Trash Taste Dives DEEP Into the Trails Game Series

Trash Taste Dives DEEP Into the Trails Game Series

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@MattH10 - 27.11.2023 04:16

Deadp47 satisfied

@jerromelovelock4085 - 24.11.2023 20:51

Okay but real talk who is everyone’s favourite character? Fie is my ride or die

@nomanrao7385 - 23.11.2023 19:15

My fav highlight.

@thepersonwhocomentz - 22.11.2023 04:50

Want to get into Trails? No 20-minute video needed. Play in this order:

Arc #1: Trails in the Sky FC -> Trails in the Sky SC -> Trails in the Sky The 3rd
Arc #2: Trails from Zero -> Trails to Azure
Arc #3: Trails of Cold Steel 1 -> Trails of Cold Steel 2 -> Trails of Cold Steel 3 -> Trails of Cold Steel 4
Arc 1/2/3 Epilogue: Trails into Reverie

The best part? YOU CAN STOP AT THE END OF ANY ARC! Indeed, it's that easy to get a "good experience" out of Trails. Don't like it by the end of Arc 1? Hop out at the end of it! No need to keep going! One of the best things about Trails is that each arc is a good time even WITHOUT the context of the rest of the series; you aren't going to be "suckered into" 1000 hours of JRPG. You'll GET a wonderful experience simply playing one single arc, which lowers the barrier to entry by quite a lot! So get on your JRPGing boots and *Get Over The Barrier!*

@tmkai607 - 13.11.2023 01:03

Trails series is pretty fun. Spent the past 3 weeks binging them from Sky to currently Cold Steel 1 and I had a blast

@Desphusion - 09.11.2023 17:11

I don't play a lot of RPG's or JRPG's at all but the Trails of Cold Steel games are my all time favourite games. I adore Fie Claussell she is amazing.

@theholychad8373 - 07.11.2023 22:09

Ight as a ledgend of heros fan, just start with trails of cold steel, also bruh you dont have 30 plus charcters to play as, the only game where thats remotly true, is trails into reviere, because its basically a bridge/epilouge to the trails of cold steel arc. Most of then you play as like 6-9 characters, and they are a tight knit group

@TruXByakuya - 05.11.2023 08:25

"There cannot be a payoff worth 500 hours" More foolish words have never been spoken I'm afraid.
Meanwhile: Your average mmo and fps player sinks thousands of hours with zero payoff lol

@bolo2747 - 03.11.2023 22:44

I love how the one dude explained how a great series sounds awful to him right before he admitted he'd rather play crap games for gamerscore

@BeeFizzle - 29.10.2023 19:16

how to get into Trails, play Trails in the Sky FC, continue in release order. just trust me, don't start in the middle, EVEN if you start at the beginning of an arc, it's quite simply the best way to do it.

play the older games first, especially cause the gameplay gets refined, starting in a later game could spoil going back to the oldies.

@dra6o0n - 22.10.2023 19:48

There is spinoff games for the Kiseki series actually for those who find it a bit overwhelming.
Nayuta no Kiseki (Trails of Nayuta basically) is a action rpg that plays a bit like the Ys series.
I think it still hasn't localized yet? It's supposedly a very good self-contained story and gameplay.

There is also the Ys vs Trails in the Sky game on the PSP, which is basically a Ys game with trails character in a 'smash bros' setting, so up to 4 players can brawl it out with their favourite characters from either legend of heroes or Ys series.

EDIT: It was called 'Legends of Nayuta: Boundless Trails', they started revamping the name of the games in general with a more 'english' title that is less cryptic but also sounds bad to the fans lol...

It's already out on consoles and PC, for some reason misread the year... It came out in 2021 on Steam, and 2023 on consoles.

@dra6o0n - 22.10.2023 19:36

The Kiseki universe is only halfway done, the dev's thick notebook isn't done yet.

Liberl, then Crossbell, then Erebonia, is one giant story arc spanning a thousand year old 'history' of a great war, involving a prophecy, and a new one that is spiralling out of control.
Hajimari (or Reverie) is like a post-game to connect the dots after the major plot point is done.

Calvard arc is a brand new story direction, taking place a few years after the first arc, war basically ended for a time and people grew up a bit.

Basically, evil never rests on their laurels. By the time the 2nd arc is complete, we'd probably have a 3rd arc with the children of the first arc. All grown up due to several years having passed.

