How to BURN FAT & Build Muscle at the SAME TIME (Start Doing THIS!) | Mind Pump 1987

How to BURN FAT & Build Muscle at the SAME TIME (Start Doing THIS!) | Mind Pump 1987

Mind Pump Show

1 год назад

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@ada-boy - 18.11.2023 01:30

These ppl have eating disorders. 😂

@ruthlavayen13 - 13.11.2023 23:58

I’m learning a lot .. Aplying to meet my goal ! 😊 Thank you guys . ❤

@fkoti - 13.11.2023 13:20

Wow I loved what Adam brought up that his focus was mainly to hit his target just hovering around maintenance calories, and as he was building muscle naturally the deficit would come! Genius approach actually

@tammyjenkins5422 - 01.11.2023 19:23

I've been lifting for over 20 years. I'm 50 years old and female. Can I still build muscle

@aliciaforney1617 - 27.10.2023 23:10

What would a skinny fat person want to do? Slight surplus for building muscle?

@user-os3kn4uk4f - 27.10.2023 03:11

Please help: I’m at 250 protein and slight deficit and weigh 160. I workout regularly 4 days a week for 20 min but I push hard. Do you think I’ll see my results.

@MrLamans07 - 22.10.2023 20:56

So much bs. I've been cycling 2x 30 min a day to work spitting my lungs out on the way there not to be late and been doing weights, I lost a lot of fat while building a lot of muscle. These things are not that clear cut.

@jshaw7042 - 17.10.2023 18:39

So question?

I started my weightloss journey in February 2023. I started out at 467 and as of October 17th 2024 I'm down to 378.

I'm on a high protoen low carb diet. But I've stalled, also I eat about 200g of protein. Calorie intake 1800 to 2000.

@michellebaker614 - 15.10.2023 04:23

Adam what is the time frame on your transformation?

@michellebaker614 - 15.10.2023 04:15

that before and after picture is Awesome

@michellebaker614 - 15.10.2023 04:12

OMG Sal. <3 Thank you

@Youtuber19841 - 14.10.2023 23:51

Where do you do the body fat test?

@melaniedrew1097 - 10.10.2023 19:19

Wouldn't doing cardio before breakfast resolve the issue of calorie demand while aiding with fat loss?

@FoodieVacations - 09.10.2023 02:30

You have to measure instead of weigh… to see the fat loss. Muscle gain is real. But as you lose your fat your clothes become loose. That’s fat loss.

@beautywhore3360 - 27.09.2023 15:18

Do any of these guys ever disagree with each other

@OMG-FineChina - 22.09.2023 08:53

So I am 197lbs 38% fat, BMR 1600, I usually eat 2300cals a day and burn 300 calories a day.

I want to build muscle muscle and drop down less than 20% fat, I want to be roughly 160-170lbs

So far my protein is 200g a day cals 1700, only strength training 3x a week, walking 2x a week

Not having many carbs the first few days to get into keto about 25g a day

Once I hit keto, how much carbs should I add per day?

If I lose more than 2lbs a week or more than 4lbs in two weeks, should I increase my protein another 100 calories?

Putting my calories up to 1700/day?

Then two weeks pass and if I drop more than 4lbs again add another 100 calories

Putting me at 1800/day?

When do I stop adding calories?

At some point I may hit a plateau then what direction do I go?

I would like be 160lbs but I much rather be 20% fat over the scale but for life insurance policy not over 172lbs

Can I have a bit of help? 🥹

@entertainment201 - 21.09.2023 10:07

Great video Gentlemen 👍

@drazzzpoppp5022 - 21.09.2023 03:59

Thank you

@kghhgkgk6322 - 16.08.2023 22:10

I've Tried this exact thing so many times. I always get discouraged because the scale doesn't move and I'm just too gross to take pictures

@riversoflivingwater3831 - 03.08.2023 04:07

For eight weeks I was on a build glute and legs program that had 3 legs days and 2 upper body. My glutes are noticeably different but now I want to get leaner so I added 5am HIIT workouts and damn! I’m already trimming down and my metabolism has sky rocketed.

