How Radical Gender Ideology is Taking Over Public Schools & Harming Kids

How Radical Gender Ideology is Taking Over Public Schools & Harming Kids

The Heritage Foundation

2 года назад

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@Jasmine215100 - 16.04.2023 13:19

This Central American lady whose daughter committed suicide due to this deceptive ideology should file a lawsuit against all adults and teachers involved in this. They are complicit in her death and should be held responsible legally!

@michaelcorke7302 - 17.04.2023 14:39

These teachers counselors principles and social worked should all get real jail time for making choices for minors without parents concent.

@michaelcorke7302 - 17.04.2023 15:47

When a mom who cares and loves her child, is a good mom, she gets stripped of her parental rights and her child taken away, these people are disgusting, disgraceful and should face severe consequences and this kinda of overreach into family's and parents rights should never occur.

@ing-mariekoppel1637 - 18.04.2023 21:36

Protest. I was climbing trees and playing socker with the boys. I am a 100 percent heterosexual woman. No need to get neither lesbian nor trans man.

@dmitryletov8138 - 20.04.2023 23:56

Random woke bureaucrats think they know better the other people kids, while they just school teachers - means 3rd party contractors in real and they definetely won't be responsible for the consequences of their wrong doing in the long run. Those people are just dangerous perverts.

@tvtime6558 - 23.04.2023 07:58

Let it sink in. The government removed a child from her mother's care. The government enforced unproven medical treatments on a mentally ill child. The government lost the child UNDER THEIR CARE. The government swore the treatments would save the child's life. I would sue the government for wrongful death.

@exRestoredCOG - 24.04.2023 20:13

My heart is absolutely in pieces especially for the last story. 💔 Made me cry. Children and parents are being failed time and time again beyond repair.

@blurpledragon2779 - 25.04.2023 04:14

This is unconstitutional and demonic and it has to stop , the blood of this child is on their filthy hands

@blurpledragon2779 - 25.04.2023 04:15

How is what they are doing legal?

@mylamila31 - 25.04.2023 14:50

Калічать дітей! 😢😢😢

@mylamila31 - 25.04.2023 14:51

Last times...🤯

@Hitchens-t5c - 26.04.2023 18:16

Thank you for the bravery of speaking out for your children.

@jxifma982 - 02.05.2023 12:18

Please do not allow your children to attend public school, and please do not vote for any political party or individual who supports this unscientific belief system/gender theory. Hopefully one day soon, those involved from teachers to therapists, will be successfully sued for the extreme damage that they have participated in and caused, by pushing their unscientific beliefs on children under the guise of authority, and collaborating together to push children into believing things that are not true, and causing those children whom they have fooled to be medically experimented upon and in too many cases injured for life.

@benshithero3037 - 07.05.2023 21:38

Always the religious political hypocritical sociopath psychological projection with conservative Christian religious political anti other humans lives hate groups like this. If the transgender children start turning up dead from your religious political anti transgender push hundreds of millions of people are going to burn down all your conservative churches. Though it likely your Jesus guy will hit your churches with another pandemic before they can get to you

@benshithero3037 - 07.05.2023 22:36

Everyone remember all the faces and names you see in this video and research them See how hate group active they all have been and how many decades they have dedicated their lives to killing transgender children and adults Research which churches they go to exactly. Remember which ones they are Remember all the anti transgender faces and names wherever you see them. Remember who they are and what you have witnessed them say and do against transgender people Be the witness to the crimes. Be the witness to the crime. Politically polorized opinion commentators opinions are not necessarily always admissible evidence of a crime They are sometimes a liability. Especially when evidence of deliberate malice and intent to harm can be evidenced

@pjglory3348 - 09.05.2023 06:05

This nasty ideology taints everything. I went to a square dance last night and the caller proclaimed it a gender neutral dance and couldn’t use even lead and follow to describe who would do what steps. Fucking square dance!

@anibalsilva3569 - 23.05.2023 17:01

This is all very, very, disturbing... Someone must take down the democrats from power

@rsjchiefnl0705 - 27.05.2023 16:11

everybody who is against this gender doctrine remove your chldren from the schools who enforce this doctrine. It is gonna be that easy to make the world normal again. When the schools not having enough children to teach they are gonna rethink their actions. Don't hesitate and do it, this problem came from the US and the US has to start this boycot and other countries will follow. I can not believe that coutries like Hongary and Russia understand this problem better than us so act now.

@Eerielai - 28.05.2023 18:33

I am floored by the story of the mom whose gender confused daughter commited suicide after the state took her away from her. Heads need to roll for this!!

@paulaharrisbaca4851 - 28.05.2023 22:02

When I was a kid the idea you might suddenly change sex would have been terrifying. I was a tomboy but I thought boys were dorks.
This is about spaying and neutering children, especially middle class white children. Globalists and their Brave New World

@paulaharrisbaca4851 - 29.05.2023 00:28

That was such a horrible story about the Latina lady and her daughter I started crying as I was shopping and listening. I know that sounds like I'm minimizing it, but it's not often I show emotions shopping

@russme5463 - 03.06.2023 07:20

someone is paying for all this .........trace where the money is coming from

@kat-mh7re - 07.06.2023 22:03

Good Lord! I hope Clarence Thomas makes good on his words to review Gy Marriage. This is sickening. Defund the School Board. What are we looking forward to? A dystopian group of mutilated and physically ill not properly educated young people. An entire generation lost!

@mixedfeelings8789 - 09.06.2023 10:09

My God, Please help & protect Us 🙏🏽

Christians, We need to Wake-Up and Fight 🙏🏽

The wicked have began to use the States to groom and take our Children

We must Fight for them, at All cost 🙏🏽

@shadow.banned - 17.06.2023 04:10

This is institutionalized child sexual abuse by the Joe Biden administration.

