I tried EVERY DATING APP so you don't have to | A Christians Take on Dating Apps

I tried EVERY DATING APP so you don't have to | A Christians Take on Dating Apps

Daily Disciple

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David - 19.10.2023 09:48

They are full of parasites. Stay away.

Briana - 05.10.2023 09:50

Hinge is the best one I have tried so far. They offer so many options that allow you to communicate about who you are and what you are looking for. Sadly, soooooooooo many men do not use this to their advantage. I don't get it! Why would you NOT deck your profile out?? It just seems like they could put in more effort. Obviously, being a woman, I have no idea what women's profiles look like on there. Upward has been incredibly disappointing. I have come across a lot of fake profiles. There are also lots of non-Christian men on there simply looking for a "good woman with morals". There are quite a bit of Catholics on there, so, if you are Catholic...check it out! Hinge - you don't really need to pay for it to get a lot of benefit from it, but paying certainly helped take pressure off of me. It allows me to sort through all of the men vying for my attention and I can prayerfully take my time to decide if any are worth starting a conversation with. Upward - I feel like you have to pay for it just to get any benefit from it. Otherwise, it is just random swiping and hoping you get a match. Really not a fan! I wanted to be. I know Christian couples who have met on Hinge and Upward, though. If you are of the Reformed persuasion, there is a site called Sovereign Singles and a site called Tulips, I believe. I don't think there are apps for those. I think they are just websites. I don't know if I have the patience for it. I might have no choice at some point though, LOL! God be with all of us who are longing to love and be loved by a special someone. <3

Tom Liemohn
Tom Liemohn - 02.10.2023 11:11

Last year I tried POF and another secular one. I am older, 54. POF had an overwhelming ammount of scam contacts and people obviously thinking that I was easy to con into whatever nonsense they were in to. Christian Mingle, yeah, tried them for a couple months. Mostly legitimate people, but no one wanted to talk with me. I canceled all of them. I have never been married, I want to, but I must be content being single as that may well be how he wants me to be. Thy will be done.

Carmy Vasquez
Carmy Vasquez - 20.09.2023 05:48

But u look 30😂😂

crossdaboss8 - 15.09.2023 06:16

I have had the worse experience with all these apps in my area and i live in the bible belt sooo shouldnt be all that hard to find a good Christian gal but no luck guess im not ready in gods eyes any advise would help thank you god bless

Cozumel Girl
Cozumel Girl - 21.08.2023 20:36

I wouldn’t go on a dating app without someone else beside me only because it’s smart to keep yourself in check. Meaning you’re possibly feeling pressured and not thinking straight. A second set of eyes can give you a different perspective. It’s important to get it right since marriage brokers are not in the yellow pages.

Texanboiii - 07.08.2023 04:55

Damn you look at least 40 😂

JustMe - 31.07.2023 19:48

1 yr later, there is also one now called "Holy" . In my experience it's ok, but obviously designed and ran by women for women, which is contrary to women's goals if they want a man 😆

Easy Rawlins
Easy Rawlins - 24.07.2023 01:40

Good stuff. But which is the best. Dating app is just a result of technology

Tom DeLuca
Tom DeLuca - 05.07.2023 07:08

Im praying for a loving relationship that will accept me for who i am and i hope to be able to find it. I trust god to know me well enough that he will give me an answer when the time is right

Aaron Fletcher
Aaron Fletcher - 03.07.2023 07:44

Hey id recomend for your bummble bio. At the bottom write. " thoughtful intros go a long way" I swear it makes a huge difference

Sidney Puente-Lopez
Sidney Puente-Lopez - 02.07.2023 02:57

Waste of time

Erin Jo Harris
Erin Jo Harris - 01.07.2023 08:55

So did you find your Jesus lady yet? 👑

Elyse gatita
Elyse gatita - 01.07.2023 07:56

You’re no Christian 🤣🤣🤣 stop lying to yourself , and repent !

Daïna Jacques
Daïna Jacques - 29.06.2023 08:00

So are you telling me with all the apps you were on there were no interesting prospects…
Yikes. Confirmed this is sooooooooooooooooooo not for me

Daïna Jacques
Daïna Jacques - 29.06.2023 07:57

The Christian mingle comment had me rolling —because totally same and I agree w how blah dating apps are

Stoyan Genov
Stoyan Genov - 28.06.2023 04:48

Bro really used those apps for a year and couldn't find a girl 💀

Jappie Mutezo
Jappie Mutezo - 13.06.2023 23:42

Dude l totally concur with you there. Its so time consuming and one can easily get fixated on the dating apps. I am not saying they are bad but l got addicted soon

Drewseth - 09.06.2023 16:16

nobody uses dating apps

Hamilton - 28.05.2023 02:33

I never tried a dating app. I never really wanted to date, but I struggled with sexual frustration. The only way to have these needs fulfilled was to get married. Everyone told me I was making my desire for marriage an idol. That I had to surrender my unfulfilled sexual desires to God. I did after a long struggle, but now I only want to be by myself and celibate!

