Undertale Last Breath: [HARD MODE] Asgore Genocide's Fight / Full OST Animated (Fan Project)

Undertale Last Breath: [HARD MODE] Asgore Genocide's Fight / Full OST Animated (Fan Project)


1 год назад

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FantasyVision - 07.06.2023 11:36

Q : Who made this 2 hour animation ?

A : Me FantasyVision.

Q : How long did it take you ?

A : 4 months with 4-12 hours of work per days (800-1000 hours of work)

Q : Have you been helped ?

A : No, it's only the musician who helped me with the music, credits in the description and end of the video. And my subscribers who helped me sometimes.

Q : Chara is the ultimate villain ? It's the PLAYER who make her do this and not her ? What Asriel and Asgore say about her ?

A : According to their information it's not Chara,. Is this a lie or a mistake on their part ? Because our partner tells us that she is Chara, the demon, who is this thing then ? They say that they saw the same soul.
The player is responsible just like the mentioned Asgore but Chara is not the responsible everything is the fault of the player.

Q : What is Asriel's and Asgore's power level ? * (Just my opinion, i can be right or wrong, it's just my opinion if someone want to animate a battle with my characters, he can do what he wants, i let the community decide after, but Asgore can be considered like one of the strongest character in the Underverse)

Flowey Power Level < Sans Last Breath Phase 2 Power Level : City Level

Asriel Phase 1 > Sans Last Breath Phase 2 / Papyrus Last Breath Phase 2 < Papyrus Last Breath Phase 3 Power Level : High City Level

Asriel Phase 2 Demon Form > Papyrus Last Breath Phase 3 < Papyrus Last Breath Phase 5. Power Level : Country Level

Papyrus Full Power is stronger than Asriel Demon Form Full Power.

Phase 1 Asgore Last Breath is stronger than Sans Last Breath phase 2 but weaker than phase 3 and 4*. *Power Level : High Country Level

Phase 2 Asgore Last Breath * is far stronger than *Papyrus Last Breath Phase 3 but still weaker than Papyrus final Phase (Phase 5)*, he is in the top 40 strongest characters where he can beat a lot of Sans (Underverse) with country level.. *Power Level : Very High Country Level

Phase 3 Asgore Last Breath can be considered stronger than a lot of Sans (Underverse), Asgore will be a good match for the strongest characters (top 10) but will lose because of their power. it will be a medium high diff. knowing he is in Top 20 strongest, Asgore can beat in this phase *Sans Phase 4 Last Breath*.
Power Level : "Low Planet Level

Phase 4 Asgore Last Breath
For me he is in top 10 in the Underverse in his demon form, he have reality warping power, high resistance, and health can destroy planets, absorbing souls, high regeneration, He will be the perfect opponent for Error404 Sans Base Form and Phase 2, where Asgore could have a chance to defeat him in those forms without using the souls, but it will be a though battle (high diff), because Asgore is a god of destruction and kill millions of humans and among them the strongest. This is why he is at least top 10 in the Underverse classement. Power Level : High Planet Level

Phase 5 Asgore Last Breath OMEGA DEMON Asgore is stronger for me than Error404 Phase 3 and 4 who are universal, he has universe power, he is a Seraphin of death and have high warping reality power, in the fight for example he creates a reality where you win just to crush your hopes to defeat him, Error404 with his errors and reality warping can resist him and give a hard time but in the end OMEGA Asgore can just force him to use all his ability to make it tired and beat him in those forms. Power level : Universe Level

Phase 6 and 7 Asgore Last Breath*, even if he seems weaks, in Phase 6, he use his ULTIMATE POWER in Phase 7 where he is between Top 20-15. *Power Level : Planet Level

Phase 8 Asgore Last Breath*: This is his ultimate form, the souls want to help Asgore, there is no resitance from them, Asgore his filled with SURPEMACY and can use planets to attack you in the universe and use the BIG BANG attack who is capable to destroy timeline, times itself and matters, after that attack there is nothing left only void, even black hole, suns can't survive this attack. Asgore power level is high multiverse power level. He is literally invincible, this is why he can beat Error404. *Power Level : High Multiverse Level

In the Underverse Asgore can be considered like a threat like Neutral but in his demon form hostile and a great allies to the vilain to the Underverse. Asgore in his demon form after is not the strongest, but he is one of the strongest. It's only in Phase 8 that he can be considered like a big threat.

Q : Is this over, Asgore has win or lost ?

A : Asgore has win the battle he destroy the soul of DE-TERMINATION but something happen in the end (watch after the credit if you don't see the end).

Q : But wait, i don't understand Chara and the PLAYER is supposed do be defeated ?!!

A : Yes they are defeated, this is why, who is this if Chara ? And the PLAYER was defeated too ? Is this really Chara or something else ? (watch the intro)


A : The true meaning of determination, or the hidden face of the determination, the power to kill without giving up til everything is dead around you.

Q : How did the player manage to reach level 20 from the start and how did he manage to have so many LOVEs to reach level 100 ?

A : Let's say, now revealing why the PLAYER has so many LOVEs and why you began in LV 20 in the beginning would be a spoiler but let's say what's happening is worse than Dustale, It isn't just about one timeline. It's really a very dark story everything will be explained in the next animation.

