NEW Harmony Draught Alchemy Recipes Makes Billions in Black Desert Online

NEW Harmony Draught Alchemy Recipes Makes Billions in Black Desert Online

Teddy Twighlite

7 месяцев назад

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@kaceydillin7367 - 26.07.2024 06:27

Harmony draught spreadsheet where ❤️

@OptimalToast - 26.07.2024 07:52

I'll definitely make some Harmony draughts for myself, but it's a lot of work to make bulk for the market, aka I'm just lazy. Currently making some bank off of the individual elixirs, so I'll stick with that for now until I can build a small stockpile. Cheers for the vid man. 😎

@Esotericspirits - 26.07.2024 09:53

Thanos elixir is here

@muth43 - 26.07.2024 14:04

for 15 mins 30mil they aren't worth using unless you have a terrible fairy and even then its just to make life easy for people so they dont have to click 10-15 buttons of buffs but them draughts have dead stats on them what do nothing like the Null dmg

@richipty7168 - 26.07.2024 15:53

All ap+13 but I need damage monster.....

@dimiplaystv8435 - 26.07.2024 16:22

Dude if only you could see how tanked and crashed the market is in South America with these new elixirs xD. There is no blood, trace of nature, fruit of nature, nothing alchemy related survived. But as an alchemy Andy, I am more than happy we finally get a good recipe.

@ohiei4677 - 26.07.2024 17:55

They are already sitting at min price on EU market lmao

@Reddstarz - 26.07.2024 17:56

i don't think you''ll be making money on this. 10x fury draught alone costs almost 50mil so you're looking at almost 250mil just to make 10x harmony draught. and that goes for roughly 330mil..... then you're gonna get tax off market.... no profit. unless you gather/craft the ingredient yourself.

@chielzzmew - 26.07.2024 21:19

EU market is already fucked on Harmony, its at 28m and dropping fast. It's better to sell individual elixirs then combine them.

@danielbruzon3422 - 26.07.2024 23:39

who is making billions with this 1 day after release ? click bait ?

@LightwarriorRz - 28.07.2024 00:44

Good shit dude!

I am starting the solo PvE life skill side of BDO. I'm done with mindless grinding for now.

What do you recommend to I should do to get my Alchemy from Artisan to Master?

@MiddDayNap - 16.09.2024 21:32

How should one powerlevel alchemy and what could be a money seller while leveling?

@TeddyTwighlite - 26.07.2024 06:31

I wasn't able to find a spreadsheet so make these with a warning, not sure if this will be the best money maker of Black Desert, and I will NOT claim this is a W for mob grinders. I will say however is it was nice to make billions IF you have the elixirs or the ingredients on hand but let me know if you're gonna be making these and if you have how much have you made so far? I'll see you in the next one. Keep gathering out there!