@jordymanenjineering5741 - 03.08.2023 01:41

Shit is confusing

@debdzcke - 06.07.2023 17:44

So I get all the science and nuance the fitness industry provides but if it was as difficult as the science makes it appear, no one would lose weight and build muscle. As a 68 year old female I decided to get serious about my body. In a year I went from 165 to 120 and based on my inbody comp analysis at my gym I lost significant fat and built significant muscle. I wish I had taken pics but I didn’t. But to give you a visual I went from size 14 pants to size 6. I did it by eating in a slight calorie deficit and hitting my macros (first time I ever prioritized protein) and doing resistance training along with regular walks. I did this consistently and voila 45 lb weight loss. That happened in 2019 and I’ve maintained using the same formula. I now crave my resistance training rather than sugary sweets. Macros plus weightlifting 🏋️‍♀️ plus consistency. It really is that easy!

@jammietittle2504 - 04.07.2023 15:14

I am down to the last bit of fat around my hips, i would guess i was at 22% bf when i started 10 weeks ago. Past 10 weeks I've been cycling maintenance and deficit. My deficit is only 300cal cut off my maintenance calories. I stay in each phase two weeks at a time alternating maintenance and deficit. I increased my protein from 130g to 160g a day and making sure I spread it out through the day and I had started taking creatine when I started cycling the two phases 10w ago. The scale is staying around the same it fluctuate between 2 pounds. I'm losing the stubborn fat I struggled to lose that I've never gotten off. I'm seeing more ab definition too and I feel stronger could be from creatine. 10 weeks ago when I started I had also started following a new lifting program and challenging myself to go heavier. I have been lifting consistently for the past 2.5 years, i had lost 40lb 2 years ago and completed a 8 month bulk this past March. I can say at 44yo I'm in the best shape of my life! Love your podcast and Sal's book. Thank you for sharing your knowledge I listen in my car on my way to work. ❤

@DEATHxTHExKIDx1 - 03.07.2023 07:14

I think 15mins of jump rope cardio should be ok. With a weighted rope even better

@rvxxie - 29.06.2023 04:06

Why does it seem like they changed their views about it lol

@kylefletcher1002 - 22.06.2023 21:07

When it comes to macros and listening to all this i feel very i just for the life of me cant wrap my mind around this whole conversation, i have stubborn belly fat rest of my body looks good hahah i just feel lost , went from 355 down to 195, had some issues for a year found myself at 260, back down to 248 wanting to build muscle and lose my stomach but sounds so complicated

@salvarunatortuga5396 - 03.06.2023 18:19

Yeah I don't agree with #3 don't do cardio. Once I added 4-5 hours a week of cardio I went from ~20% bodyfat to ~15% bodyfat, added a ton of muscle, and got much stronger. Cardio helped me alot.

@gurue6815 - 02.06.2023 00:51

What’s the expected progress with building muscle and loosing fat? Drooped 8 kgs and Maintaining at 82 kgs now, adjusting food intake as I feel, progress in lifting, body strength, cardio strength , I do see results, but not as expected. I’m not getting n a rush but trying to understand what’s generally expected

@rodcy2008 - 25.05.2023 01:21

Is it 1 gram protein for current body weight or for desired body weight? I need to lose about 100 pounds.

@YaaALI313 - 22.05.2023 23:08

How much calories should i eat ? I am at 235 lbs

@JosephEGlaser - 22.05.2023 22:29

What about doing some sessions of drawn out really low intensity steady state riding an exercise bike slowly while watching TV and reading or talking to someone to hit maybe a 60 percent of max target heart rate

@cspence6253 - 26.04.2023 21:11

Have you guys always been natural? Or was any testosterone used at all

@curtisrogers262 - 15.04.2023 19:59

This is awesome. You guys touch on a lot of great topics. Very helpful, thank you.

