Quantum Mind: Is quantum physics responsible for consciousness & free will?

Quantum Mind: Is quantum physics responsible for consciousness & free will?

Arvin Ash

3 года назад

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@gitawrongtranslation-youtu9701 - 01.12.2023 13:03

Advaita Vedanta !

@DanMice1 - 28.11.2023 21:46

I read something about quantum entanglement in the brain...

@ashwinkhambadkone394 - 17.11.2023 11:13

Great job Arvin, love your breaking down complex ideas into simple knowbits (knowledge bits) 🙂

@ashwinkhambadkone394 - 17.11.2023 11:11

without defining Free will properly, I wonder why the great scientist get into reductionists models of qubits to explain free will? and for all those who think the brain chemicals create consciousness, why don't they take a dead body and pump all the chemicals the scientists think make life and bring the corpse to life? can they? All will escape saying there are some unkowns and that needs studying and I need millions to carry out research....😀

@iansalisbury8639 - 17.11.2023 11:11

Amazing video, watched a really interesting but very long debate with Rodger Penrose discussing this. I've been crying out for a simplified summary to refresh my memory and share with my mate.

@pjaworek6793 - 25.10.2023 21:14

There it is. My "truth flashes" (of light spots in my vision) tell me there's something to ORCH (something to Don Hoffman too).

@pjaworek6793 - 25.10.2023 21:10

ORCH explains retroactivity which I think I'm seeing all of the time so it's my best explanation for that. Apart from experiencing instantaneousness generally (even precog reactions that surprise me) I once saw/heard a complex event twice, once while falling asleep to a startling set of sounds and again after it startled me awake. It was a sequence of sounds and verbage that could not possibly be reproduced twice like this.

@josephconway8682 - 23.09.2023 23:41

There is a connection with the brain and it's involvement with quantum physics but it depends on the individual and their connection to the quantum experience. Because most people are mentally asleep to their own conscious awareness. The connection is there when they have an outter body experience or experience telekinesis and dealing with anything as it pertains to the occult science. That's when the brain should be studied.

@dottedrhino - 17.09.2023 23:06

I suspect that free will is possible from interaction, in case of a brain, the interaction with its context (the world). Robots could become conscious too this way.

Interaction of matter, that is the point.

@cramalingeshwararao8642 - 13.09.2023 19:26

Material and energy aren't the same E= mc2 i think we will never be able to find answers this way only recourse is Advaita philosophy

@e-t-y237 - 13.09.2023 01:14

It isn't free will ... it is just will. Nothing in this universe is free in the sense being posed by that question. Everything is under a myriad of influences. To pose the issue as "Is there free will?" is to pose a wild goose chase ill-formed question. Total red herring. Yes we have will, no we don't have free will.

@BalaChennai - 23.08.2023 12:03

Consciousness is order of function in everything and everywhere. It is a wave function that arises from our life-force in genetic center (mooladhara chakra in our body).. Mind is one of the transformation of Life-force just like magnetism is the transformation of pressure force. . Life-force is the source of our energy for our body. Its like a battery which supplies the energy. when the life-force exit the body, we become unconscious and dead permanently.. What does it imply ? Force and Consciousness cannot be separated.. They are two sides of the same coin. Who proposed this idea ? It was Vethathiri Maharishi who researched about life-force for more than 10 years and documents how body, life-force, consciousness, genetic center, organs, work together. Do search for Vethathiriyam Genetic center

@tcoon333 - 05.08.2023 17:11

Repetitive tones too distracting. Ditch it.

@YedaiHomeostatico - 31.07.2023 02:37

Is alive if it can remain alive. Quantum entanglement is a joker that make it easier and produces the qualia consciousness. So there's no free will, it's a retro-alimented design, where entanglement is produced and collapsed by energy in the cycle of life. What Espartaco said, dead is a liberation for the slave, was not his choice, was his destiny.

@justanolfrend8050 - 09.07.2023 02:00

You can’t fool yourself, you know you too well. 😉

In that space only truth remains.

@dreamdreamdream6102 - 06.07.2023 14:50


@venusminn8858 - 06.07.2023 09:43

As per Buddhism, Consciousness is in the heart and not in the brain. Brain is only what we called mental consciousness. Of cause, Consciousness can move around the whole body by using eyes, ears, tongue, nose, body and brain. Consciousness can transform another form of bodies after we died that is why we have past lives.

