Thank u very much
This was very helpful ❤️
If i delete data will it delete. My photos an videos? their very important
ОтветитьReinstalled app worked for me😁 thank you👍
ОтветитьWoah ... Awesome . Thanks
ОтветитьWhat about if i hae huawei witch uses gspace it take for ever to upload
It's working now
Force Stop on my google drive setting doesn't work :(
ОтветитьThanks force stop also work for me
ОтветитьClearing cache and data worked for me. Thank you!!
ОтветитьNot working 😕😕
ОтветитьDoes clear data .make my files gone???
ОтветитьClearing cache inside the GDrive app settings fixed it for me, set to 250mg Max by default (not cache from Android settings)