build your own browser (crazy SECURE)

build your own browser (crazy SECURE)


1 год назад

280,823 Просмотров

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Kapz Vara
Kapz Vara - 10.10.2023 02:02

Love it one i get some savings i want to use Lenoid and build my own system :)

Sliversi - 08.10.2023 06:10

Does this work also like anti detect browsers ? Can you be detected as using anonymizer ?

Phil May
Phil May - 07.10.2023 06:48

Yo chuck can I do this in my local portainer?

Edel Tomines
Edel Tomines - 05.10.2023 19:42

They think that everyone is a Tech nerd like them 😅

Michael Antelo
Michael Antelo - 03.10.2023 19:52

I got it, and am excited. Cost and convenience all the way. I think I can use this in my OSINT research so thanks!

Rs W
Rs W - 02.10.2023 17:04

Background music is so mush loud

Adekunle Sanyaolu
Adekunle Sanyaolu - 01.10.2023 01:01

Let's get started

Xstep2 - 28.09.2023 19:23

Actually, I already do this, I started 2 years ago. Here’s how. 1. Create a vm (anything tbh) 2. Use a browser 3. Delete the machine

Malachi T
Malachi T - 25.09.2023 19:13

i still dont know what the terminal is chuck

Dan Mc Salley
Dan Mc Salley - 24.09.2023 19:32

I decided to simply stick with the NetworkChuckBrowser for $7 per month as its going to a great cause. Pay yourself first Chuck. Thanks for the videos, keep em coming.

Eduard van Deventer
Eduard van Deventer - 15.09.2023 09:26

Linode just rejects my every sign up... Not sure why their AI keep declining me!

Cyanide Popsicles
Cyanide Popsicles - 13.09.2023 21:32

7 is steep to be wanting for a monthly fee. A buck or two would be more reasonable, and even if we consider that we're helping support you and your videos, up to about $5 would be reasonable... but once you pass that threshold, you are in overpriced category. Remember, you are competing with FREE alternatives.

Dalton - 12.09.2023 13:16

People will find a reason to hate other people for making money... people will also find a reason to be jealous they didn't think of something first and market it. And the haters who are complaining about him making money off of other people... I mean, I don't know how accurate this is but a quick Google search will tell you that someone with 1M subscribers makes about 60K a year.. Depends on views, ads clicked from his videos, etc. My guy here has 3.9M subs, most videos have well into the 100s of thousands of views. Which would put him making well into the 6 figures... Pretty sure he's not out to scam for money.
Y'all haters need to get off your keyboard warrior thrones and do something.
Side note, met him a couple weeks back at a gas station... Couldn't be a nicer guy. Keep it up brother! <><

La Sorsa
La Sorsa - 03.09.2023 00:12

Why not just use Tor Browser?

Zauselbart - 30.08.2023 00:14

Hey man, Love your Channel. And this is a very good solution also for business environments.
And just a big thank you. I am working as a product manager in an IT company and your videos are helping me so much in understanding more of the deeper stuff our technicians do or talk about. Just the best thing when they notice that I am actually know what they're talking about or can tell them things like "I'm no expert but have you tried this?"
Really your videos are making me better at my job.
Oh and about those people trying to use this illegal... I think if someone actually needs to ask if it is safe to do illegal stuff.... Well he better should not do illegal stuff.😅

Cythr - 27.08.2023 21:06

I love teachers like you, Thanks for being such a great teacher! We love you

Cythr - 27.08.2023 21:05

The best product pitch I've heard in my lifetime, holymolly - I am completely sold (I was in the first video itself, this made me a permanent member), A question since you are so transparent, How do you make any money by doing this?

rediteltripu_ - 22.08.2023 02:40

Can I pay on linode with paypal? I'm too lazy :D

Austin James
Austin James - 09.08.2023 04:44

Thanks for the Sauce Chuck. FrFr.

I have a QUESTION -
If im using an older laptop and icuse Linode and set up a Windows server, will it be faster and i can just use that until my credits are up and stuff. Is this like an RDP?

Sorry if the question os stupid.

Lionfire - 05.08.2023 13:00

yoooooooooooooooooooooooo this is so ez

Silhouettix - 05.08.2023 08:53

im wondering is it possible to just use hostinger vps since its significantly cheaper?

