What Do You Need To Start a Homestead? | Essential Tools

What Do You Need To Start a Homestead? | Essential Tools

Mossy Bottom

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@georgejacovides9923 - 24.05.2022 19:25

Yes great video, thank you. I have some friends in France that looking for a beter internet connection on their rural property. Can you tell me more about your mobile router and how you built and set up your unidirectional aerial?

@catsandstuff29 - 25.05.2022 01:24

I REALLY like your camera persona. You don't mince, repeat or fluff your words. Your point is made succinctly and with knowledge. Thank you for creating educational, simple and easy to follow videos. Best of luck to you and your small holding for the future, from England.

@thizizliz - 25.05.2022 08:36

i think your weed cutter is called a hula hoe here. not at all sure why but they cut the roots below the surface and allow the plant to die.

@paulcolin9071 - 25.05.2022 13:45

Thank you

@polkinnike - 25.05.2022 16:02


@danderegil - 25.05.2022 18:32

First video I've seen in your channel, and I thought it was great! New subscriber here :)
Cheers from Mexico!

@C.C_Creations - 25.05.2022 19:17

always enjoy your videos, I have lived on 6 acres for 30 years and started growing gardens about a year and a half ago, a learning process lol, Have you ever tried using wedges to split your logs? we heat a lot with wood. I have enjoyed my Stilh 12 battery chain saw for myself and my son has a 18 inch Stilh gas.We have had Husqvarnas in the past that we really liked but now they have changed how they are manufacturing them and most people believe that the Stihl is better (in case you have to buy another one) God Bless, Carol

@luminyam6145 - 26.05.2022 00:56

Wow, I think this is one of your best videos yet (no, no they are all great!). I love this information, it is so important and interesting to know what is needed for this lifestyle. Thank you.

@SpanishEclectic - 26.05.2022 04:08

Don't forget to mention the cat! LOL. Charming presentation, with great tips for gardeners and old house restorers as well. Orange-handled tools are great because they are easy to find out among all of the green, if you set one down and get distracted. Bernadette Banner is a fantastic seamstress and costume historian. Once you have things settled a bit more, perhaps you can make some linen farmer's shirts. I'm in So. California, so I wear waterproof steel-toed work boots; quite dry here, especially this year. Weeds were forming seeds in February. A wide-brimmed hat, sun glasses, and UV protection are vital here. I also like work gloves with padded palms; as people get older, there is less collagen covering the bones of the hand, and I can go much longer without pain. I love your pigs! So cute!

@tonylinnane4363 - 26.05.2022 19:54

Whenever I went home to Connacht the province where Sligo/Mossy Bottom is, I am aware that you could expect more wind and rain. That’s a fact of life, but, of course,it has the best people and scenery.I think viewers need to realise that if Mossy Bottom was situated in the opposite end of Ireland, it would be nearly half the rain amounts -1350mm Sligo as opposed to 750mm per year and over 500 hrs extra sunshine per year. The soil, instead of mainly clay in the North West, is very fertile and the Golden Vale is part of the Sunny south east region.

@dougquinton4040 - 27.05.2022 00:49

Thanks so much Daniel. I am just about to start a smallholding adventure and went through all your tools mentioned and added them to a new Amazon list. Now I know I'm ready to start ! ..... maybe need a few classes on Skill Share first as I have never done DIY ! :)

@pattywest1 - 27.05.2022 00:55

Your homestead is looking so organized & clean. I know it takes hard work but it’s clearly paying off. Good job 👍

@maryreed3266 - 27.05.2022 04:30

Daniel: Did you bring Moss with you or adopt him once you arrived in Ireland?

@Kampup - 27.05.2022 10:22

are you are felling hawthorn trees (fairy trees)?

@lindan2836 - 27.05.2022 18:51

Your video's are so inspiering, you helped me (woman 50, not healty, but strong-spirited) made the discisision to buy a little home in Hungary and moving the3te in the same style you moved (everything cramped in car and Just GO. I,M leaving in 4 weeks. My house is good and livable and i've nearly not as much land as you have but enough to keep some small lifestock and make a niet vegateblegarden. Im sooo looking forward to it!

@nancyheneghan4760 - 27.05.2022 22:14

Great list! Luckily my husband is a contractor so we have all the tools and having lived in a farm for 20 yrs have the rest all except that trimmer with a blade! Now to go and get one of those. Have a majorly over grown hill that I need to tackle and at 68 isn’t as easy as it once was 😄. Love watching all your video’s.

@hkeenan1000 - 30.05.2022 08:42

Really useful and informative list of tools thoughtfully put together. Thank you Daniel. Like others, it's great to get a virtual tour of your life project and its progress.

@sarahward779 - 30.05.2022 10:15

This is SOOOOO useful. Thank you.

@ggonabudget6283 - 30.05.2022 16:41

I cleared a .5 of an hectare and I bought most of the cultivation tools mentioned in this video. They didn't come cheap but definitely good investment. It's my dream to own my own wheelbarrow 😅. I already have water source and a small nipa hut. I planted grafted fruit bearing trees. I pray and hope that I will be able to build a small house. I have a house not far from the property but I want to be able to live a more simple and sustainable life. I love your videos and it keeps me motivated and inspired. Greetings from the Philippines.

