Four Amazing Alternatives to the Fujifilm X100VI / X100V

Four Amazing Alternatives to the Fujifilm X100VI / X100V

Stanley Wu

1 год назад

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@legendofthecamera - 22.11.2022 00:31

Thank you for all your suggestions! I've compiled a list of popular picks and added them to the comments.

@subrotomitra - 02.01.2024 09:42

Stanley, you should be in the Radio DIsc Jockey business- what a lovely ,matured pleasing voice...Thanks for the video

@NLspartan117 - 29.12.2023 01:11

Why can’t i find a comparison video for the x100v with gfx 50s? The 50s is medium format and costs only 2000. Can someone explain please?

@GeorgeStar - 26.11.2023 21:35

Where's the data showing Leicas are any more durable/reliable than any other pro level camera?

@alwinho282 - 21.11.2023 11:26

Bruh x100v alternative Lecia ? Xpro3 bro u serious?

@sjmedia_official - 18.11.2023 16:22

Stuck with one lens is the one of the points why I want the X100V.

@McConnachy - 29.10.2023 04:23

I have gad the X100V for two years, and love this camera. But I also love the Fuji lenses, so got an X-T30ii and use it with the 18 f2 and 27 f2.8 WR. Now thinking about the new 56 WR. But the V is always special 👍

@mooodygraphy - 28.10.2023 17:00

I bought the x100f used for 1000 usd instead, I've been so happy with it, some day I would love to upgrade to the x100v though because of the extra settings and the mega pixels! :)

@JonasNyenstad - 04.10.2023 13:25

What about the Fujifilm XT30? Isnt it basically the X100v but without the hype? You are only recommending way more expensive cameras, but the fujifilm XT30 is only a fraction of the price

@sam-ww1wk - 13.09.2023 05:55

I shoot Fuji, and my 15 year old son has had a Canon m50 for over a year. He got it and the kit lens for $350, Canon 22mm f2 for $120, and Sigma 56mm 1.4, and his next lens is the 18-135, and all way for way less than a 100v. Small form factor, 26mp, great image quality and color.. I used to think I wanted a 100V, but after being around his for a year, I would buy a m50 hands down over it, simply for the price, and everything the same, with changeable lenses. No brainer unless you want to pay an extra 1500 for the cool factor,,, which is a factor, but not at that price.

@ourhouseuk - 01.09.2023 15:23

1) Fuji isn’t a rangefinder 2) gr has no weather sealing and sucks dust in a pocket 3) m are great but manual focus isn’t for everyone as you said, they’re super delicate, build quality is not what you think, many are misaligned expensive to repair. 4) q2 is three times the cost, also expensive to repair and somewhat delicate.

@Spike626721 - 29.08.2023 22:33

How good is the ricoh for lowlight on a Concert? Video and photo?

@zawnyein - 27.08.2023 18:04

Is it just me or your audio output seems too soft

@key2adventure - 27.08.2023 11:31

A Leica is not an alternative unless you are a millionaire. The most obvious alternative would be the Fujifilm X-E4 which is both compact, has interchangeable lenses, and has the same sensor as the X-100V.

@tomscott4438 - 24.08.2023 04:10

The X-Pro (2 or 3) are even more niche than the 100V, and with any basic prime lens cost as much as a marked up'd 100V. The Ricoh and Panasonic do not have an EVF. The Sony is not made anymore, so it is only available used. The Leica Q2 and M are amazing, but at least two to three times the price of the 100V. The Leica CL is inferior and lacks a lot of features. The Fuji X-E4 is also impossible to locate, new or used, without a premium. So, if you really want an X-100V you wait it out until the TickTock and online influencers tire of it and move on to the next big thing.

@jorgemtrevino - 18.08.2023 06:52

Nitpicking, I think you are confused about the meaning of the term rangefinder, The only rangefinder camera among your recommendations is the Leica M. The Fuji X100 and X-Pro cameras are just called Optical Viewfinder (OVF) cameras, that also include an Electronic Viewfinder function (EVF).
I would have included the Fuji X-E4, that sells for about the same MSRP than the X100V with the kit 27mm lens. Personally, I didn't like the pared down interface but the performance is great.

@markerdude - 16.08.2023 06:28

Forgot to mention the x100v’s built in ND filter

@gdonson4440 - 16.08.2023 05:03

How do you go from Fuji 100V to leica M, dude they are not in the same zip code as far as price

@mightsnow3654 - 12.08.2023 04:49

I just bought an X100V for my new camera rental company called Camera Leader in Panama City Beach, Florida.

@levisimpson516 - 11.08.2023 21:07

The Ricoh GRII that I have is by far my favorite camera. While I would love to get one of the nice looking Fuji cameras or even a Leica, this little camera has changed photography for myself providing me with high quality images in a camera body so easy to throw in your pocket or bag that I never really second guess bringing a camera. While I would love to spend money on some of the other options I just don't have it, so my plan is to stick with the GR series and maybe go for a GRIIIx next. I just can't say enough about these little powerhouses.

@adiblasi - 08.08.2023 04:31

Hi Stanley - new subscriber here. I enjoyed your video very much. I’m going to be attending a wedding which will be out of state and I am certainly not going to be lugging my Canon 5D. While there will be a professional photographer, I wanted something small for behind the scenes and fun type of pictures. What are you thoughts on the Canon Powershot G1 X Mark III? Thank you! - Alfred

@larrysalaets7088 - 06.08.2023 02:42

The Leica Q2 is magical!

