Why Are The Nordics So Rich?

Why Are The Nordics So Rich?

History Scope

2 года назад

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KARAN TIWARI 🇮🇳 - 17.09.2023 05:53

Bhai ek video banao, kya Indian sabkontinent yunait ho sakta hai. USA, UK, EU jaisa model ho sakta hai kya?

John McMullan
John McMullan - 16.09.2023 20:59

In terms of self-sufficiency, apart from Denmark, the Nordics are among the poorest, in reality. Get some perspective and the lowdown on artificial wealth; how it has no inherent value to brag about, in reality.

horisontial - 15.09.2023 23:27

Wow, this whole video is so incredibly historically incorrect and academically dubious. I might be instantly rebutted with demands for me to present sources for this claim. There are a few. I would start cautiously by referring to "The Dynamics of Social Solidarity: The Danish Welfare State" which does not support the hypothesis of it being difficult to tax as a result of the free movement of labour to be why nobility didn't have the sway it had in the British isles. Also, why could the peasants of Britain not just sail away to avoid taxation? Really the peasants were just as taxed but for differing reasons were empowered (In Denmark by the monarchy against the gentry) and begun the process of turning into a democratic welfare state earlier.

Marco Armenia
Marco Armenia - 14.09.2023 22:03

The rich spend money which the Nordics don't do

LifeWriter74 - 11.09.2023 03:03

Nordic countries are so cold with a very long winter. The only thing we can do is to stay inside our wooden cottages and save our precious money. And by the way; people in the north are mostly in a bad mood and depressed. Money can't by you love. Everyone has to wear underwear knitted from thick wool. It's too cold to get naked and have sex. That's why just a few people live here.

robert111k - 10.09.2023 09:21

They are not so rich. Except for Norway (oil producer, the same as Dubai) the rest are not richer than Germany or France.

AURORA FIELDS - 09.09.2023 14:00

I am so pissed off because this is so full of shit, misinformation and completely clueless argumentation.

深夜 - 07.09.2023 23:46

well explanation. one thing i realized is that while it might seem like a good life, it doesn't appear to be that simple. i'm sure nordic countries lose some valuable stuff just because they're very good, for example because they're way better than the most of the world they suffer as described in the last section.
i think humans find satisfaction in what they do to what they receive, instead of being like a baby trying to get everything they want from others, even then babies provide satisfaction to the carers.
for example, it is incredibly difficult to achieve big success while you already live on top of the results of successful people, but then success is infinite so you can always go higher.
i'm trying to explain that being born in a nordic country is not satisfactory as you might think, we're not animals or robots, humans are weird

herroine addict 69
herroine addict 69 - 06.09.2023 17:22

i dont think so. i have to check the facts straight from the source....

NotlikemostSweds - 06.09.2023 16:01

Because we work and don't sit and play on drums!!

Ryan Ellis
Ryan Ellis - 06.09.2023 00:50

Because they're not ruled by venal idiots?

John McMullan
John McMullan - 05.09.2023 22:15

The reality is the Nordics struggled with terrible inequity for centuries, farmers vs labourers generally. Were it not for WWI kicking off, the Nordics most likely would have entered brutal civil wars. Desperate to adopt a new social model, they opted for one based on populism plaguing Germany in the 1930s. National Socialism. Then coined the phrase "Nordic model". Difficult to maintain without taxing society into a form of poverty, as long as corporatism and shareholder "value" get prioritised at any cost. Perhaps someone can explain why, for example, Norway's infrastructure, including roads, tunnels, bridges, schools and other public buildings, etc., are in such an awful ("1970s") state of disrepair. Why can't they afford to invest in society? "Frugality"? Too mean? Too pathologically greedy? Vikings by name, vikings by nature?