Q : What is your next animation and when :

A : I will try a fight animation for the next animaton it will be my first one, a big defy await me, i want to be more good in animation and work in motion studio this is why i need to improve more and work on fight animation to improve my skills. I will continue the Papyrus last breath animation fight for the Phase 2 it will take some times. Anmations = a lot of works + times.

Q : I'm an animator i want help to improve my style, what software do you use and how many times it takes to make contents like that ?

Aseprite for the pixels arts, Photoshop, Premier Pro, MovieMakers, Filmora, All the adobes softwares to make this video. Small steps will become bigger steps later this is why began with small projects and after big one, it takes me 3-4 years (intense work) to have this level and i need to improve more my styles to be better for futur collab and make better animations. Everydays you need to try new things, arts, etc... And listen good animator and artists around you, if you do that you will progress very fast, and don't forget the key too is too be a perfectionnist, you need to improve your arts more and more. RevolverAnimation is a big example, he do a lot of great animations and awesome designs.

Q : Can i reupload the video entirely ?
A : No

Q : Can i make reaction about this or animation ?
Yes, i allow reaction or Power levels videos, even Gacha, but this time credit me please, respect my content and credit me just this video for the Gacha.

Q : Are you going to make a game about this ?
A : Maybe it depends if the community want, i can give you the sprites if you are interested, but before prove me you can make a game, and won't use them for evil purpose (leak or stole the arts)

*Q: Can i make arts about this ?"
A : Yes, you can, i plan to open a discord server not now, but it's coming. I plan to make my own deviant art account, and create an email like that you can send me your fan arts, else if you began to make one, and want to share it, like an animation, you can tell me in the comments.

*Q: Have you a discord server ?"
A : Not now, i plan to make one in the futur, i need good moderators, and a great administrator.

If you have other questions, don't hesistate

Others questions in progress (Sorry for my grammar, need to improve more my english)

Leroy - 14.11.2023 06:04

Phase 4: pure odio, more like pure ohio

But seriously what the hell even is that version of asgore u have gone too far

Purple Protogen
Purple Protogen - 10.11.2023 19:03

I made this crazy bet with sans...

Kitsuneskulls20 - 05.11.2023 20:48

Didn't really get why the dash was there but then I just found out: deTERMINATION

Powerdark55 epic games Gonsalez
Powerdark55 epic games Gonsalez - 04.11.2023 05:09

It would be interesting if you made a hard mode version of karmatic time trio, that is, your own version but of course with differences because obviously it doesn't have to be last breath hard mode, there is a different version that was also created by itself with its differences and with some more phases such as a phase 5 and 6 or up to 7 phases

Powerdark55 epic games Gonsalez
Powerdark55 epic games Gonsalez - 04.11.2023 05:06

They plan to reboot all of your previous videos like last breath undyne, last breath sans, last breath papyrus and last breath toriel, along with new phase abilities and some changes, either they don't plan to do it or they don't plan to do it

fallout the window crazy
fallout the window crazy - 03.11.2023 03:41

If chara can annihilate universes/multiverses<infinite in number/timelines yet phase 8 asgore crushes them that immediately puts his power at around hyperversal

fallout the window crazy
fallout the window crazy - 03.11.2023 03:33

This is definitely among the strongest undertale Au ever

dust r4cist4
dust r4cist4 - 03.11.2023 01:40

funny thing that in this timeline sans died with toriel bc if im correct this timeline was the one where he faced toriel and sans together and undyne the true undying with training, soooo... it easily makes sense

Chomiksuggester - 02.11.2023 13:29

Phase 6 music?

🐉 Sonicverse Super Ultra Joshua 🐉
🐉 Sonicverse Super Ultra Joshua 🐉 - 01.11.2023 23:16

I'd like to see how you can do an animation with myself included, but the final phase is where I decide to Hakai everything to nothingness.

bhone 007
bhone 007 - 31.10.2023 16:58

Good damm you work so hard

CD - 28.10.2023 04:19

i don't know what the heck i just watched but i don't think i'll ever be the same
god bless you all

Kitsuneskulls20 - 26.10.2023 02:19

No link for Asriel Part 1?

zadodzhilabort - 25.10.2023 15:45

5 фаза музыка Гримма? Учитывая что я убивал короля кошмаров часа 3 это и вправду кошмар

darr3n jov99
darr3n jov99 - 24.10.2023 17:03

Phase 8 just roasting the souls


I have question, How fast FV LB phase 4 is?

Sujaya Sriram
Sujaya Sriram - 22.10.2023 10:49

Can you make lb sans phase 5 gaster plus seven souls

Alex赤Player - 17.10.2023 07:03

Personally i think that asgore deserved a combat in genocide route, the way he dies just feels wrong. Sans is the weakest monster and giving everything he can put the player in a bind, just imagine what the strongest could do in his 100%.

Jaxen Reyna
Jaxen Reyna - 17.10.2023 05:12

Also chara at the end be like: dad daddy paw dad father father dad daddy ready to die?!

