ESO Ultimate CP Grind Guide! The BEST Ways To Grind XP & Champion Points In ESO!!

ESO Ultimate CP Grind Guide! The BEST Ways To Grind XP & Champion Points In ESO!!

Hack The Minotaur

3 года назад

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symon migneault
symon migneault - 14.05.2023 20:35

what a good set to mixt with spinner plz?

Wilford - 21.12.2022 17:55

this was already outdated on release lol. In stormhaven u can easyly grind up to 6m Exp per hour on the farangel spot..

Celtic Owl
Celtic Owl - 16.11.2022 19:55

Lol I remember when players used to afk destro staff heavy attack spam their mag sorc toons on cliffs in Bangkorai public dungeon. It was complete wtf!! moment when I first saw them in 2015 😂

Public dungeon in Malabal Tor is not too bad, mobs respawn faster than usual for some reason .

Viking Jack
Viking Jack - 11.11.2022 05:24

is there a updated version ?

RestrictedTWO - 20.10.2022 21:13

Necro post so I apologize but is 20k exp a minute good in 2022 eso?

M16 - 05.10.2022 10:59

I found a really good spot in Bangkorai yesterday's 100s of lurchers and multiple over enemies with fast respawns not sure if its already known

floyd mcguirk
floyd mcguirk - 04.10.2022 09:55

An updated guide would be dope I just grinding craghorn to 50

Abearddon - 05.09.2022 06:56

This is the video that got epstein started.

DexStarr - 31.08.2022 10:58

This is good advice but youre AD ally so not so sure if i can trust you… /j

Angel Production.
Angel Production. - 15.05.2022 10:51

This guide is so bad lmao

RickSnowman - 11.05.2022 15:38

The problem with CP is the lack of passives... many players ONLY put points into thing they use, That leaves lots of CP points not used at all

Kapitan Amerika
Kapitan Amerika - 29.04.2022 19:28

SO you have 3600 , wahat is next to you?
An it was 2021.
all is lvl capped as I understand

Julio Rodriguez
Julio Rodriguez - 24.02.2022 14:34

Don’t you have a video go ap grinding? You have videos for everything, but not ap hack? I’m hoping you have already. What a disappointment hack. Maybe dotz or alcast have the builds I’m looking for.

Bl_nk Sp_ces
Bl_nk Sp_ces - 16.01.2022 11:01

What about the IC sewers? They offer multiple „grind loops“ you can run quite fast and mostly without being disturbed. Pop an exp scrolls and you are good.

no name
no name - 11.01.2022 09:52

Hello is dis current?

JC - 24.12.2021 00:38

i just realize this is MJF's entrance music at the end of the video.

Flip Playz gamez
Flip Playz gamez - 02.11.2021 11:52

So with this build I see your running spriggins but what's your second set?

EgaoKage - 13.09.2021 10:12

Great vid. I like that you included so many locations and explained the circumstances under which each might be more/less ideal. I use: [Gaze of Sithis] + [Kar'ag's Arm Cops] + 5 [Crimson Set] + 5 [Leeching Set]; all Training trait, Exp Pot or Scroll, a Companion set up to AOE, and just find a location that appeals to me. The responsive AOE dmg and healing from those two 5-piece sets, makes this almost a driving simulator. If the game wouldn't log you out automatically after a certain amount of time-spent "inactive", you could literally AFK-grind your CP. This near-AFK grinding method works best with 64 in Health, of course (see set procs), but it works just fine with all-in on Mag or Stam too. :)

SCHIZO PUNK - 11.09.2021 17:36

Yo, that werewolf camp is insane the spawn times are CRAZY fast and by the time you even think of going to the other section of the fort new werewolves already spawn in lol. BEST PLACE EVER!!!

SCHIZO PUNK - 11.09.2021 07:20

Yes! This was a life saver!

William Chapman
William Chapman - 02.09.2021 04:22

the best way to grind xp is to do it on a diffrent game this ones a 7 yr old turd on a 7 yr old broke server

Baumfreund77 - 20.07.2021 20:28

Theres so many better overland grinding spots. Why not show those great zombie grind spots?^^

Rich Homie Dabley
Rich Homie Dabley - 03.07.2021 06:34

Do you play pc na? A pve guild to join?

wfcompton - 29.06.2021 06:59

Those are your stats at cp3600? Wow I’m almost there and barely a 250

Bill Fletcher
Bill Fletcher - 09.06.2021 16:55

Didn't realize how much the new cp system has changed thing until I built my new stamplar. 27k health, 36k stam, 5.6k weapon damage, 72% crit, 11k pen 25k resistance. I was like damn lol oh and 2700 stam recovery

Stanko Spasojević
Stanko Spasojević - 04.06.2021 01:12

How he have 1100 stages to upgrade??

