Life of Emperor Vespasian #9 - The Citizens Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series

Life of Emperor Vespasian #9 - The Citizens Emperor, Roman History Documentary Series

The SPQR Historian

4 года назад

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@3lkPeople3uiltTh3Pyramids - 01.12.2023 07:29

im glad im n0t a CHRISTIAN

@RagnaCloud13 - 07.11.2023 13:20

Vespasian: (to his son at Jerusalem) as an emperor, do your thing.

Vespasian at Rome: you piss, you pay

@angieloverboy32 - 14.07.2023 23:21

Vespasian and I have the same birthday...wild

@aaronCFH_3756 - 02.03.2023 04:54

63 AD
The Senate: Okay, Vespasian. You get to be Proconsul of Africa. Go and enrich yourself.
Vespasian: No, I'll make friends.
Senate: It won't benefit you...

6 years later:
Vespasian: See Senate? The real claim to power was the friends I made along the way.

@robertevans8010 - 28.02.2023 02:12

Vespasian actually came west To what is now Wales he did not go to Cornwall. there are many stones marked Legit11 Augusta right across South Wales , there are many Burials of the Legit11 and Legit IX between Margam and Bontfaen ( Cowbridge) the Major roads to the West were done first, along the Celtic Tribal roads, much of your information is questionable, here we have the Archaeological proof, across South Wales there were 62 Forts and 16 Roman major and minor Towns from Isca Augusta ( Caerleon) to Isca Panelus ( Pembroke), there had been Contact before Julius Caesar arrived nearly 80 years earlier, and for Centuries before that in History from Greeks and Etruscan ships. the Tribes were known.

@Eazy-ERyder - 21.02.2023 01:55

And yet I still believe he I Underrated and gets virtually omitted amongst talk of Rome's VERY good and great emperors

@tonymcmahon_historybear - 28.10.2022 12:53

For some reason, he always reminds me of Oliver Cromwell - painted warts and all. Vespasian also had a bluff, no-nonsense approach that rejected all that Neronian excess. Some call him a 'bourgeois' emperor.

@wildmen5025 - 21.09.2022 21:18

Ave Divus Vespanianus!

@erinaltstadt4234 - 28.08.2022 23:54

thank you

@LordTelperion - 15.08.2022 17:38

Also Nero foolishly killed his best general shortly before the revolt so he didn't have many options at the time.

@SPQSpartacus - 14.05.2022 18:38

For a wonderful novel about the era of Nero and rise of Vespasian, read The Roman by Finnish author Mika Waltari.

@sethfoley0451 - 06.04.2022 17:19

Probably my favorite emperor, what an amazing life!!!!

@JoaoVictor-dw2ci - 26.03.2022 01:14

He was a very good emperor besides some facts

@orion7873 - 07.01.2022 07:56

I like your videos but, I can only understand about 70% of what your are saying.

@zoompt-lm5xw - 05.01.2022 23:23

One of my favourite Emperors

@francisryanporquez8120 - 25.12.2021 13:06

it seems that this Emperor is more like a dad who cracks dad jokes at times just to prove a point.

@justinian-the-great - 24.12.2021 08:29

Excellent video. Although I hoped that you would mention the, to us quite hilarious, reason for his death: excessive diarrhea! It must've been one of the "smelliest" deathbeds of any Roman emperors.

@scipio1200 - 20.11.2021 13:37

He probably started snoring at one Nero’s concerts🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

@SocialStudiess - 23.10.2021 06:33

I tried to watch this all the way through. I'm sorry though. The guy speaking pits you to sleep too much. There is nothing exciting or anything animated in his speaking voice. I've never been so bored or been unable to stay focused like this video. FIX IT BITCH! 😡

@brianaguila6925 - 19.10.2021 11:12

Did Vespasian occupied all the positions on the curus honorum including the Tribune? If so, then he would have a lot of experience and could be consider as a competent administrator and knew that having friends in all places was better than only having power and the money. Additionally,his early military achievements showed that he could lead in battles.