John McMullan
John McMullan - 05.09.2023 21:28

It's a state of mind based mainly on engineered flag-waving ultranationalism, in reality. A belief system. Not just struggling with the world's highest levels of household debt, but among the world's least self-sufficient nations on the periphery. Without the outside world and corporatism, they'd be cast back into their impoverished past within months. GDP per capita is a meaningless measure, because GDP is never shared out equitably. The supposed benefits of the so-called Nordic model are largely universal in Europe generally. It's so ironic how an American world view fails to understand that quality of life where it matters, e.g., education, life opportunities, culture, food, etc., is so much better elsewhere in Europe. 😂

Paul O'Neill
Paul O'Neill - 04.09.2023 08:29

"Jante's Law" and laws that mandate public access to everyone's earnings and wealth.
If you don't keep a close eye on the money, it will be stolen by the rich and powerful.

James Smith
James Smith - 03.09.2023 23:29

You have to include small homogeneous populations with little diversity.

Farid Telefoni
Farid Telefoni - 03.09.2023 13:11

The fundament of Danish economy was built during the (Danish Transatlantic Slave Trade ) period. 100.000 slaves were transported from africa to Danish West Indies, primarily working on sugar plantations. 50.000 of them dying due to the inhumane conditions. (Wikipedia "Danish slave trade"). Most Danish Castles are built on sugar-money as they say....

Brian Arnold
Brian Arnold - 02.09.2023 23:38

They don't have our thieving politicians.

Abdulla Fatima
Abdulla Fatima - 02.09.2023 13:06

that peasants could just pick up their stuff and move if the nobility got tiresome rings so DAMN untrue in my ears it's ridiculous and is not my impression of history at all.. At least back in the days in Norway, you could not just move where you wanted, you needed permission.

Timmie Lindbergh
Timmie Lindbergh - 31.08.2023 21:44

I love me some propaganda but most of this is true yes but you don't get to take part of social welfare if you want to start a company.

mottipää - 29.08.2023 22:48

suomella on vanhat rajat buah buah hah hah haa muuten suomella ei ole muuta kuin velkaa marinin jälkeen

Miroslava Rogulova
Miroslava Rogulova - 28.08.2023 17:26

why is slovak republic and czech republic on your map still a czechoslovakia when they separated more than 30 years ago ?

Magnus Flodberg
Magnus Flodberg - 28.08.2023 13:57

Teachers are payed well...weell...that depends. In Sweden it pays pretty well, until you start looking at how long you had to study for etc. There are many other jobs which demand less education and still pay better, sometimes MUCH better. So I would not say that teachers earn well, or what they deserve in Sweden, and sadly, it isn't worth it. The system is just going the wrong way year after year.
I've heard it is entirely different in Finland though, and I don't know much about how it works in other Nordic countries, but well...Sweden does not fill that criteria, sadly :)

MN TAI - 28.08.2023 09:25

I think the smaller population makes the system works. The geography compare to the southern countries may not work that easy.

Anna Backman
Anna Backman - 28.08.2023 07:07

Don't forget that the church took "their" part of what the farmers produced.

Anders Hjarlvig
Anders Hjarlvig - 27.08.2023 21:51

Thank you to immigrants for kebab :D

Kathy Best
Kathy Best - 27.08.2023 15:49

Thank you for the video it was very informative. I actually enjoyed learning something new. You're very good at sharing information 😀

T Ballstaedt
T Ballstaedt - 26.08.2023 21:10

The channel is pure socialist propaganda

me - 26.08.2023 10:19

Like any countries that started their early days by thieving from others, Scandinavia's wealth was taken from other cultures

LaughableSynonyms - 26.08.2023 06:10

Because they have oil, sold it, invested and went full green energy. Thats how.

Doran Eason
Doran Eason - 25.08.2023 07:45

No mention of colonialism? Where did the chocolate come from?

Ivar Mykland
Ivar Mykland - 25.08.2023 01:44

Thanks:) Being a (male) Norwegian myself, I miss one component: The economic value of equal rights. In the Nordic countries the "other half" of the potential workforce (women) plays a significant role.

pete fluffy
pete fluffy - 25.08.2023 01:19

What is your criteria for calling a country rich. Looking at GDP (PPP) they range from 11th ranked to 21st ranked. It that what you call "so rich"? It seems that every country toy look at you call "so rich". should we ignore the shite in the titles because it is only marketing?

