Monetize Your React Native & Expo Mobile Apps With Google Admob | Full Set Up Project Tutorial | JS

Monetize Your React Native & Expo Mobile Apps With Google Admob | Full Set Up Project Tutorial | JS

Bug Ninza

1 год назад

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Phillip - 09.10.2023 10:32

Perfect explained. The ad displayed in the app as expected. Thanks :)

borhen dz
borhen dz - 31.08.2023 20:37

When integrate google admob on expo ...i should use pure expo or do injection native code ....because in production i use eas build Android

Geovane Silva
Geovane Silva - 30.08.2023 02:12

Hi friend, good evening! All good? I hope so. I'm a newbie in the field of programming and I saw your tutorial that clarified a lot of things for me. But I would like to ask what actually changes between adding ads to my project with expo using the development build for a project with expo go, I don't know if there is any difference or if it changes something?, if you can give a direction I would be very grateful, thank you .

Music Lyrics
Music Lyrics - 15.08.2023 21:36

Invariant Violation: TurboModuleRegistry.getEnforcing(...): 'RNGoogleMobileAdsModule' could not be found. Verify that a module by this name is registered in the native binary., js engine: hermes

GreenPs - 16.07.2023 07:57

How to resolve build error of::
Android build failed:
Gradle build failed with unknown error. See logs for the "...

This happens at the end of development build.

Crasherer Yolo
Crasherer Yolo - 14.07.2023 23:24

I have to publish an android app but for now I am in the “internal testing” process. Test ads are working fine but in this process if I set the adunit id the ad wont show. Do I have to publish the app for the ads to work?

Piotr Rodzen
Piotr Rodzen - 12.07.2023 19:25

Thank you so much for it!

Soap CS2
Soap CS2 - 27.06.2023 13:54

Nicely Explained bro Good Work

Potato stories
Potato stories - 26.06.2023 12:04

thank you!

Dev Apk
Dev Apk - 14.06.2023 22:16


Simulados ETEC Aplicativo
Simulados ETEC Aplicativo - 27.05.2023 03:20

I love it

Cairo Ribeiro
Cairo Ribeiro - 26.05.2023 16:59

muito obrigado! Que O SENHOR o abençoe!!!

Elder Design Concepts
Elder Design Concepts - 20.05.2023 19:29

This is great information! I've built several apps this same way. Do you happen to have any information on how to fill out Google Play's Data Safety questions to release an app using Expo and AdMob?

L R - 01.05.2023 12:50

just what we needed, and so updated. thank you!

Harmony Haven
Harmony Haven - 29.04.2023 14:37

my test ad is not showing!

[googleMobileAds/error-code-internal-error] Something happened internally; for instance, an invalid response was received from the ad server.
at node_modules\react-native-google-mobile-ads\src\ads\BaseAd.tsx:null in onNativeEvent
at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Renderer\implementations\ReactNativeRenderer-dev.js:null in invokeGuardedCallbackProd
- ... 7 more stack frames from framework internals

getting this error ? any update how to fix it ?

Faith Esther Sagbohan
Faith Esther Sagbohan - 26.04.2023 18:04

Thank u bro

Rajesh Kr Chaudhary
Rajesh Kr Chaudhary - 24.04.2023 10:17

Bro that is showing only test ads not real

Igorito_01 - 20.04.2023 02:57

So this Invariant Violation error is coming back: requireNativeComponent: "RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig" was not found in the UIManager.

Rakib - 18.04.2023 21:07

when publishing these ads to a real app, do I need to get user consent?
Does it matter which countries the users are from for consent?

Nguyên Huỳnh
Nguyên Huỳnh - 05.04.2023 08:04

Thanks for your video. It's very useful for me. But I have a question for you. When public on play store. I need to change android_app_id and adUnitId for possible as on admob account?

Vishal Chincholi
Vishal Chincholi - 25.03.2023 19:35

I have followed everything correctly but no luck, ads are not being displayed at all, not even test ads, just a blank space there

Lucas Pereira
Lucas Pereira - 21.03.2023 04:28

Thank you for the great video! Work, but when i build for AAB or APK, return: ERROR Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNGoogleMobileAdsBannerView" was not found in the UIManager.

Ody - 15.03.2023 23:25

Do you have any estimates of how much we can earn per view depending on the type of ad?

David - 14.03.2023 23:59

Incredible tutorial. Thanks!!

ido han
ido han - 21.02.2023 04:46

thank you🪄🪄

Musa Meriç
Musa Meriç - 18.02.2023 19:31

hi bro , im challenging with this error for 2 days : ERROR Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNGoogleMobileAdsBannerView" was not found in the UIManager.
i did all things in the video. How can i solve it?

Short Life2645N🤔
Short Life2645N🤔 - 12.02.2023 19:20

How to add react native cli

Muhammad Rabbi
Muhammad Rabbi - 22.12.2022 12:21

I face a problem, when i click on the button first time ad loaded successfully..

>> But, if i again press on the button then it's not working!

>> If you have enough time then please make a new video about my problem..

NOTE: it's not only my problem but also many persons face the same problem.

Muhammad Rabbi
Muhammad Rabbi - 20.12.2022 09:39

Awesome Video 😍 Thanks for this

Zero Degree Coder
Zero Degree Coder - 12.12.2022 20:54

Thanks Man

Nithin mon
Nithin mon - 28.11.2022 22:35

Hi Bro I have followed and done everything but how to change my test ads to production ads
const adUnitId = _DEV_ ? TestIds.BANNER : 'ca-app-pub-****************/**********';
this is my adUnitId so should I remove _DEV_ ? TestIds.BANNER : to run my production ads

Phong Nguyễn Trung
Phong Nguyễn Trung - 28.11.2022 06:48

Thank you for the great video !

Pablo Doebber
Pablo Doebber - 27.11.2022 17:54

Thank you very much for this video. I wish much success with the channel and as a programmer. I hadn't found any Brazilian videos teaching this.

Suren Poghosyan
Suren Poghosyan - 27.11.2022 16:34

TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'RNAppModule.eventsNotifyReady') getting when rewarded.load()

SB music
SB music - 23.11.2022 06:55

Thaks Bor

Cyb3rhunt3r - 21.11.2022 07:38

Bro , ive been getting errors since but after following your tutorial it finally works!! Thanks a lot man , God bless you !

Cole Keesey
Cole Keesey - 19.11.2022 06:45

Hi, so i followed the totorial and no mater what I do I keep getting "This property name is not allowed by the Scheme" when I add the react-native-google-moble-ads. How do I fix it?

Ahmed Parbes
Ahmed Parbes - 16.11.2022 20:40

great. Its work

Kıvanç A
Kıvanç A - 16.11.2022 16:42

Cant we try this with expo app?

A day in LIFE
A day in LIFE - 15.11.2022 20:23

After putting Ads , what next , (I have to reupload up) which command to use

Tech For Skills Earning
Tech For Skills Earning - 11.11.2022 15:14

Thanks Sir, Finally it's work ❤ Please Make videos "How to publish Our App On Plystore? "

Tech For Skills Earning
Tech For Skills Earning - 11.11.2022 11:21

Sir can I follow this process without Android studio using, actual device android phone