@sipstea26 - 12.04.2023 22:23

Circadian rhythms, idk what sleep is lol I work 12 hour night shifts and have a 3 year old at home. It's taking me even longer to reach my goals 😑

@jeffcarlos5780 - 10.04.2023 18:40

Wow you compared a before and after getting on gear

@lysergiclarry4649 - 08.04.2023 00:45

I was 294 pounds 2/12 month as ago I’m Down to 267 and I’ve still been steadily building muscle. I’ve seen very little diffrence in my gains(I move up in weight or reps on every exercise almost every week) I must be blessed it’s much easier than they are making it sound at least in my opinion

@grounded4845 - 06.04.2023 13:08

A lot of gems in this podcast. ❤

@jcolespartan - 01.04.2023 16:41

YES!! Thank you. I had been constantly hearing to loose fat/weight you have to eat less and burn more, BUT to gain muscle you had to eat more.. How can I eat more and be at a caloric deficit (burn more) at the same time??? It’s KILLING me.. You guys touched on every topic I need. Great vid 👍🏽

@rpreyer2 - 01.04.2023 04:36

I stand on scale almost everyday. My weight appears to be different everyday. I did lose 30 pounds, and I don't know how I did it.

@stormrhode2330 - 26.03.2023 23:33

Protein is the real challenge for me. My stomach has shrunk so much, I fill up fast. I try not to supplement too much, but then I usually fall short of my target. I'm pretty lean and light (I'm 135 and shoot for 120g), but even planning out my meals, getting through them's tough.

I'm not against eating; it's not psychological for me and I've never had an eating disorder. Just struggling to work back up to eating the right amount. Fortunately, I don't think I've been losing strength or muscle. Just trapped in perpetual maintenance. 😵‍💫

@Getgeko - 24.03.2023 01:15

Im confused on the science of fat burning and calories..technically your never on a deficit because you body will burn fat to eliminate the surplus. Whats the difference if your on a 100 cal deficit or 1000? If you get ur protein in and lift to build muscle, fat can be the “calories “ needed to grow?

@c.r.hackett6464 - 23.03.2023 18:34

Absolutely awesome Information..Thank You

@kinggang8665 - 20.03.2023 17:44

But what enhancements were you taking...🤔

@raqui174 - 16.03.2023 19:18

I’m on a weight loss journey and he is absolutely right about being patient and not over correcting your diet because you aren’t seeing results.. the first couple weeks or days you may not see anything but suddenly if you stay the course you wake up one morning and boom you loose a significant amount of weight.. a lot of patience is required

@justinthematrix - 12.03.2023 23:37

I’ve been swimming 2-3 times a week and weights 4-5 times a week not sure if I’m building muscle or not but definitely leaning out and getting toned

@Bugaspentree - 10.03.2023 14:48

Id love a video about the caloric intake information after you gain more muscle

@TargetBreaker1234 - 08.03.2023 15:04

the cardio signal vs weights signal is a really good point - i do crossfit, and i double up the evening session with a morning cardio (row/echo bike su/du skipping) session 4 times a week. i was at 122kg and went down to 103 with a goal of 100kg in mind (6'2 height). i was in a calorie deficit most of last year around 2000/2100cals to achieve this and my body is now highly efficient in endurance which is good for CS. However my strength and muscle has reduced although looking lean....i injured my achilles 2 weeks ago, so ive now switched this week to a 5/3/1 with BBB to build back muscle and strength and will now hit the maintenance macros and see how it goes - you are 100% right on not eating enough you dont sleep well - ive had this a number of times and allow refeed day on my rest day wednesday. the weekends i allow a little more also, which you guys refer to so hoping to hit the goldielocks zone! How are you guys testing bodyfat btw?

@aimeehilbrands9466 - 23.02.2023 22:45

When you say cardio is that more towards running?

@afishl1 - 23.02.2023 01:44

I think there is some good information in here but this video is also made out to be something it’s not. The claim is to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, yet their protocol is to be in a 100 cal deficit one day and then 100 surplus the next essentially. So basically, they didn’t tell us a way to do both AT THE SAME TIME, all they did was make a very short cycling (fat loss/muscle gain) protocol. It’s not at the same time else you wouldn’t be changing from one to the other. I do this as well, with more calories on my workout days followed by less calories off days where I do zone 2 cardio first thing in the morning when Im fasted and you better believe I’m using HMB then, locally applied belly ice prior and a whole host of fat burning supplements they wrote off… I’m gaining weight and my body fat is going down… don’t forget to do periodization workouts btw… also, creatine isn’t as effective if you already eat a lot of meat