Sailing Alpa
Sailing Alpa - 24.08.2023 21:44

its so simple and it is done exactly like in the USA

David Lloyd-Jones
David Lloyd-Jones - 24.08.2023 21:31

"99% of the people worked in the fields" is an inane invention. Just for starters, pretty much every place always had at least 1% tax collectors, priests and witch doctors.

Edwin Jansen
Edwin Jansen - 24.08.2023 19:31

I guess a nice ratio between oil and people does help and the fact that for instance in Norway people actually share in the revenue of it does help.

Spock TN
Spock TN - 24.08.2023 00:07

We have always had a people problem in the Nordic countries that we have soften by immigrants. The problems we are having since the salary increase slow down in the 90-ies is that this has been blamed on immigrants by racist parties. They in turn lobby for taking away resources to integrate and educate this immigrants we still need. This is making a self fulfilling prophecy as immigrant children are more likely to fail in society breaking the Nordic model.
Another problem I see very well working in a hospital is what you talked about holding down the bureaucracy being good in the Nordic model. Now we are getting more and more of this, more and more bosses with high salary and fewer competent workers that actually do the work. All the bosses and rules do is to make the actual work more difficult and expensive to the point that it feels like working with a straitjacket on and a ton of bricks strapped to your back.

Kong Carrot
Kong Carrot - 23.08.2023 14:02

the Soviet union fell in 1991, not 1989.

Hallands - 22.08.2023 22:52

Why would it be easier for a nordic farmer to move than a farmer elsewhere in Europe? 
Why should it be more difficult to send in tax collectors in say Jutland than in Nottingham? 
I don’t think you’re really explaining anything. The foundation for the different Nordic strategies are probably to be found in the Viking age and the effects of the 3 pest epidemics and how they unfolded in sparsely populated regions versus the more densely populated middle and southern Europe…
And no, relatively speaking the nordic countries are not at all "rich in natural resources!" All we are rich in is ingenuity due to sparse living conditions. I also think it’s a bit far fetched to label wind a resource. Sure, Holland and Denmark were flat and needed to rely on wind to grind seeds, but that’s just a necessity due to lack of mountains and waterpower…

MrPotato - 22.08.2023 22:05

Friends & family: why do you wanna move up North?

Witold Schwenke
Witold Schwenke - 21.08.2023 15:17

The same work together culture is seen in Danish universities where we have extremely much teamwork and projects that we solve together. Whilst also being fully digitalised. That's the reason we have a superior edge over achaic teaching methods such as in Germany where its everybody for themselves and 18th century teaching methods with chalk on the board and listening and copying what the teacher writes at a fast pace with no time for thought, reflection or discussion. I've tried studying in Germany, i did not like it.

Rey Infante
Rey Infante - 21.08.2023 13:30

They are also irreligious.. What profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?

Simon Pettersson
Simon Pettersson - 20.08.2023 21:25

Wait a minute! I thought the united states was the best country in the world.

Orbit113 - 20.08.2023 15:59

because their Viking murders took wealth and slaves. That wealth has filtered down over the years.

Richard Bankart
Richard Bankart - 20.08.2023 15:08

Why Are The Nordics So Rich? The countries are blessed with huge resources and low population, no wonder they are rich. They can afford to be champagne socialists, most countries cannot. It is not this socialism that has made them rich but the abundance of natural resources per capita. There's nothing like a report that that selects points to substantiate the authors agenda rather than be lead by the evidence. It is always easy to like a report giving one a pat on the back. Pat, Pat..

Azrael - 20.08.2023 10:27

Tax evaders

Finn Johnsen
Finn Johnsen - 20.08.2023 02:17

im norwegian and got a new perspective on our system. thank you

That_Norweigan_Guy - 19.08.2023 16:31

bro said that Norway declared independence from sweden in 1814 but norway did declare independence from denmark in 1814 and then created a union with sweden, in 1905 norway declared independence from sweden since it was pretty much just a bigger sweden
