Does Quantum Entanglement Allow for Faster-Than-Light Communication?

Does Quantum Entanglement Allow for Faster-Than-Light Communication?

Cool Worlds

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@caviestcaveman8691 - 06.02.2024 17:28

So have we actually viisually studied the spin changes from vast distances?

@3YearsApart1613 - 06.02.2024 16:17

In this scenario, how do we know that Bob and Alice are the only entities examining this partical? We assume that 2 humans are examining. Could it be that someone or something else is observing before they do?

@orinformator - 06.02.2024 16:10

There is another way to look at this. We may not need to know what the spin will be, but the very fact that it has been determined is important to us. Let's say we sent a ship to another planet and we need to know whether the ship landed successfully or not. If he lands successfully, then he must open the box and then the spin will be determined, which means success. If the ship does not open the box (which it should have opened upon landing), then the spin remains undefined. In order to find out when the box will be opened, the ship's flight calculations will help us, in order to understand at what time we should wait for the signal.

This is just a theory that may not be true.

@3YearsApart1613 - 06.02.2024 16:01

This made me think about biblical prophecy and how predictions of actual events where given to prophets by God. Since we are confined to time, we see it as something that happens in the future, but from the perspective of the supernatural, it has already occured. I really enjoy thinking about these things.

@alexanderhemming6148 - 06.02.2024 02:18

why cant you entangle particles and make sure they are both spinning up? then separate the entangled particles and meassure them either on y or x, so doing it on x would show 5050, but y would always show up, so if it shows 5050 on measuring up,

@alexanderhemming6148 - 06.02.2024 02:13

so based on this,

if you convinced bob and slice to decide to measure on the y, and then they were told that if you meassure this particle and its up, wear red, bob will also wear red.

but if it spins down wear bluem, and bob will wear blue,

they wont know what each other are wearing, they wont have decided it, but they willl both be wearing the same colour through faster than light decision making

@Williamfuchs420 - 03.02.2024 10:48

Your sending information if he activates the experiment or not? I mean if she back on Earth Detects a change in the entanglement that means he activated at that moment this alone is information communicated directly instantly

@Williamfuchs420 - 03.02.2024 10:33

Well there’s your answer to your Fermi Paradox… if lag time for a galactic empire is 100,000 years, We could be one and not even know it for another 90 thousand years

@TheDaveRout - 02.02.2024 17:16

Thanks for the headache! First time I’ve understood that we can’t influence the spin

@surrealsoupuniverse - 02.02.2024 08:42

Hi sir i am a software engineer, i have come up with an idea to transmit msgs across stars using quantum entanglement, its like a workaround, i request you to hear me out for atleast 5 min. I tweeted you as well regarding this, thanks

@acmelka - 02.02.2024 08:27

If it does or another means allows faster than light communication, it seems any advanced civilizations would use this and we wouldn't have a clue on how to detect it. Where is everybody? Odds are we don't know how to see anybody much more advanced than us.

@Double0hTater - 02.02.2024 02:21

Just spitballing, but you’ve stated that they’ve measured the collapsing wave function to be at least 10,000c, would there not be a way to measure the collapse? Like if the particles are entangled imagine they’re attached via a string, one person opens it pulls the string taught, snapping it, could we not measure the snap? Or is the snap strictly imaginary, in which case if we cannot measure the collapse then would it not dictate that the particles are not bound by probability but certainty, and only behave in a probable manner based upon our misled perception?

@kosterandpartners - 01.02.2024 23:33

Why cant the particles be collapsed in a rythem like morse code? You just register collapsing and the pauses between them...

@terrysooley-zr4of - 31.01.2024 04:55

What if we sent two paired particles, partial an and b and choose which to measure? This would let us communicate a 1 or 0? Am I missing someth8ng?

@mysteriousman8769 - 27.01.2024 23:36

Couldn’t you send pre scripted messages like if this box gets activated it means bob found something and if this other box gets activated bob found nothing.
just keep multiple pairs entangled and based of which pair entangled state is disrupted interpret a simple message forget about 1&0

@vladalex2177 - 27.01.2024 22:54

Binary. Use 1/0 you ant

@MrJPI - 27.01.2024 02:08

Very nice, thanks a lot. Could you give a more detailed explanation, or a link to one, about the double slit FTL idea that mathematically explains why Alice will never see an interference pattern?

@olekyurkievych3279 - 25.01.2024 05:21

Universe looks handmade. Terrifying

@austinreamsnyder3491 - 24.01.2024 21:30

Have you done a video on the double slit experiment through time?

