JoJo Misinformation & How to Avoid It

JoJo Misinformation & How to Avoid It

Hamon Beat

2 года назад

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@valtube6728 - 30.10.2023 04:44

The fact that two groups of people argued about whether Araki was pro-LGBT or homophobic, and that both sides used fake interviews from the same channel, shows that the one who wins the war is the one who sells the bullets.

@Tabby-nw3bu - 15.10.2023 23:46

I heard Araki in a interview, that 1+2 = 4 and that Mista's favorite number is Four because of this.

(totally has nothing to do with his superstition explained when hes first introduced)

@goorila-lw4bu - 08.09.2023 06:28

why did araki never use that one couple's power again???
they did it for 4 hours!!!111!1

@Unhappytimeaper - 01.09.2023 18:12

It’s honestly I think really annoying when anyone has an idea of take they dislike they jump to either blame Araki or insult other people on his team such as assistants and editors.

Even today I saw someone comment that Anasui change was solely because editors “forced him” to do so, which at this point I feel Anasui’s change is blatantly one of the easiest things to look up with valid sources and comments. It just goes to show people are so quick to comment before checking thinking what they heard/saw is the right answer while continuing to spread the issues. While this was easily cleared up and the OP quickly was willing to accept this as something they had just taken as fact, it wasn’t until soon after someone became upset saying their “head canon” for the character was correct.

Again while the issue isn’t within head canons or theories fans, even outside of Jojo, are always wildly quick to push and make claims untrue so they can gain validity in spaces usually for their own takes.

I’m fine personally with people who prefer just the memes or sections of parts. It’s not my place nor do I care how people want to consume the media or call them a fan but it’s once people are quick to push their statements as fact or solely believe what they see does it factor as a problem. Mistakes or confusion can happen, I know people meme a comment from a video here about how did Gyro sing about pizza when he’s from the states then saying they never read part 7 but I honestly feel maybe that was purely a name mix up as the pizza not being introduced to America until years later is already a popular thing to point out, so when it’s these small cases it’s easy to ignore but the amount people are willing to just pass off as genuine misinformation is sadly a state fandoms thrive in when people want to so desperate cling to head canons and theory— not knowing you can have both.

@Sosavelli - 01.09.2023 02:37

I heard Araki say that he based Jotaro off of me in an interview

@carrot708 - 27.08.2023 00:39

I never understood part 1 skippers. Coming from any other anime, even Part 1 is interesting, fast-paced, wacky and, well, bizarre. Nobody has ever been turned off from Jojo because part 1 "was too boring" and didn't have enough rererero or torture dance scenes. THOSE are the kind of things that might wierd out and scare off new viewers

@player_lv4307 - 21.08.2023 04:57

No one dumber than Jojo fans. Shame we don't do actual research. Pretty soon you'll have yo explain how Akira's guitar can make noise when there isn't an amp nearby (tip for these people: research it)

@QuagmireGaming6969 - 15.08.2023 04:01

🤓 King Crimson is not a reference to the band it’s a reference to the the fact King Crimson is Crimson. That’s what these mfs sound like.

@Stathio - 01.08.2023 04:40

"JoJo fans forgot"

@inu_musha - 16.07.2023 23:17

And now it's extra confirmed that Emporio is not the main protagonist of part 9.

@tomboywarrior3229 - 14.07.2023 19:42

People will watch that Giorno and Dio edit about them going to MCDonald's and say it's true.

@TroyTheCatFish - 04.07.2023 21:41

W video

@samlewis6487 - 03.07.2023 01:06

I completely disagree about skipping parts. If you skip a part, you shouldn't claim to know exactly what happened to it, but if you skip part 1 and then have an opinion about part 4, those two things are completely disconnected. Let people enjoy the series in the way they want to. If it was absolutely 100% necessary to not skip parts, it wouldn't be split into parts, there wouldn't be recaps anywhere, and there certainly wouldn't be recaps at the start of every volume of the manga and episode of the anime.

@realhagEdits - 23.06.2023 06:07

I remember in an Araki interview he said that he was originally going to name star platinum “nebula supreme” and golden experience “silver time”. He also said in an interview that emporio was actually supposed to kill dio in part 1 but he ended up sparing him since he realized dio actually had the same stand as him which was low price buffoonery

@rickyratthetarpope4021 - 05.06.2023 11:50

Spoiler warning: I thought that pucci reset the universe using his OP stand upgrade and that is what caused the new universe in part 7 and 8. I thought he won until I actually consumed the part.

@b4ttlemast0r - 04.06.2023 13:23

Fully agree, all these fake Jojo fans are really annoying tbh

@justanotherrandomuser3076 - 27.05.2023 16:04

Actually, Jolyne Cujo was supposed to be a big black man with their stand "stone free" was supposed to be "drop the soap" and Anasui was in love with big black men. At least I heard that somebody I don't know say they heard it from Araki.