@Project_2501 - 04.08.2023 15:50

Why the heck do you talk that way? Please stop! Makes your video unwatchable!

@adrianpink9719 - 01.08.2023 21:19

but how could the Leica Q2 be an alternitive if its like 5k or sth... thats like doubled the price of the x100v but all in all great video, your voice is giving me chills.

@DeanVowles - 31.07.2023 20:43

Lol. The Leica Q2 is not an alternative, it’s in a completely different price bracket? If anything the 100V is a Q2 alternative 😂

@cookieee2959 - 19.07.2023 21:39

The cost of ownership is a great point. I'm planning to buy the x100V next year but I will only make that purchase if I can get the camera at MSRP or lower. If the new x100 camera is released. I'm guessing the x100v will go down in price by at least $50-100. I would definitely buy it at that point and put that $100 into a variable ND filter. I wonder what the next x100 would look like and the features it will offer.

@Dehancer - 19.07.2023 12:16

Hi Stanley! Sensational review here :) We'd like to get in touch for a potential collaboration if that's possible!

@carmenfissenden2530 - 17.07.2023 12:52

Fantastic review .

When I was looking for a camera a few years back that would do travel , street and portrait I procrastinated long and hard and finally settled on the Olympus EM 10 Mii.

My choice will not be many peoples first or even second choice , which is why the final choice is always a compromise and a highly subjective one .

I think your video proved there are other alternatives out there and it might be worth a trip to one of the big used camera stores to try out all the models on hits short list .

If you can forgo the new purchase and spent the extra on a lens or better still on a trip to somewhere to trill your images then that is something else to ponder .

Finally , can I encourage more of us to make photo books of our favourite images . You never know what technology will do next and having lost so many to photo sites or old computer drives , I was forced to not to just rely on making copies but to make books to tell our stories .

@icywowwoo456 - 15.07.2023 12:56

get a new mic

@alwinbenjamin - 13.06.2023 07:25


@ricc_moser - 06.06.2023 20:15

Hey 👋🏼 i like your video, the only thing i don’t like if i can say that, is the mic voice. Sounds like an ASMR video which makes it a bit unpleasant for me to hear 🙏🏻 keep it up

@maiabrittany - 12.05.2023 16:34

My alternative to the X100V is the Fuji X-T1 with the small Fuji 23mm f2 lens .
I wasn't prepared to pay those inflated prices the X100V command's at the moment,, my alternate can be had for under 1k AUD.

@dpasadis - 23.04.2023 17:18

Excellent video. Many thanks. Very helpful.

@xXJerry202Xx - 15.04.2023 07:03

Check out Viltrox lenses for the fujis (they also have other aps-c mounts). The lenses are relatively cheap and really good

@helsonly722 - 13.04.2023 13:01

Any issues with dust?

@jesuscrisis5086 - 05.04.2023 16:25

Nah, x100v is leaf shutter. People know leaf shutter know it’s insanely great appeal

@numbersix8919 - 03.04.2023 17:41

Pretty solid analysis!!!

@rsjtubepass - 30.03.2023 19:15

I think if you are going to use an acronym so many times for "Manufacturers Recommended Sales Value" then don't always abbreviate it to MSRP it's MRSP

@sjoerdsiemes - 30.03.2023 11:18


@tacorevenge87 - 29.03.2023 03:55

Nice video

@ssamburle - 23.03.2023 18:39

very low audio..

@Animaduniversum - 15.03.2023 13:47

Whatever camera you have plus the smallest prime in the system. You're welcome :D

@gio3532 - 15.03.2023 03:37

Hey Stanley, love the content! Just wanted to mention that your mic level was a little too low. I needed to max out my volume which isn't a problem, but thought you'd wanna know :) Keep up the awesome content!

@zsoltaudio - 14.03.2023 22:26

Fujifilm XF10. The best alternative to any pocket camera!

@miussendunker - 13.03.2023 17:13

dude suggesting a 5k camera as alternative to a 1.5. wtf

@TCinSoCal - 10.03.2023 08:17

I’ve owned (and still own) several Fuji bodies & lenses. It’s likely many of the hype X100V buyers won’t use the OVF, NDF.. and will glam it up with hoods, cases, etc. I’ve seen exactly this hanging from an ultra hip dude on Montana in Santa Monica.

Once you ‘glam up’ the X100 line the slim/pocketable profile is pretty much gone…about the same size as an X-T/27mm combo..and neither are fitting easily in a pocket.. maybe a big jacket pocket.

For anyone wanting something close & don’t know what OVF.. NDF.. many options to get those Fuji colors. 27mm + X-E2,3,4.. X-T3,4,5 .. X-Pro2,3. .. X-T20,30,30ii.

The GR is badass. X100V (without glam) fits in a pocket.. but the GR disappears in a pocket. I’ve replaced my X100V with an X-T4/27mm (walk around) and GR IIIx (stealth/discrete). only negative of GR IMO is that it’s not super robust and us GR owners are all on the clock until dust is on the sensor.. nothing above f8 for me.

Thank you for this video. The issue with the hype buying of the X100V is that it’s not logical for the most part so there is very little listening to reason. A positive though is how many people are discovering Fuji. Cheers!

@PlNKUHOSHI - 09.03.2023 23:46

I feel like the Fujifilm X-Pro series was the more affordable alternative to Leica M cameras.
