Leonard Nimoy | The Complete "Pioneers of Television" Interview | Steven J Boettcher

Leonard Nimoy | The Complete "Pioneers of Television" Interview | Steven J Boettcher

Pioneers of Television

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455 Buick
455 Buick - 08.08.2023 05:17

What an actor and such a great human being, he's certainly missed, live long and prosper 🖖

Thomas Becker
Thomas Becker - 01.08.2023 01:34

"Live long and prosper"

Kenneth Wofford
Kenneth Wofford - 12.07.2023 21:01

Marvelous! What insights this man had to his craft! Just overwhelming!

Richard Adams
Richard Adams - 29.05.2023 08:38

Wonderful man, great actor and a genuine person. It’s amazing the detail he recalls from many years past. RIP Leonard.

Rajesh Ramaswamy
Rajesh Ramaswamy - 24.05.2023 01:21

RIP Mr. N.

Ernest - 23.05.2023 01:07

I always come to the conclusion that I like Leonard Nimoy. I remember actually crying when he died. Surprised me when I did. But there is just something so solid and authentic about him. Thanks for posting this!

KEITH BROWN - 24.04.2023 23:48

I have much respect 4 this man,and he earned every bit of it.👌

Ralph Gilbert
Ralph Gilbert - 24.04.2023 15:58

He had a great sense of humor.

Ham Yankee
Ham Yankee - 21.04.2023 18:24

The ears: That shows Hollywood’s perpetual misunderstanding of America.

Unknown - 08.04.2023 17:57

I read an interesting analysis that claimed that together, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy make up the three main parts of every man. There is inside all of us a man of action, who thinks first of fighting and attacking and of sexual encounters; a man of thought and reason, who is calm, dispassionate, and logical; and a man of deep feeling, who is concerned with morals and the human condition--someone who ACTS, someone who THINKS, and someone who FEELS. Each one of these on its own cannot make up a well-balanced person. You need all three at any given time to overcome a difficult challenge. The interplay between these three parts of one man--the three characters on the show--is what has made the show so interesting to me over time. How will we overcome this powerful alien or this tremendous challenge? Through the interplay of action, of thought, and of feeling. The show worked because it is psychologically truthful and valid.

Mart Crins
Mart Crins - 06.04.2023 08:32

A wonderful actor and a wonderful human being, i loved startrek the original series, and the startrek movies the interaction between the actors so great.

Lisa Rollinson
Lisa Rollinson - 23.03.2023 18:58

Thanks for the spiritual awakenings in the land of fantacy

Lisa Rollinson
Lisa Rollinson - 23.03.2023 18:51

Live in Christ sweetheart

Lisa Rollinson
Lisa Rollinson - 23.03.2023 18:50

No he isn't that's a lie

Kathleen Ashton Smith
Kathleen Ashton Smith - 28.02.2023 07:10

ST was the first show that had an alien star that didn't want to conquer us, kill us, eat us....that in itself was fascinating! And intriguing. And a lot of us fell madly in love with the alien WHO DIDN'T LIE! I was 13 that premiere night in 1966 - and everything Spock was as a being was exactly the kind of man I wanted to spend my life with someday. BTW - I never found him IRL. And also BTW - Spock lied quite often, no matter WHAT he said as Spock Prime to his young self in AOS - he intimated, he inferred, he...blah blah. He lied his backside off!!

Kathleen Ashton Smith
Kathleen Ashton Smith - 28.02.2023 07:06

Misspelled word - Star Treck and Social Issues.

Computer History Archives Project  (
Computer History Archives Project ("CHAP") - 06.02.2023 08:50

Leonard Nimoy is one of the most intelligent actors I have ever seen and followed. He had a multi-faceted career and a unique talent to analyze what was being done by him and those around him. That, in my view, resulted in a great depth of understanding of the characters he played and enabled him to create and evolve the characters themselves over time. Quite amazing (or even "fascinating"). I don't think we see this same depth of skill in many other actors of today. He is truly a treasure to remember. ~ VK

Just Another Amature Astronomer
Just Another Amature Astronomer - 26.01.2023 20:02

Social justice?

Mike Matei
Mike Matei - 10.01.2023 16:28

I saw him at a photography show in Philadelphia in the early 2000s. I got there very early so I was the first person in front of the podium where he spoke. Because I was directly in front of him, he locked eyes with me for much of it. I know he was speaking to the room, not just to me. But at moments it certainly felt that way.
He was doing a speech about his photography work. The speech was about everything, life, the meaning of things. I wish I had it on tape. One of the most memorable experiences of my entire life. They say "don't meet your heroes". Well, in this case, he lived up to everything you would want and then some.

BugzBunnywazaHare - 18.11.2022 07:48

Live Long and Prosper!!!!!!!!!
"Spock-Leonard Nimoy"
So many we extremely talented actors we've lost and Nimoy was excellent at his acting...........
I hope he is flying around to different galaxies on the Enterprise!
Spock, you are tremendously missed.......