Bezawit Atnafu
Bezawit Atnafu - 27.05.2023 20:06

Thank you for the valid and balanced information

Trevor Rieck
Trevor Rieck - 27.05.2023 09:42

I'm currently trying Upward. But it feels kinda cheaply made to me. It has a denomination selection but it's list isn't long and doesn't give definitions for someone who could be confused. This causes most people to select nondenominational. Also there is a section about your faith but it is all the way at the bottom of the profile. It's cheaply designed and clearly intended more as a regular dating app.

Nakimuli Betty
Nakimuli Betty - 22.05.2023 15:38

Am still looking for the man

Squantochub - 21.05.2023 03:43

I met my girlfriend on upward and we've been dating for over six months now so it was definitely good for me lol

Emmanuelle Rodriguez
Emmanuelle Rodriguez - 20.05.2023 21:12

My experience with dating apps is that people don’t respond. I get very few matches. Maybe one a day. Sometimes 2 or 3 on a good day. And I never know when that will happen so I can repeat what is working, but in my experience dating apps have been a time consuming activity. The women I want to talk to won’t respond and the women I’m not interested in seen to be responsive but even then, they aren’t really talking to me about anything. I found OKCupid to be very helpful for me. However I got matches from out of the country. I mean I got tons of girls’ numbers and real numbers too, from foreign countries. It was fun talking to them and they seem like they wanted something genuine and they were interesting to talk to. So that was a lot of fun. But the distance kills the excitement after about a week of talking to them. So far out of like 12 women I ended talking to at once, only 1 has remained consistent, and still really wants to talk with me. She never wavers. Not yet anyway, and I’ve managed to talk to her for about a month now. So we’ll see what the future brings, I don’t have any expectations there. But that was a good site for foreign women, all very beautiful and some of them were Christian. So for me that was a home run. And it was fun talking so I can’t dock any of them. Bumble and Hinge gets me no matches at all. Literally nothing. I get one match a month between those two. And those matches go nowhere. They say nothing. So idk what I’m doing wrong in my profile. I feel like I have a variety of pictures and angles. I send messages that are respectful. So idk what I’m doing wrong there. I can’t figure it out for the life of me. My only guess is that I’m not as attractive as some of the men of there. So they pass me by. And I can’t change that. And I’m a fit and athletic man. I look younger than my age. People call me Peter Parker all the time because apparently I look like that character. But I still get passed up or ignored. But I’m starting to believe that apps are a waste of time. Men need to just pursue their dreams or whatever it is they want out of life first. You’ll meet someone during that period. It may seem like you won’t, but you will. Apps are a waste of time and the women there don’t seem to know what a good guy is from the bad ones. So you’ll get ignored most times.

Liz Hernandez
Liz Hernandez - 12.05.2023 16:40

Really like this video.
1. You didn’t put people down for using apps-comparing it to other means people used in the past to meet/reach out to people. Personally, I should be on them because I don’t meet a lot of Christian men near me 🥴.
2. I liked that you didn’t put Bumble down with women having to message first. Your experience communicating with women is valid, if that’s the truth, that’s what it is. A lot of guys write it out calling it a FEMINIST app, and it is not. Both people are showing interest and the woman has the choice to accept. The choice is to avoid the fatigue of getting a lot of “hi” conversations from people who don’t care to read about your goals, religion preference, and political views. I was on the free version for less than 24 hrs with 400+ matches 🤐… I had to leave. Imagine allowing just a small percentage of those men to message me, too much. I’m not that interesting—they weren’t reading.

Princess Pumpkin
Princess Pumpkin - 05.05.2023 16:49

Dating apps is awful, especially with my disability. 🙄 I struggle to socialize and always rejected, I been waiting since I was little girl for spouse to protect me because never had a father in life and wanna know not all men are monsters. I want someone that devoted of marriage and accept how I was born.

Just561 - 25.04.2023 22:56

I feel your struggle, I have tried every one of these apps

Crazy Cakes
Crazy Cakes - 25.04.2023 02:45

A lot of the people on dating apps don’t take it seriously. In my case I matched with a Christian guy, talked for awhile but then he just started not being active on the app because it wasn’t important to him anymore. Plus I feel like I’m completely screwed because I don’t swear or drink and want to date someone who lives the same. I’m beginning to believe men like that don’t exist 😔.