@ivanklochkov3444 - 24.01.2024 05:29

I think the solution will be not to just observe but somehow forcibly change particle spin in entangled pairs. Like that we can transmit a sequence of ones and zeros, it shouldn’t be a problem to recognize which spin means 1 and which means 0.

@Cavemandave99 - 22.01.2024 18:41

Take 2 particles. 1 particle changes and it's yes. 2 particles change and it's no.

@PoeticSonic - 20.01.2024 17:54

i don't get it? do we have the ability to know if something is in a quantum state without measuring it? or are we not able to? if we can then we just untangle a set number of atoms with predetermined meaning.

if all else fails then at the very least we can untangle an atom and that's good enough, basically using the shuttle example, since we know about what time the shuttle will reach the world then if by the estimated time the shuttle should have done it's research the atom stays in a tangled quantum position then that means the world is not fit for us but if they get untangled then that means the world is fit for us.

can someone explain why this wouldn't work?

@Akirilus - 20.01.2024 04:27

Can Alice tell Bob has measured the particle or that he is measuring? Can Bob Measure while Alice is looking at the particle? Cause if so, it would be easy. I do not have the full details of this problem to be able to solve it.

@robertbutwell5211 - 19.01.2024 21:30

Why isn't collapsing 1 of a pair of entangled particles, A and B, communicating faster than light? A is sending a bit of information to B. 1 = I did collapse my wave function. 0 = I did not collapse my wave function Faster than light communication.

@dispatcher2243 - 16.01.2024 15:04

Is it possible to passively observe or is it possible to change how the observing method affects the particle. Like observing with high ammount of energy vs observing with low ammount of energy.

@dispatcher2243 - 16.01.2024 14:55

So many questions. To clarify you cannot make the particle choose position 1 or 2? Like it is always random? And in addition hpw can it be used to communicate. Because if you are waiting for a message to appear then you must be observing your particle. But then that means the other particle is already locked in its position.

@christophergeorgakis1321 - 15.01.2024 23:07

Since you chose to end on a philsophical note:
Disagree that we should resign ourselves. Id even say that this a petty asipration. We are on the verge of decoupling thought from the human brain and letting it run wild, radically multiplied in mahines. Could a.proto mammal imagine a radio?
If anything, the physical universe appears to be a perfect staircase, presented to us in such a way that we are not only invited, but given a ready set of self-eaxpanding tools to climb to the top, to complete undestanding and mastery. Im growing suspicious of its design the wiser i get. I smell some kind of intent. Anyone who has been in an escape room should be struck by the analogy.
"As to me, i know nothing other than miracles"

@Khanstant - 15.01.2024 20:23

why not just have a one-signal comm. if particle is 50/50, ignore. if it aactually picked one and isnt entangledanymore, flip a light on. communication becomes limited to a one time signal that communicates very little besides one thing, but that aint nothin.

@esmailkhorchani915 - 15.01.2024 17:20

so the conclusion here is that bob is an intellect, while alice is dumb, thus confirmibg that women are dumb
jk tho

@wolfdoggo7819 - 15.01.2024 01:56

seeing the particle change state would be information on its own even if the spin is random, they could just do something simple like measure 2 particles if the planet is habitable and measure 1 if its uninhabitable

@SundayTopper - 14.01.2024 07:13

Take messurements or observations in quick or long succession.

Don't worry about the direction the twin takes, just record the changes or 'blips'.

Make (or use, if you see what I'm getting at) a system for these 'blimps'... Morse Code.

Each blimp or groups of blips is a letter; not the direction. These observations would be done in rapid time by a computer allowing for very rapid blips that would be counted and converted into letters, and these letters making QUICK, real-time, text messages, or even converted into voice by computer

Or did I miss why this couldn't happen?

@GGBlaster - 13.01.2024 01:34

Is there a way to know if a particle is entangled? I assume not, but on the off chance that it is possible, I could see a possible binary based on entangled and not entangled.

@Rhinoskin62 - 11.01.2024 11:50

So.. Subspace communication.
It may be fanciful star trek has 3 states subspace, normal and warp space.

