Shermans vs Panthers: How Patton's Third Army Crushed Hitler's Best Panzers at Arracourt?

Shermans vs Panthers: How Patton's Third Army Crushed Hitler's Best Panzers at Arracourt?


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Juan Ibarra
Juan Ibarra - 04.10.2023 18:13

Hard to believe. Sherman tanks never measured German tanks even less the Panthers.

Nijad Bahnam
Nijad Bahnam - 01.10.2023 10:46

WW2 were one of the few wars were U.S faced an enemy with technological superiority .

Brandon Carter
Brandon Carter - 28.09.2023 13:05

The #1 killer of Germans after 1941? Adolf Hitler

Ira Fair
Ira Fair - 22.09.2023 03:21

I could only get through half of this. Even though I wanted to get to the end, that AI voice was just too much for me.

The Solid Salamander
The Solid Salamander - 18.09.2023 23:57

That is an ai voice isn’t it…

Henry Franz
Henry Franz - 18.09.2023 10:40


ron KALLUNGI - 17.09.2023 01:22

This video only confused me

dontall71 - 14.09.2023 20:54

Looking at the faces of many of the soldiers on both sides, it's easy to see the 1000 yard stare.

Steele Slicer
Steele Slicer - 14.09.2023 19:59

Panzer is not the German word for panther, it translates as tank or heavy steel-covered vehicle armed with guns.

Bill Smith
Bill Smith - 14.09.2023 05:19

How many Americans died because of Monti's antics?? This is an example here. Patton could have entered Germany months prior but Monti's pride Cost several thousands of american lives,. Him feeding his own men into the grinder. That's his business, but causing Americans to die. That was Dwight, and that was the biggest mistake he made in the war next to next to not placing experience. Bomber co-pilots into the aircraft that brought in The airborne. You had non combat experience pilots coming in, bringing in one of the most critical.
Movements of the invasion and I believe it costs 70000 Para trooper's life due to the panic in lack of experience that these pilots have.. They could have simply brought in experience combat person, they could fly these aircraft and it would not have affected the bombers.

Carl Napp
Carl Napp - 14.09.2023 00:31

How? By sheer numbers and overwhelming ordnance.

John Savage
John Savage - 13.09.2023 08:24

The US decided upon standardized weapons and kept making them with improvements. The Germans made big and cumbersome machines that depleted their limited resources. Dumb. Germany was all over the place. I never understood why Germany never used the V-2 rockets on the armies marching on them? It's almost like Germany was set up to loose. The death camps sealed their doom from the beginning. Germany could have conquered Europe through intimination, and number fire a shot. All those people could have been put to work on farms and cities, and towns. What a complete waste. I wonder who was really behind Hitler? I'm sure it's a who's who of corporations world wide.

sidfor911truth - 12.09.2023 18:09

The communists won WWII. Now we suffer under the JWO.

Barry Morrow
Barry Morrow - 11.09.2023 23:53

Great video

Karlheinz von Kroemann
Karlheinz von Kroemann - 08.09.2023 11:19

These two Panther Brigades were barely trained and all new. Instead of providing the Panthers as replacements to the starving Panzer Divisions with well trained crews and no that needed new machines. There were more than just 2 new Panther Brigades with untrained or barely trained crews. So this battle really wasn't anything to write-home about :) It was well trained Amerians with average to subpar tanks against untrained to barely trained Germans.

Louie Tuna
Louie Tuna - 05.09.2023 02:15

Yeah, the Shermans were lightly armored, under gunned and they would burst into flame when hit so readily that they were called Zippos. (ie. the lighters) But Gene Tunney, the Professor of Boxing, is my example of how a smaller, smarter fighter can use his smarts to prevail in the ring against a monster, like Jack Dempsey. He trained and read books to defeat his opponents. Example, Gene had weak hands so he constantly squeezed a rubber ball to improve his fist strength. My favorite is how he trained for a particular fight running mile after mile backwards, throwing jabs constantly, so that he could move around the ring in reverse to fight a more powerful opponent, and win the bout. Tunney was the first heavyweight champion to retire undefeated. Brains vs Brawn. Patton was brilliant!

Gary Hughes
Gary Hughes - 04.09.2023 17:52

The Battle of Aauracourt never fails to impress me. I know the mobility of the Sherman was excellent for its time but with respect to the armor and and armament of the Sherman when compared to the German tanks it's like taking a knife to a gunfight. Patton and his subordinates did a hell of a job being seriously out gunned and outnumbered. Creighton Abrams was a hell of a tank Commander under Patton. Think it was maybe James Woods hard against the Germans there. Major props to third army.

worldwideremnantrecovery - 03.09.2023 21:09

In all honesty I'm no expert in military tactics, but I do have some knowledge in the practical abilities of the weaponry used in these battles. In this field it would be hard to find a veteran from either force that would honestly admit superiority to any US. armor over that of the Germans. Thats just the way it was. Probably the greatest weakness facing US forces came from within our own leadership. Their willingness to supply our forces with inferior equipment was only offset by the numerical supply, and with grave cost. The testimonies of German armored troops had high praise for the tanks they used, even to the extent that they felt superior in every way. In contrast the testimony of the US tanker viewed the Sherman as the Zippo.

Duncan Baynton
Duncan Baynton - 02.09.2023 08:36

You fail to mention the lack of air support the Germans had that’s the main reason panthers wer a superior tank full stop and the Germans a superior fighting force as the yanks came in at the end when Russia had taken most of the brunt

duke - 01.09.2023 20:32

The German army got trounced time and time again once they met with some real resistance and superior tactics. The German army is characterized as this unbeatable and formidable force with much superior equipment. That never really played out from 1943 and towards the end of the war.