SHAKIRA SANDOVER - 25.04.2023 00:21

Thanks for sharing

Smashing RandomKeys
Smashing RandomKeys - 22.04.2023 03:26

So you didn't try every app?

One Past
One Past - 22.04.2023 02:49

Which is better for Muslim man to get married in London, Please ? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Lissa Raye
Lissa Raye - 17.04.2023 11:39

Nobody answered his question. Which ones would you recommend. Plenty of Fish is good. I'm looking for a good app for my Sister. Gona suggest Bumbl and Hitch. Thanks for this vid!

daughter-of Zion
daughter-of Zion - 15.04.2023 17:37

Thanks Issac this was really helpful. I live in a senior dominate area and had thoughts about online dating. based on examples in the Bible I think that a person should be active in communities and their skills and God can use those active steps to meet the right people.

Rose McClain
Rose McClain - 13.04.2023 17:07

I got upward and I also did not feel like it was good for me. I had it for about 30 minutes and I felt super uncomfortable.

JC Kennedy
JC Kennedy - 11.04.2023 22:48

I failed on all

I better hire a coach

The Modern Storyteller
The Modern Storyteller - 09.04.2023 06:40

I tried a few dating apps for a while as a Christian man a year ago. Eventually I had to unsubscribe from all of them. All I got was nude pics and creepy invitations for sex or messages from girls in far-flung places like the Philippines or Sub-Saharan Africa. I could not find a single eligible Christian female (of childbearing age) on these apps. Honestly it was quite a creepy experience. I prefer to meet people in real life. You don’t know who you’re messaging on these apps; it could be a guy in his mom’s basement all along.

M A - 06.04.2023 16:07

When all the good ones ain't available in your location 😂😂😂😂😂😂😢😢😢😢Hinge and Upward

The Civilian
The Civilian - 30.03.2023 10:36

I have to agree with this assessment. Dating apps are very quick to dominate you and pull you away from Christ. When I was quitting p*rn, I turned to dating apps, which (for me) became another vice to fill the void.

I, personally, have found more success in real-world settings. There's a lot to talk about. Pros and cons and context everywhere.

Teacher Kassy
Teacher Kassy - 20.03.2023 23:07

I used to go on dating apps back when I was struggling with my faith. I met so many different guys and I can assure you that none of them were nearly close to being christians.

Now that I'm fully devoted to Christ and my life with Him, dating has become such an unimportant thing to me - not that I don't value or want it -, I still pray for my future husband everyday, I still work daily on becoming a better christian, knowing that someday this will help me be a good christian wife, serving God through my marriage and motherhood.
What I mean by saying it is not an important thing anymore is: I've quit looking for a boyfriend. I actually enjoy singlehood. That is a gift from God!
I started noticing that I can do so much, and my value is found in Jesus Christ, not in dating!

The important thing is that we can worship God with our lives - whether it is being single or married.

eve edmond
eve edmond - 20.03.2023 01:11

Thanks for the info!

Light Theory LLC
Light Theory LLC - 15.03.2023 05:29

Assalamualaikum, It's Literally Impossible for him to be Christian

irelandsailor - 12.03.2023 01:36

Very well said. ❤❤❤

Akinyi - 01.03.2023 14:31

Have been trying whatever I can to meet a man that God created for me, since my job can't allow to mingle with people out 😢 sometimes I feel so tired and depresse but I keep on trying differents dating site but the kind of photes I'm receiving break my heart, Yes anything is possible with God 😅😅though It requires alot of patience, thanks for advice

Destiny Bridals Lounge
Destiny Bridals Lounge - 19.02.2023 13:12

As a woman its not easy to get a serious date on these apps, i have decided to try them since January this year but its a real struggle with scammers

primavera919 - 13.02.2023 20:55

That video was a click bait, I am half through the video and all you have talked about is God and Christianity 🤦🏻‍♂️

Tyisha Fowler
Tyisha Fowler - 13.02.2023 08:02

Thanks for the video It was very helpful. I believe everyone's path is different it may work for me and it may not 😂 either way I'm good .

simone - 13.02.2023 07:34

Dating apps 👎🏾
I went on because my mother suggested it and NO. It was never my speed. Never had that idea for myself. I probably spent a total of 2 hours using and then deleted them and never looked back. I surely don't wanna sit for hours, days, months, swiping at photos of men to date. Not a good experience.
