The REAL Most POPULAR VTuber In The World (It's not who you think...)

The REAL Most POPULAR VTuber In The World (It's not who you think...)


1 год назад

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@erinjannamacalawa4991 - 15.06.2024 13:38

Ok but most of the people already made Gura as The most subbed vtuber its even in japan articles

@maymeimaimiyawnyaa6219 - 08.05.2024 14:41

Also i believe pewds also count as vtuber then (even just once or twice) alike title it will stuck on pewds for the rest of pewds live .

@rikterterran3833 - 23.03.2023 07:40

The only way I'd consider her the most subscribed Vtuber is if she made a new channel focused solely on Vtuber content, and that channel gaining more subs than Gura.

@EngCenturion - 21.03.2023 13:16

More power to her

@JackSpadeVT - 21.03.2023 02:55

Makes you wonder what other lowkey-popular, non-corporate Vtubers are on this platform and/or Twitch

@madison8818 - 06.03.2023 12:23

So much copium in the comment section, but even Ironmouse acknowledge her to be the biggest vtuber atm, and she's not wrong either. The OG vtubers pretty much do video format.

Also, don't act like this didn't happen before. I remember when like Fubuki was going to be the first 1 million sub in Hololive, then immediately got swept off by Gura in a ridiculous speed. I thought it was luck she hit the algorithm gold mine, but then realized she was a gold YT button talent with a highly engaged following, meaning it was no fluke she was going to pop off. She was the real deal entertainer who knows dem tricks in the trade, and that she did as Gura in Hololive with better management, production, and budget~

@mankovitch1130 - 26.02.2023 23:12

i think gura trying to do things like this before joining hololive

@FLHilde - 11.02.2023 22:54

Nice try, but she wasn't a Vtuber she became a Vtuber when she saw the popularity of them (like almost all Vshojo), she already had some respectable numbers as a Streamer, but she can't be counted as the most popular "Vtuber" because she wasn't a Vtuber before, Gura was "born" as a Vtuber and in less than 1 year she surpassed Kizuna Ai who already had 5 years of existence, if that's not considered Popularity then I don't know what is.

@Sotau890 - 08.01.2023 09:42

i didn't know Lamy has a V-sister

@HarvestingMetalHeads - 17.10.2022 00:14

yet no ones know her

@erialbar - 29.09.2022 19:18

Blue eyes theory

@Bolththrower - 28.09.2022 19:13

Absolutely not.

I could buy a 20 million sub channel today, buy my self a digital vtuber avatar and claim i'm the most popular vtuber EVER...
Having a big sub count dose not mean high leave stream numbers even.
Example could be Pewdiepie with 111 MILLION subscribers but his average views per video is not even close to a quarter of his sub count (BTW if we go this rout Pewdiepie is the biggest vtuber as he has a digital avatar model he had done for himself).
No hate on Cookie but she did other content long before that gained her most of her subscribers, then decided to become a vtuber.
If we really want to gauge who is the most popular vtuber we should take a string of stats in to consideration.

- Subs/Followers depending of stream platform.
- Twitter and other social media platforms.
- Mentions on social different media platforms.
- Watch hours.
- Viewers during live streams.
- Sales of official merchandise.
And the list goes on. One we have a agreed upon list of criteria we can start to yield data and from that we COULD start to gauge who the actually most popular vtuber is. I would also dare to make the claim that most people would likely be surprised who would come out on the top. (:

@hahocelestino - 16.09.2022 15:33

i dont know CookieSwirlC
so she not popular for me..

@AndersHass - 16.09.2022 00:14

People being salty because she was big before her debut. Gura does also attract a lot of kids which is why she has gained so many subscribers. Not to say she is targeting them as Cookie does. Also who cares about who is biggest, just enjoy whoever you want to enjoy.

@ReizzaLyn - 15.09.2022 00:40

English is not my first language so sorry in advance. But this point of view is a bit uhh...controversial? Like what some here said the vtuber community will most likely not accept this cause she got a vtuber model years after her channel has already acquired millions of subscribers. And probably doesnt help that her subscribers and viewers are mostly kids that are probably below 10years of age (based on when my neices watched her more than 5yrs ago so yes I do know her).

@KuroDCupu - 14.09.2022 03:31

If I used to be the most popular kid in highschool, and then I grow up and become a college student, can I automatically claim myself as "the most popular student at university" ?

@imaginebeinganeop1893 - 13.09.2022 14:42

Not good man, it's day 4. Where are all the views?

@TWLSpark - 12.09.2022 16:39

I think the wording is technically wrong, because while she is popular, it is to children that probably watch her more for being a children entertain than for being a vtuber.

I think the proper wording would be that she's the most viewed vtuber, instead. This couldn't be contested, realistically speaking, given the large amount of views she has already amassed. And while yes, she wasn't a vtuber from the beginning, neither was people like Nyanners, so I'd say that the point still stands.

@zeroanimation3956 - 11.09.2022 04:05

Imagine if Pewdiepie become Vtuber, would you call him the "REAL" most "POPULAR VTUBER"? hell no

@leradmuiel7634 - 10.09.2022 01:40

Literally who?

@mikoji123 - 09.09.2022 15:53

I don't consider sub count on it. its more of the number of views during live streaming.

@qizeaqfile - 08.09.2022 23:37

Even if she has the most subscribers but she is not the most 'popular vtuber' because she's not known as one to gain the subs but just become one after gaining it. I don't watch her so I don't know what's her number views of her concurrent viewers but I truly doubt it's more than someone as Pekora so she has the most subscribers but not the most popular as subscribers is not the most important as viewers count.

@ReaperART94 - 08.09.2022 23:20

Es como decir que El Rubius es el vtuber más grande del mundo porque una vez uso un modelo vtuber

@blak_ket - 08.09.2022 21:56

If you count her as one, then she isn't the biggest v-tuber exist. It was Pewds.

@shaithis77 - 08.09.2022 21:44

Yeah, she is a vtuber NOW, but she gained her numbers before becoming one, so doesn’t count. Shork gorl still number 1 in subs, and rabet gorl still number 1 in views.

@alvinjan3486 - 08.09.2022 21:35

I never consider her as a vtuber. She needed to start from zero if she really is popular. No offense here I am just being honest