@andyman1032 - 01.10.2021 23:05

i found one of his coins in a field in alderton in 2004 a silver denarius its one of my most treasured possession's

@mindfield9 - 19.09.2021 20:27

Great videos!!! I hope you can also make a video about the Batavians who rebelled during the year of the four emperors because of the troubles caused by this Roman civil war, this was called the Batavian Revolt.

@diarradunlap9337 - 26.06.2021 07:42

What is it with "muleteers" being good generals for Rome? One of Marcus Antonius' generals was "muleteer" by the name of Publius Ventudius. He beat back a Parthians invasion of Syria and Asia Minor, and did it so well (so I have read) that he had basically ended the Parthians threat.

@silkok6346 - 18.06.2021 12:35

I have to say u diserve way more vieuws like 2000000, your doing good work dont give up

@silkok6346 - 18.06.2021 12:30

Very funny is that If Nero had act better in 68 he could have send vespassian to Spain to defeat the rebellion and win the civil war. He then could have adopped TItus and Dominatian as succerors because he had no sons.

@silkok6346 - 18.06.2021 12:28

Vespassian was one of the best emperors

@c.benmansour3546 - 13.06.2021 17:59

That creation of the Jesus Christ figure was also a pretty big accomplishment😁

@baldwintheleper8290 - 13.06.2021 06:33

The byzantine Empire never existed, it was always the Roman Empire.

@MrDanfra - 03.06.2021 10:33

If you like reading and are interested in Vespasian. Try the books of Robert Fabbri. Amazing books.

@Diogolindir - 02.06.2021 04:10

great work! I love this

@bobbyokeefe4285 - 13.05.2021 23:14

It is my conviction that most if not all we know about Caligula and Nero is made up BS by the Flavians,who knows maybe they even planned a coup against the Julio Claudians from the get go with the help of the elite,the reason could've been to put an end to the fair economic/social system promoted by the former Dynasty,give bread and circuses to the free population and the Gospels to the slave population,and voila.

@vespasian606 - 08.05.2021 22:15

The muleteer did good. Didn't know about the mistress. A lot of the provincial governerships were effectively put up for auction. At the very least you would have to do some expensive lobbying. I'm more inclined to think his appointment was a move by Agrippina to first sideline and then eliminate him.

@njb1126 - 29.03.2021 22:32

Here, smell this coin 🪙

@jasonsamson6172 - 25.03.2021 19:08

Fuck Vespasian!!!

@matanelmosesj_hajaj5215 - 22.12.2020 16:18

Vespasian Titus flavius the real best my beloved big brother of mine i love him so much 😍❣️😍🤩😍🤩

@gracielamaleh7205 - 16.07.2020 19:03

Hi! Can you upload in the description section a transcription of the audio? Thank you for the videos!

@ee12321 - 07.07.2020 21:12

Great work!

@felps1917 - 03.04.2020 18:10

I like to call Vespasian as the "emperor boomer"

@franksmith6351 - 27.03.2020 23:05

Really love these videos. Learning so much history.

@theoldcavalier7451 - 25.03.2020 11:07

Are you going to finish in 1453 or 476
Pls 1453

@OttomanHistoryHub - 20.03.2020 18:00

Great video and I see that your a fan of too!

@MatteoAdler - 20.03.2020 10:53

I'm Happy you are back!! really loved all your Emperors in depth past videos! fantastic job!

@Joorum - 20.03.2020 03:41

Need a break from my home studies to hear about something I'm really interested in. Nice work!

@dimitribagatelas1714 - 19.03.2020 23:17

Excelent video keep up the great work! I can´t wait till you get to the five good emperors it`s gonna be lit!!!!

@franciscomm7675 - 19.03.2020 20:36

Welcome back

@jordanianchristian8387 - 19.03.2020 19:01

Continue the great work!

@naggu1243 - 19.03.2020 18:56

Welcome back