@user-ne4gc1mg5e - 30.06.2023 16:39

Brain - Mind
Our brain works on a dualistic basis:
usually consciousness and rarely subconsciousness.
1 – Consciousness of the brain works on various
electromagnetic energy fields (alpha, beta, . . . etc.)
An electroencephalogram (EEG) can record this ''normal logical'' electrical
activity of the brain (brain works as computer - "Turing Machine")
2 – Subconsciousness is process on micro-quantum-level
(brain suddenly takes a new decision / action - "eureka")
The reason of unconscious process is quantum particle .
According to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, only one (1) electron
can manage an atom, molecule, cell, brain.
a) Quantum process appears when all atoms of brain are
in Bose-Einstein state (superfluidity).
b) Then the electron gains strength to ''superconductivity'' and
can change the old brain's program to a new decision - "eureka".
New decision is result of - a "Self-quantum particle".
c) After a short moment- "eureka" the brain again works like a computer.
(but according to a new program)
''The laws of quantum mechanics itself cannot be formulated ...
without recourse to the concept of consciousness.''
— Eugene Wigner
Book: ‘'The Holographic Universe’'
''Contrary to what everyone knows it is so, it may not be the brain
that produce consciousness, but rather consciousness that creates
the appearance of the brain''
/ page 160, by Michael Talbot /
“… Indeed an understanding of psi phenomena and of
consciousness must provide the basis of an improved
understanding of quantum mechanics. ”
/ Evan Walker /

@You_Can_Do_If - 12.06.2023 10:18

what if only on earth is a omnipresent fungal entity that drives our reality and life evolution

@beingfrank40 - 25.05.2023 11:45

Too much experiences with unquestionably non-physical things and events are recorded that a purely mechanistic explanation is not accurate in the least.

@gunissseecharan8800 - 23.05.2023 03:00

Avinash..consciousness is whitin our brains which is lock inside of our skull..what prevents our consciousness from feeling like we are in a jail ?

@karlyelizabeth485 - 22.05.2023 16:05

I wonder if there is a possibility that actually underpins all three. Why do we need to separate science from spiritual/supernatural? Is it possible that the spiritual/supernatural is simply something that is outside our current scientific knowledge, but will be proven in time? I believe there is a good change that will probe to be true at some stage in the future.

@janelast5177 - 17.05.2023 06:04

Thought provoking You have inspired me for my next book Thank you

@bmm2208 - 08.05.2023 21:46

We are not the same! We are organic life forms,they are not!

@classicsciencefictionhorro1665 - 08.05.2023 18:46

Eat bananas to increase your phosphorous and thus your brain activity. It works for monkeys.

@kaavyasri2705 - 06.05.2023 20:53

Human body or else itself is physically visible yet so complex because of many sorts of interactions finally made us either alive or dead. Patient under coma does not feel this consciousness because of broken circuit and those not under non-coma too, fail to experience true consciousness as "connecting always with every thing in this physical universe yet feels as if in coma

@mz5366 - 05.05.2023 20:17

i wonder if there is a connection between the energy field created by the body and consciousness. could the energy field of the body create a unique wave function that is attuned to the frequency of the universal energy field (maybe the Higgs field). Could our energy field basically tap into the collective unconscious field (higgs field) but create its own localized version in our individual energy field. To me this allows for quantum processing of individual consciousness, the impact of a collective unconscious (as some studies have poven), creation of novel ideas (creativity), and how we (like electrons) might just come and go from existence but always be part of a "whole" and therefore like particles, our consciousness might have multiple lives (as many cultures believe we do). Does everything come down to a wave function with periodic bursts of energy creating physicality ?

@satyakamasani - 03.05.2023 21:20


@wulphstein - 03.05.2023 01:56

If there is any relationship between quantum mechanics and consciousness, isn't it logical to ask what non traditional medium are wavefunctions made of?

@javierperez-xo8mr - 02.05.2023 06:53

and "god" created speed of light as a constant and then created quantum fields as its own image and gave them free superposition

@widipermono854 - 02.05.2023 05:03


@anthonynewton7435 - 29.04.2023 16:32

Great talk. I think the scientists are blinded by science,they believe science is the thing.
Science is an ongoing exploration into How it all works.
The thing theyve named quantum mechanics is responsible for the creation of physical reality.
Every cell in our biological body is a result of quantum mechanics.
Temperature is only a restraint from our current human level of understanding.

@rajendramisir3530 - 29.04.2023 07:25

Interesting and fascinating theories. Perhaps Mathematics will someday show that quantum superposition can be observed in the hydrogen atom. Impressive explanation and presentation of this subject. Observing a patient in comatose state can reveal a lot about various levels of consciousness. Some patients are able to kick out of their comatose state; other patients don’t.