(I'm pretty sure you already know but I got to make sure for everyone that this is just a joke.)

@misternathanfowlkes - 04.05.2023 22:38

I'll admit I was a part skipper. I really liked stands so the idea of parts without them didn't interest me. I went back to watch part 2 after I watched 4 but didn't see part 1 till very recently because it was short and I'd already been recapped.

@yew8707 - 22.04.2023 19:04

Fandom wiki's are always super super annoying no matter what you're interested in.

@stevenb7038 - 16.04.2023 01:42

Instagram seems like the breeding ground for most of these JoJo “fans” that actually haven’t read/watched a single moment of the show that wasn’t edited

@grunkgaming1955 - 10.04.2023 09:04

um actually the band led zeppelin was based on the name of the zeppeli family

@debtcall2094 - 09.04.2023 20:49

does dio's last name come from marlon brando?

@bigman5552 - 05.04.2023 23:05

hamon beat takes a glimpse of what its like to be a touhou fan

@jeremiegagnon2002 - 01.04.2023 17:18

OH bUt tHe jApAnesE cHanGe sHit up fOr us AmeriCans

@reubenong8739 - 21.03.2023 14:39

Alas, the one true jojo fan who can coherently understand the series

@rileywilson6676 - 20.03.2023 23:20

Jojo "fans" when they realize Jotaro doesn't actually love Koichi more than his daughter.

@Dabeastwayne - 20.03.2023 04:34

Araki said that Diavlo died in endgame soooooo

@diegobrando36745 - 17.03.2023 15:23

"How did emporio get the joestar birth mark" someone didn't pay attention in part 6

@misternathanfowlkes - 14.03.2023 16:16

Actually no, he said in an interview that none of this was true.

@johndiddilyjoe6258 - 13.03.2023 22:58

If you want to find it look on any JoJo related YT short.

I just saw a dude say Sant'Annas stand was the ability to understand any language

@doubt2022 - 12.03.2023 23:40

Emporio was my favorite part 7 character and his stand Killer Queen was the best in the series up to this point

@jeffreyfiegen1538 - 25.02.2023 12:19

I've only been able to consume the series through secondhand material for the most part, seeing as there are only 2 book stores in my area. (One that won't be able to renew its lease once that's expired because the strip mall it's in got bought out by the main hobby of rich old white guys, and the other is over a half-hour drive away.) Although I have been introducing my dad to the series through the anime, and while it has been going a bit slowly (as we're watching multiple series together at the moment) it's been going pretty good.

@Xirrac - 05.02.2023 17:42

Bruh araki forgot to mention the part where formaggio was aggressively spanking narancia calling him "jailbait boi" repeatedly and then it went to narancia awkwardly limping for a tiny bit when it should have been for the rest of the part.

@shoongoon8684 - 04.02.2023 22:47

Wow I knew all these but I always figured Hol Horse was Full Force, especially since Lisa Lisa was in the previous arc. Thanks dude!

@Yacoowas - 01.02.2023 07:45

Thank you I didn’t know about The Jojo Wiki

@Gappys6thTesticle - 21.01.2023 16:41

Hamon beat seeing the new wave of JoJolion speedreaders to finish it before Part 9

@xavierboudrot12 - 16.01.2023 06:07

i actually remember when i started watching jojos, and a friend of mine told me how halfway through part 5 a character would just disappear with no explanation because he was forgotton about, referring to Fugo. And i remember being so confused when he left, because it was pretty clear he was leaving the story, and wasn't actually forgotten lol

@spoopdydoo7103 - 09.01.2023 08:40

Man (justifiably) points out a fandoms lack of reading comprehension

@DankRedditMemes - 06.01.2023 20:30

"It seems like the existence of JoJo fans serves as a draw to some people over an actual interest in the source material" See: Cyberpunk 2077, especially pre-launch

@militantautist9811 - 03.01.2023 19:59

After watching most of these (wxcept part 8) I swear there I have no idea how some of these people live normally and yet miss so much blatant shit like there were a couple pieces of parts I didn't get but holy shit

@Sgt_Leon - 01.01.2023 22:06

love the videos but i always end up getting spoilers 😭

@itsallogerrecords7741 - 01.01.2023 19:39

Araki once said in an interview: "Hamon beat is wrong and actually I forgot about fugo and all the stuff he claims he's debunked"

@legomeaker101potato - 01.01.2023 09:25

I had issues with part 5 because it was what I read right after watching part 4 so I was really confused during the fighting (since it is much clearer in anime and I didn't understand how araki illustrated parts of combat) Ironically though I always understood and liked part 6 since I was already in the groove of reading manga

@lasarousi - 27.12.2022 13:37

I'm doing my part, I'm avoiding this channel.

@abyssalphantom3166 - 22.12.2022 02:11

Another example of JoJo misinformation is literally the entirety of GER's ability. 😐
