A quick look at controlling guest account permissions to Azure AD

A quick look at controlling guest account permissions to Azure AD

John Savill's Technical Training

3 года назад

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@SomeInfoSecDude - 21.10.2022 00:04

Thank you ! Clear and concise, as always!

@campbellmartin7039 - 13.04.2021 17:29

That was awesome! EXACTLY what I was looking for and right on point. Nice and concise, exactly the right info ...Thank you :)

@ec0321 - 03.01.2021 12:10

Thanks much John for explaining it in detail. Can we also have capability of SSPR for B2B external users who are turned member in azure AD?

@allthebeesaredead188 - 13.10.2020 20:27

The timing of these subjects always seem to be just right for things I'm currently looking into :)

@tariqyounas9988 - 13.10.2020 06:54

Another quick good one. Thanks John.

@psymonious - 09.10.2020 08:07

A quick early-in-the-morning knowledge snack for me! Thanks for the great content!

@ArMaGeDDoNtr - 09.10.2020 00:22

Hey John, I like these bite size tips and tricks videos. May I ask if you could make a playlist collecting your Azure AD videos? Thanks.

@Maphew69 - 08.10.2020 22:00

really concise and effective video. Very apt for me at present for a project I am working on. As always John thanks for your content

@Dechkaon - 08.10.2020 21:46

Great video- Thanks