This is why the game series is called 'Eiyuu densetsu' or 'The legend of heroes', not 'hero' but 'heroes', in a great massive plural form.

Like how governments would name all 'soldiers' who fought in WW2 veterans and also 'heroes' for giving their lives. It's basically people in general who went up and beyond in their own stories.

The kiseki 'series' is a misleading... The Kiseki storylines is a 'universe', The legend of heroes is a series.

@SourabhKheria - 20.10.2023 08:42

one thing is certain, if you are hooked to trails series. you will be playing it till the end. thats just 100% garrented.
I mean, its just that good.
P.S. dont be scared of reading. you will be reading a LOT!

@yasgamer - 18.10.2023 01:26

The Trails games are an absolute masterclass in world building and character writing. Even the first shopkeeper in sky is an actual character, as the story progresses and a brand drops new shoes, the shopkeeper and one of the MC's talk about it, because they're both sneakerheads

@niles8576 - 16.10.2023 10:22

U guys made me spend around 350€ on the trails games.

@CheatPotionMaker - 09.10.2023 21:57

I started with the Cold Steel series. Currently on Trails into the Reverie. I tackled all 4 back to back. Mad addicting.
Went back to watch summaries on Azure and Sky.

@Synthpopper - 03.10.2023 20:50

How to get into Trails in 5 seconds. START WITH TRAILS IN THE SKY FC! Cold Steel is garbage and the first 5 games are peak.

@thunderbolts9 - 02.10.2023 00:29

Trails is peak fiction!

@Halcon_Sierreno - 30.09.2023 22:25

It's not for the faint of heart.

@dustanglx50 - 30.09.2023 16:02

Trails. Amazing series, but it is a commitment. Some of the best turned based combat in modern gaming.

@itsdantaylor - 27.09.2023 18:31

Warning with the Trails series. IMO it's GOOD but MAN does it suffer from cast bloat. Not to mention after like 5 games and your fighting the SAME villains AGAIN it can really feel like nothing ever 'happens'. IMO I find the Y's series a bit of a pallete cleanser for too much trails. The stories are self contained which lets them branch out a bit more. The only downside with the Y's series is it's 'timeline' for example the latest game Y's X was revealed to be the 3rd entry on the Y's timeline.

@itcheebeard - 27.09.2023 16:52

Weird.....I was JUST looking at buying Sky for my Steam Deck and this pops up.

@ZeNex74 - 25.09.2023 15:39

Been researching trails and got 5...but I can't commit to so much

@50MiraGaming - 23.09.2023 19:41

Fir a safe place e to start the series I would say sky most definitely, crossbell is also safe, cold steel 1 and 2 but if you want to truly appreciate 3 and 4 characters play the old games and the new one trails through daybreak is a full fresh start with only a few legacy characters in it from sky and cold steel but there obly guest/support characters

@SamuelDePauw - 22.09.2023 05:32

I hope we get a trails update from both Garnt and Joey :)

@TheXDanielify - 20.09.2023 13:51

Wait what...? They talk about my favourite Franchise Trails/Kiseki? HYPE!

@princeroan - 18.09.2023 04:19

I just finished cold steel 4 and that damn game took me 220 hours. This is a single player rpg btw. I thought the persona series was long. The legend of heroes series shits all over the smt series when it comes to how long they are. Also, the first sky game was just incredible. It will hook you.

@r5LgxTbQ - 16.09.2023 21:49

Trails is absolutely worth it. If you like Persona 4 or Persona 5 start with Cold Steel. Let CS1 and CS2 convince you to go back and play Sky. If you like older JRPGs just start with Sky (though imo it holds up really really well for its age). It's not like Ys where there are a couple mediocre entries, all of Trails is really really good.

@Golecom2 - 13.09.2023 22:00

You should be scared of trails series, but not because of, 11 games too long. Is because only 11 games? I want more!! Trails games arcs are self contained, You start sky 1 and 2. And thats the story, you are not forced to play anymore. But you are so in the hype, that you can not stop playing. You get so invested that you lose the time. Is loke having a marathon of your favorite show, when you realice is already morning and the weekend is over. If anything you are lucky, because you are going to experience something amazing.

