"Vergil" went Cyberpsycho Berserk Mode vs 27 MaxTac squads - Cyberpunk 2077 | Build by @xkrennost

"Vergil" went Cyberpsycho Berserk Mode vs 27 MaxTac squads - Cyberpunk 2077 | Build by @xkrennost


55 лет назад

2,015 Просмотров


Melee berserk build by @xkrennost :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuA9FHuDtrs&ab_channel=xkrennost

Difficulty: Very Hard

00:00 - Gaining 5th level of pursuit
02:01 - 1st MaxTac group and further fight
03:19 - 2nd MaxTac group and further fight
04:41 - 3rd MaxTac group and further fight
07:34 - 4th MaxTac group and further fight
09:10 - 5th MaxTac group and further fight
10:27 - 6th MaxTac group and further fight
11:50 - 7th MaxTac group and further fight
13:17 - 8th MaxTac group and further fight
18:00 - 9th MaxTac group and further fight
19:31 - 10 MaxTac group and further fight
20:51 - 11th MaxTac group and further fight
22:51 - 12th MaxTac group and further fight
24:13 - 13th MaxTac group and further fight
27:33 - 14th MaxTac group and further fight
27:33 - 14th MaxTac group and further fight
29:03 - 15th MaxTac group and further fight
31:15 - 16th MaxTac group and further fight
32:27 - 17th MaxTac group and further fight
33:57 - 18th MaxTac group and further fight
33:57 - 19th MaxTac group and further fight
35:17 - 20 MaxTac group and further fight
36:41 - 21st MaxTac group and further fight
42:00 - 22nd MaxTac group and further fight
43:28 - 23rd MaxTac group and further fight
46:06 - 24th MaxTac group and further fight
48:49 - 25th MaxTac group and further fight
50:05 - 26th MaxTac group and further fight
51:57 - 27th MaxTac group and leaving pursuit
54:00 - Pursuit evaded, looking for quiet and nice place
54:15 - Build: Melee weapons, modifications, Yamato, medkit & clothes
54:40 - Build: Cyberware and Berserk(BioDyne)
55:40 - Build: Skills
56:10 - Build: Melee mods in Katana(Yamato) and Punk's Knife
56:22 - Build: Perks(60th level of Solo is crucial)
56:34 - Build: DPS, Berserk off
56:46 - Build: DPS, Berserk on
56:56 - Settings(Very Hard, Slow HDD, Analytics & Cross-Saves off)
57:55 - Ending


#vergil #devil #may #cry #dmc #devil_may_cry_5 #bury #the #light #i'am #storm #that #is #approaching #motivated #combo #cyberpunk #2077 #maxtac #cyberpsycho #cyberpsycho_vs_maxtac #aghainst #berserk #finisher #melee #build #50_minutes #surviving #survive #yamato #vergil_dmc #vergil_cyberpunk_2077 #motivation #BioDyne #berserker #maxtac_20 #katana #xkrennost #solo #perk #squad #squads #iaregrant #cp2077 #cp_2077
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