence argument but this is 100% planned.

Jonathan Heitz
Jonathan Heitz - 15.11.2023 04:59

Had an HP laptop years ago with this same design mechanism. The power button broke two times.

Jakube - 14.11.2023 22:34

i own an l380 yoga due to my old school mandating it and everyone i knew with the same model had the exact same problems with it as me, the left most sodimm memory slot had an issue with it, im not too sure what it was, but the ram would disconnect in use and the computer would crash and fail to post

Metaphysical Retardation
Metaphysical Retardation - 14.11.2023 17:06

The laptop manufacturers do give a shit about the design.
Designing a cheap component that will force the consumer to pay for expensive repairs is no easy task.

Ceroki - 14.11.2023 15:38

Come now, they use made up terminology because it tricks the general consumer to think it's space age technology.

Schorsch - 14.11.2023 15:28

i had the same fucking problem ... but i fixed it. By now the numbers of the keyboard are no longer working

Ryan Layfield
Ryan Layfield - 14.11.2023 05:16

Oh, they dont get any better on their high end stuff either. I once ordered a high end desktop replacement once, straight from them. Well into three figure price, but it had all the right specs for the job. It arrives ahead of schedule, safe in its box.

Take it out, turn it on and....thats weird. The screen is blank, and there's just these three blinking lights. Ok, turns out its just calibrating RAM timings! Cool, I just need to give a moment.

Two moments....five moments....still blinking....30 moments....overnight?

Still blinking. I called their support line, I followed basic instructions to troubleshoot, we realized it was dead as a doornail for all intents and purposes, and I sent that crap back for a full refund.

Never again.

fartknocker - 14.11.2023 00:40

the dumbest part is that it would be easier and cheaper to have a vertically activated power button next to the keyboard, just like you modded it to have

ERAL45 - 13.11.2023 23:54

I have this exact laptop but the 15" version. Another issue is that the hinges brake the display eventually, i hope it lasts for 6 more monts, thats when i finish school, then it goes on the laptop graveyard or i build some kind of emulation machine with it.

Gorsedh - 13.11.2023 21:21

I've had a Yoga for almost 4 years and it has massive flaws. These are the things I've been struggling with.

Power button on the side. For a PC with this much versatility as a touch screen you completely lose the ability to keep it resting on the table on the side.

Screen. The screen does not stay fixed enough, everytime you touch it it bounces like crazy.

Power cable. It broke down. Cost me almost 100 euro to replace both cable and energy collector.

Battery. Cannot survive unplugged since year 1, it fried itself and that's it.

Pen. The pen can be rested on the side of the laptop by losing one of the only 2 usb. Also due to the fact that the pen was always on it consumed batteries like crazy.