@mattmmilli8287 - 10.01.2024 07:41

I argued this so long and hard once. I still don’t understand even being fully explained again why not but been told by a few physics people it’s a hard no 😂

@boonraypipatchol7295 - 06.01.2024 13:43

Quantum information, Quantum entanglement,
Are, fundamental, underlying of Reality.
Quantum Mind emerge.. Collection, Pattern of QuInfo and QuEntang.
Quantum Body emerge.. Std.Model emerge, DNA, Protein synthesis.
Mind and Body entanglement.. Consciousness emerge.
Spacetime emerge.. Mass.. Energy.. Wave fn. Decoherence.
Mathematics Emerge.. Intrinsic in the fabric of the emergence.
Holographic principal..information Conservation, Energy conservation

@apollo8352 - 31.12.2023 10:32

The answer is yes it can provide faster than light speed communications....the fact scientist are trying to apply it to our current communications of sending information, is like old fashion thinking of trying to figure out how to get a colour tv picture from a morse code machine signal...its not going to happen, not that way! Think outside the box.... what if the communications is already there but just needs to be selected for reading,..... reading in the literal form that is!

It also explains the futility of things like the SETTE program....since any advanced civilisations would have moved on to faster than light speed communications and only kept the electromagnetic stuff for local stuff.

@phasematerialsresearch9319 - 30.12.2023 19:41

The answer is YES, and it has already been done. Saved you 29 minutes.

@grizlld9386 - 27.12.2023 23:47

likely the most heartbreaking upvote of today's binge

@drsjamesserra - 27.12.2023 13:22

10,000 c speed for communication! 😮

@PtolemyJones - 27.12.2023 07:31

Huh, I plotted out a short story based on this idea back in the mid-eighties I think... Not sure Einstein says particles can't go faster than the speed of light, only that we can't go the speed of light itself. Tachyons are still considered possible, aren't they?

@Justinlmd - 26.12.2023 07:02

I don’t fully understand how the Chinese experiment measured the speed of action at a distance (using photons), but if such a measurement is actually possible, wouldn’t that mean FTL communication is possible? Or is that just another example of firing the laser in the field at one star and then another, but not actually allowing for communication between the two stars?

@wwatse - 25.12.2023 01:07

I literally asked myself this question the very first time i heard of quantum entanglement
Thanks for this video

@LeCort-yc8pr - 22.12.2023 03:18

Probably no one's gonna resd this comment but i want to ask something. In the last scenario, the one in which 0 is left/right (x axis) and 1 is up/down (y axis) [for example]. If we say thay Bob makes a mesure in the y axis and observes a "down" state, then if Alice mesures the spin then she should * always * mesure the opposite state ("up") but have a 50/50 probability of mesuring a "left" or "right" spin. Using this premise we can do so Bob makes one mesure in the y axis (up) and have Alice make not one but * multiple * mesures in both axis, in this case if she mesures idk 100 times the spin in the Y axis then she should * always * get a "down" mesurement, but if she observes the spin 100 in the X axis she will have random results of "left" and "right" (~50 left, ~50 right). In this case, because Alice can conclude that the axis Bob made the mesurement is in the Y axis, as it's the only one which didn't have random results. Would that work?? I really need an answer lmao I just thought of this.

@riyazkhan9338 - 21.12.2023 16:59


@slo3337 - 21.12.2023 00:50

Answer to question. No.

@markgilbreath1980 - 20.12.2023 20:51

Since we can't use an entangled particle itself to communicate information, maybe we need to focus on figuring out "how" the two particles are reacting to each other. Are they physically connected, or is there a force involved? Or are they just tunneling through spacetime where there is no speed limit? In any case, to actually use it for FTL, we need to ignore the particles themselves and figure out exactly "what" is connecting the two. Then maybe we can learn to modulate that force for communication.

@runestabell2446 - 20.12.2023 05:38

I have a fairly simple solution to this.
The answer is time and the fact that you don't have to use the spin direction as the information just the fact that you read a spin.
If Bob and Alice are synced in time Bob can simply observe the spin of a particle for a "1" and not observe it for a "0". That way Alice knows that if second passes and there is a spin observed the information is a "1" and if a second passes without a determination of spin, that translates to a "0". If thousands of particles could be read (or not read) every maybe nanosecond that would be a fairly large amount of information I would assume..
Of course Bob and Alice needs to use general relativity to determine their exact time relative to each other, as a micro-error would corrupt all readings.

Sorry for necro posting.

@jesseakayessikmazzola4115 - 19.12.2023 18:08

So, like, if quantum entanglement only ever yields random results, how is it even useful for computing? i'm probably grossly over simplifying this, but if anybody has a way of explaining this, that they can put into super layman's terms, I would appreciate it, lol.
