This Slice Of Life Anime Did Something Incredible

This Slice Of Life Anime Did Something Incredible

Brandon Talks

2 года назад

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@zidaryn - 15.08.2023 12:03

If you're looking for a music based slice of life with more of a plot/goal I suggest you check out "Hibike Euphonium" (sometimes translated to Sound Euphonium.)
Where K-On is light music, Eupho is about concert band. It's got the cute girls doing stuff, but it's got more of a plot and wau less slapstick.
But, it's done by the same studio as K-On: Kyoto Animation.

@GypsyDanger2000 - 26.07.2023 17:32

You didnt say yuru camp but kons a pretty good one too

@BrianBlomlie-em2un - 15.07.2023 18:17

Seen Space Brothers?

@yarman8322 - 16.06.2023 05:02

K-on is in my top 10 favorite animes :) My favorite slice of life anime is clannad it also is my #1! K-on was so much fun watching the first time

@lucasljs1545 - 27.05.2023 14:21

People who don't appreciate the beauty of Slice of Life are people who will never be happy on their life, the world portrayed in a Slice of Life anime is literally perfect. There is no crazy people with crazy ideologies, no crime, no dangers for kids, everyone lives happy.

When someone can't appreciate it, it shows that person is not capable of being happy, because for them a perfect life would be "boring" and always "lack something", these people will waste away taking anti-depressants.

Also, it is good to know we live in a world people think marvel movies are good when they are literally garbage, so it is hard for them to understand what is really good.

@maattthhhh - 23.05.2023 01:38

dat 👏 final 👏 episode 👏 dough 👏

@karolpater9803 - 05.04.2023 21:05


@captainexcabier - 26.03.2023 09:42

I think the only slice-of-life anime I've ever really liked was The Daily Lives of High School Boys, because it had a lot of fun with the typical tropes of that genre. K-On was okay, but it did get boring at times for me. I would probably watch most of them, though not because I personally would seek them out to watch, but because the club I belong to voted for it. The only one I couldn't really take was Azumanga Dioh.

@demanrunner8479 - 18.03.2023 13:37

Eh, I'd say Clannad: After story and Violet Evergarden smashes this anime out of the park, mainly because they're both sad, and it's more of a wake up call to reality. In Clannad, you get attached to a typical love story, and it hurts when the sad moments come by showing its audience that part of appreciating life is death, as death teaches us that we have a limited amount of time so we better spend it well. And Violetever Garden, Violet had lost the 1 person that only ever mattered in her life, and now she has to overcome her trauma and learn how to be Human, and she learns from experience and not through wasteful words. This anime really is simple and doesn't give us any real messages or have anything that goes outside of the box.

@qualitymcbro8452 - 18.01.2023 04:36

I really like slice of life. It's my favourite genre, but even I cannot express how boring I found K-ON. There was nothing poorly done about it. It's just that the plot moved at a snails pace. I can understand enjoying the chill vibes and wholesomeness, but it's an overdose of it imo.

Why did it have to hit cult status? It's scaring people away from the genre with the most potential for complex character writing.

@morrius0757 - 10.01.2023 20:04

I love SoL, but it isn't for everyone. I like seeing characters just living life. lol

@hollowficate - 03.01.2023 05:46

I know this gonna get buried in the comment section but I have to write this about SOL.

It's about the subtleness and simplicity of human perspective, mindsets and their interaction - meeting new people, getting out of ones comfort zone, falling in love, that little progress but wholesome effort that the protagonist made, those remarkable lines that just hit you in the spot, those every little but wholesome things that just makes your soul warm. It's not all about the epic fight scenes and sh*ts, sometimes it's just better to see how people manage to live their lives and see how they handle it at the end.

@vp7877 - 24.12.2022 16:30

damn you should watch bocchi the rock, it's like k on with - Wait scrap that it's nothing like K on It's about a girl trying to fix her social anxiety via trying to form a band

@kurtnelle - 14.12.2022 09:53

Yep, that anime was brilliant. I was totally invested even past the ending. You know you've watched a good show, when you immediately miss the characters after it's over.