@beckygooch5065 - 21.06.2023 00:51

I pray that many parents read what I've posted.
I realized I've already commented once but I want to say it again.
Children are even being taught how to do sexual performances with illustration.
In a workplace a person would be fired IMMEDIATELY.
PLEASE PARENTS GET THE ADVICE OF A GOOD LAWYER. I do believe that if enough parents were to go in on getting a lawyer and filed a class-action lawsuit this crap would stop!
If these illustrations were laying around in your office a lawyer that on that likes tank on s*"t.

@supmethods - 23.06.2023 12:52

Teachers are having more rights over parents whom more likely have greater emotional connection with their children. With the gender identity ideology now forced upon children, It's almost as if we are now trying to confuse children to accept what are born with and to adopt what form of gender identity that seems trendy with peers. We are all born male and female, and on the rare occasion, a person might have gender dysphoria. This hasn't been a big issue until the rise of the woke culture and social media. Many of these woke parents just want to parade their self righteousness through trans acceptance rather than seek truths. Social media gives people a high, and make them neglect truth and reality.

@stella78988 - 25.06.2023 05:21

Such a shame we no longer SUPPORT the family unit and the ESSENTIAL care of a parent full time until they are exposed on a daily basis to OTHER PEOPLES STANDARDS- i assure you most would be better prepared to recognise EVIL when they meet IT!

@stella78988 - 25.06.2023 05:34

The biggest result of all this is that doctors teachers bankers who were respected are now the LEAST TRUSTED!

@lawrenceevans4475 - 02.07.2023 05:01

Absolutely shocking. This is a clear and present danger to not only this country but to so many countries around the world. May God help us!!

@andrewpetersen6116 - 29.07.2023 00:52

America does not need foreign enemies

@newyorkcity76 - 30.07.2023 10:26

It’s no gender confusion it’s new. conspiracy

@joseff36 - 31.07.2023 01:31

Vocês americanos está perdidos, Deus seja piedoso com vocês, desistiram de protege seus filhos, seu pais esta com problemas mentais irreversível, que vergonha desse novo EUA

@mk71b - 12.08.2023 12:03

It's grooming by godless neo-marxists and degenerate reprobates.

@jmlorenzo3639 - 31.08.2023 02:33

Please research Jennifer Pritzker

@ryangrumbles2216 - 29.10.2023 06:25

Start speaking out..

@ryangrumbles2216 - 29.10.2023 06:28

Im from Rhode Island..

I need to look up this chick..

@ryangrumbles2216 - 29.10.2023 06:58

This is heartbreaking to hear from these mothers..

They are brainwashing these poor kids.

The fact that they are teaching this perversion in kindergarten is sickening

@ryangrumbles2216 - 29.10.2023 07:01

I was a tomboy as a kid..

I had the Dorothy hammil haircut in 2nd grade..

I looked like a boy..

I hated that haircut.

I never liked wearing dresses..

I was never a girly girl..

I played softball..

I played with the boys..

I my ever was concerned about my sexuality.

They are pushing the John money abd Kinsey report and gender perversions

@ryangrumbles2216 - 29.10.2023 07:05

How any parent can accept this lunacy being taught to their children is a coward and horrible person.

A child shouldn't be concerned about anything to do with sex until the are about to hit puberty. Sex education was when 5gh graders are taught about sexual reproduction in both biological sexes .

Indoctrination through education..

@scoobtoober2975 - 10.11.2023 00:44

I did not know it's at the federal Level. Now i can say ESG lobbying elites are screwing us over. Thanks black rock, and other jumbo elites. James lindsay you are spot on with you findings and thoughts. Please everyone listen up, i know you here.
Private private schools and private companies only. Stop this corporate shill dumbing down of the world.

@JAGFamily10 - 20.11.2023 18:58

I have a 7 year old and newborn girls .. it makes me very worried where we are heading. But what I’ve noticed .. love beats everything. Parents, be the people you want your children to be and love them hard while also giving them adequate discipline and belief in themselves. I’ve noticed a lot of these kids who are gender confused are also suffering from some underlying trauma. Children of this age have so much stimulus so we need to do better getting them off the phones and into activities that help promote self accomplishment and discipline.

@paulhawkins4895 - 24.11.2023 22:26

Every damn one of them on stage should have hugged her! God bless her.

@Sekhmet_XX - 26.11.2023 16:40

NOTA: la ideología de género pertenece a las teorías QUEER, no al movimiento LGB, puede que tampoco al colectivo T y seguro que ni en broma al colectivo llamado Intersexual erróneamente.

@primodernious - 26.06.2024 21:49

they are forcing gender ideology on the parents trough words like love is love to make parents accept their children being tought how to reject heteronormality. if parents think that their children is allowed to have a love your next mentality like biblical love the gender activists will force their love is love agenda to make children turn away from heteronormality and into gender spectrum claiming they only care about children allowed to love who they want but the gender activists mean spesific not heteronormal and into gender fluidity. its shocking to parents to get treated with this extremist gender ideology. parents are desperate to protect their kids from rejecting the family in favior of adoption into gender fluid parenting.

@desmond3828 - 10.07.2024 23:41

Oh shut up! This fake! This not harming our kids

@jaimehaiti9479 - 22.10.2024 17:38

Public schools should focus on teaching kids Math, science and other necessary tools to improve their academic goals. Everything else is and must be left to the parents.

@joelwiemken3046 - 03.11.2024 20:33

Abby's treatment is unacceptable. She is very courageous. This has to stop.
