Can a knee injury/Arthritis cause back DDD/arthritis?
ОтветитьI know back issues cause knee and hip pain . Correct me if I am wrong Leah .
ОтветитьDo foot pain cause hip and back problems?
ОтветитьLeah is on point I follow her process and got a good rating for my hips and knees ❤
ОтветитьThank you for helping me with my knees, back and hip issues. 😊
ОтветитьGood day Leah, would you please flesh-out this term used by the VA? "VA’s National Work Queue (NWQ) awaiting assignment/recall by a VA Regional Office (VARO)".
I have never heard this from any VA SCD proponent that i have followed.
Who codes the ailment va or c/p examiner?
ОтветитьGood morning Ma'am and thank you for sharing your insights on the often times complex VA disability claims process.
I'm a 60 year old retired Marine that the VA service connected me with a 50% rating for orthopedic and arthritic conditions with my spine and knee in 2004. In retirement I have had to undergo emergency surgery on one of my service connected disabilities in order to repair a ruptured Quadriceps Tendon. Since that surgery I'm no longer able to train to the level I was accustomed to when I was a Marine. Having said that, I've subsequently developed additional issues in my hips, opposite knee, neck, shoulders as well as hypertension and anxiety. I know you don't dispense legal advice, but with your experience as a PA and VA C&P examiner, do you think my current issues could be related to my service connected disabilities? If so, how best would I go about making that Nexus should I decide to file for an increase and secondary claims for my service connected disabilities? My private doctors are reluctant to fill out the VA DBQ's as well as providing me with a Nexus letter.
Thanks in advance and Semper Fidelis
Ken Verdoliva
Gunnery Sergeant USMC (retired)
G. Morning from PR.
In regards to this topic,
What about Right TNR due to a service connected R.knee knee reconstruction, fail ACL reconstruction.
Thank you.
I filed a claim for this EXACT issue. The va said there is no connection between my knee injuries and my hip pain or my back
ОтветитьAnytime I sit down my hip hurts, went to medical and it turns out I have a hip fracture (x-rays). I am waiting to get my MRI done. what types of disabilities would I qualify for? I am a jet mechanic and constantly carry heavy objects and I go up and down ladders all the time.
ОтветитьI tore my acl and meniscus in the service and its in my records.. Can barely walk and only get 10%. should be more. They are wanting to burn my nerve endings off in my knee and put a screw in my hip.. But they denied my hip 2nd to my knee and my lower back and my right knee... Im probally going to need help with the claim.. I have special knee braces and cains from the VA
ОтветитьI am going through this now. I have ankle & knee ratings. And my hip is really starting to hurt. Time to visit an ortho dr.
ОтветитьJoint replacement is down to 4 months… thanks Joe
ОтветитьI am currently going for hip as secondary to established both knee service connected. I am going for an xray this friday.
ОтветитьJust started following. Lots of good information on your videos. I was rated 10% for my back. Can I file a secondary disability for my hip and needs?
ОтветитьI was rated 0% for PFPS and recently started having hip pains. Would the rating of my PFPS hinder a claim for hip pains??
ОтветитьHello Leah, I'm at 80 % but trying to get to 100% I have service-connected conditions with both knees, lower back, sinuses, right shoulder and migraines. Do you have any suggestions for me? Thank you kindly! Daniel
ОтветитьThanks Leah. God bless you. I enjoy the practical information to assist on claims.
ОтветитьI'm a combat vet... supported SOF both in uniform and as a contractor for many years. Ruptured my Achilles on Active duty then went into the Guard roughly 8 months after that injury and immediately entered their 8wk accelerated OCS pipeline. I had never been injured before so I felt like if I could walk/run... I was fine. Plus my active duty company commander had starts negatively counseling me for attending physical therapy (which is part of the reason I decided to ETS from active service).
While in accelerated OCS, I started experiencing intense bilateral hip pain following a mandatory 5 mile ruck march and had to withdraw. The cadre trashed my barracks room the day I was set to leave knowing I was injured but that is beside the point (and no I was not a shitbag who deserved it but it sucked and I was annoyed being bullied/hazed by a bunch of NCOs with no deployment/combat experience, I digress).
Neither the RTI nor my home guard unit ever did a line of duty (LOD) investigation so the only documentation from the military I have is what I received from my sick call visit during phase 2 of OCS. I was fresh off active duty and had no idea what an LOD was so I did not know to demand it until late in the game as I was about to take a job contracting with SOF in Afghanistan. My unit also claimed to have lost the paperwork I filed with them to initiate the LOD. I'm wondering if you might know how to address getting an LOD (if necessary) for an injury that occurred in ARNG OCS.
This injury is documented through the military and I received some VA medical care once I returned to my HOR after leaving OCS which included VA authorized physical therapy at a non-VA provider because I did not live near a VA facility that offered the care I needed. The VA orthopedist I initially saw claimed my injury is legit (which it is) but insisted that it is hereditary. Then he offered to do surgery and/or Cortisone injections on both hips which I felt was extreme given my age so I demanded physical therapy as an initial course of action.
My military units refused to do/"lost" the paperwork and the VA doctors refused to make the obvious correlation between my Achilles/Calf Atrophy (which is still an issue) and my activity during OCS causing an imbalance that ultimately led to bilateral hip issues. Essentially, I had never had any hip issues prior to OCS but the VA ortho was claiming it was hereditary based on looking at an X-ray and diagnosed me as having Bilateral impingement. The various doctors I saw made a lot of statements to me 1 on 1 that never made it into their notes. The VA has denied my claim for this issue (I filed by myself) and I feel like I am doing something wrong and that the VA seems to handle this as if my injury materialized out of thin air. All of the military and VA doctors I have visited seems to significantly downplay my issues and mischaracterize what is going on.
Good video
ОтветитьThey denied my hip since they say there is no evidence that one joint affects another joint. LOL Every Dr. I've talked to says it affects it but since this C&P examiner or rater says no, I don't get it.