Jaxen Reyna
Jaxen Reyna - 17.10.2023 04:35

Error404 Omni godity virus 404 Omni 404 everything sans and king god verse laughing so hard to how weak this guy is

UnBudging1 1
UnBudging1 1 - 16.10.2023 14:31

First phase asgore seems the most terrifying phase to fight. Considering he looks much less cocky and much more calm. Like he’s focused on killing you. While staring you dead in the eyes. And he bothers to block your attacks. All the other phases just make asgore seem like he isn’t fully engaged in the fight (and probably the reason why it took the help of 6 human souls to end you. As he wasn’t fully engaged and took kill blows as a consequence)

The Man OnTeeVee
The Man OnTeeVee - 15.10.2023 07:15

As an option to hide my MUSCLES...

UmbreonUmbris - 14.10.2023 04:33

What you did with Phase 8 really helps us understand just how powerful someone can be with the power of 6 souls. Asgore was strong already, but he could quite literally THROW PLANETS. Imagine 7. REALITY IS AT HIS COMMAND

RobloxGameBeginnerGuide - 08.10.2023 06:42

nah I cant believe asgore is god on the last phase

bruh ntastic
bruh ntastic - 08.10.2023 00:38

Asgore: the puppeteer is dead

The puppeteer/player viewing asgore : am I a joke to you

Also if the player can defeat phase4/5 asgore and ULB hard mode would lose to phase 3 asgore then player can easily destroy ULB hard mode importantly when ULB hard mode at best is just moon level (at best) while already phase 3 asgore is planet level and asgore keeps getting more powerful until he reaches high multiverse to kill frisk(player vessel)

Lev Mushor Duhovni
Lev Mushor Duhovni - 05.10.2023 21:14

Honestly, i think you really overpower every character, like phase one, it was 9/10, wouldve been 10/10 if not for the overkill attack parts that ruin it, Phase 2 was a 10/10, looks like it has good concept to it, and i oike the use of megalomania, phase 3 was entirely uneeded, phase 4 was awful with its weird lore plot point about the demon soul bullshit, also the sprite and theme kinda sucked, phase 5 didnt really make any sense but had good sprites and a good theme, phase 6 was uneeded and made 0 sense, phase 7 should have been 6.5, and phase 8 (which should have been 7) seems ok but shouldnt have been the 8 phase, also the things asgore uses should have been more Undertale like. Overall, its a 4/10 for me for all the unnecessary phases and stuff, if i were to change anything id make it be ONLY phases 1 and 2 and 3 (and without the overkill attack parts) and make phase 3 more undertale - like in terms of attacks and concepts.

Cynthia Flores
Cynthia Flores - 05.10.2023 07:52

Hi & sans last breath?

RCT3Crashes100 - 04.10.2023 04:41

Though the past is inescapable, it is the greatest teacher of all. For the king of an empty court with a heart sullied by sorrow, grief and remorse, revisiting the past will undoubtedly bring great pain. However, accepting it will finally bring about an end to the madness. Through the gloom and clouds of swirling dust, the key to a brighter future lies just ahead…

Slava UkrainiSFS
Slava UkrainiSFS - 03.10.2023 06:59

Hey FV? What are overkill attacks?

Green Code
Green Code - 29.09.2023 01:01

I am beyond words, that this animation was made by hand and lasted 2 hours, absolutely incredible… ❤

P.S.: When is the new Papyrus animation releasing?

Castillo - 24.09.2023 07:20

Asgore being a badass in his second phase is crazy

UnBudging1 1
UnBudging1 1 - 20.09.2023 15:02

Asgore vs human with a gun and when

Dustak Pustak
Dustak Pustak - 19.09.2023 18:05

The ammount of cringe from this is twisting my stomach...maybe if you improve your sprites and make the lore more logical and have some more original ideas then I'd say something else. As for me, I just can't watch it.

Slava UkrainiSFS
Slava UkrainiSFS - 19.09.2023 05:00

I'm guessing that if at any point you give him your soul, the game just deletes itself and it'll be as if asgore killed you and shattered the barrier.

A new world where humans and monsters coexist.

VARUN PANDEY - 16.09.2023 10:21

Phase 2 asgore be like: are you approaching me ?

GodGamez - 12.09.2023 01:28

Man you gotta make this an AU, it’s an amazing story.


I think you should know Error 404 base form is Complex Multiversal 😅, and With 'JUST Butterfly form' he is Hyperversal and With Perfet404 He is Outerversal, maybe you should correct your Asgore Power level

Luke animates
Luke animates - 06.09.2023 16:04

Hey FV, me and revolver animations are almost on the same level of animating,
So uh,
Idk why im telling u this so uh, just gonna, peace out :D
Before that can i be pinned or uh can i not?

RageFury - 04.09.2023 12:31

I admit I most like how Asgore caused the Big Bang as an attack... His own power to reset the world quite literally.

White megalodon 2.0
White megalodon 2.0 - 29.08.2023 19:26

what app you using for sprites and animations?

SUS - 29.08.2023 12:16

que fumada te has fumado?

Luke animates
Luke animates - 24.08.2023 14:42

FV, i love ur animations