Deborah Klinlger
Deborah Klinlger - 06.11.2022 20:08

During the interview he did have some breathing difficulties. Good interview.
I use to watch it on TV & I had seen the films too.
The day I brought my first child home from the hospital, I binge watched Star Trek the whole day.

Michael G
Michael G - 22.10.2022 03:32

Always a class act, and of course cerebral.

Mr Spock
Mr Spock - 03.10.2022 19:59

You are dearly missed!

Martha Worc
Martha Worc - 28.09.2022 09:00

Nimoy played a great Indian, John Walkingfox.

Martha Worc
Martha Worc - 28.09.2022 07:29

Leonard Nimoy was a very intelligent man and an extremely nice man as well. What a combo! Total class act, but it was not an act. He is missed.

Brian S
Brian S - 19.09.2022 06:37

wow that very last couple of sentences he said - writers and directors these last 5 years have really missed out on the truth of what he says there

Howard babcom
Howard babcom - 18.09.2022 00:28

The 'too much candy' statement towards the end is very apt. Good story and good performance are critical, as his own work shows.

Jon Bongo
Jon Bongo - 21.08.2022 19:27

I love his interviews no matter what they are about it doesn't make any difference because they're all fascinating LOL

4th Doctor
4th Doctor - 17.08.2022 23:18

In his final months Leonard began "adopting" fans as his grandchildren. You can't beat that.

gwyn draime
gwyn draime - 13.08.2022 04:20

Leonard Nimoy presents
Mr. Spocks Music from Outer
Space..1967..my brother and I would listen to that album all the time...

Mars Rider One (Official)
Mars Rider One (Official) - 07.08.2022 14:28

I always see him as Namor the submariner, if he were to play that character because of his hair and physique in the Star Trek original series.

Robert Kleijn
Robert Kleijn - 05.08.2022 15:54

Leonard Nimoy is sorely missed as Spock. The other actors playing Spock do not come near it.

jerry P.
jerry P. - 23.07.2022 08:50

He was perfect as the host of “in search of” this show, and Star Trek were my favorites as a youngster in the 70s.

Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume - 20.07.2022 08:36

The bit about the ears, and the marketing people, afraid that due to Spock's pointed, ears people in the Bible Belt South might lose their shit, because he 'looks like a devil'
They had no idea if that would happen. They were projecting their perception, and stereotyping those in the South with their own bias.
More issues of -isms, -ists and -obes are created in the mind of the perceiver.
That shit still happens.

Imagine then, let's say the show wasn't watched, because it sucked. Despite no evidence, it would have reinforced their perception of people in the South.

You can't just NOT watch something, because it's not good. The only reason must be because, you're discriminating against something or someone. No one just puts out poor content. It's easier to soothe your ego, if you can blame someone else.

Stefan D
Stefan D - 18.07.2022 17:24


Sir Equinox
Sir Equinox - 17.07.2022 07:20

He gives credit to someone else for helping him find the key to the Spock character. A lot of actors would not have done that. That is humility and honesty.

rjrnj1 - 16.07.2022 17:18

The reason this show resonated with us is because it inspired hope. We were exposed to people who valued working out problems, not just blasting through issues, and the love and respect between the characters kept us enthralled. Hope. 😍😍

Melanie Sales
Melanie Sales - 16.07.2022 02:52

That was an awesome interview. He's definitely a one of a kind actor and missed very much. RIP

Allen Jones
Allen Jones - 15.07.2022 05:06

I'm glad Nimoy agreed to this interview. It was great to see him as he really was.

Laurence Martin
Laurence Martin - 15.07.2022 04:20

I really enjoyed this!!!

Daniel Bamberger
Daniel Bamberger - 14.07.2022 07:46

"Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory."

When I hear him share those great memories, I can't help but think of this Nimoy quote. His last (public) words, I believe.

crystalheart9 - 13.07.2022 22:13

I know he wanted to be known for more than just his Spock character but by gosh he made that character epic like no other. His looks also suited spock so well and I loved his pointy ears along with the eyebrows and hair style. He made it all so believable, it didn't look like makeup and someone pretending to be a half vulcan half human.

deejayimm - 12.07.2022 10:25

As much as I love him he lost me when he started trying to explain how hard acting is.
Try roofing, or bricklaying, or demolition work, or a lot of factory work.
The guys who delivered your washer and dryer work harder than he did.

I'm not saying it was easy, I'm just saying it's all about perspective....

deejayimm - 12.07.2022 09:58

He had a five-year contract on Mission Impossible.....
A 5-year mission.......................

Roman Chomenko
Roman Chomenko - 12.07.2022 00:07

Leonard Nimoy parents came from Ukraine

4CardsMan - 10.07.2022 18:47

His performance in a Gunsmoke episode foreshadowed Spock.