@boredandagitated - 01.12.2022 11:44

I love slice of life. A great one is Railgun which is more action sci-fi but it has slice of life episodes that I love. It breaks up the action anime stuff that doesn’t interest me as much.

I gotta ask tho, you think nichijou is slice of life? It felt like a straight comedy to me. Like a sitcom or sketch comedy show or something

@thinBillyBoy - 11.11.2022 12:16

Azumanga doe.
And Daily Lives Of High School Boys or Cromartie high School too! Oh! Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei! Those are Slice of Life right?

@joseluisyatz - 09.11.2022 23:34

Can someone help me figure out what the name of the song is he used for the first 20 seconds? Please please please!!!!

@laurabustos6560 - 06.11.2022 19:00

How could you imply that Nichijou or Lucky Star don't have a plot!?!🤣

@drnutso8507 - 25.10.2022 10:43

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Saiki K. a slice of life anime? There, a slice of life that only the most boring of people could call boring. Sure the plot progresses, but the conflict is always resolved in 3-20 minutes and it never has long term repercussions other than new characters joining. Thus, a slice of life

@frostingc - 14.10.2022 12:14

I loved A Place Further Than the Universe.

@nit0134 - 22.08.2022 23:17

I think calling A Place Further than the Universe a slice of life is wrong. It's not a slice of life, it's an adventure anime, with an actual progressing plot to hook you, character growth, and a clear goal. I never thought I was watching a slice of life while watching it.

I like how Mother's Basement explained it. It's a moe STYLE show, but not an actual moe show. The emphasis isn't on cute girls doing cute things, but about characters (who happen to be cute girls), with a clear goal who overcome obstacles together, and grow as characters.
That's not the exact quote but something like that.
That's also why it's not labeled as a slice of life on MAL or even cute girls doing cute things. It just has some elements of those, but ultimately it's an adventure anime.

@ajflow146 - 30.07.2022 19:38

slice of mid*

@jcruz2255 - 18.07.2022 12:52

I loved this anime. I should re-watch it again.

@XxDreamy_LeaxX - 11.07.2022 01:54

I'm definitely one of those people who adore slice of life. It's the main genre I am watching like 90% of the time and if someone were to ask me if I'd watched an anime of another genre I would probably have to say no.

@TheMaicena - 10.07.2022 13:45

Try hibike euphonium.

@collywop5 - 10.07.2022 09:01

I love k on and a place farther than the universe. I feel like you might also enjoy keep your hands off eizouken if you haven't already watched that

@musicstudio3700 - 08.07.2022 20:42


@Sundude05 - 08.07.2022 10:16

No one why has a life so they watch other people have a life even if it’s simple

@cradica - 05.07.2022 02:08

The fact that K-on has a manga reminds me of Carole and Tuesday (Since they are both "musicals")

@zeromailss - 21.06.2022 22:08

I don't disagree with your points but I have to say, us Slice of Life enjoyer like the genre because they are the way they are and we like them that way, "better" story doesn't mean it will be more enjoyable or entertaining to us

Will a good story and plot make hentai better? Maybe but when I watch hentai I'm there for a very specific purpose and that is all that matter. I do appreciate anime that excels at many things at once or try to be more than what is generally acceptable or expected but the more thing it tries to be, the easier it is for it to fail so it is better to just focus on doing and achieving a specific goal in mind. Excels at one thing and let others do the other thing that they are good at and on the rare occasion, we will have a masterpiece or an exception that can be something more while also not alienating nor straying too far from what make people like a certain genre to begin with like your example A Place Further Than The Universe.

@houtarooreki5751 - 15.06.2022 14:07

I actually enjoyed K-ON and finished all of its seasons. It's jist that when ypu watch it, you need to be brain dead so you can just enjoy what you're looking at instead of constantly looking for a story.

(No this isn't meant to be sarcastic. Its my actual method of watching and enjoying slice of life. I have the ability to jist b brain dead lol.)