Design Create Hosting
Design Create Hosting - 31.07.2023 11:18

Sandbox FTW

Ila Kolmagorov
Ila Kolmagorov - 25.07.2023 18:49

For users in countries with strict internet regulations, the Utopia P2P web proxy ensures accessibility. Its decentralized nature makes it resistant to censorship attempts, guaranteeing reliable proxy service availability that is unparalleled.

MangoDev - 17.07.2023 21:54

BTW thank you for inspiring me to make my own browser! (Sadly tho i'm not gonna host it in the cloud and i dont think it will be that secure) but new browser. Is gonna be built with chromium and i'll try as fast as possible to transition to a custom engine, because chromium sucks. There isn't enough docs for it, so... idek anymore.

Memeasism - 10.07.2023 03:45

I remember when you made a kasm video for kali linux in docker 😎

Juninho - 10.07.2023 02:12

I tought we would be coding an actual browser not this 😢

AWA - 09.07.2023 08:33

But do government agencies have access to watch and save information?

Andy Stewart
Andy Stewart - 02.07.2023 21:51

I bought it 👌🏻

brandon ruiz
brandon ruiz - 02.07.2023 07:12

youre awesome man, btw much respect on the "Linux Commands To Know" with the Bible references. good to know there is still people on internet that still read that epic a$! story!

Dániel Sinkó
Dániel Sinkó - 01.07.2023 09:36

Since your browser came out, i see souspiciusly many german guys as prostitutes in the streets of Bangkok. They are in rough shape and always muble: "Im just an IT guy. Why this hapening to me. Who the hell are Chloe and Allie?!"

Thanks for the vids i realy enjoy them. Keep up the good worrk Chuck! 😊

Bloss0m YT
Bloss0m YT - 29.06.2023 15:33

Ok now how do we create our own internet

RAY - 28.06.2023 00:51

Shame man i feel for you 😂

paypal me emeraldblock
paypal me emeraldblock - 22.06.2023 21:03

Thanks Chuck you are always helpful 🙏🙏🙏

TechFan101 - 18.06.2023 22:43

Set this up with the linode 4gb and it is ultra laggy, unusably so. So, I would say, the $7 for yours is probably a pretty good deal if anyone does not want to self host.. I will try it on my pi 4 8gb, should perform better than the linode 4gb but will see.

Mike Zero
Mike Zero - 16.06.2023 07:56

Don't worry about the weirdos. You know IT world is full of weirdo skinny clowns. Your browser plug is excellent for my activities. 😁

Michael Moose
Michael Moose - 15.06.2023 16:24

Reset my password and not let me sign in,:)?
The only way it sign in is to use Continue With Google
Continue With Microsoft
I will try on a different computer/PC and see what happen:)?
Any thoughts:)?

R2 - 15.06.2023 07:07

where we can get your browser?

Amegh - 13.06.2023 11:32

how to host it on aws

K Tech World
K Tech World - 09.06.2023 20:12

Hey Chuck

Just wanted to ask if this project will be possible on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 8 Gigs of RAM

matt vid
matt vid - 06.06.2023 05:52

Can you please give a secure way to copy and paste URLs(text also) from a computer and the disposable browser?
Some of the links and text are too large

Shrike DeCil
Shrike DeCil - 31.05.2023 05:45

1) This sounds like it would pair extremely well with something like "FreedomBox".
2) And the third piece of the puzzle would be the competent wireless AP/router.

Pratik Raj
Pratik Raj - 30.05.2023 21:17

You were kind of Gru of Despicable Me with your girls in that video 😂

Alternative Für Medien DE-CH
Alternative Für Medien DE-CH - 29.05.2023 20:29

I use your browser, and love it...

Comrade Poop
Comrade Poop - 29.05.2023 00:17

I mean is there a way to put it on a sub domain? I have ssh and kinda the same thing through cpanel labeled as terminal

IL PE - 25.05.2023 09:44

Hi Chuck, thank you for the very thorough and helpful tutorial. I was wondering could this secure browser be setup on a NAS hard drive? Or would it still require VPS or some type of self-hosting? Great work, already subbed. Ciao!

Eldred Lir-Errant
Eldred Lir-Errant - 22.05.2023 02:36

So, I can host this on my own server? I'm thinking of setting up my older PC as a NAS for media, and if I can figure it out, my Reolink security system. Also, if I connect that server to the modem through a Deeper Connect product would that help with keeping its location safe?

Sasho Popovski
Sasho Popovski - 20.05.2023 22:41

You should definitely stop using lastpass since it got breached into not too long ago..
