Why Isn't there a Birth Control Pill for Males?

Why Isn't there a Birth Control Pill for Males?

Healthcare Triage

1 год назад

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@gustiable - 01.02.2024 08:05

Damn i was just thinking when this would be available i hope this becomes available soon 🙏🙏

@t.o.o.smooth5870 - 29.11.2023 02:43

Oh there could be male hormonal birth-control yesterday, but god forbid reproductive rights are given to men. Too many systems benefit from women having full control in this area.

@ahaikepo7984 - 16.10.2023 10:27

in indonesia use papaya seed.. it can be extract?

@vaughanlockett658 - 09.09.2023 14:38

Its not in the interest of your country or women.

@soilwadtarken - 19.08.2023 12:14

just dont have sex till u ready to have kids bruh

@MS-60663 - 06.08.2023 00:21

This sounds almost like 'chemical castration'.

@summer_snow9551 - 24.05.2023 22:44

Wait so you guys get to have things done the right way while we get fucked over cute

@discombubulate2256 - 19.04.2023 07:43

got a vasectomy back in '98, and thank christ i did. had a partner i was with for almost 4 years who "said" she was on the pill and she was in the beginning but stopped that a year months before we parted ways because she wanted to have a baby and never told me. i found this out after reading some txts with one of her friends on her phone. she had been off the pill for 8 months when i told her about my little operation. long story short i had to find a new place to live but i did so with a smile on my face.
moral: don't trust women, when this stuff is made available USE IT!

@Martino2156 - 13.04.2023 02:18

The reason this does not exist yet may be an actual conspiracy. Think about this - What incentive do governments, women, and possibly scientists have to allow this. Women may feel threatened by it because of the power it would give men over reproduction in the household. Governments may feel threatened by this because of the potential for heavy population decline which could sway power to another nation. Scientists could be worried about the extreme possibility that it could literally make humans and endangered species. That may sound funny at first but what incentive does a man really have to stop taking this new, easy, highly effective form of birth control? With divorce rates such as they are, legions of men paying child support, men estranged from their children do to women and the bias courts, men have zero incentive to reproduce nor even get married

@BabieBlue_BB - 04.03.2023 21:36


@Kyleplaysgames567 - 25.02.2023 09:58

The only thing men have to use are condoms and a vasectomy. One is permanent and the other is a one time use.

@70something.89 - 08.02.2023 19:48

I hear women complaining that there isn't a male contraceptive pill. What they don't necessarily appreciate is that if there is such a thing. Men would decide when a women gets pregnant end of story! The option for a woman to decide she wants a child will be solely down to men. Other than artificial insemination. I know it's a cliché but 'be careful what you wish for'

@elihenley6982 - 06.02.2023 16:27

This was refreshingly informative

@Chadmlad - 06.01.2023 20:35

Is there really no contraception options anywhere in the world? I'm sure research into this can be made in countries with less restrictions on testing trials.

@steen275 - 02.01.2023 03:58

Birth control doesn't work on men.
We have trillions of sperm.
Women have 1 egg.
Pills for women releases a hormone that tricks the body into thinking it's already pregnant and can't be insiminated..
We can't trick trillions of sperm to think it in the egg.

The pills either kill us or make us steril.

@aaronknight1009 - 16.12.2022 20:01

I would seriously consider the non-hormonal method that injects a gel into the vas deferens, no side effects at all and lasts many years until another injection dissolves the gel...which was tested and ready to go right before the pandemic hit, what's the holdup on its final approval and release??

I'd never touch the hormonal methods that lower testosterone to the point I'm so feminine that my sperm can't impregnate, plus all the other side effects...hell no. Skip the gels and pills that will mess us up, give men the injectable non-hormonal method, that's all we need....but we know they'd rather release a method that keeps the money rolling in, not a simple one-time injection.

@CapsAdmin - 22.11.2022 02:29

I remember a side effect from taking Olanzapine which was no ejaculation during an orgasm. When I stopped taking the drug it went back to normal in a week or so.