@sallowhuw3520 - 11.06.2022 19:45

I think in K on they do have goals it's just not grandiose like: "were gonna form a band and we'll become famous and be better than the beatles" type of goal. K on's themes are all about appreciating the simpler things in life. so it make sense that their goals are humble, such as having "good enough" grades to participate in club activities, being "good enough" at playing to be able to perform at a school festival, or cherishing your time with friends while it lasts. and also to me goals( although important) alone does not fully flesh out a character and make them wholly compelling. That is why I don't mind the scenes where they are just interacting with each other or reacting to their environment because to me it fleshes out their character and the world that the characters are living in; which makes me more invested when they do try to achieve a goal and in the story and characters overall.

also, maybe this is just me, I think the synopsis of k on actually delivered what it promised, I think people ( including a friend of mine) just expected it to have a more shoneny story structure wherein the main character is inept at something and then goes into a training arc then a climactic pay off; rinse and repeat. I think K on! was going for a more subtle and subversive way. i also wanted more music and playing but it is what it is. it still delivered as a character driven wholesome slice of life show

PS. I like your vidoes btw.

@dinosatay - 10.06.2022 19:13

wonder what your take on Yuru Camp would be

@dinosatay - 10.06.2022 19:12

i think, slice of life is like seaweed
you can season it and eat it as it is and it might just hit the spot
but you can try to put in the time, effort, and risks to wrap it around some plots you found in your fridge and the sushi might just turn out ok

@skjorta1984 - 09.06.2022 09:30

I think a slice of life which may have vaguely fit your preference is girls last tour

@GamerUnglued - 04.06.2022 11:12

This is why it's best to not get expectations from a plot synopsis. K-On isn't about music, but it does have a point. And the show itself basically has an entire episode about how music isn't the point of the club, but rather it's to have a place where these friends can hang out. That's central to its overarching story, which revolves around the girls growing relationship through the club and the build-up to its eventual disbanding. It's quintessentially a coming-of-age story, a story about strangers who grow into family, grow up into very different people than they were at the start, and then have to cope with the endless passage of time and the future. It does have a goal and an overarching story (even season 1 on its own does), that goal just wasn't music.

Also, the reason I find this video a bit frustrating is because A Place Further than the Universe is fundamentally not slice of life. Not every show that takes place roughly in reality or that has cute girls is slice of life. We have the term "drama" for a reason, it's a fundamentally different genre. YoriMoi isn't a different kind of slice of life story with a more plot driven focus, that plot driven focus is because it isn't slice of life in the first place. It's not the same genre as K-On. The thesis of the video is "I like slice of life anime that aren't actually slice of life." It comes off just as dismissive of the genre's merits here. I'd also argue that goals are only important if the story itself calls for them to be, but that's for another day.

@KatonRyu - 01.06.2022 12:09

K-ON's second season final had so many feels it's not even funny and it has some really good songs, but A Place Further Than the Universe is just straight up the best anime I've ever watched. I will never not cry when I watch that show.

@mine48 - 26.05.2022 20:10

but actually, if you are a slice of life enjoyer, do not watch "happy sugar life" it so messed up that u would regret watching it, this is a warning :D

@Yurimail - 24.05.2022 14:52

IMO, Gakkou Gurashi (School Life!) is the best slice of life anime ever. If you haven't watch this anime yet or even better IF you no nothing about this anime. You will instantly love this anime after watch the first episode.
This anime is about cute girls doing cute thing, cute girls doing cute thing, and cute girls doing cute thing.
I forgot to mention 1 very important when watching this anime, DO NOT SKIP THE OPENING THEME!

@DylanMaggs - 22.05.2022 08:46

A Place Further Than the Universe is a show that find myself coming back to once-twice a year, just to re-experience the journey, the soundtrack, the sights and sounds, all over again. While it’s not my favorite show I’ve ever seen, it definitely has a special place in my heart that no other show feels like it hits the same way.

@durandus676 - 21.05.2022 01:45

Something is missing, that hollow feeling. Ah, the realism. Wait is Gintama a slice of life?

@Clouds3813 - 21.05.2022 00:50

And that's why Hirayasumi is the goat

@mitchrichardson1995 - 20.05.2022 23:42

You should go check out Re Life it's a slice of life with a interesting plot and good character building