Scythe For Life
Scythe For Life - 03.06.2021 09:17

Jesus, 15 minuets of garbage before he gets to anything of substance

William Sobral
William Sobral - 29.05.2021 22:44

3.6k cp? omg this dude hasan't a life hauehauea

Riley Ybarra
Riley Ybarra - 24.05.2021 03:07

How do you have so much gold?

flipkenx - 19.05.2021 18:09

Id love to play ESO but the amount of info in all these vids makes me feel you had to be there from the start to have a grip on it all. How much time would one spend leveling and learning it all ? Any guesstimates from ppl with experience is welcome. My time is limited (say 5-6 hours a week) so i dont want to spend it on a game where it would take a year to just get started. Any comments would be appreciated.

Jonathan Ball
Jonathan Ball - 14.05.2021 14:31

I need friends on PS4 add me @UrbanHunter775 ever since communities got axed can't find a group for the life of me.

Leonis 35
Leonis 35 - 14.05.2021 08:49

But there is not double stuff loot on dongeons and arena 😒

Raymond1989 - 09.05.2021 11:53

Im suprised Alik'r zombie's arent on the list.

Valongo - 04.05.2021 11:51

Note: The Rationer CP passive does not apply to Ambrosia, so 50 minutes is your max unless you're a Nord (you won't get that extra 30 minutes from Rationer).

Raygar Targaryen
Raygar Targaryen - 30.04.2021 22:28

First location scam.

Dana - 20.04.2021 02:38

As a newer player? My favorite way to grind CP is to do Zone Stories/Dungeons/dragon +(other world activities like bosses and portals)/dailies/trials/other group content.

It truly allows you to enjoy the entireity of the game they made. A fun way to level a char new char prior to CP is to make a 'themed charector' that matches the theme of a specific Zone Story (set of them)- that you have yet to experience on your main. This allows them to level up with varied content as a main edifice (but still utilize the sidequest/dailies/etc. method added to).

Gices an appreciation of the game they created and the stories it contains.

Granted this is a PVE heavy approach. Also(!) My main that will be my crafter got Grandmaster Crafter in Provisioning first! In this methodology, (as it is cp scroll intensive): I am able to craft XP potions as well so always have that bonus XP (even with ESO+).

I dig your video! Adds a few extra ideas to enhance my approach. <3

Dooby - 19.04.2021 04:41

skyreach still a good spot?

Big Mac
Big Mac - 29.03.2021 18:51

I do solo skyreach I hit it once go to sleep scare for 5 min back to skyreach

TheFantom253 - 29.03.2021 08:08

One of my favorite mob spots is in elseweyr scorpions and terror birds in a perfect respawn loop

XGrand ChampX
XGrand ChampX - 25.03.2021 17:06


Pablo Rivera Garcia
Pablo Rivera Garcia - 25.03.2021 00:56

Black rose doing the first 3 to 4 rounds get you most experience from my experience does anybody else grind their or is their a better spot

Jake Rozak
Jake Rozak - 22.03.2021 15:37

I just can't get over how much gold he has...

SV Gaming
SV Gaming - 22.03.2021 11:11

The lackadaisical church delightfully educate because swallow commonly part during a productive novel. difficult, low kohlrabi

Krazy Pinoy
Krazy Pinoy - 21.03.2021 17:29

correction the first two spots did get me a bounty the second I mass killed should have stated if you have not finished the Zone you won't get a bounty....

Sil Sternensand
Sil Sternensand - 20.03.2021 15:53

In my opinion the better way to reach in the red tree Siphoning Spells or Bloody Renewal is spending 10 points in Sprinter and 8 in Hasty, instead of spending 15 CPs in Tumbling and 10 in Mystic Tenacity. Especially for a grinding build speed is an important key as you mentioned earlier in your Vid. The mobs will nearly be one hit, so Tumbling or Tenacity are unnecessary.

Z - 19.03.2021 10:52

"Just a quick rotation"

Goes through a bit over half the video lol.

Also to the people saying Alik'r dolman farm, I get where you're coming from but not really good. It's okay up to about level 20 (2 to 3 scrolls needed) but if you're gonna do anything in alik'r try the zombie farm top left of satakalaam. It's pretty good early morning or really late at night otherwise grouping is pretty necessary. Dolmen are more of a decon farm I've learned. Btw for those who aren't aware or don't recall or whatever the reason, 50% exp scrolls last two hours. So that's 4 to 6 hours to level 20 doing dolmen and you'll definitely fall asleep before hour 3. Please save yourself from that slippery slope and just go do something in the vid or find other places, Dolmen hurt my soul.

Johanna Martin
Johanna Martin - 18.03.2021 09:36

Crimson Cove is my jam.

Beau Burdge
Beau Burdge - 17.03.2021 23:12

Best xp grind spot is necropolis in alik'r. But only if there isn't others there. Hands down favorite grind spot is hircines haunt in craglorn. Get as much xp as skyreach, everything in there is werewolf or croc so you get refining mats for dreugh wax, and you also get nirncrux. Potent and fortified. It's a group delve so nobody else can get in and everything respawns before you get back around to it. It's a nonstop circle
