The rise of Jimmie Åkesson - The leader Sweden Democrats

The rise of Jimmie Åkesson - The leader Sweden Democrats


1 год назад

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@gaius_enceladus - 13.09.2022 13:31

I am from New Zealand and there is nothing wrong with SD wanting to keep the Swedish culture, traditions and values!
That is the very essence of "conservatism" and pride in one's heritage! Nothing wrong with that!
It is GREAT that more Swedes are realising that!
From New Zealand - go Sweden and go the S.D.!

@jaapvander3787 - 13.09.2022 13:35

sweden, take back your country.

@Rimmer666 - 13.09.2022 14:49

Make Sweden Great Again!

@mariussielcken - 13.09.2022 14:54

provocative to call that provocative. Demagogic even.

@fKek-yy8tz - 13.09.2022 16:19

B-based Sweden??

@waterlandya - 13.09.2022 16:19

I love the logo....cute! Go Jimmie!

@bjarnebjarnes9018 - 13.09.2022 16:48

Congrats Jimmie Åkesson and SD! The only party in Sweden that actually care about Sweden.

@yodlafpeterson2526 - 13.09.2022 16:48

Swedes are White

@karlosthejackel69 - 13.09.2022 19:54

The irony of this man presenting ‘euro news’ is not lost on the audience

@-Nobody-1 - 13.09.2022 19:57

Lol you can tell the eu cuts this guys check

@mr.clanni9930 - 13.09.2022 22:14

Svierzj?? Bro if you can’t pronounce it don’t read it.

@yesiamarussianbot3076 - 14.09.2022 04:28

Why is keep Sweden Swedish provocative, I would say it's logical.

@WARDE2000 - 14.09.2022 07:08

I hope he does what he said he would do.

@patternrecon5271 - 14.09.2022 18:40

IQ world map
IQ heritability

Wikipedia: Finland: Sexual violence: Perpetrators: wow.
BBC Sweden 58% foreigner.
Ukrainian 18 year old Germany.
Taharrush gamea.
New years eve Colonge Germany.
Rotherham scandal.
Manchester scandal.
Rochdale scandal.
West Yorkshire scandal.
Newcastle scandal.
Oxford scandal.
Bradford scandal.
Telford scandal.
Aylesbury scandal.
Huddersfield scandal.
Zabihullah Mohmand Montana.
Fort McCoy Afghans.
Somali sweden 9 years old.
Skaf gang australia.
Simon Mol.
Oulu scandal.
Tapanila somali.
Glasgow grooming gang.
Ross Parker.
Kriss Donald.
Lara Logan Egypt.
Temar Bishop.
Morocco beheading.
Greece Ahmed Waqas.

Ndiaga Dieye police attack
Rambouillet police attack
Orthodox priest wounded Lyon
2020 Nice stabbing
Samuel Paty attack
2020 Paris stabbing attack
Colombes police attack
2020 Romans-sur-isère knife attack
Metz police stabbing
2020 Villejuif stabbing
Paris police headquartes stabbing
2019 Lyon bombing
2018 Strasburg attack
Asadollah Asadi
2018 Paris knife attack
Carcassonne and Trèbes attack
2017 Marseille stabbing
2017 Levallois-Perret attack
2017 Notre Dame attack
2017 Orly airport attack
2017 Paris machete attack
2016 Normandy church attack
Nice truck attack
2016 Magnanville stabbing
2016 Paris police station attack
Valence car attack
November 2015 Paris attacks
2015 Thalys train attack
Charlie Hebdo attack

@patternrecon5271 - 14.09.2022 18:41

Minimum replacement birth rate: 2.1
EU birth rate: 1.53
Canada birth rate: 1.47
USA birth rate: 1.70
Russia birth rate: 1.50
Ukraine birth rate: 1.23
Australia birth rate: 1.66
Israel birth rate: 3.00

Israel education minister Rafi Peretz on intermarriage.

Israel justice minister Ayelet Shaked on keeping the jewish majority even at the expense of human rights.

CNN: Joe Biden: Im a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be a zionist.

Angry foreigner: Joe Biden: it's a good thing that whites will be an absolute minority in the USA

Ereget Raschi Erod.22 30
Baba Mezia 114b
Libbre David 37
Sabba Mecia 114,6.
Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D.
Tosefta. Aboda 8, 5,
Schulchan Aruch, Jore Dia

@Jack-hs6gc - 14.09.2022 22:52

Common sense coming back to Sweden. Better ever than never.

@user-og3bm5xi5u - 15.09.2022 01:35

Ahmed is gonna be sad

@RockerFinland - 15.09.2022 02:27

Congratulations to Sweden, these were awesome results. Greetings from Finland

@hendrikheidemann954 - 15.09.2022 02:41

Grattis från tyskland

@kid--presentable - 15.09.2022 10:14

Provocative??? Give you're head a wobble you little weasel

@e.b.4379 - 15.09.2022 12:48

He could at least have looked up how to pronounce "Bevara Sverige Svenskt"...

@Allfadson - 15.09.2022 16:23

the koran isnt holy to me, therefore paper, and good burning material, totalitarians cant decide it is, then our freedom of speech is gone and sharia implemented.

@timlarsson3634 - 15.09.2022 16:36


@xaviergms2225 - 15.09.2022 17:37

Congratulations Sweden!!

@RunaRuiz - 16.09.2022 16:06

Pulls out a old flyer for a old political view, meanwhile the Social Democrats literally marched for Hitler and only changed their tune when he started to loose the war.
You cannot talk bad about the past of a party when the so called "good Social Democrats" where literally brownshirts.