@brandyjean7015 - 04.06.2022 18:24

I keep a basket of gloves for the young folk who have come to help do chores on my small farm. Safety 1st...

@damienomen68 - 08.06.2022 16:49

No thanks required. You look your usual very healthy & just contentment written all over. All the best mate.

@DominicNSX - 11.06.2022 15:36

The miter saw, multi tool, chainsaw and trimmer come in battery powered versions!

@missscepticism686 - 12.06.2022 12:23

A random question, I'm new to your channel, but seeing as you've lived in Ireland for 6 years, how often would you say you experience sunny days on your lovely homestead? I am thinking of moving to Ireland but everyone says it's cloudy and rainy 24/7 so sometimes get put off...but from your videos, it doesn't seem like the case. Would appreciate a lot if you could generally describe what Irish weather typically looks like throughout the year, thank you so much, appreciate your videos a ton :D

@antoniogalan6931 - 19.06.2022 11:46

Great job on that place! Question do you have any type of surveillance or camera device? What about medicine for you and medicine for the animals in case they get sick

@nataliekazful - 21.06.2022 11:55

Useful and entertaining to watch 👍🏻

@milliebanks7209 - 23.06.2022 09:27

You really have that place looking nice! Good job Dude!

@teevans8370 - 24.06.2022 02:39

Been following you for over a year since I started hatching my plan to move to Ireland. I'm now 8 weeks in Roscommon and loving it! Pleased to say we brought most of these tools with us - or realised we needed them within the first two weeks of being here!

@MrsBadger - 25.06.2022 11:57

Great advice. Love Moss 😊

@commentarytalk1446 - 29.06.2022 21:07

Internet will go LTE (Long Term Evolution ie using telecommunication spectrum/frequency bands) (5G speeds are amazing and eventually 6G is science fiction!). Totally right about that.

What do you feed Moss? Does he get fresh (cooked) meat?

One question: You do not live in the cottage? When will it be livable?

@Bathaling - 30.06.2022 20:04

Orwellian Pig Approval

@nance1111 - 30.06.2022 23:48

Moss Dog for the win! The way he looks at you and wags his tail says it all. He's a really great companion.

@taz12184 - 02.07.2022 13:25

Hey hit me up for a cuppa if your ever down around Limerick 👍

@seattleareatom - 04.07.2022 04:01

In the region where I live it would take several million dollars to even think of doing any like mossy bottom. But it's a fun fantasy to watch here. Thanks!

@kaori17az - 11.07.2022 22:38

Hello, have you tried soil blockers to start your seedlings? I have seen other gardens that used this tool in order to avoid using plastic.

@peggyhelblingsgardenwhatyo7920 - 13.07.2022 13:01

Most of those tools should be in every homeowner's toolbox.
Great video, Daniel. 🌿💚🌿👩‍🌾👍

@jdwilsun - 15.07.2022 17:34

You are a super wonderful inspiration. Thank you so much!

@veran.8661 - 21.07.2022 16:16

Your video quality never fails to amaze me. Concept, content, production quality - everything is top notch!

@veran.8661 - 21.07.2022 16:18

"There's nothing I can't screw with a good drill."
I stopped myself from laughing for a second because I wanted to be mature (for once) but then YOU pointed it out! xD

@veran.8661 - 21.07.2022 16:47

I love the friendship between you and Moss. He adores you and it's obvious. 💚

@rosaortiz7842 - 21.07.2022 21:23

Phenomenal video!

@georginan4703 - 31.07.2022 20:23

We had a little cheer at the number one tool!

@cde1968 - 17.08.2022 07:58

Daniel: in the years you've been "homesteading", you have become a veritable CARPENTER.

@achsahkaleb4844 - 30.08.2022 09:32

Brilliant videos. I am 57 year old South African woman moving to a rural area in the Eastern Cape. I have build 3 houses literally with my own hand on a plot in Centurion. Your videos I am using to educate my grand sons, to know what they are in for when we get to our farm. So glad your videos popped up today. subscribing immediately. Thank you, you are a very good teacher. God bless

@Pacers31Colts18 - 01.09.2022 22:14

Have you looked at soil blocks over the cells? Would cut out the plastic.

@tcaines2520 - 03.09.2022 14:44

Does anyone know how I can get started and what I would need including any legislation

@AlhadMahabal - 14.09.2022 18:22

Your dog is the greatest tool you have. All other tools can be bought. A dog's love can't be.

@carriekardokus7283 - 21.09.2022 23:35

Hi we are looking to set up our own homestead in the next coming weeks and saw that you had mobile internet and a unidirectional ariel on a scaffolding pole to get a better signal. Can I ask where would you get one from and is that what you have attached to the end of your scaffolding pole? BTW loving watching your videos it’s giving us some great ideas.

@franlooving4203 - 24.12.2022 07:40

I agree. I'm part of the Manure Movers of America and I totally think certain wheel barrows are better than others-pitch forks too. Love that stirrup hoe as well. It is similar to my weeding tool that looks like a horse sweat-scraper, but it is sharper. THX

@sallynewsome9186 - 30.04.2023 20:07

Can you explain more about the mobile router please... also, what is at the top of the pole/aerial you built?

@magrape7 - 21.06.2023 05:45

Great video!
Consider a soil blocker instead of starting trays. Purchase once, use for a lifetime. I bet you've got one by now.😊