@carolwilbur3172 - 28.04.2023 10:28

So I'm just realizing an interesting connection. Eckhart Tolle and others talk about the idea that it's not so much "I think therefore I am," but rather the true self is the one who watches the thinker. Being aware of the thoughts as separate from self can put the brakes on the automatron type reactions of the thinking brain which can cause anxiety and suffering. It's interesting that awareness/a watcher also appears to have great influence in quantum physics.

@sampoornamkannan - 28.04.2023 07:51

Consciousness is responsible for quantum physics or for that matter anything else. Freewill is a myth except when doing sadhana for realisation.

@bhupendranath2010 - 28.04.2023 05:39

That's quality stuff, I can say that for sure !!!

@RicardoRojasBedoya - 27.04.2023 15:30

Hi Arvin! From Peru again. Just a short note to point out that my guild (I am a neuroscientist) is not making the adequate distinctions therefore they are not using the vocabulary correctly. For example they are not distinguishing between ATTENTION, INTENTION, MOTIVATION, SENTIENCE - all of which are EPI PHENOMENA and CONSCIOUSNESS & ITS OFFSHOOTS! As long as they keep this up the conceptual problem is not only unsolvable but it is also being mucked up by this! As always Beautiful job my dear friend😉!

@abelardo9528 - 21.04.2023 20:51

WOW Awesome subject. THANK YOU.

@zankaara - 21.04.2023 05:52

I was in social science while watching the vedio.

Why brain is on a manlike body and smell, pain etc s shown related to a woman.

Man has just a figure while woman is with personality because of her flesh-body, cloths, hair and so is shown.

@frankgaertner9021 - 20.04.2023 18:06

If we live in a Simulation then there must be a Simulator. Quarks are manifested from seething fields of virtual particles and antiparticles in empty space (Paul Dirac). Our Universe is mathematical (Tegmark) which represents the algorithm from which Our Virtual Realty is Simulated. C begets I begets Light begets E= mc2 or something like that but that P-15 (sans neutrons) idea is very interesting. I included some of this in 2022 in Our Self Assembling Universe-2.

@sethrenville798 - 20.04.2023 06:39

What is the difference? Its all the same, but from different directions of understanding. 1 Anyone who thinks they have free will without 1st understanding all of the mechanisms that drive their consciousness is, and they entirety of their experience, deluding themselves. Once they understand themselves, free will truly can be had, but Until that point, I believe the universe is just as mechanistic through individuals who believe themselves to be conscious as it is for rocks and trees

@christopherpett3264 - 19.04.2023 14:47

The neurons of the mind create, send and receive electromagnetic fields and supercede the body and sensations.

@braintalk9664 - 17.04.2023 18:19

Very interesting video, but as a neuroscientist working on the topic, there are a few additional issues i would raise with these types of theories:

1. If indeed consciousness were about microtubules, you'd have to explain why you can lose (e.g. in injury) the microtubules of most parts of the brain and remain conscious whereas losing a relatively small number of microtubules in the central lateral nucleus of thalamus instantly delete consciousness.

2. Phosphorylation is the process used in mitochondria to generate energy to restore out-of-balance gradients after neural activity takes place. They are simply "energy repositories", nothing else. So how that would then generate consciousness would still be very mysterious.

3. Re free will, other than "quantum physics is mysterious just like conscious (so one must explain the other)" how did the randomness/probabilistic nature of quantum phenomena offer a seat for the "volition" of free will?

@mpsibi - 16.04.2023 09:04

Consciousness creates reality..

@nickgerr1991 - 16.04.2023 02:41

I will solve consciencessnessssssssss

@frances24.77 - 15.04.2023 14:40

How about the exact moment a thought in our brain connects two receptors to form a thought with the charge of electricity. Next question would be where does the charge come from and is it the thought in picture or words and this charge of picture or words would be the charge that connects the two receptors and voila your new thought. It seems to linger above our heads

@yifuxero5408 - 13.04.2023 01:49

He's somewhat on the wrong track. Start from Advaita Vedanta. The entire multiverse IS Consciousness, otherwise called "Being-I -Itself" by Aristotle, the One of Plotinus, the Tao, the Substance of Spinoza, the Clear Light of the Void of Buddhists, and the Sat-Chit-Ananda of Advaita Vedanta. Consciousness is not a product of brains. Brains are only monitoring Consciousness, unlike rocks. However, from Advaita Vedanta, rocks are equally Consciousness "In-Itselt", what set theorist Georg Cantor called the "Absolute Infinite". This can be experienced directly. No problem. Access Mahamritunjaya mantra - Sacred Sounds Choir; and listen to it for 5 min per day for at least two weeks. You will eventually tap into and merge with Consciousness, your own "Self".