@TheHappyLeperBeaver - 19.11.2022 23:05

I'm using a heat based birth control. It works, has very high chances of reversibility, is painless to me and not much a burden in my life. It's a silicon ring that you put on your penis and that raises the testicles in the groin area. By putting the testes there, the warmth of the body will gradually decrease spermiogenesis. It helps lower the count under 1 million sperm cells/ml, which theoretically equates to 95% chance of infertility. I've been using it for 2 years, I have now azoospermia, meaning 0 sperm cells counted in lab by spermiogram.
I'd be happy to talk about it if you want !

@kenofken9458 - 15.10.2022 02:22

There are drugs which will dramatically lower sperm count over time. Testosterone replacement, depending on the dose and duration will often do this, although it is not always predictable. So will the closely related anabolic steroids.

@patharrison7695 - 14.10.2022 05:14

I notice that you didnt metion RISUG, and I only see it mentioned in one comment. Have we given up on this treatment?

@james4thedoctor482 - 12.10.2022 15:55

The 3rd accepted Male contraceptive is Abstinence.

@Ravenlock - 11.10.2022 07:04

As someone getting a vasectomy next month, I remain disappointed and angry that no other options exist, even for us to evaluate the risk and make our own decisions on. I started donating to Vaselgel research a decade ago hoping to eventually be able to use it myself, but there's still not even a projected date that it might be approved for market.

@annapoteet2483 - 10.10.2022 20:07

Can you do an episode on the recent research saying that colonoscopies aren’t as effective as previously believed?

@Baraborn - 10.10.2022 19:42

Wasn't this a question for 2014 - 2018?

Seems to me the "powers that be" realized if men had less permeant options of birth control the US birthrate would plummet into the negative.

@lSomeRandomGuyl - 10.10.2022 18:31

Very superficial and simple video. Didn’t go deep enough especially on the reason why male trials were stopped (suicide).
I expect better from this channel.

@jesipohl6717 - 10.10.2022 09:47


@bennewman4675 - 10.10.2022 04:20

Will you ever do a video on energy drinks like monster ?

@LightPink - 10.10.2022 04:18

I'm unsubscribing for now but feel free to @ me when you put more info in your videos and link your sources in the description

@SinHurr - 10.10.2022 04:11

In short, men are giant babies.

@jliller - 10.10.2022 03:57

Ah yes, that sure is the kind of contraceptive I want: getting a needle inserted into my private parts on a yearly basis!
Said no man, ever.

Better to just have vasectomy in that case - one and done.

@JaxsonDMesserly - 10.10.2022 03:46

So in short - women only have these options because they were the guinea pigs, and those same treatments and things wouldn't be approved today, but they got "grandfathered-in" basically.
And men have no options because they simply don't work - and often have worse outcomes and side effects. Nice.

@thomaswalsh4552 - 10.10.2022 01:49

This video seems devastatingly short on details

It’s barely the thinnest of scratches on the surface imo. For example, leaving out that leading attempts at pills caused suicidal ideation and increased aggression, understated as “mood swings” unless you deep dive into the reports on the drugs.

@friedrice4015 - 10.10.2022 01:18

Could you even get men to take it, though? I’m sure some men would take the opportunity, but given how many men feel emasculated by vasectomies (even though they are safer and more comfortable than expecting a wife to carry on with birth control till menopause), I suspect women will still take on much of the burden of birth control. Let’s be honest, would this actually radically shift our culture, or would it be just another thing we code as “not manly”?

@PaulTheadra - 10.10.2022 00:54

Just got a vasectomy a few weeks ago, my partner is going through menopause and taking BHRT, but going through complications with treatment, so we decided it would be safer. I'm a nurse since the 2000s, I really thought men would've had a birth control option by now.

@carmenv4292 - 10.10.2022 00:06

I believe we're skimming over a big piece of information that Dr. Carroll mentioned. If women's birth control went through the same regulations as men's birth control, women would not be taking it in its current state. I'm not saying, "everyone stop taking birth control" however, the same side effects that are being used to justify why male birth control isn't available, aren't unique to male birth control. Women's birth control causes a book-filled list of side effects including depression/suicidal thoughts and mood swings. I can't say aggression is one but excessive bleeding, weight gain, blood clots, cancer risk, high blood pressure, etc. should not be taken lightly. Periods and child birth is something that males cannot understand, even for those on the more emotionally intelligent side. We simply need to do better in developing something that'll work for humans period.

