Super Mario Party Jamboree Has Eased All My Concerns...

Super Mario Party Jamboree Has Eased All My Concerns...


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@sideeswipe - 10.09.2024 23:55

Hopefully there’s no more characters they haven’t revealed cause not getting diddy, dry bones and hammer bro back would be a missed opportunity. Especially dry bones since he became a staple in modern Mario party

@WaluigiGamingAJW - 10.09.2024 23:58

What about switch to revealed September October?

@anthonynelson3536 - 10.09.2024 23:59

I'm skipping it

@TheSpeedfoever - 11.09.2024 00:00

I can't wait to play this on day 1!

@SlumpFunk - 11.09.2024 00:10

Congratulations on 40K! 🎉

@WilberforceWooster - 11.09.2024 00:12

Congrats on 40K!

@TheCoordinate - 11.09.2024 00:13

i cant wait! i was nervous at first when i saw it was going back to being “super” mario party, but everything thats been shown after the initial reveal has eased some of my worries.

@sidewinder2057 - 11.09.2024 00:15

Yeah, this Jabroni game looks like it might be the best in the series

@84bombsjetpack23 - 11.09.2024 00:17

When do you think he's gonna change the goal to 50K? I mean that's already the goal, I'm sure, but when will he make the change in the video?

@truedude - 11.09.2024 00:30

the fact that they took the best parts of super and superstars and made them even better has got me so hyped for this game

@malo932 - 11.09.2024 00:40

This generation i started to only play Nintendo games. No third parties, no other consoles. I think that the quality and variety they reached this generation is perfect for me, and this game is the proof: nice looking, entertaining, full of content

@JessicaT10118 - 11.09.2024 01:24

Thank you for clarifying! I havent been able to find an answer on the motion controls for the game. My husband is an old school 64 MP player, and we really want to jump back in 😅

@mariofanl1ve - 11.09.2024 02:16

Weird that they include switch online with this game that in my opinion is most fun to play with people in the same room, but not with something like splatoon 3 which requires online for the main mode. Yes i know there are bundles that include it but not the base version like mario party is getting

@cryosynthe - 11.09.2024 02:19

I wish this was a DLC for Mario Party Superstars rather than a standalone title.

@trevorgennette4560 - 11.09.2024 03:32

The only thing I’m not to excited about is the new ally system and how you can just walk by someone and steal their ally.

@frostyfrenchtoast - 11.09.2024 06:50

Long as I can play fast and efficiently with my siblings I’m happy. The bigger roster helps too, we were kinda forced to only play Superstars on the switch bc my littler siblings didn’t take to the classic Mario party’s difficulty and visuals too well, but that got boring really fast with how little content Superstars had

Jamboree seems to be more my speed, tons of different content

@anselnova - 11.09.2024 06:51


@sayhan351 - 11.09.2024 08:40

Congrats on hitting 40k! 🎉

@NE0_Messi - 11.09.2024 10:39

Finally hit 40K!!! And you got there quicker than I thought, Big congrats!