@danditto6145 - 16.09.2022 16:34

These stories always say they came from Neo-NAZIS without giving a single example or any proof. Having watched dangerous groups like the communists call Republicans that ended slavery in America Fascists, I think most foreigners assume they are just more communist lies.

@danditto6145 - 16.09.2022 16:38

Looking forward to not constantly looking for grenades or Middle eastern typed shooting Russian firearms next time I visit.

Most visitors want to visit the Swedes not the violent psychos the government imported.

@fisken2000 - 17.09.2022 00:42

Euronews presented by an arab thats a kek from me

@beriaMGA - 18.09.2022 18:50


@user-kg6wi5ln5e - 19.09.2022 14:01

In Donetsk, on 09/19/2022, 13 civilians were killed at a bus stop. Europe, your hands are up to your elbows in the blood of peaceful people. Your government is at war with women and children. You're a cowardly bunch

@susanna8612 - 20.09.2022 12:00

Finaly some hope for making Sweden Sweden again.

@caducadu6676 - 20.09.2022 19:35

cry baby, cry

@susanna8612 - 20.09.2022 19:41

Is keeping China Chinese and Japan japanese and India indian and Syria syrian provocative to you? Why you invaders think that Sweden or any other European country should be now Arabic or Pakistany? Lol thats very provocative to us Europeans. Its not even funny and its time to stop your illusion of you having birth right to our countries. We dont need one more wellfare tourist or side society In our countries. Off you go if you dont want to integrate and provide to our countries. And by the way London is not a multicultural country, its the capital city of England. Its English capital, not Somalian, Arabic or Chinese.

@wertywerrtyson5529 - 21.09.2022 17:14

Just to put things in perspective Sweden has had immigration much higher than all the other Nordic countries combined. I didn’t vote for SD but I don’t think it should be that controversial to say you want the levels down to the same as Norway, Finland or Denmark because otherwise you say that those countries are far right even when many of them are ruled by left wing governments. Swedens immigration has been much higher compared to most other countries in Europe so when you say you want to lower it it is only to the same level as other countries. I personally don’t have any issue with immigrants as long as you follow Swedish law and become part of the society and we can actually handle the amount. It doesn’t do anyone good to take in more people than we have housing or work for. I am in fact married to an immigrant and she didn’t live on welfare like many do. She learned Swedish and got a job and we never got anything from the government as I supported her with my small salary until she got her own job. The problem is if there are too many that can’t integrate into society and just love on welfare which doesn’t do them good either. The other Nordic countries have handled it way better. It is admirably to want to help as many as possible but a small country cannot help the entire world because then there is no welfare left for anyone.

@MarcusRashford-tw2fo - 23.09.2022 21:22

Sweden democrats have Neo nazi roots

@TheDukeOfPannekoeken - 23.09.2022 22:32

The Socialdemocrats ran concetration camps in the 40's so shut up about a troubled past.

@robert4you - 26.09.2022 16:23

The Sweden Democrats will continue to grow. The party has never stood still or gone back in any election ever since it was founded in 1988... The only political party in the entire world who has never lost voters but always gained new ones. I predict that the Sweden Democrats will be the biggest party in the election of 2030. People in Sweden have had enough of the current situation.

@edmundlubega9647 - 28.09.2022 17:27

I am an African who has always admired Sweden. The message from Sweden Democrats resonates with me. People should look after and preserve their heritage

@sasori7d494 - 03.10.2022 12:06

Good for Sweden.

@jonasthesen - 03.10.2022 23:13

This is mainstream wants communism..

@Marcus_-sy9fi - 07.10.2022 16:58

BS Media

@OneDaveAtaTime - 08.05.2023 20:07

Thoroughly enjoying freedom outside the EU 🇬🇧and the catastrophic forecast that were predicted for Britain by the EU have not manifested. Sweden you need to remember that you are not a Nation while in the EU but merely an administrative state of an ever increasing bureaucratic autonomy. Think of yourselves like an Arkansas is to the US.

@Flamms - 06.06.2023 00:17

Swedes vote democrately to an election, euronews interpretation : Sweden is racist😂

@johanm1534 - 05.11.2023 09:54

Look back at the foreingers that came back in the 79's 80's. If we wan't to keep Sweden swedish we need to was All changes we done because of them Away as those are Not Swedish changes. All changes that was made due to someone from another country like due to media etc must go too as those are Not Swedish. And No clothes or other items made elsewhere either. Lets see how we manage to stay a good Country after that
Also We will once again Only drive Saab and Volvo as those are Swedish But we need move all manufacturing Back to Sweden. Lots of work for the future to make Sweden swedish again!
Let see how Sweden manage That now!

@an67481 - 21.02.2024 12:53

Bevara Sverige Svenskt ❤❤❤❤❤❤

@an67481 - 21.02.2024 12:57

Europe is for NATIVE Europeans. We are not the United States, melting pot of the world!
Foreigners should never be given nationality or free benefits whatsoever. I don’t remember China, India, Japan, Russia and others giving us NATIVE europeans free housing, free meals, free education, free hospital services, or free integration services of any kind.
If one needs a job, one will find one. If one needs to learn language, one will study and learn it.
If you can’t do that, you need to UNDERSTAND YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED HERE.

@theblackgoatofthewoods - 10.06.2024 19:27

Why do swedes who want nothing but swedes in Sweden love a german dictator?