It's baffling that women don't have better options. As someone mentioned in a previous comment, if women try to see a doctor about a more permanent solution, we are shamed into reconsidering because, "we might change our minds". The fact that anyone feels like they can make a decision for someone else without their consent is unethical, and that's right folks, unconstitutional. So to anyone out there who feels they have a right to do anything, but improve the situation for women, reconsider and for the love don't spread your ideology.

Yes, I'm a women. No, I'm not religious. Yes, I care about life. Yes, I'm salty and tired of the suppression women continue to face. Have a nice day.

@velescope - 09.10.2022 23:39

I totally had my eyebrows raised before you said that lol 😂

@mrkeyboard3602 - 09.10.2022 23:30

well heres a bit of science (not a medical professional): in order to halt the effectiveness of reproductive processes in each gender is the reduction of testosterone. in women testosterone sits at around 80ng per decoliter and in men 700ng per decoliter. in order for birth control to work in each gender testosterone has to drop to around 40ng per decoliter. still not a healthy amount for women but detromental in men (to the point of likely permanent castration). testosterone and estrogren are crucial for brain health in both genders as well. estrogen assists in brain growth and repair. men convert available testosteron to estrogen in the brain and women produce it directly. lowering a womens testosterone does not effect thier estrogen levels much. but in men especially in ones teen could cause lack of brain development, but long term could increase likelyhood of neurodegenerate disease. There a thousand more reasons why dropping your testosterone to this level is not a good idea.

just talking about the science. personally i dont think a pill is gonna ever be effective without some serious side effects. physical methods are likely better like an IUD. its not fair for the women to bare this responsibility, i hope science brings us better options in the future. im just saying this aint it.

@HolyRowluh - 09.10.2022 23:23

Great info but delivery suggestion. Make a podcast rather than just have all your material written on the screen. That’s what captions are for 🙏🏼 I do appreciate your channel but think it could be a bit better, especially after all the hard research put into each one it deserves more

@OurCognitiveSurplus - 09.10.2022 23:09

What does the “13% condom failure rate” mean? I’ve been using condoms on and off for decades at not had an issue. 13% seems super high - there must be some catch?

@johngerity - 09.10.2022 22:56

Condom failure is 13%?? Citation needed. Badly!

@Goobian - 09.10.2022 22:37

i do not trust a man saying he is on the pill.

@JohnnyElihue - 09.10.2022 22:12

I wish pharmaceutical companies would just kill the whole idea of "gel" application off. It's just a dumb method of hormone delivery. Making something that affects hormones that easily through the skin is just dangerous and irresponsible to say the least. Your loved ones might come into contact with it, your pets, it's going to run down the drain into ground water etc etc. It's just dumb. Stop it.

@bennewman4675 - 09.10.2022 20:40

Why doesn't birth control pill all ways work for every women ?

@ordinary_deepfake - 09.10.2022 20:31

This is literally the phase just because you can do it doesn't mean you should

@SpeakShibboleth - 09.10.2022 19:59

I'd like some options. You'd still need condoms for disease prevention in relationships that aren't long term and monogamous but it would be nice to have a second layer of contraceptive protection.

@Danyel615 - 09.10.2022 19:56

Although it wasn't mentioned, the side effects went beyond things like general discomfort or acne; they also involved suicide ideation and a significant increase in aggressiveness! Those were the reasons many trials had to be halted.

@MaverickBlue42 - 09.10.2022 19:50

We do have one, only it hasn't gotten to the human trial stage. It's only been a matter of money and research, with the former funding the latter.

@francinesmith1889 - 09.10.2022 19:10

Lists side effects of male BC pill as being unsatisfactory and not worth the risk to men’s health, as reasons as to why they’re presently isn’t one available for men.
Literally every side effect STILL PRESENT in female birth control pills.
It’s always a woman’s fault, it’s always our responsibility. We’re always the ones that are going to suffer and put up with the bullshit because we that’s what it takes to have freedom of choice. Men are too weak; they just walk away if they don’t want to have a baby.