Rusty Gold
Rusty Gold - 31.08.2023 15:56

is this the future ? AI generated clips narrated by AI Bots

David Jennings
David Jennings - 30.08.2023 07:48

Sherman’s were faster and had better gun sites,the panthers were slow and prone to breakdowns,getting a rear or side shot with a Sherman wasn’t that hard.

YaGirlJuniper - 28.08.2023 11:18

This sounds like it was narrated by an AI.

chaosXpert - 28.08.2023 01:02

This is propaganda! German tanks annihilated thousands upon thousands of Allied tanks easily!

Christopher Eaton
Christopher Eaton - 27.08.2023 21:56

So, let me get this straight.....dude flies multiple sorties in what was basically a Cessna 172. That's balls, boys!

Dreez76 - 25.08.2023 01:40

Shermans with the upgraded gun was actually called Fireflys.. iirc.

Large Format
Large Format - 22.08.2023 18:12

"Send in 20 Panthers" - Hitler
"Send in 200 Shermans" - FDR

kukuri007 - 20.08.2023 10:51

Meters don’t tell anybody

Robot E7
Robot E7 - 20.08.2023 08:23

Excellent work here. A fascinating look at a battle I was previously unaware of. Thanks.

Ed de Jong
Ed de Jong - 20.08.2023 01:14

The facts might be there. But unless one is heavily into the jargon they do not make sense. IMHO: waste of bandwidth...

successful indian chief exec of diseased blankets
successful indian chief exec of diseased blankets - 19.08.2023 20:45

Patton was so good the Germans didnt even know about him. Bloviating camera hoe

Luis del Valle
Luis del Valle - 19.08.2023 07:14

This is such nonsense. Patton fought a depleted force.

Big-Baz Clips
Big-Baz Clips - 18.08.2023 06:51

they managed to overcome the greatest challenge of all; being led by patton

Timmy - 17.08.2023 21:57

I grew up on a military base, did the ROTC thing, served in the Gulf War as a civilian safely behind the lines. I had a father and several uncles who served in WW2. Not all made it home. Those who did had unseen wounds for the rest of their lives in addition to some purple hearts
As an old man now, I'm only now capable of their hardships, sacrifice, and sometimes broken relationships and lives. They have all passed on. The least I can do now is stand for the anthem, respect our flag, and love the greatest country in human history ... and support the current warriors who risk everything to uphold the traditions of those that served before them, and their families, spouses, children, siblings and parents whom often waited word of their warriors, not knowing.

Bob Drago
Bob Drago - 17.08.2023 18:21

Good to fight and beat fascism.

FeedYourMind - 16.08.2023 22:51

The newly configured panzer brigades Patton was facing were, while sporting capable armor, were short on infantry, communications, and command. Everything Pattons' units were well stocked with.

Warren Belford
Warren Belford - 16.08.2023 22:26

I particularly liked reading pretty much word for word of this narration with the article done by wikipedia...straight up plagiarism 😅

Franz Baier
Franz Baier - 16.08.2023 10:16

Be proud that with your help Judah has conquered the world and destroyed Europe as well as your country...

James Evans
James Evans - 16.08.2023 06:39

One of the biggest problems for historians with the battles fought in Lorraine of which Arracourt was one of several battles is that both sides exaggerated the number of kills made. So such so one of the Panzer brigades were declared destroyed twice and was still operational. Also with the coming of the fall rains things deteriorated on the battlefield as the medieval drainage systems had been choked off from earlier fighting. So it was easy for a tank to become hopelessly bogged. This affected the green crews of the Panzer brigades who became reluctant to leave the road ways. On a few engagements Panthers were caught broadsides and in this position even the standard short barrel 75mm of most Sherman tanks could easily penetrate the hull sides of the Panther at range. During this phase of the battle the light M5 Stuart tank came into its own getting a reputation of being mud runners. So much so the 4th Armoured division put the M5 to heavy use relying on this tanks mobility.

chelsea martin
chelsea martin - 15.08.2023 20:41

The Pz Brigades were a failure from the start, the other units that the Germans had were all under-strength.
The superior artillery and air-power was the the true master of the western front.

Steven Leslie
Steven Leslie - 15.08.2023 18:21

Let's be honest here. Germany had little air support and the Allies had massive air power

TJ Tinerella
TJ Tinerella - 15.08.2023 08:58

Chatgpt Write A script about battle of Arracourt......Now paste text into AI text to speech....plop down free WWII clips boom mono tone boring video about a great battle.

Har Sc
Har Sc - 15.08.2023 02:48

Patton with selfie

Racer X
Racer X - 14.08.2023 22:35

What they are not telling you is that planes firing rockets, NOT American tanks, destroyed most of the German tanks.

parallax - 14.08.2023 08:48

Patton had air supremacy. This is why German could never win any battle after dday

Luis Aguilar
Luis Aguilar - 13.08.2023 21:33

General Patton one of a kind, MacArthur another giant in life, pure AMERICAN BRED!!!!!!!

Trump Bad
Trump Bad - 13.08.2023 15:39

My dad had nothing to do with this battle.

☆kawaito_pixel♡ - 13.08.2023 07:21

Kita ni manusia lemah, hanya mampu berdoa kepada Tuhan.. selebihnya tak tahu..

stanmans - 12.08.2023 23:18

I agree. I was in the tank corp in the 50's stationed at Ft. Knox Ky. At that time we had the M48 Patton. 90ml and a 50 cal. machine gun. Fortunately we were never called to Korea. The M48 was a good tank for its time. Had several upgrades from the M47. The tank and it’s crew was only as good as the tankers who were assigned to them.
The same with all the new high tech fighter planes. They are only as good as the pilots flying them.