@AlbertoMonroy-lq2vw - 13.09.2023 17:29

So far I"ve played Trails In the Sky FC, SC, and Zero. Now I'm having a hard time liking any other JRPG, I've been thinking about why, and I came to the conclusion that it's because with Trails Series you get a great dose of world building and then when you have to fight, those moments are climactic and combat is super fun. Any recommendations of games that are this great (JRPGs)?

@Dreikoo - 11.09.2023 10:41

The thing about trails is that, while there are 11 games, they are broken down by story arc, so you don't need to see it as tackling 11 games but rather 3 games for the first arc, 2 for the second, 4 for the third, a final bridge-along that brings all of the prior arcs together for an epilogue of sorts while setting up the next arc, and finally the current arc which is still ongoing and has 2 games out.

If you break it in parts you can even take breaks between em cause when the games were actually coming out there were a lot of gaps so we never had to play all 11 games in a row back to back. It's more like, depending on when you got in, you catch up and then wait for the next one.

I started on the very first game and there was like a 4 year gap until the second one got translated due to all the content and text lol. Thankfully they've gotten better at putting the games out now, but they don't get any shorter.

@yournerdgasm - 07.09.2023 22:56

I am completely obsessed with the Trails/Kiseki games. Back in 2020 I bought, played, & beat all 4 of the Trails Of Cold Steel games. I have subsequently gone back and replayed all of them multiple times. I've even gone back & deep dived into the Liberl (the Sky games) & the Crossbell (Zero & Azure) games. This series has easily become my favorite franchise.

@clownmoshpit2778 - 05.09.2023 05:16

It’s so hard for me to not hate connor sometimes, but his baby monkey brain is just too much sometimes.

@DerZweitbesteMann - 03.09.2023 19:25

The Trails Series is an epic and unique experience. You won't find something comparable in gaming. Loving it!
Started with Cold Steal I an II, but decided i want experience it from the beginning, so i went back to Trails in the Sky. Never regretted this decision.

@RikusonOne - 01.09.2023 03:35

We need an update on this

@arisutaku6137 - 01.09.2023 02:29

trash reviewers love trash cold steel yaaaayyy

@Latonx - 27.08.2023 21:04

As a huge fan of the trails series i can't recommend it enough. They're my absolute favourite RPG's and it's not even close. Also, connor calling it a 500 hour game collection is currently selling it short by about half xD including Kuro 1 & 2 you can expect to go over 1000 hours if you're a completionist like me xD

@zymox2342 - 16.08.2023 14:28

literally peak fiction

@Rinzhou - 09.08.2023 07:51

That awkward silent whenever Connor say something not agreeable🤣

@scottyxscxrs5483 - 03.08.2023 02:05

I’m so close to finishing reverie, have they played it yet?

@radianttrails939 - 29.07.2023 09:03

I really hope you play trails. Its my fav series of all time

@dr.jimeagleii4108 - 18.07.2023 16:26

Kiseki is fire - every game is dummy long

@kamenridergeiz9490 - 13.07.2023 22:21

I always find it is easier to do a summary video on the first 5 trails games, then just go into Cold Steel series. I found that to be far more easier to digest and still find lots of enjoyment when there are more integrated moments in the later games.

@SuperLlama42 - 12.07.2023 18:40

1. Do you like steampunk settings with occasional outright sci-fi shit?
2. Do you like fantasy geopolitics?
3. Are you at least tolerant of like One Piece-level length and worldbuilding?

If yes, then you should absolutely play the Trails series.

@JATE4962 - 10.07.2023 10:53

im still playing Trails in the sky FC but its a great game. and that's least fleshed out one !

@mgoblueapk - 10.07.2023 07:21

Trails is the most generic JRPG shit ever

@gadarenedemon - 07.07.2023 00:52

Just play the Ys games. Trails is not worth the investment. It doesn't respect your time. The dialogue and writing is awful, I don't know what some of these commenters are talking about. Characters will talk on and on about nothing. About 80% of every game is fluff dialogue. There are interesting things that happen but they are far and few between. Avoid it. I've been through 5 of these games and I just don't see it. It was a slog.

@AuspexAO - 04.07.2023 16:58

Here you can observe Connor pre-RPG transformation. 6 months later, this man will be playing Final Fantasy VIII and XVI. He now weighs 700 lbs. and his dear friend Ironmouse lives inside his three foot long hair.
